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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 09-22-2016, 09:38 PM   #291
Sorry here is a better pic
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Old 11-17-2016, 02:56 AM   #292
Everyone remembers Chris Keeny and all the lies he told in regards to the Raptor boas he conned Eabele out of and his experience picking them up from SFO and US Customs. Here is one of his massive lies about his whole experience and how he was victimized by 4 Federal agencies.

Also conned me out of additional funds for the importing process.

Chris had me giving him $500 stating that he had to pay fees and taxes on our shipment when it arrived. I trusted him and gave him the money.

Below is Chris Keeneys story but first here is mine from tonight.

I just returned from the SFO Airport where I imported several new boas. Here is a true story about this process.

I had to call this morning and confirm arrival. I arrived 90 min after landing as instructed. I paid a $50 fee at place where I picked up boas. I was given my paperwork and told to go to US Customs which was a short drive away. My paperwork was not completed because I didnt know to call FWS to let them know I had package coming so they could inspect it and stamp it. The two Customs officers placed a call to get the on call FWS agent to come and inspect. In the mean time they talked with me and VERY NICELY explained what steps to do in the future. If thats what Chris calls interrogation then interrogate me some more. Since they couldnt get the Agent they did a conditional release of the boas to me so i could take them home. This means i keep them until FWS has a chance to look things over. I was given my paperwork and told I was all set.

This was all done in a 1 story building. No one told me to go downstairs and pay my fees also the cargo company was on the first floor as well.

I jumped in my truck, drove back and picked up boas after she called and confirmed release approves without FWS stamp on CITES Paperwork.


All the bullcrap Chris told me about his experience and all the fees he had to pay was crap. He had me paying shit for his Broker license he claims to have obtained or something.

Originally Posted by KeenEnterprises View Post

Point Blank Eabele chose to send snakes. I told him prior to not send. I just wanted to be made hole on snakes paid for. Eabele said he had gone too far into it and was sending multiple snakes anyway. We had talked back and forth about my corporation working with him in different manners. We never made agreements on Face Book we always text and or talked by phone. I also would never enter into any contract without a signed agreement. I would never store any ones animals for up to a year and make only $250 dollars per animal, standard brokerage fee is 10% -20% plus cost. I had to buy all new equipment and store the extra snakes he sent along with feeding and caring for because he chose to send again. I had multiple worries along the way about his word he claimed to be gene originator even though others claimed to also have raptors and supers. He claimed he was sending me one of a kind and first ever in USA and upgrading my original snakes to older hold backs Raptors. Regardless of his claims I just wanted to have the animals I had already paid for. He sent animals with full required documents including written custom invoice and agreements to terms of snakes sent. All these were sent and typed by him and his agent, he also signed sworn statement of truth and on his invoice where pricing is required.
I never got to see or touch documents from what he sent so his claims I altered documents just bogus. Fish and Game and US Customs retain all originals along with shipping agents. Fish and game asked me a couple of strange questions, and I did not think nothing of this until later. Here is the deal when a shipper sends animals with required documents it must match and correspond with receiver documents. I could not get Eabele to send his itemized statement with value and id of each snake as he claimed to send. So I left value blank as I had no required information from Eabele but I applied for commercial application so if I wanted or needed to sell snakes I could. I was given a document and told to proceed to customs again without snakes. When I arrived my cargo was red flagged and I was walked to an investigation area where dept. of Agriculture agent started an interrogation of this shipment. I was asked many strange questions and my only answer was truly I don’t know, since Eabele never sent me true value and itemization prior to shipping as he was required too. I was told Snakes are not to be released out of possession until fully cleared and fees paid. This was a horrifying position to be interrogated. I was released and was told to go down stairs to pay fees. Again asked questions I had no full knowledge of finally I was issued a copy of Eabele Value declaration and invoice statement. They told me to pay fee listed and that the snakes are to remain in custody until fish and game decided to release them or not. I was in such distress here I am in the middle of Fraud changes not portrayed by me or left in dark from Eabele. I came to agreement and told to wait. Wait I did for almost a week when Fish and Game gave me full release with a couple of warnings for me in future. I was told never allow a shipper to ship again unless I have concrete matching invoice. I told them that I had ask on a number of occasions by e-mails and texts to get full detailed information and was not signing nothing until I did or received products paid for. I was informed that next time I will be required to apply for a number in advance and have all itemization statements with me. No Problem I was just glad to have this part behind me. I was also given a full authorization CITES permit to return extra animals if that's how I wished to proceed. Having some stressed and a few unhealthy snakes from travel and or stress I still did not know what to do and chose to slowly process and make best decisions and not talk to the guy who just put me through this. One night while I was talking with Kevin South I told him what happened and I did not know what I was going to do. I could tell he and Eabele already talked about this. Kevin Stated, "Eabele said this is standard practice and everybody lies on official declaration reports." I became livid inside knowing they already knew what I was up against and did not inform me or send me any of the correct documents I had ask Eabele for previously. I told him I was questioned in an email and I do not do business this way and went into deep thought but decided not to make any official decisions until I spoke to council, and made it through my 15 year Anniversary.
After being harassed nonstop on my anniversary about what I was going tp dp. I finally made my decision to accept the prior authorization of CITIES return paper work and told Eabele I was returning his black box and snakes. He said no do not do that give to Kevin then I will sell through him. I said No emphatically. Im not being part to his fraud if that was his intetions. I then wanted nothing to do with this project any longer and decided to sell off my snakes not the snakes I was returning. Woke up next morning to printed slander by Kevin South and Eabele. They had stated I stole animals when booth parties knew Eablele sent on his own desires. I had it and was told if it came to an issue where Eabele was not going to allow me to return snakes peacefully. I was to fulfill his contractual invoice and declaration value to the tee. I did not wavier. I instantly paid them off since Eabele and Kevin South lied and informed people I stole which is impossible in first place as Eabele sent and filled out all his own paperwork on his own, under NO knowledge to me. Therefore because he entered into this agreement with intentions to not be fully unethical, fraudulent and not forth coming he chose on his own behalf to devalue his collection. This action had nothing to do with me and consequences lie on his shoulders and his alone. From here out because of my stress and loss of profits and assets in my business venture with reptiles is going under, I am choosing to sell what I have remaining to recoup my losses. If Eabele wants to be a man and state value he put that is up to him but I declare and promises as always stated his valuation and declaration are paid in full and then some.
His written words of our agreement in which he signed and wrote in front of Shipping agents sent to our government for processing.
"Boa constrictor Imperators have a value of $**** each. This shipment contains 18 Boa constrictor imperators.

We trade to expand the genepools of our breeding programs. ....."
Eabele De Rue

(and signed)

100% truth and always what I have said sometimes might have been loss in anger or depression but none the less I would like to hear his truthful response to this. All he had to do was say I screwed up and I did not tell full truth which got Chris in-trouble and has cost him time and money, some aggravation and emotional stress. He needs to compensate me for this. Eabele could have just not lied and waited for box of snakes to be return. Unfortunately we are so far in this and with consultations and losses.
I am done with the Boa World and these lies are the direct cause of my ruin and losses so good for you if that’s what you intended. I wish somebody would talk with him in honesty because he knows what I am saying is truth. I have no need to alter any official document besides all I was given was an official copied document. Denied or not we know what I am saying is true you cannot enter into any official agreement under fraudulent pretense and prosper! So if I was a true friend to him I would say if any part about the invoice deceleration is true I would remove all lies and put a statement of apology on all sights where they stated I stole clearing my name. Then ask for arbitration to rectify damages as only attorneys will win in end and possibly if fraud proven could represent jail time. I truly no matter how he respond am done with boas and breeding hobby. If he did this and we came to an agreement I would place snake in other third parties hands that has full contract to sell off and pay my until agreement is paid off. I still have not issued these documents to his foreign government because unlike him I do not see a father behind bars for fraud is good for any children and Family.
Go in peace and cease and desist all lies. If it gets to point and I must seek further damage I will look to main people spreading lies. These are not stolen as stated by officers at worse case civil because it was sent by Eabele’s own accord, regardless of anything else taken from this to call me a thief or say stolen is Slander in printed form meant to hurt my Name and cost me money. So Eabele let’s see how you answer is that not what you wrote deflated value and we were doing this for breeding purposes. If you don’t want to admit and try to work this out it is still in your best interest to allow me to sell like you previously stated and I will keep all profits excluding operating cost and attorney fees in a separate account until our case is heard and judge rules on it. To just keep ignoring and not fixing my name so I can sell off snakes will only keep my losses raising until nothing could be had and then snakes suffer too, as I do not have time for them since I was forced out of this business. I am in process of trying to close out all parts of this business. But I will not release any snakes until apology is given as written above.
Good Day and Cheers
Old 11-17-2016, 08:55 AM   #293
Big Time Reptiles
Originally Posted by eabele View Post
I am so happy you guys understand the situation so clear.


Hope the judge and jury will also see what Chris is doing...
Hope this finds you doing extremely well!

What if anything has transpired since last we heard??

Lynn Peterson
Big Time Reptiles
Old 11-27-2016, 10:22 PM   #294
Update? This ad popped up this evening in my feed.
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