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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 02-15-2012, 10:51 AM   #41
Tigger the Tiger

To be honest, none of this ever really surprised me. I started hating her when I found out that she physically beat the crap out of her dog, all whoever choking him with his own choke collar. If she could do that to an animal who looks to humans for love and social stability, I could see her doing much worse to her snakes......smdh
Old 02-15-2012, 10:52 AM   #42
Tigger the Tiger
*While*.....sorry for the typo, stupid autocorrect
Old 02-15-2012, 11:24 AM   #43
Originally Posted by cassidy strong View Post
ashley is not my type, i have the same snake, and i dont need money.. i was getting nothing out of it... but time to finish my agenda
So you were getting "something" out of the lie. I understand about "white" lies and lies done in the course of duty to save oneself, but

In my opinion, lying to a friend and on a friend for one's own benefit is not an acceptable lie, because you could have slept in the car. You could have refused to lie, and took the consequences of being ethical....just saying...not judging.

Ashley...what can be said about her? I read the first story and it didn't leave any doubt in MY mind that she was shady. The OP and those that contributed to the BOI thread did an excellent job laying out all the facts.
Old 02-15-2012, 12:17 PM   #44
Originally Posted by HerpVenue View Post
Cassidy I understand where you are coming from. Perhaps next time text Matt.

Some people say that a lie is a lie no matter what.
If I was an undercover DEA agent and I lied and said that I like drugs.....would that make me a liar? Or is it just part of my undercover work? Perhaps I just said it to save my own skin until I can get out of a bad situation. Totallity of the Circumstances.

I am with April. I for one am glad we have first hand knowledge that is quite the opposite of what ashley says she does.
My understanding, limited though it is, of undercover work is that you are infiltrating with the knowledge of your superiors on a course whose goal is to catch the bad guys.

Somehow, I just don't think that happened here.

He could have told Matt that he was going to go along with ashley to see what else she would do or so he could get some tail or whatever the true truth is, but he didn't. He lied, then got busted and put out the story that he was 'just going along' fully intending on telling Matt that he had lied when it wouldn't inconvenience cassidy.

Having no dog in this fight, I don't care why he did it. Based on what's been said, he's not much different than mr. clark. Seems both will say whatever they need to in order to get what they want, then when they get caught, change the story in an attempt to get the benefit of the doubt.

Not passing the smell test out here.
Old 02-15-2012, 01:31 PM   #45
cassidy strong
yes i am not debating that it would have just been better to blow the whistle right away..but once again i needed to be at ashleys for a couple days, and i have no superiors.... matt is my friend...
Old 02-15-2012, 02:03 PM   #46
cassidy strong
i was not doing undercover work... i told ashley my full intention b4 i came... i told her i would help her if she took certain steps... and they were not taken.. then the dead snake happened ... this whole situation sucks and i have deleted ashley as i told others i would do if i found the BOI to be correct.. matt knows i am sorry for how it happend and i am quite certain he knows that my apology is sincere.. i have admitted my fault in public to the way this was approached... the situation cannot be changed how it happened..
Old 02-15-2012, 10:33 PM   #47
Cassidy, where was Ashley when you told Matt the the snake was DOA?

As for Ashley, we once again have a damning thread that she is choosing not to respond to. Her husband and two other people have responded that have had recent direct contact with her, so I have no problem assuming she is well aware of the thread. At this point I have to agree with the previous calls to black list her as best we can. This last round of political action was far too close for comfort, and frankly, people with her continued defiance of ethical and moral practices have no place here. There is no positive benefit that can come from her being allowed to continue in the community IMO. All I can see is the potentially severe negative impact she will have on the hobby at a time when we can least afford it. To those that think they do not have "a dog in this fight" (to quote one), I respectfully disagree. Anyone involved in the exotic reptile hobby has a stake in this, from the single pet owner to the big name breeders, we all stand to lose from people that engage in these type of practices. I would propose that any site or forum owners take action against Ashley's accounts (banning/restriction as able), and members/general hobbyists on these sites increase awareness of these two threads within the guidelines of those sites. Those of you that do, please do so respectfully and professionally, a witch hunt will only weaken our position and the hobby as a whole.

Thanks for listening,

Brad Beloat
Old 02-15-2012, 10:38 PM   #48
cassidy strong
She was standing next to me and used my phone to talk to him...
Old 02-15-2012, 10:50 PM   #49
K. Probably should just avoid such situations in the future. If you find you can't, give 'em a heads up away from the target. lol. The way you did things isn't looking so good. I know you noticed already, just sayin.
Old 02-15-2012, 10:59 PM   #50
cassidy strong
I know.... It sucks I went about it the wrong way thinking I was doing right...

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