Has anyone delt with Dan Parma/ Snakes Den??? - Page 4 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 04-14-2004, 02:36 PM   #31

Alan do i have to spell it out for you.... read carefully what i wrote

Think your a smart ASS with that paypal info..... Just to refresh your memory.... That was "MY" money that was sent to you by the acution in upstate NY....So you just sent it back to me!!! That has nothing to do with animals AT ALL!!!
Can you read the part that says "UPSTATE NY''.... That was for some stuff i had brought to the acution for sale "not animals'' and the check for my STUFF i sold was sent to dan to cash for me.

So wipe your eyes cry baby and maybe you can read a little better.... or maybe it's your bad breath that does that... you tell me.

Boca Reptiles
Old 04-14-2004, 03:06 PM   #32

Alan do i have to spell it out for you.... read carefully what i wrote

Think your a smart ASS with that paypal info..... Just to refresh your memory.... That was "MY" money that was sent to you by the acution in upstate NY....So you just sent it back to me!!! That has nothing to do with animals AT ALL!!!
Can you read the part that says "UPSTATE NY''.... That was for some stuff i had brought to the acution for sale "not animals'' and the check for my STUFF i sold was sent to dan to cash for me.

So wipe your eyes cry baby and maybe you can read a little better.... or maybe it's your bad breath that does that... you tell me.

Boca Reptiles
Old 04-14-2004, 04:01 PM   #33
Sal, perhaps you should hire a publicist, or at least a good editor, because it's DANG hard to actually be able to read and understand what you are writing, when there are so many mispellings. Let's try a timeline...or a bulletted list....

You fill in the blanks



3. Dan sends you money



Now if you give it to us in a timeline, we might be able to understand your message. If you can't find a publicist or an editor, then try to keep it to very short words.

I asked you a pertinent question in this thread, you ignored it.

You supposedly purchased an Amazon Boa that was Gravid... and then you paid for said gravid amazon's babies once she gave birth? That part alone didn't make sense. I didn't bother analyzing the rest. I just kinow if I buy a gravid snake, no way am I sending money later on for the babies too!
Old 04-14-2004, 04:20 PM   #34
Sal ... let me spell it out for YOU!

Sal steals Thousands of dollars from unknowing customers who send you hard earned money for something they THINK that will be delivered to them .

Sal takes money and buys god only knows what with it and tells customers he is feverishly working on they items they paid for in full

Customers call to find out status ... Sal says .." there being built " ( while full well knowing he has spent the money they sent on probably animals that he has sold and doesnt have anymore ) that would have been sold and covered in mites ( see stardusts post for this )

Customers still dont have products after weeks or months of delay and stalling they figure they have been taken and most have no clue where to complain about it cause they dont know of the BOI and could have saved the money if they had known cause it would have never been sent to Sal

Sal claims he has $5k in animals stolen by a friend but admits he only has proof of TWO of them that he sent cause they were "friends" Sal now decides these animals were stolen from him by this friend and he has been wronged , Sal DOES know of the BOI because his company NAMES have been plastered all over it for a while so he decides to come here and cry like a lil sotty nose kid about this big guy that stole his animals .. what would have been poetic justice was if Sal had warned people to not send him money cause he was going to STEAL it for many many months and wouldnt have EVER paid it back if not for his friend NEIL helping him out on some of the debts ... Sal up and moves in the night to Sunny florida where he can start a new Buisness ( see Boca Reptiles) starts selling animals and then is called out of the woodpile as the lieing theiving scammer he is and then acts like he once again has changed his spots ( only from the front to the back of his body . After being looked into by some people in the buisness its discovered he doesnt have lisc/ permits to sale reptiles in the state of Fla. so he goes underground then resurfaces to complain of how he was ripped off.

So after all that spelling SAL what do you see ?
A liar
A Theif
A low life
A scum
a person who now wants to be a pillar of society and point out someone they claim stole$5k in animals and only can show proof of two animals the person had
Old 04-14-2004, 04:21 PM   #35

Originally posted by BocaReptiles

Can you read the part that says "UPSTATE NY''.... That was for some stuff i had brought to the acution for sale "not animals'' and the check for my STUFF i sold was sent to dan to cash for me.

Boca Reptiles
Yo salito, WHY is a check made out to you being sent to someone in another state to be cashed for you ? Is there some reason YOU can't cash your own checks? Very interesting.

One would also think, after your dealings with kennyboy yates, that you would not blindly walk down THE EXACT SAME PATH again. You had no paper work with him either, did you? Now you, a known scammer and criminal, expect us to believe that you MADE THE SAME EXACT MISTAKES you made last time you tried to work out a breeding deal???? salito, you are too funny.

Alan, pass the kleenex over here, I need to wipe my eyes too.

Show some proof and answer some questions salito.

Wes Pollock
Old 04-16-2004, 01:04 AM   #36

Hey DAN,

Still waiting for you to call??? What's up guy.... nothing to say or to chicken S**t to talk face to face?

Boca Reptiles
Old 04-16-2004, 09:05 AM   #37
Sal, nice to see you're back from vacation or from breaking your leg or whatever kept you away. Do you mind answering the various questions asked of you? I know mine is a very small question, and many other people whom you RIPPED OFF require answers as to when they are going to receive some satisfaction, but I do admit to curiousity...

Did you buy an Amazon Boa that was Gravid for $125?

Did you THEN pay the seller $75 each for the seven colored baby amazons?

(Hope I remembered those numbers correctly)

Just two Teeny Tiny questions.

Kinda funny your latest post..... acting as if you are always here and always an angel with a halo, when you ALWAYS disappear when people ask you hard questions. What about the Boca thread where you were going to answer about how you had satisfied EVERYONE who had ever been unsatisfied with you, and yet we keep hearing of people here who are STILL unsatisfied?
Old 04-16-2004, 10:38 AM   #38
Hey salito,

On top of answering Shasheena's VERY good question about how much you paid for how many Amazon Tree Boas I still want to know why Dan was CASHING a check made out to you.

You come up with more creative financing alternatives than anyone I've ever read on this board.

How about some answers ol' buddy ol' pal?

Wes Pollock
Old 04-16-2004, 09:09 PM   #39
Question for Dan...

Dan, back in early February 2004, I did a trade with you. If you recall I traded you a blue tegu for 4 snakes. Because of the discussion on this thread, I must ask you to produce the receipts that you have told me that you have for the 4 snakes that you traded me for the tegu. I hate to have to do this, but feel as if I must, if I am on the receiving end of stolen property I could also be held liable for it. You know that I am a paralegal and understand the law very well. I don't want to become involved in a legal dispute which involves stolen reptiles. I am not accusing you or anyone else of anything, so please don't get offended.

However, you traded me 4 snakes, some of which were on Sal's list of snakes that you had that were his. If you recall, the 4 snakes you traded me were: a baby (2003) female Cay Calkers Boa, a female Orange Phase Amazon Tree Boa, a 4 foot nicely colored pale orange redtail boa and a rosy boa (don't recall the locale, but can find out from looking through old e-mails). AT LEAST 2 of those reptiles are definitely on Sal's list, the Cay Calkers and the Orange ATB, maybe the redtail too.

Just to refresh your memory, you sent the 4 snakes to me first and a day or so later, on February 16, 2004, I sent the blue tegu to you and it arrived on February 17, 2004 at your address. I keep very accurate records, you know that.

I am just concerned about this, as I am sure that you understand. I don't really know either one of you guys personally, and have also learned the hard way NOT TO TRUST ANYONE in the reptile business.

Please just e-mail me, or better yet POST the receipts that you told me you had just to put my mind at ease and show that these animals I received were yours to trade.

Don't anyone here take offense to this post please...I don't think ANY of you would want to be on the receiving end of "questionable" property. I am not here to degrade or abuse anyone like other people seem to be, I am only posting publically to try to get to the truth.


Aprylla Hall
Old 04-16-2004, 09:24 PM   #40
If any of the snakes you got were from sal and dan DOES have reciepts that will be very interesting. If he emails them to you would you please post them here for us to see?

Wes Pollock

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