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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 03-15-2012, 11:31 PM   #481
Suncoast Herpetological
Gotta go with the minority on this one. I don't know either the seller or the buyer at all. I agree that the seller dropped the ball on this one but the ongoing posting of every text and email by the buyer coupled with the sniping of the non combatants is not really having a positive effect on the resolution of this transaction.

Give it a rest people. If Jerry does not come through with the balance he deserves a solid shredding. Till that happens, continued posting is absolutely counter productive.

And as a post script....I have known Tony Dongarra for the better part of 20 years. Anyone who thinks he would defend the seller just cuz he knows him is way off base. He is one of the few people in this industry whose ethics I would trust without question. Those of you who know me will realize that is a damn short list
Old 03-15-2012, 11:41 PM   #482
Thank you John Schmitt and Tony D. for the ONLY constructive posts about this whole situation, mostly since the beginning of the thread.
Old 03-15-2012, 11:51 PM   #483
Originally Posted by DISCERN View Post
Thank you John Schmitt and Tony D. for the ONLY constructive posts about this whole situation, mostly since the beginning of the thread.
It's pretty sad Billy, some people just have nothing better to do and need the attention.
Old 03-16-2012, 12:06 AM   #484
Originally Posted by Gerards View Post
It's pretty sad Billy, some people just have nothing better to do and need the attention.
Exactly. People wasting precious time of their life on a keyboard nit picking any word from anyone, while they could be doing something sleeping....HAHA!!!

Let us let Stu and Jerry work this out.
Old 03-16-2012, 07:59 AM   #485
Originally Posted by DISCERN View Post
Exactly. People wasting precious time of their life on a keyboard nit picking any word from anyone, while they could be doing something sleeping....HAHA!!!

Let us let Stu and Jerry work this out.
I disagree (to some extent since the point was vague). Do you think Stu and Jerry would have worked this out had nobody posted? They didn't seem like they were getting far before this was posted

Some people only do what's right when the heat is on. I'm glad Jerry is making a move in the right direction, but it did take a major twist of the arm, which deserves no applause.

This is the nature of the beast and I think most will come to realize, if you don't want this situation to unfold on you, just do what's right from the get go. Jerry could have easily refunded before this started but he thought he had an out ... but this thread is success, whether or not it was a clean battle or accepted methods, these tactics just seem to work.
Old 03-16-2012, 09:33 AM   #486
Originally Posted by TONY D View Post

As for the communications between Stu and Jerry, I obviously see them a little differently than you. I admit that I haven’t “poured” over them but my impression, after a single read, was that this was two guys who weren’t banging (communication wise) on all cylinders.
Tony-if you really think this is just a communication problem then you need to go back through and re-read some of my posts.
Old 03-16-2012, 09:35 AM   #487
Good morning Nick,

I appreciate your post: for one, it is not laden with sarcasm nor cynicism, and two, it's well-stated and does make complete sense although not necessarily accurate. I said I wouldn't re-post until month-end but felt compelled to do so in this case it can very easily been seen from this perspective. Despite the half-truths and daggers offered by the few that have had a negative experience with me (each having their own, and quite unique reason), it's festered and the ones who like to engage in mudslinging, sadly, have joined in to do so despite the slippery slope of perhaps just being flat out wrong. No matter, and I really don't care at this point. Yes it appears that the BOI has "saved the day" or whatever valiant mental schema one would like to view this in......the reality is two very different people, both not new to this this hobby, experiencing a problem and handling it in two very different ways. Yes, Stu wanted an immediate refund after two weeks of having the snakes and advising me of a problem with one at first. Although I didn't agree entirely w/ how they were being kept (from what I've seen is a very generic, one-size-fits-all manner -- not that I'm entirely criticizing it, however I don't think it's the best fit specifically for zonata), I didn't harp on it initially but expressed that I felt it wasn't entirely my responsibility since I'd had the babies since hatching, worked hard with them to get them well-started & feeding, and had sent them in perfect condition. When Stew got them I received a report that they arrived in perfect condition in every which way (albeit a bit cool, but for zonata better a little cool than too warm as we all know). So that was that Nick. Two weeks later a problem began, as per my knowledge, and needless to say I was shocked because no animal, nor any that have left my hands, demonstrate any such skin problem as this. Prior to Stew's request for a refund, there had a been a single communication glitch as my cell phone was down for a brief time. Be it as it may, I had been led to believe that Stew was feeling confident both in hanging onto them but also by his reports of him feeling they were "on the mend". Amidst this, I had been contemplating how to handle the matter - and no, not to decide between remaining vigil or completely ditching Stew as some may want to believe. After 20 years of this I'd never encountered such a complex issue, and I'm not one to impulsively just send money back nor make an immediate decision & act upon it. I'm sure this would have worked out much better had I done that, however that isn't how I respond (nor some others based upon what i've been reading throughout this novel) to any problem I encounter. As for my volatility, well, yes I acknowledge that I react strongly when antagonized -- as would anyone. Have I urged the keyboard nazis to come out & say what they have to say publicly to me personally all the things they feel they need to....yes, and I continue to invite that as I very much doubt it would happen. I'm not trying to incite any angst or hostility, but the keyboard toughness tends to go away when in the same room and I'd much rather have a rational, mature discussion as opposed to what has mostly been seen here -- and once that starts, there's no going back in my book.

Lastly, and to be put simply, Stew did not hear what he wanted from me in the timeframe he wanted to hear it & sought other means of getting his money back as he felt I'd disappear and screw him, plain and simple. Regardless....if over some time the snakes fared no better, Stew and I would have been in the same situation we are in now without all this nonsense BOI. I've never walked away from anything in all these years, and i wasn't going to do it with Stew. Of course many seem to thrive on the drama of all this while proclaiming that the BOI "tactics" coupled Stew's actions to have been the scalpel that carved out my recent "positive actions". Well, I vehemently disagree as not every situation should be assumed as such nor handled in such a cookie-cutter manner. I would never had done anything like that to him, period.

Unfortunately, no one will ever know what would have actually played out because of negative influence and impulsivity. The monetary issue is half-way solved, which is the primary concern of most. As for the animals, well, Stew is more than welcome to send me half the snakes back at this time (which I've heard nothing about as of yet) and the rest at month-end. I'm happy to donate a specimen for any research that anyone wants to take on, and the rest will remain in immediate quarantine upon arrival & cared for over time to see if this skin condition can be remedied. Thank you Nick for a sound, respectable post. Much appreciated.
Old 03-16-2012, 09:45 AM   #488
Originally Posted by Suncoast Herpetological View Post
Gotta go with the minority on this one. I don't know either the seller or the buyer at all. I agree that the seller dropped the ball on this one but the ongoing posting of every text and email by the buyer coupled with the sniping of the non combatants is not really having a positive effect on the resolution of this transaction.

Give it a rest people. If Jerry does not come through with the balance he deserves a solid shredding. Till that happens, continued posting is absolutely counter productive.

And as a post script....I have known Tony Dongarra for the better part of 20 years. Anyone who thinks he would defend the seller just cuz he knows him is way off base. He is one of the few people in this industry whose ethics I would trust without question. Those of you who know me will realize that is a damn short list
John S.-I've posted text and emails for 2 reasons. First reason is to provide proof because without it much of what is said doesn't mean anything. The second is because I didn't receive payment when "promised".

I don't know you or Tony D. either but some of what you and Tony have said is constructive but some is just "stirring the pot" like the very ones you criticize.
Old 03-16-2012, 10:06 AM   #489
Ya know jer, calling Stu Stew instead of Stu isn't going to irk him the way calling you jer irritates you.

You see, he's got no reason to feel like he's done anything wrong, no reason to respond to your little jabs and outright lies.

You see, ol jer, everyone reading this, THOUSANDS of people, now know what a liar you are. They know what a despicable person you are and that there are several well known people that personally know you who dislike you and your poaching smuggling lying ways that they have told you, publicly and privately, that they want NOTHING to do with you. Ever. At all. Period.

That's some pretty serious stuff there, ol jer. If it was one guy or someone that no one had ever heard of then maybe it could be a one time deal. But it seems to be an ongoing condition with you. You know what ongoing means, right? Because you keep on going through the same little dance steps and much like that monkey dancing to the same tune over and over again, it gets old pretty quick no matter how much poo gets flung by the dancing monkey, ie you.

So feel free to keep on dancing little poo flinger, but please realize that you are fooling no one. Except maybe yourself.

Pay Stu early and go away. You'll feel better, the site will smell better, and we'll all enjoy our hobby better when you're no longer in it.
Old 03-16-2012, 10:16 AM   #490
I think over time some have forgotten what has actually transpired or came in the middle of all this and think they know it all. So to clear things up and simplify things a little I will offer this: The problem began in early December. At one point I said I would work with the animals. I only said this because I felt at that point Jerry was not taking them back and giving me a refund and I was trying to keep on friendly terms with him in hopes of resolving the problem. By February I felt that nothing was going to happen because communications had broken down. I went to the BOI as a last resort. I'm not going to re-post emails and text messages here but anyone who wants to see the dates and what was said between us can do so in the first few pages of this thread and see if I acted accordingly or not. I am very happy that Jerry has refunded half ($1500) and promised the other half ($1600) by the end of this month. I have agreed to absorb the Paypal fee and I will pay for shipping the snakes back. Funny that after all we have been through he still can't spell my name right though.

Jerry-Unless I hear otherwise I will send half the snakes back Monday so you can expect to get them Tuesday. I will send tracking data Monday.

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