BEWARE of Jason SWEIGART @Classic Dums!! - Page 4 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 10-11-2003, 12:13 PM   #31
Gilbert, Rob says:

be honest you are really starting to sound like a broken record with no proof.
and your response reminds me of another lunatic who is infamous on this board:

You all are continueously making me repeat the same things over and over. It's ridiculous and I'm not going to comment on it anymore.
I don't think that Rob was trying to get you to say the same thing over and over again. HE specificially said:

Please if you have proof post it otherwise please disappear.
And perhaps if we were to check with your supposed superiors the only reason they wouldn't have heard of you is that they don't know all the names of the "mall cops" in their area.
Old 10-11-2003, 04:09 PM   #32
Yo 1%, do you ever read the drivel you spout? You have PROMISED no less than TEN times that you would go away and NEVER come back and yet, once again, here you are. Why?

If we are so biased and foolish and prejudiced against you why do you give a rats patootie what we think of you?

Just how many people do you see when you look in the mirror? Pick one of them and let that one do the talking for you because you seem to be very confused about what you say and when you say it.

You are always asking for proof of this and proof of that, regarding who your superiors are and how you conduct yourself and how you have NEVER scammed anyone. Dude, the count is up to 19 people that you have made commitments to and then bailed on. It may not have cost them in out of pocket money to you but you not only broke your word, the same thing as lying in case you wonder why I brought it up, but you prevented those animals from being sold as quickly as they might have thereby incurring additional costs to the owners. Now go back and re-read what I just wrote. Now take two or three deep breathes and do it again. Do you, finally, understand what you did wrong?

Please do us all a favor, 1%, go away and don't come back. There is no liking from anyone of you here and no respect either. Find your own kind, call kennyboy or gubitz or upchuck, they are like you and would probably welcome you to their ranks as a full brother. Maybe you could all start an exclusive club where you just do business with eachother, you know, see who could rip off the others for the most, I bet you'd be real good at that.

Yeah Yeah, I know, you'll remember who I am and never forget me yada yada yada....... and who cares you ask? No one but you.

Wes Pollock
Old 10-11-2003, 05:05 PM   #33
Red face Gilbert or should I say Qbert..

You are absolutely ridiculous. I can't believe that the moderator hasn't just banned you. YOU are the reason that this BOI is becoming an absolute joke! There are SEVERAL DIFFERENT PEOPLE that don't know each other all stating the same thing about you, why is this? Is is because they all teamed up to go against you because they felt like it? It is awful strange that everyone is saying the same thing in different places without any knowledge of one another. Go ahead and drag this crap on for another 50 pages, but I am done. YOU ARE JOKE, YOU WASTE PEOPLE'S TIME WITH YOUR " I WANT IT" crap. Go ahead and slander me and everyone else that knows and posts their bad experiences with you, but I don't really want to even deal with the crap, because basically every situation with you has the same moral, you are a waste of time. The "Ed" and "Coral boa" thing was a joke, but apparently it is beyond your capacity. Have fun and tell Ed I said hello.
Kevin Smith
Old 10-11-2003, 05:49 PM   #34
Adam Block
"A while back Rich and Adam Block became buddies. Adam is a known and
proven thief, who was caught stealing from others on Richs own boards. Well
in time Rich and Adam found common ground in their love for collecting guns
and became buddies. So what did Rich do, delete a some threads very negative
to Adam as soon as they fell out of the lime light. Now of course Rich
denies this, so if someone else has a better explanation as to why there was
no problem with any other threads on the board removed, aside from the ones
that shed bad light on his new found friend I am all ears. There was even
conversation in someone of the admin forums on fauna were Rich expressed how
happy he was that him and Adam were friends and no longer had a problem with
each other. Now of course since I quoted that it all has seemed to
disappear. Thank god for a save function. Now onto the whole ksnake fauna
issues. Adam got himself thrown off kingsnake so what do ya think he did?
Ran over to fauna and posted a bunch of slander/liable against Kingsnake.
Well Jeff apparently didn't like the slander(who would) and called and asked
Rich to extend the same favor to him that he had to Adam by deleting the
thread. Well of course rich would not and here we are Ksnake is Rich's worst
enemy that he attempts to slander ever chance he gets or can give to his
users. "
Old 10-11-2003, 05:59 PM   #35
Adam Block
Now that's a quote from Jason. If he's not too busy watching that $5,000 plasma tv Jeff berringer gave him as a troll reward I'd like any of the following backed up?

1) "Adam is a known and proven thief"

Who have I EVER stole from?

2) "A while back Rich and Adam Block became buddies"

Um, Rich and I see eye to eye on little. Why would you think we were buddies? I have respect for him but like many other people much more.

3) "So what did Rich do, delete a some threads very negative
to Adam"

You've been saying this for over a year. Also saying you saved these deleted posts. Can any of us see them or are they for your eyes only?

That's enough for now as you'll talk a lot of trash and do everything you can to not address any of the above. I just want it on record again that you take kickbacks from kignsnake and you don't have a foot to stand on with any of your statements.

Again, if you did you would show us these saved files, people you know who said this and that and who I've been proven to steal from.

Since you can't, I'm done talking to you and I urge you all to ignore this attention whore until he backs one of the words he speaks.
Old 10-11-2003, 08:25 PM   #36
Gilbert Thompson
LOL Adam he is doing the same thing to me with his accusations that he cannot prove!! He has also done it to another well known breeder. I will post this quote from Jason.

You keep throwing Jermeys name around why dont you ask Jermy what kind of a deal had had with Chuck for the animal. Ever think that maybe Jermy was a little pissed when you got it instead of him. jermy has a few things hes hiding to and considering what they are I wouldnt believe to much of what he says. Hes done some things to cover some pretty big messes that arent cool at all. Simple fact of the deal Chuck can price his animals at anything he wants.

Jason then realizes what he has done and crawls out of it. Saying oh I made a mistake!! Well the comments were already made. Well nobody else can make mistakes according him.
I don't think we will ever get an appology Adam. We are more than likely not IMPORTANT enough!
Here is a trend by Jason!! Hopefully this is leading up to some proof for some!! That's 3!! I wish I could persuade the others to post.
Gilbert Thompson
Old 10-12-2003, 11:34 PM   #37
Classic Dum's

Alright I am back from Tinley, LMAO Gilbert and Adam, man the perfect match, throw whats his name from Maine in there and you three can be the three muskateers!

LOL Adam he is doing the same thing to me with his accusations that he cannot prove!!
I dont have to prove anything with you, youve made an ass out of youself in front of everyone. Tying me up for $1500 in animals for 4wks last year with your excuses and remakrs about how the Barkers gave ya $8000 in credit trying to intise me to do so as well, YES YOU ARE A SCAMMER!!!!!

You keep throwing Jermeys name around
Well as I said before it wasnt a simple he said she said matter I explained the siuation to Jermy and he was rather understanding of why I felt the way I did. Thats where I am going to leave as him and myself agreed it was best to leave it at that.

Adam I dont have time to waste with you but it is nice to see you back for some more. How long will it take till you get kicked/laughed off the board again?
1) "Adam is a known and proven thief"
Per your own words that I previously quoted in another thread yes you are a theif. Your own hands typed it dude whats was it two people you ripped off???? I THINK SO!

So anyway Gilbert I hope thats answers you question. Its nice to see you have found a freind. You and Adam are perfect company for each other. See Ya!
Old 10-13-2003, 12:30 AM   #38
You know Gilbert, I was just at Tinley this week end. I happened to see Classic Dum's booth, heck I ate lunch right across from it. I did not introduce myself (I thought I would go back on sun, but did not) but did talk a tiny bit and looked at what they had. All was good, very good and good pricing. No one there seemed to have grudges or however you put it.
I have not read all of this thread, but I did read your first one, and from my observations, I saw nothing like what you are saying. Perhaps in this instance I will take what I saw and not what you say. Seemed like good knowledgable people to me.
Old 10-13-2003, 12:37 AM   #39
Gilbert Thompson
I am not going to argue with you anymore Jason!! That is a complete lie and you know it. That's why you can't prove it. I'll leave it at that!
I understand Stardust. That is your choice and I respect that.
Gilbert Thompson
Old 10-13-2003, 01:46 AM   #40
Classic Dum's
That is a complete lie and you know it.
No that is the complete truth and YOU know it! So yes IMO you are a scammer.

Star thanks! I hope I wasnt breif with ya I wasnt feeling good at all on saturday and I tried to stay away from the table as much I could. I was trying to let the other half do all the talking as I couldnt hardly think straight to answer questons. Drop by next time, today was awesome a good nights rest, we all had a great time today. Hey I even won Rick Z.(webslaves) anery corn in the auction!!! Sweet looking animal.

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