Bad Guy do NOT trade/buy from DAMIAN WALEGA IL - Page 4 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 01-24-2014, 12:12 AM   #31
I think he's pointing out that, after the fees, he wasn't made whole.

Andrew, you were wronged, but now you seem really vindictive. I don't think you can get the vet bills, the BEL, and your two (possibly gravies) snakes.

Perhaps he'd be more willing to pay the PayPal fees and the follow-up visits (which he should) if you'd stop twisting the knife. 'Probably just a normal' was uncalled for.

When did you tell him the Phantom you sent was scarred?
Old 01-24-2014, 12:20 AM   #32
paypal fees

i get charged with paypal fees??? . so more out of my pocket, doesnt seam fair to me.. the recheck will prob be 60 unless the albino has to be on more meds..

damian are you going to answer the question to you? heading says resolution...
Old 01-24-2014, 12:23 AM   #33
I gotcha, Rob, I just knew there was a pic already posted of the same thing above, so I didn't know why he was excited about this.

Andrew, of course there are PayPal fees, that is a given. I'm sorry it was a surprise to you. I think I would hang my hat up now, you got very close to having all your vet bill paid, and you are dealing with someone who isn't very stable in the snake business. I would call it a win and run with it. Karma is a bitch, and what goes around comes around. I think you will are the bigger person in the end, and please appreciate that you have an obviously loving mother and support system, which is more than most people can say. (Now go give her a hug!) and know that you aren't the first (nor will be the last) person to get hosed on a deal. It happens to the smartest and brightest, you have to trust people, and most of them are good people. The ones that aren't will get theirs in the end.

Trust me.
Old 01-24-2014, 12:24 AM   #34
I just asked you a question, too.

Here's another one: how many owners has that Phantom had?

I already said he should pay for the follow-up and for PayPal fees.
Old 01-24-2014, 01:09 AM   #35
please i am not trying to argue, i am a good kid with a good heart, maybe a little to nieve and trusting but......

"Andrew, you were wronged, but now you seem really vindictive. I don't think you can get the vet bills, the BEL, and your two (possibly gravies) snakes"

i am by no means vindictive.
i never asked for the bel and our 2 girls back i asked DAMIAN for our 2 girls back (instead of "replacements") and i will ship his 5 back, i asked him this in dec and had he done that back then he wouldnt even have the vet bills he has dragged this out as long as he could, as for them possibly being preggo, that is on him IMO they shouldnt have beed breeding.... damian knew the day we recieved his snakes that we werent happy AND more importantly they should have and still should be in quaranteen..
twisting the knife regarding my statement "probably a normal" imo once a lyer always a lyer and because of his actions he can not be trusted anyone can say oh she is a %100 het pied without papework and it not coming from a reputable/trustworthy breeder that is a concern we have now. until and if it proves out itIS a normal, i wasnt twisting a knife

before the trade i told him and sent a pic of her to him and after i complained about his rat bitten snakes he sent he asked about it and i sald again we feed f/t and she was like that before we got her

he was originally going to send us a cashiers check "that we never got" anyone who uses paypal knows there are fees and he should have either sent it to family and friends whee i wouldnt have been charged or added the fees to the payment..

and the phantom was bought from nerd and the byer sold her to us
Old 01-24-2014, 01:27 AM   #36
Originally Posted by andrew_snake_sale View Post
please i am not trying to argue, i am a good kid with a good heart, maybe a little to nieve and trusting but......

he was originally going to send us a cashiers check "that we never got" anyone who uses paypal knows there are fees and he should have either sent it to family and friends whee i wouldnt have been charged or added the fees to the payment..
I am so sorry this happened to you, I have been on the receiving end of a raw deal too. You are not naive, you are young but OBVIOUSLY have a good heart, and this guy felt he could take advantage of you.

You will come across other situations like this in life, unfortunately it does happen. I agree he should have paid the PayPal fee, but consider it the cost of doing business. Be the bigger person in this. Since the exchange of the snakes is not a viable option anymore, take a deep breath, and let it go for tonight. Don't let it eat you up, too many people let problems fester when they should just let go.

I posted on another thread about selling a car to a "friend" who screwed me over for $2500, he paid after 2 years, but I was out about another $100 in court costs and fees. I was letting it consume my life and I was really getting bitter about the whole thing when someone told me what I am telling you now. I actually did forget about it for almost a year and then the payment showed up, but I was a much happier person when I let it go. Sure, you will think about it now and again but you will also LEARN from it. I think of the guy who took advantage of me here and there and I know how much better my life is than his, he was pretty much run out of town across the country to get away from his problems, and now it makes me laugh.

YOU are the better person in this. Don't let it make you the bitter person in this.
Old 01-24-2014, 09:23 AM   #37
Andrew needs to get full payment without the paypal fees. Damien needs to send the money via gift and not buying an item(Damien needs to handle the fees on his part).

Also Andrew has the right to be angry and vindictive, he was screwed over.
Old 01-24-2014, 10:31 AM   #38
Originally Posted by mikoh4792 View Post
Also Andrew has the right to be angry and vindictive, he was screwed over.
Vindictiveness is an ugly trait all around and turns good people to bad very quickly, so no, he doesn't have a right to be vindictive....

Originally Posted by smigon View Post
Andrew, of course there are PayPal fees, that is a given.
Actually Michelle, it's very easy to send money via PayPal without the recipient getting hit with fees. Since Damian was not purchasing goods, he should have went that route(or send a money order). Andrew is more than entitled to that $6 ...

As this thread goes on, I'm starting to catch the stench of trader's remorse. Andrew is being hypocritical of himself, ragging on Damian's lack of quarantine, and then wanting those very snakes that were not quarantined back. Andrew, you got your money for vet expenses, you got snakes that will be just fine. Damian's response and compensation for vet expenses was not received by you in a timely fashion, but it could have gone much worse. It appears obvious to me why you would want your breeder girls back, but it was your decision to trade them in the first place.

And lastly, Damian, I was critical of you in my first post, and doubtful that you would even make an attempt to rectify the situation, so I do apologize for that....but, in a situation like this, you would be far better off addressing concerns when brought up, not when you eventually get around to it.
Old 01-24-2014, 11:34 AM   #39
THANK YOU mikoh4792

i have every right to be pissed and let others aware of damians wrongdoings, but there is a difference between being pissed and vindictive

pissed off ........ chiefly US, informal + impolite : very angry or annoyed at someone

vindictive - showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite

vin·dic·tive (vn-dktv)
1. Disposed to seek revenge; revengeful.
2. Marked by or resulting from a desire to hurt; spiteful.

traders remorse????? when i got the snakes DAMIAN was notified imediately.....i was justifyably pissed because i got 2 injured/sick snakes and he was making it out to be normal and not a big deal...
he did not give me what he was supposed to which was 5 healthy snakes ../.. remember he said "your (me) getting such a bad ass deal". i expected to get healthy snakes like i gave to him.
getting nowhere with him on dec 6 we asked for our snakes back so i wouldnt have to incur vet bills and possibly infect my other animals.... at that point IMO he shoulkd have sent my 2 girls back and taken his 5 back... that in my opinion would have been what a real and reputable breeder would have done... not giving me BS, lies and a headache for 2 months...
what irratates me the most is that i had to chase the money for the 1st 2 vet bills and he made 4-5 excuses, he ignored me and only when i brought the issue to the fb and fauna boi did he partially stepped up. on dec 17/18 on fb boi he publicly said he was going to pay for the vet BILLSSS AND send replacements!!!!!!!!! no i dont want to get more shit (replacements) from damian, you are right there is a very high chance that the relacements could be sick because of his husbandry issues.........
DAMIAN WALEGA and the trade we did made me very discouraged and unenthusiastic with ball python trades, my mom is upset and is probably not going to let me trade again with anyone (which i am going to be veryyyy careful if i even do it again). its to bad that people like damian ruin it for us new herpers, and this is why i said i just want my snakes back and i will send his back.... not really hypicritical just dont want the reminders (his 5 snakes) of the scetchy trade with DAMIAN WALEGA.

i hope you can try to see it from my poit of view. this was my first trade... and it was and has been AWEFUL. he has been very unprofessional and rude and i want to be done with him, but want him to be fair also... he should make this right!!!!!!!!
Old 01-24-2014, 11:57 AM   #40
this is how professional damian walega is....... just on fb boi
and he has nothing to back his accusations because they are lies...

Damian Walega
"Stop with the spreading that I don't take care of my animals Andrew Cutler Claiming how if the BEL was still in my possession it would not grow. Here is the sibling to the bell I have sent andrew, which was the same weight, who is doing a better job? I feed, I clean, I take care of my animals, I'am not going to let a problem I tried resolving bring me down. I also will not deal with children."

Andrew Cutler
" i never said it wouldnt grow.... that sibling didnt have an absessed and infected jaw like the one you sent me did it???"

Damian Walega
"You stated that all my animals are sick, dying, and lack husbandry."

Andrew Cutler
" whos doing a better job? really Damian Walega maybe you should have sent me that one instead of pawning the bel that has the absess on its jaw off to me..... i have had to give the bel and the albino antibiotics every 3 days for a month. both those snakes had rat bites and health issues, the bel is going for a recheck this week. i have taken veryyyy good care of them..... the girls i send you you didnt quarinteen them and started breeding them in ledd than 2 weeks of having them.... hmmmmm"

Drew Podietz
This debate is still going on ?? Dam just let a dead horse lay

Andrew Cutler
"where did i ever say all of your animals are sick and dying???? please show a screen shot or something to back that up.. i have never said that....."

Damian Walega
" cut your finger and see a doctor, you have a health issue, I mean head issues. I'am done with you".

Josh Hammons
" STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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