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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 07-21-2009, 09:17 AM   #21
Rich said in another thread that an estimated 600-800 Contributors would be needed a year to keep the BOI running (unless of course some dingle-berry attempts a suit, then the anti would be upped). If you think about it in a positive light, we're nearly half way there!

It would be neat to have a counter that was updated weekly with how many Contributors are on the site so we would have an idea how things are going. I realize that would entail a bit of extra work, but it might encourage others.
Old 07-21-2009, 01:12 PM   #22
I believe what many people are likely thinking is that they will wait to that day comes, then contribute. Except for the fact that once I make that decision, then that is it.

Seriously folks, I am getting out of the reptile business. This site will no longer provide advertising opportunities for me, will not fulfill any desire I used to have to help clean up this business I used to be in, and won't really offer me a damned thing beneficial if it is not helping me with my retirement financially and ESPECIALLY if it is a huge albatross around my neck because of the financial liability.

I've said it before that this site will only survive if it is operating in the black, and I SERIOUSLY meant that. I believe this site WILL survive with or without the BOI at this point, so I really don't need the liability if the majority of people here aren't willing to help me with that burden.

I really have nothing to lose at all at this point. You all just need to figure out if YOU have something to lose if it goes away. I've done my part since the beginning. Take the baton or not, I'm letting go of it.
Old 07-22-2009, 02:08 AM   #23
would separating the BOI/forums or just the BOI part of this site and letting someone else take over that section of the website and shoulder the legal and financial liabilities the BOI can bring be an option? This way you can keep the most profitable or most potentially profitable part of this site(fauna classifieds) which could help bring funds for your retirement. At the same time you would be getting rid of the least profitable and most potentially troublesome portion of your website. I’m thinking whether this would be a better option than just shutting down the BOI if it doesn’t start bringing in sufficient funds to make it worth your while. At least this way the BOI would still be around and at the same time it wouldn’t be your problem to deal with anymore?

I’m not a big techie so I’m not even sure whether this could even be done but I’m just wondering
Old 07-22-2009, 07:08 PM   #24
I've had several people ask me pointedly if I have ever had someone actually sue me over this site. Well, except for the JeffB suit, which was indirectly related to a BOI issue (I refused to delete a thread upon demand), and escalated from there, no, I have had no other threatened lawsuits actually take place.

However, I get the threats FREQUENTLY. And there always appear to be one or more potential lawsuits waiting in the wings. To give you a for instance, I recently got an email from someone gloating over their interpreting my shutting down the BOI temporarily as my doing so in response to a lawsuit being levied against me. In that email was a link to another website apparently populated with what looks like three people who have had issues exposed within this site and accordingly apparently hold myself and this site as being the cause of those issues. The thread was about this "lawsuit" they apparently assumed had taken place, and were obviously gleeful about it. And interestingly enough, there was a post made in it, that I think pretty much shows what I am talking about concerning the threat of lawsuits being an absolute reality in reference to the BOI having my name on the door.

The person allegedly offering financial assistance has passed a few emails back and forth with me, apparently not pleased about what a member on the BOI said about him within a thread there. He mentioned the possibility of a lawsuit himself, and it appears certain that he is still entertaining that thought from the evidence I see in that thread I am referencing.

So yeah, if any of you think this is some sort of joke, or merely a way to shake down the membership for money, you had better start facing the reality of what I am saying. You won't get a second chance once it is gone if it comes to that.

Anyway, a screen capture is attached as a FYI....
Old 07-22-2009, 07:20 PM   #25
Took a peek at the forum you linked, Rich...I must say...People complain about what happens here? The behavior on that forum against Fauna and its members is flabbergasting!
Old 07-22-2009, 07:55 PM   #26
I wasn't aware I provide a link to them. I didn't intend to. Every time I went there (which has not been often, usually only when someone reminds me with a link to something totally asinine there), I was the only person ("guest") on the site at all, so it is basically defunct except for the three people ranting there. I don't see any reason to give them the attention they apparently crave with more traffic and especially with participation of any kind. I did notice that they would edit dissenting voices when made in posts, so certainly registering there and posting your own contrary opinions would be a complete waste of time.

That screen capture was merely provided as evidence to support what I have been discussing in this thread and others concerning the issue at hand concerning the BOI. I believe some people believe I am just crying "WOLF!" If any of you think I have enjoyed rubbing elbows with such folks because of the BOI, you are sadly mistaken....
Old 07-22-2009, 08:08 PM   #27
Yes, you're right. Link was the wrong word...I did mean screenshot. It was easy to find though if you know what you're searching for.
Old 07-22-2009, 09:37 PM   #28
Rich those morons are always talking about lawsuits against fauna. I really hope that their garbage isn't being taken seriously. That was one of the jedi twins that was banned from fauna..
Old 07-22-2009, 10:03 PM   #29
I would think if they had a lawyer and were planning on doing anything, they wouldn't be posting in a publicly accessible website. Nor do I think any of those horrid posts would be there. It doesn't look too good on them and I can see a decent lawyer being willing to take the case if they have detrimental things posted online.

Q: If our BOI goes, are you going to close down BoardOfInquiry.com too?
Old 07-22-2009, 10:27 PM   #30
Originally Posted by TripleMoonsExotic View Post
I would think if they had a lawyer and were planning on doing anything, they wouldn't be posting in a publicly accessible website. Nor do I think any of those horrid posts would be there. It doesn't look too good on them and I can see a decent lawyer being willing to take the case if they have detrimental things posted online.
Nope, I'm not taking those folks seriously at all. The point of my screen capture was to show that there are some people who may be considered as credible that apparently have an axe to grind over the BOI and willing to donate money to support a lawsuit against me and/or this site. I would be an absolute fool to ignore threats of this nature and not plan accordingly for the future.

Originally Posted by TripleMoonsExotic View Post
Q: If our BOI goes, are you going to close down BoardOfInquiry.com too?
Yep. Not that it ever went anywhere anyway..... The only reason it is still online is because I just haven't had the time nor initiative to recycle that vBulletin license into something else.

And in a like vein, so will all the BOI forums on this site, which includes the Canadian version. Not that I would be concerned about an international lawsuit, but without fail a lot of people would start posting local BOI issues within that forum, and we would be constantly having to peruse them and delete those that were not primarily Canadian in scope.

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