The BOI will be coming to an end on 02-02-2020 - Page 33 - FaunaClassifieds
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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 01-31-2020, 10:04 AM   #321

Good mirning Webslave...

As you have put a lot of time into the BOI over the years.
Quite a few of us have been able to use it and avoid costly bad
transactions. Would it be too much to ask that you keep the
historical parts of it online without allowing any new entries.

You have stated you fought the good fight.... and it is/was
much appreciated by many of us... so why let this battleship
sink completely?

I have read your replies over the past couple months it appears
that it has caused you much anguish that we were not privy
to. What better way to make your point and Legacy then to
keep this Alive and Kicking though in an inactive state.

One of your recipients of your good work,

Old 01-31-2020, 11:20 AM   #322
Tim Cole
Unhappy Cudos to Rich...

If it wasn't for the BOI I would probably have gotten burned on a deal or two. Not only was this a very useful tool but it did supply some awesome entertainment as scammers were outed. I'll miss reading this while having my morning coffee.

Thanks again to the admins and Rich for the work and frustration you put into the BOI.
Old 01-31-2020, 12:08 PM   #323
Originally Posted by ChondroPy View Post
Good mirning Webslave...

As you have put a lot of time into the BOI over the years.
Quite a few of us have been able to use it and avoid costly bad
transactions. Would it be too much to ask that you keep the
historical parts of it online without allowing any new entries.

You have stated you fought the good fight.... and it is/was
much appreciated by many of us... so why let this battleship
sink completely?

I have read your replies over the past couple months it appears
that it has caused you much anguish that we were not privy
to. What better way to make your point and Legacy then to
keep this Alive and Kicking though in an inactive state.

One of your recipients of your good work,

I hear what you are saying, but fact of the matter is that even the old threads are a potential liability. At least until a particular thread has passed the point where the statute of limitations steps in.

And to be perfectly honest, I'm not all that sure that it would be worthwhile having a BOI that was read-only and not able to have information updated about a person or business when new facts come to light. In some cases, that might not really be fair to bad guys that saw the light, and could even be dangerous if some good guys (as has happened in the past) turn bad.
Old 01-31-2020, 01:33 PM   #324
Originally Posted by Big Time Reptiles View Post
The BOI will not be here, where we can read it, but it will never be gone. It has changed the way reptile transactions are seen and done, so that buyers are no longer helpless when confronted with scammers, but realize they can research first, use payment methods that afford some backup, and use reputation and peer pressure to help when deals go wrong. Not many have had the courage and patience that Rich has shown, after all the opportunity to make and read reviews was fairly new territory in the reptile world when the BOI opened its doors.
We owe Rich our thanks for the tens of thousands of hours of hard work that went into the creation of the BOI. We owe Connie our thanks too, as I'm sure there were days when what went on here could not help but affect Rich. And we probably owe Rich about a zillion dollars for the cases of Excedrin he has taken over the years when a few of us got out of hand.

We owe the moderators thanks for their work, done without pay, and many times involving the drudgery of removing the perennial spammers, and their moderating efforts to keep the site the professional place it is. Their continuing work even after the BOI is closed will ensure the Fauna remains a quality site.

We owe the good geek Logician thanks for the behind the scenes technical work that kept the place open in the face of glitches, computer attacks, and the rest of the evil arcane world of bad geeks. I suspect that he has helped the BOI in secret ways we will never know, and as technology grows more complicated his work here will become even more challenging.

We owe those who posted here thanks, especially those who tried to help others, and those who had the courage to post about their transaction problems or the scammers who had taken their money. Rich provided the place and the means, but the BOI successes happened when all of you helped each other here.

We owe those a thank you who contributed funds for memberships and hope you will continue your support.

A very special thanks to those heart warming readers who would read especially egregious wrongs, such as children being done out of the reptile gifts they were supposed to get when their parents were scammed, and who donated funds or a critter to help the situation. Those you helped will never forget, and those who read of your good deeds will remember also.

Sometimes the BOI has been a bumpy ride, but I am honored to have been along, and I certainly pray that any good I've done will be remembered and any transgressions forgiven.
Old 02-01-2020, 11:42 AM   #325
Originally Posted by Lucille View Post
We owe Connie our thanks too, as I'm sure there were days when what went on here could not help but affect Rich.
Very well-said, Lucille! I wholeheartedly agree, and especially with that mention of Connie.

Just about everything we do affects our spouses/significant others; good or bad. I don't think it's possible, that through all the years of the BOI, and all the challenges, that Connie wasn't subjected to some of the overflow. I know that the vast majority of us take it in stride, because we are committed to our relationships, but I'm sure it wasn't smooth sailing at times.

Thank you Connie, and of course, Rich!

Old 02-01-2020, 02:52 PM   #326
thomas davis
sad to see it go

sad, hope it lightens your load rich, thanks! it was a great resource will miss it,,,,,, thomas
Old 02-02-2020, 03:28 AM   #327
Perfectly stated, Lucille. Judos to obe and a;;.
Old 02-02-2020, 03:35 AM   #328
Well, fudge..typing in the dark just doesn't work when you're not watching the screen, lol. Should have read, "Kudos to one and all"
Old 02-02-2020, 09:41 PM   #329
Dyscophus antongilii
Originally Posted by WebSlave View Post
I hear what you are saying, but fact of the matter is that even the old threads are a potential liability. At least until a particular thread has passed the point where the statute of limitations steps in.

And to be perfectly honest, I'm not all that sure that it would be worthwhile having a BOI that was read-only and not able to have information updated about a person or business when new facts come to light. In some cases, that might not really be fair to bad guys that saw the light, and could even be dangerous if some good guys (as has happened in the past) turn bad.
So, I take it and or assume, the BOI is gone and NOT a read only file, correct?

Thanks Rich and everyone else, for this fantastic resource. It will be greatly missed.
Old 02-02-2020, 11:51 PM   #330
Originally Posted by Dyscophus antongilii View Post
So, I take it and or assume, the BOI is gone and NOT a read only file, correct?

Thanks Rich and everyone else, for this fantastic resource. It will be greatly missed.
Yep. BOI is gone. Wish it were otherwise, but people going elsewhere and abandoning their participation and support here had unavoidable consequences.

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