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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 03-17-2002, 06:00 PM   #21
Jordan Russell

There will be varying degrees of posts made on this forum, I am sure. There will be the ever haunting people on this forum that feel that EVERY post is their business. To them I say, good for you. Yet before you put someone at the cross, know the facts. I haven’t built up a name, and a reputation in this business by screwing people over. I have no desire to, for many reasons. One VERY good reason is that I know how it feels, it sucks. I don’t have the agenda to rip ANYONE off… So for those of you who don’t have functioning cable and come here for your drama (as of now 685 people have viewed this) here is some more action for your life.

I am sure you all want to know all of the juicy details so here you go, my life is an open book for you all. I have nothing to hide. Oh and to those that feel I am out taking money, I am not on the classifieds. I sold off all of my reptiles once my schedule became too much and the reptile business suffered… Unfortunately the fellow that took the collection (what was left) has yet to pay for even half of them… Continuous promises have led me into this even further than what it was.

I owe Brett $750 for some Chondros that were mis-sexed, and the male was in bad condition..  Who is a VERY good guy if anyone is looking for geckos in the future…

Paul from PM herps, has no claim what so ever! I purchased a female het for Ghost San Felipe Rosy at the San Diego IRBA show in 2000! Sold it to a fellow in Florida. Nearly 2 months later, I get an email from the same fellow huffy that the snake was the wrong sex. It had been sexed by the fellow it was purchased from (leaving his name out, as it has no merit, he is a VERY reputable person though.), as well as by myself. I offered him an animal refund, he accepted and wanted an albino green burm if my memory is correct, the day I was shipping I get an email saying  all kinds of curse words and that he didn’t want my stupid burm and that he wanted a cash refund (for a snake he didn’t even pay cash for!) I then emailed him, to figure out why his tune had changed so fast. Apparently he had never even sexed the snake, he had sold it to Paul from PM Herps, and Paul was asking for a cash refund that’s why he was yelling at me for one. If you look at my Terms page or if you’ve ever received an email from me my TERMS are listed at the bottom of every email,  let me repeat that, I DO NOT give cash refunds.  So not only am I being expected to offer a cash refund for a snake that wasn’t purchased from me and wasn’t even purchased for cash in the first place, but by someone who has been REPEATEDLY offered animals in credit and has refused to take them. YOUR CLAIM HAS NO MERIT PAUL. I am done trying to be nice to you and offer FREE animals, you have NO credit with me, period.

Brian Oakley is a great guy, that I have done business with many times, I am working and trying to get a refund for an animal with a problem.

I have NO intention to rip ANYONE off.. You all (except Paul) have legitimate claims that are being dealt with. I just can not work magic and am doing the best I possibly can to get your money to you….

As far as Jeremiah is concerned. He is an honest guy that built my web-site for me. I had NEVER asked him to stick up for me on here, if I was out asking for people to save face for me, there would be a lot more people on here.. I have no reason to try and hide this.. it’s bad, it’s a bump, we’ve all screwed up at one time or another, and I’m taking care of it. If  you want to turn this into a flame war because you don’t like Jeremiah or me, fine go for it, but you won’t receive a response for me… maybe others, but not me. At the same token, I don’t see anyone jumping on Art or anyone else that tried to defend Bill Cagle for selling IBD infected snakes?? Hmm.. oh well.. I haven’t even had time to look over all of the 19 posts here about me, let alone the ones to him…

Best of luck to all, and I hope those who judge never find themselves in my shoes.


Oh PS: To PBM- I am not sure where you get your information, but I am NOT an expert never said I was. I have kept snakes for 4 years, and reptiles for about 8 years. I am sorry if this doesn’t meet your standards.. But like I’ve said I’m not trying to hide anything.. and to set the record straight, I am NOT an expert, I know what I know and that’s it…. I learn something every day. If you feel that you’re all knowing maybe one day you’ll wake up to reality.
Old 03-17-2002, 11:53 PM   #22
Chris Carmichael
I guess I have to publicly apologize to Jordan, I really did not mean to establish a site for a bunch of rhetoric, I just wanted you to respond to my emails and get our transaction worked out.  As far as Jeremiah goes (this is addressed to you), I would have to say that your whining is far more irritating than mine (and hopefully I did not whine, I actually do not care for whiners, but simply mentioned my chaotic schedule because of several threatening email messages, perhaps from you, that Jordan was an extremely busy feller and to leave him alone).  Your responses well define your character, and I guess Jordan should be proud to have a friend such as you that is willing to stand behind his old buddy, no matter what the circumstances are. And Jeremiah, perhaps I should have just left my post off this site, as this should be a board of inquiry, and I may have used it in an inappropriate context, and for that I am sincerely sorry and I apologize (to you and mainly to Jordan). But keep in mind, he may be your friend, but I never knew Jordan before our deal, and this was the first time I dealt with him.  I am sure he's a good guy, with good intentions, I really do believe that, but this deal got real old and stale and aggravating because of the lack of responses and promises falling to the way side (Jordan would back me up on this).  I can quite honestly say that Jordan likely feels alot worst about our transaction than I, and I know he would be more than willing to back me up on this without getting into the specifics of what happened. I do feel that this is a heavy burden for him and that he's busy, and I think we got caught in a transaction at the wrong time for Jordan.  I trust he will work this out.  Again my humble apologies to all at the BOI and Jordan, I probably should have left this privately for Jordan's benefit, but again this was one of the few outlets to try to get some sort of response from Jordan (which I did and for which I hope I don't have to come here again, but this did help in getting responses). Take care and happy herping.  I guess in the grand scheme of life, this is all quite trivial and insignificant!
Old 03-22-2002, 10:40 PM   #23
Brian Oakley
I just thought I would ad that Jordan made good on our deal.  He seant me a pair of snakes that was of the same amount that he offered me in replacement.  As far as I can say in my deal is he has done what he said he would....just took a little longer than I would have liked.
Brian Oakley
Old 03-23-2002, 09:24 AM   #24
Brett M
Well Brian, I'm glad that he has settled up with you.

Jordan was supposed to send a snake to a customer of mine this past Monday to cover part of his debt that he owes to me. This was the second Monday in a row he had promised to ship the animal out and the second time he has failed to do so. Because of his failed attempts my customer no longer wants the animal. He, as well as I am, is tired of broken promises.

The transaction with my customer would have absorbed $300 of his dept to me. But now we are back at $750.

Jordan, I am giving you until Friday, March 29, 2002 to come up with an animal to replace the one that died or $750. If you don't come up with either you will leave me no choice than to take legal actions!

Brett Mazimann
Hypo Tangerine Dreams
Old 03-25-2002, 01:29 AM   #25
Would like to know why my response to Jordan was deleted???
Old 03-25-2002, 01:34 AM   #26
Probably for the very same reason THIS one is going to be deleted.  It is a requirement of posting messages on the BOI that you use your FULL REAL NAME for every message you post here.  'PBM' does not fit the requirements.
Old 03-25-2002, 01:37 AM   #27
I am going to assume it's because of my initials, and not a name. Well, thanks for the warning as is given repeatedly elsewhere in this forum. By the way in filling out my registration or what have you for this forum, I gave my full name, and was surprised to see my initials when I posted, but figured it was your set up, guess you would handle it. Well, hope you don't delete this part...Here's my name, Paul Mitzelfelt, and to address Jordan again, Don't Oh P.S. me statment which was also deleted was aimed at Jeremiah who seemed to hold you on a pedestal although you only had a few years experience keeping snakes, your simply a broker. Now, no where did I state or imply I knew everything, especially when I mentioned Chris could boggle ones mind with his knowledge(in other words he knows a lot more than me). Other than that I mentioned that Jordan should be thanking Chris for not giving details on the snakes he purchased. So, don't think your going to come and make a smart comment geared at insulting me and make yourself look like a good guy. I also mentioned I believe that it's funny your too busy to ever get with people when you owe them money, but you always find time to respond when it comes to the forum. Whatever, this will probably get deleted too!
Old 03-25-2002, 01:40 AM   #28
Man, your quick aren't ya??? After I wrote that I figured it out, but looks like your my freakin siamese twin or something!!! I'll never believe your excuses for not deleting others posts now as you replied to me within minutes!!! Go check my records, you have my full name! Have a good morning-

Paul Mitzelfelt
Old 03-25-2002, 02:58 AM   #29
Paul - chill out.  I'm NOT going to go into each and every logged in person's account record here to check for a name.  That's not the point.  I require the full name to be in the posted message.  Period.  Yes, there are likely some messages in this forum that do not comply, but I have not read all of the threads, and might never get around to doing so.  But that still does not excuse someone when I catch them in a violation.

As for the timeliness, I guess I just happened to check in here right after you posted your message.  I do not live here, but it's pretty logical to assume that one or more people might be posting messages at any given time I do log in here.

Most people here have learned or figured out the rules after they were pointed out to them.  The simplest way to retroactively add your full name to all previous posts is by going into your user profile and adding your name to the signature block.  You'll notice that many people have done it this way.

Why does every person in this forum think I have singled them out when I catch them in a violation?  Is everyone paranoid around here?

As for the warning, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. &nbsp;Fortunately, I did not make it a rule that I MUST give someone a warning before deleting a message. &nbsp; <img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=''>

Just for the record, it takes me MUCH less time to delete a message than it does to post a warning. &nbsp; My critters are beginning to breed RIGHT NOW, so I am likely going to be taking the short road quite often for the forseeable future.

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