Heavy parasite load found in ball python from Ed Clark - Page 5 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 09-18-2007, 01:48 AM   #41
Originally Posted by KelliH
Absolutely, and I have no doubts whatsoever about your integrity. Would you think it would be the right thing to do for this hypothetical person to post about such a matter on the BOI? If you (and others I respect) think that is a perfectly ok and acceptable thing to do in a situation like this then perhaps my brain is foggy from lack of sleep and a rather irritating migraine headache I have had all day, but in my state of mind at the moment, I have to say that is not only an unprofessional thing to do, but in basic terms, well, it was a really, really uncool thing to do as well. Again, maybe I am missing something here, and I do understand your reasoning about wanting to warn others and give them a heads up to have fecals done on snakes purchased from Ed, but should not that be something for Ed to do himself, and not on a public forum, but rather privately via telephone and email?
If someone found parasites in an animal I sent them and we were not able to come to terms privately I would expect them to post about it here. That's what the BOI is for whether I like it or not.

If I am uncool for posting a heads up to those who have purchased from Ed I'm okay with that. I personally feel that it is a serious issue, and I would certainly want to know if someone else found this level of parasite infestation in a snake that came from the same source as one of my own animals.

I would like to think that Ed would take the opportunity to privately contact his customers upon my notification of the issue, but I can't trust that that would happen and I let him know that I would be posting about it here beforehand.
Old 09-18-2007, 02:06 AM   #42
Originally Posted by Ed Clark
I know you added other balls to your collection after you recieved those babies from me...did you do fecals on them?
I just got two cbb ball pythons in Daytona a few weeks ago--those are the only snakes that I have added to my collection since I got these females from you. Both snakes are in quarantine and haven't been in contact with, handled, cleaned or fed on the same night as any of the other animals.
Old 09-18-2007, 02:41 AM   #43
I'm back. Stupid insomnia.

If someone found parasites in an animal I sent them and we were not able to come to terms privately I would expect them to post about it here.
What terms did you and Ed not agree to regarding this matter?

If I am uncool for posting a heads up to those who have purchased from Ed I'm okay with that. I personally feel that it is a serious issue, and I would certainly want to know if someone else found this level of parasite infestation in a snake that came from the same source as one of my own animals.
Well, I guess I am speaking more from the standpoint of a professional reptile breeder. Hear me out for a minute here. I have received animals before from extremely reputable breeders and these animals had heavy parasite loads and/or coccidia. I got some bearded dragons in from one of the top names in our industry, did a routine fecal a day or two after receiving them, to find that to my horror they were LOADED with coccidia, AND hookworms! Once I purchased some geckos from one of the top breeders in the world, they came in with pinworms, strongyloides and a bacterial infection. In both cases I did notify the breeders and in one case I was given some compensation, but I would never have come here on the BOI to make a post about it. Here is why:

I have been working with a fairly large collection of reptiles for nearly 15 years now. I have, on more than one occasion in the past 15 years, performed routine fecal floats on animals and found, for instance, pinworm eggs in the float. These are cb animals here, and I give my animals the best of care but still, somehow, they did get pinworms. I know it may seem stupid for me to be so open about it but I don't care, I am trying to make a point here: There but for the grace of God go I, or you.

Does any of that make sense?
Old 09-18-2007, 02:45 AM   #44
Mooing Tricycle
Originally Posted by KelliH
I know it may seem stupid for me to be so open about it

Kelli.... not in the least, and dont ever let those words be seen again on here or i will slap you with a fish. ^_-

That, is what a good keeper is all about. being open and honest about their collection and animals, past present and future. you get points in my book for that.
Old 09-18-2007, 03:36 AM   #45
did the breeders that you got those animals from assure you ahead of time that their animals were "the cleanest you will find?"

in my opinion a heavy parasite load is far more serious than random pinworm eggs. random pinworms eggs can occur in well cared for cb animals but heavy parasite loads including coccidia normally do not unless those animals were kept in deplorable conditions and likely exposed to ch or wc animals.

i notified ed of the parasites and him to alert his customers of the possible parasites in their snakes. ed denied that the parasites came from his snakes. so i did what i said i was going to do and i posted here.
Old 09-18-2007, 04:38 AM   #46
Not to make this thread any longer but. Even if God himself says these are good animals if you want to make sure you have healthy animals always do all the test right when you get them. Cause 99% of the reptile dealers/breeders out there don't care about what happens 10 months later. But in this case as you aren't asking for anything I can understand your posting here Emily. If you tried to contact Ed and tell him that they had parasites and warn him and tell him to check his and warn other people about the animals they have. If Ed said ok I will check into it then so be it. I am not sure as I haven't done all the research on this as I am dead tired right now. But I haven't seen any other threads about parasites in Ed's animals or animals that came from Ed. Could be cause everyone don't do all the test or have them done in that matter. Ed could be lying about all his animals being clean or may not be. The ball pythons you got could be Captive Bred but from a WC parent. Still makes them Captive Bred and Born just have a little bit of wild still in them. No offense a lot can happpen in 10 months. Could be your fault somehow or could be his. Without the test in the beginning we will all never know. I can see why you started this thread but can see Ed's point of view about it to. So all and all not saying ed is perfect but his animals may or maynot have parasites. We won't know unless Ed lets someone pay for a vet to inspect every animal he owns. Which no one will go to those extreme measures unless they have tons of money to blow. Pretty much you will most likely not buy from Ed any more. Instead buy from 1 of the other thousands of breeders/dealers in this industry. Sorry that ur snakes have problems. Hope it pans out for ya.

John Rieger
Old 09-18-2007, 05:49 AM   #47
Granted Emily has had these snakes for a number of months but tell me please how snakes that were captive bred by Ed (as he represented them to be), that Emily properly quarantined on arrival, that have not been exposed to any new incoming snakes into her collection over these months she owned them, got infected with tapeworms, coccidia AND strongyloides? We're not talking some simple case of pinworm here. How does this happen?

Emily did contact Ed and got what seems a fairly lukewarm response back that he couldn't "remember" what they were. Shouldn't there be some sort of records if he produced these 05's?
Old 09-18-2007, 06:58 AM   #48
bud mierkey
Thumbs down simple answer cut and dry

Clean as they come means as clean as others good cb.
remember parasites can be transfered from the mother to the neonate.
quarantine and do a fecal it would have showed up saving the reptile lots of suffering.

i was told the total loss of one of my collections was not due to the bad sick snakes i was sold by a now bad guy,IT was my fault for not quarantining them first and haveing them tested totally my fault.

also please do not listen to wess he is a very nasty hatefull person that likes to start fights then run.
he is a well known troublemaker.
Old 09-18-2007, 07:20 AM   #49
Originally Posted by bud mierkey
also please do not listen to wess he is a very nasty hatefull person that likes to start fights then run.
he is a well known troublemaker.
I have to disagree with you on your assessment of Wes. I do not post often, but I read quite a bit here. Wes WILL hold your feet to the fire, but I've never seen him do anything other than saying it like he sees it. If that makes someone uncomfortable, than so be it.

With that said, Ed HAS sent out snakes in the past with mites, and all but admitted that they came because he did not quarantine some newly received animals. You can read his admission to this here: http://www.ball-pythons.net/forums/s...ad.php?t=44188

Granted, mites are an entirely different ball of wax than Emily's situation, but it is just another example of animals sent out with parasites, external ones, but still parasites, and an admission that he did not at that time practice quarantine.

Emily is not asking Ed for any compensation, rather giving others who have received animals from Ed, and who have not had fecals run in the past, a heads up that they may want to have their animals checked. Given Ed's track record (from my point of view), I certainly would appreciate the heads up, had I received any animals from Ed.
Old 09-18-2007, 08:04 AM   #50
Ed, I agree with you that after a year you're not responsible. Too many variables can occur during this time frame that could have created this situation.

With that said, I think it would be a very good idea for you to post 5-6 fecal exam reports from your vet so that this board can see that you truly do test your animals. This would go a long way toward your credibility and showing that this situation could have been created elsewhere.

As for bringing this situation here, I am torn. If it had been me, I would have brought the situation to light with Ed and then given him an opportunity to make this right. If the poster is 100% certain that her husbandry/feed etc did not cause the situation then after a week or so I would have posted a similar thread. It's obvious that she is not seeking monetary reimbursement from Ed so her only real motive here has to be education.

If I had purchased an animal from Ed then you can be darn sure I would be having it tested right now.


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