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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 01-01-2017, 12:48 AM   #371
Originally Posted by Fangthane View Post
While that's a juicy bit of conjecture that's likely popped into at least a few minds, I don't know that his misguided devotion really needs to have such a nefarious cause. This really may be one of those sad situations that show how truly difficult the shattering of illusions can be.

Although Lynn's story about just how the guy's treated a long-time friend and customer makes it even harder still to support the idea that Ty Park is an honorable, admirable person - as if the OP's struggle didn't already make it damn near impossible - his blinders really may be so firmly in place that he honestly can't see and acknowledge what seems so glaringly obvious to so many.

The absolute willingness to let his name possibly be tainted by his efforts to support those who are so clearly in the wrong just seems to imply a level of fanaticism that goes beyond what money can typically buy. Of course, it really could be as simple as you suggest. I'm sure we'll never actually know. All I really know is, at this point, I don't really think he merits further acknowledgement.
yea!!!! what he said....
Old 01-01-2017, 03:54 AM   #372
Dennis Hultman
It's to bad that Robert made such a great post and didn't have much impact.

Originally Posted by Sugarhedgie View Post
Lmmfao. I wanted to say takenyour head out or his a$$
Because if he was paying her shell be disapointed for looking like she does probably wouldn't get the money in the end anyway haha
First, Casey is a he and besides participating on the BOI since its creation has been a reputable member of not just this community but the reptile community as a whole for a extremely long time.

Originally Posted by DavidBeard View Post
I'll come right out and say it: How much is Ty paying you, Casey?
Originally Posted by Fangthane View Post
Of course, it really could be as simple as you suggest. I'm sure we'll never actually know. All I really know is, at this point, I don't really think he merits further acknowledgement.
You guys go ahead and debate the differences of opinion but to start suggesting Casey has been bought off is pure garbage.

Perhaps if Casey had just left it at

Originally Posted by Casey Hulse View Post
but as we have seen many many times just recently, some succesful people have a very hard time addmiting they were wrong, and/or appologized. Maybe it is pride that is keeping him from doing what we all see as being the right thing, I am not sure?
I think he has gotten bad advice from someone close to him. If I were to make a suggestion to him, I would say. "pay her the $3000, it is the right thing to do"

Do I think he screwed up? yeah.
We know everyone would be on the same page.

That's the bottom-line on the opinion of this "raffle" right?

Everyone agrees what the solution should be.

Again, Great post Robert!

A couple of thoughts as this thread finds itself 36 pages deep now.

1. The Board of Inquiry:
"I spent all day, and that screw wouldn't come out, stupid hammer!"

The BOI is a tool, and like any tool, when used correctly and how it was intended can be a very powerful device. When used incorrectly or abused it is easy for outsiders and even participants (new & seasoned) to label the tool as defective or faulty. Rather than place blame at the feet of the individuals who incorrectly use it, often times the easier comeback is to dismiss the tool as "useless or a joke" instead. The BOI serves an incredible and invaluable function when used properly. I would hope that if individuals have issues and concerns with comments left on the BOI that they are mentally capable to distinguish and separate between the actual BOI and some of those who simply participate on the BOI.

2. Antagonism Towards one Another:
"Even if everyone is doing it, wrong is never right"

You: "scumbag, POS, lair, troll, a**", etc. Want to be taken seriously, professionally, then learn to express yourself as such. Did someone take a jab at you? Take the higher ground, you are not obligated to sling mud in the trenches with them. Did that person's opinion differ from yours? That is okay, and doesn't constitute your need to pronounce a declaration of war. As is, in most cases, where a BOI thread revolves around a "disagreement", there are two sides to a story. It is okay to hear both sides, points and counterpoints without feeling the need to unleash personal assaults upon one another. A landslide attack from the majority doesn't mean that truth still can't be found from the minority. If we want the BOI to function as intended, we should welcome both sides, as the actual truth may lay in the middle of both. An ounce of respect, the higher ground, an extended hand can make a mile of difference... I hope we can try a little harder to be a little better, a little kinder moving forward.

As a side note, infractions are in fact passed out here. Though invisible to the others, rest assured that a blind eye is not turned by the staff. Thank you.
Dan you have been in the minority in many threads over the years. Heck, at one point you where playing devil's advocate just about every thread some years back. I don't recall anyone telling you not to participate or acknowledge you anymore in those threads.

Casey isn't the target of this thread and hasn't disagreed on what the outcome should be.
Old 01-01-2017, 04:36 AM   #373
Originally Posted by Dennis Hultman View Post
It's to bad that Robert made such a great post and didn't have much impact.
It certainly had an impact on me. It may be one of those things where the effectiveness is judged by what you don't see, which is hard to quantify.
Originally Posted by Dennis Hultman View Post

Everyone agrees what the solution should be.
And that is what is important. Whatever factors may be motivating both/either the IRCF and Ty to leave the situation as yet not taken care of, if they see that others do agree on what the solution should be, perhaps justice will prevail.
Old 01-01-2017, 05:16 AM   #374
Originally Posted by Dennis Hultman View Post
First, Casey is a he and besides participating on the BOI since its creation has been a reputable member of not just this community but the reptile community as a whole for a extremely long time.
Yet here he is, saying how admirable a person Ty Park is, not feeling any apparent need to amend that opinion even after a second party came forth and told of how he was wronged by Ty. It's obviously Casey's right to stand up for the person whose actions I feel have presented himself as someone unworthy of admiration, when viewed in light of recent activities that have been brought here; just as obviously as it's my right to take issue with him for doing so - is it not?

I think Casey should ask himself if he'd feel the need to come defend the person who so clearly seems to have wronged a couple of members here, if not for past deeds that come along with a recognizable name. I also wonder if you'd be here railing against us, if not for seemingly falling into the same name-recognition trap that I feel caught him up. Rhetorical questions, since I wouldn't really expect straight-forward public answers.

It's situations like this that make me think I'd made the right decision in ultimately spurning friendships in the herp world; why I kind of regret accepting Robert's gift. I'd hate to think that friendship or affection would make me feel differently about speaking out against someone if they were wrong.
Originally Posted by Dennis Hultman View Post
Dan you have been in the minority in many threads over the years. Heck, at one point you where playing devil's advocate just about every thread some years back. I don't recall anyone telling you not to participate or acknowledge you anymore in those threads.
Well, I think that's somewhere between serious hyperbole and outright falsehood, the frequency with which you suggest I've played devil's advocate in the past. Especially if you're suggesting that it was done purely to be contrary. Whatever the case may be, there's a world of difference between being the devil's advocate and trying to heap praise on the person who's left the OP of this thread with nothing to show for her winnings - especially when one considers that doing so would have such a hilariously negligible impact on his bottom line. Someone who apparently wouldn't even make good on a deal where he charged a friend a premium price for animals that ended up being mis-sexed. I guess you see it differently.

Noticed you didn't quote the part where I clearly suggested I didn't think that David's hypothesis was correct, which seems important since you may be trying to lump me in with him. Acknowledging that there's just not nearly enough information to know for sure doesn't equate to supporting a contention, just in case that's where you were going with that. Also, I'm not leading a charge for people to ignore Casey. Just stating my opinion that, since he doesn't really seem to have any interest in being part of the solution, I just don't really see any point in giving him any more of my attention.
Old 01-01-2017, 06:35 AM   #375
Originally Posted by Dennis Hultman View Post
I don't recall anyone telling you not to participate or acknowledge you anymore in those threads.
I should probably have left well enough alone, but that comment is serious . You're only right in the sense that the worst of what was said about me was generally not out in the open. I had the old Fauna elite having a real good time with saying some really hateful about me in HELL, a forum I didn't even have access to. What a bunch of Good Guys you all were. I had the privilege of eventually stumbling across these threads where people were laughing it up about the possibility that I'd get taken out of the gene pool by a hot. Wouldn't it be great if I were the next Darwin Award recipient? You should know, considering that you were right there with them.

Considering that you've rarely deigned to openly acknowledge my existence, it seems pretty clear that you've never had much use for me. Well, the feeling's definitely mutual. I don't want or need your respect or acknowledgement. But don't tell me that I haven't had some really foul said about me. Mostly for simply being a noob who'd recently befriended someone who turned out to be the wrong person; who had precious little experience in the online forum world; maybe not the best attitude or ability to take a hit gracefully; and who had the audacity not to genuflect before the Fauna greats. My comments about Casey aren't even in the same hemisphere as the kinda stuff your pals were having a ball saying about me in your presence.

As if joking about my impending death is somehow different or preferable to saying I shouldn't be acknowledged. Right. If I'm shown the door for this, so bet, but I think you're just a damned hypocrite.
Old 01-01-2017, 09:01 AM   #376
Robert Walker
Originally Posted by Sugarhedgie View Post
i am a reptile keeper and a breeder of small animals and i would NEVER talk to a person like this...
very disappointing...
treat people how you want to be treated...
Regarding Casey:

Originally Posted by Sugarhedgie View Post
Lmmfao. I wanted to say takenyour head out or his a$$
Because if he was paying her shell be disapointed for looking like she does probably wouldn't get the money in the end anyway haha
"The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live"
Old 01-01-2017, 09:23 AM   #377
Originally Posted by Robert Walker View Post
Regarding Casey:

"The tragedy of life is not death but what we let die inside of us while we live"
I will apologize for my last post.
Sorry. I just got caught up in it.

All I want is a T + tegu or the money i was promised.
The IRCF still hasn't responded to my letter and it is very dissapounting.

To the person who said I was a POS liar. I simply asked What I lied about. Because I am NOT A liar.
They never responded with an answer. Don't throw out accusations without backing it up. (I haven't)
Old 01-01-2017, 09:55 AM   #378
Casey Hulse
Originally Posted by DavidBeard View Post
I'll come right out and say it: How much is Ty paying you, Casey?
Now that's a surprise. I thought I knew you better than that David.
Why is it that I am the only person offering any type of "counter point"? Could it be possible that any other person might not want to be subject to all of the insults? Why are a few people on this thread trying to drive me away? This forum will work a lot better if everyone (within reason) can post their opinions without fear of public ridicule.
Anyway, I see this as more grey, than "black and white"'
I believe Ty needs to honor his commitment to Michelle, and the court will most likely agree.
But, if Ty does do these things out of the kindness of his heart rather than trying to line his pockets, and if he honestly cares about the welfare of these lizards and is not trying to increase his bank account, then I can understand why he would be very offended when Michelle implied that the raffle was "scammy". He would be hurt, lose his patience, say "the hell with it, sue me...".
Old 01-01-2017, 10:11 AM   #379
Black Adder
Originally Posted by Casey Hulse View Post
Why is it that I am the only person offering any type of "counter point"? .
Is that even a serious question at this point?
Not being antgonistic but it does seem as if the situation has been well mulled over and with Mr. Parks refusal to add any further information to this thread which may shed any different light on the situation I think nobody sees any different scenario right now, hence, NOBODY else is offering any counterpoint, not because of fear of ridicule but because there just does not appear to be one!
Old 01-01-2017, 10:30 AM   #380
Originally Posted by Casey Hulse View Post
This forum will work a lot better if everyone (within reason) can post their opinions without fear of public ridicule.
I agree.

Originally Posted by CaseyHulse
Anyway, I see this as more grey, than "black and white"'
I believe Ty needs to honor his commitment to Michelle, and the court will most likely agree.
But, if Ty does do these things out of the kindness of his heart rather than trying to line his pockets, and if he honestly cares about the welfare of these lizards and is not trying to increase his bank account, then I can understand why he would be very offended when Michelle implied that the raffle was "scammy". He would be hurt, lose his patience, say "the hell with it, sue me...".
Going forward, what to do? Is there someone who can approach Ty, and in a non accusatory way, outline the issue and courteously request that he reconsider and either give Michelle one of the lizards he saved or $3,000?

Casey, would you please consider doing this?

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raffle, tegu

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