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Old 10-07-2004, 04:57 PM   #41
Brett. Tried that approach read my replies to him. I tried coverring the Science the law and the morality of it. Unfortuantely it doesnt work. his own replies are contradictions of his own words.
Old 10-07-2004, 06:13 PM   #42
This kid needs serious help. It seems he is a follower of B. Smith up in Oregon the famous or infamous hacker. Which reminds me, Has anyone heard whether or not he got tagged by a puff or not?? I hope this wasn't a rumor as I would love to get a big laugh out of that punck getting tagged.
Old 10-07-2004, 06:20 PM   #43
Oh correction because they don't trust us enough here to edit our own posts. I was meaning to say K. Smith not B. Smith, so sorry for the confusion.
Old 10-07-2004, 08:59 PM   #44
no way

These venomoiders never listen to reason. Let's, metaphorically, hammer this punk with the long arm of the law.

If his story is true (cough, cough), his relative can kiss his vet license good-bye.

Virginia, eh? The search begins...
Old 10-07-2004, 09:04 PM   #45
b smith

Dont worry, Brian, it works well your way too. b smith is the alias of a notorious scammer in California. His real name is damon heynen-a convicted murderer (no joke).

so, kevin smith got drilled? The sweet irony of it all...
Old 10-07-2004, 09:27 PM   #46
Gregg M
Wow, This post took off huh???? LOL Scott, thanks for the heads up about the pic thing...... It seems provoiders do this from time to time...... Tanith know this better than me.....
Old 10-07-2004, 10:11 PM   #47
Gary O
You all know how I feel about these hackers......There is no room in the hobby for them IMO

Now onto this kid. I doubt he has half or even 3/4 of the stuff he says he has. He is posting other peoples pics and saying he has this and that. I doubt it.

And I seen that he said he had a Mang and and said he has no venomous that or still hot. WTF.............. What next............Really? I seen a King that has been hacked for sale on KS. WTF...........


Knowledge is power and this kid is showing no knowledge. He is in way over his head here and thought he would be cool by saying something. He got caught and changed the story then got caught yet again in something messed up and changed it again....................

Here is advice to this kid. If you never lie then you never have to remember what you said................

Hackers will get what they deserve!!!!!!!!!
Old 10-07-2004, 11:03 PM   #48
Ken Harbart
Okay folks, it's time for me to put on the moderator hat and remind y'all to tone down the rhetoric. The last thing I want to do right now is lock down a thread.

The topic of venomoids quite justifiably makes most serious herpers' blood boil, but persuasive arguments often tend to yield better results than ad hominem. As he's 15 and relatively inexperienced, it would be far more purposeful to educate rather than alienate. I know it gets tiresome at times, but let's try to put a bit more effort into genuinely educating our young, misguided member before going for the jugular, m'kay?

And to Mike, understand that the reason your comments have so many people up in arms is that they have a genuine respect for these animals. These aren't people whose knowledge comes from a TFH book or secondhand misinformation. Many of the folks who've responded here, myself included, have been seriously working with venomous reptiles longer than you've been alive.

To make an analogy, hacking out part of a snake's head for fun and profit is pretty much on par with amputating a lizard's legs to prevent it from escaping because one is either unwilling or unable to provide it with secure enough housing. Yes, it can survive like that, but that still doesn't justify unnecessary and disfiguring surgery.
Old 10-07-2004, 11:26 PM   #49
Re: b smith

Originally posted by GinoInDaBronx

so, kevin smith got drilled? The sweet irony of it all...

That is what the rumor mill has out. Still no confirmation as of yet.
Old 10-07-2004, 11:47 PM   #50
Myself and a few others have done some checking in to Kevin I flip Burgers Smith's bite and have yet to confirm it. I do know that NO AV that would be used for Bitis was called for to be sent to OR. That is not proof however one way or another but I suspect it is a rumor and not fact.

Based on His High profile on the net and his living area the bite would have at bare minimum generated some sort of publicity I would imagine. It is only a matter of time though before he does get a bite and then he will be in deap Burger grease.

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