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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 02-11-2003, 11:48 PM   #41
Bobby Douglass
Steven, you never actually denied that those were your chat logs, only said he didn't have proof. Were they yours?
Old 02-11-2003, 11:50 PM   #42
Was there really a reason to post something to involve someone else in this who wanted no part of it?

And wait a minute, you PMed webslave to ask him to remove an incriminating post of yours? Webslave PMed you back to say no. And then you use Webslave's PM to attack me?
Old 02-12-2003, 01:35 AM   #43
I have to amend and set this situation straight in regards my to friend Cassian. A conversation about her was posted accidentally, and could be misread and take the wrong way. I have already apologized deeply to her for my mistake.
I did not notice it was in the section until I posted it. But it was in reference to a inside running joke at the time. I felt some days she was upset at me and others she wasn’t. Because in the past I made comment about one of her geckos. And I never felt that she forgave me for that. So I assumed she would be mad at me some days and others not. I don’t want anyone to read into that any future then what it was intended. It was a sarcastic jest at he time as we all use to goof around with.
I asked webslave along with Rakell to remove it. But he refused. I try not to let innocent people become the but of wrong misdoing. Again, I deeply apologized to Cassain on this matter as I consider her as a friends, and she has long since then proved to me that I was overlooking at the way she felt about me.
Old 02-12-2003, 02:09 AM   #44
Sue Henson
It’s clear this board is just for bad mouthing others.
Have you taken the time to read any of this board? There is much to be gained from this site, and it gets tiresome when people who are brought up in the BOI section and don't like what's being written about them all tend to claim that "This site sucks. Everyone is a bully", etc. If that is your comeback or defense then it is a poor one.

A lot of people come here for advice, and frankly, it's better advice than what they'd receive at "other" sites right now. Please don't take it for granted. It's one of the best resources online for reptile related topics IMHO.

I would love to try to read and understand your whole story, but it is extremely disjointed and virtually impossible to follow. Unfortunately, just copy and pasting chat or private messages doesn't cut it, not the way you're going about it. It's too muddled, too difficult to read.

Just a little food for thought, and thanks for taking the time to read this.
Old 02-12-2003, 02:58 AM   #45
Oh ok Sue. Actually yes I have. And I seen how others get ridiculed as well. It very disappointing. It gets tiresome so see people attacked when trying to defend themselves around here cause everyone is so buddy buddy. Everyone is scared to death of the crap that does go on around here. And everyone discredits everyone’s defense, but credits the posters information. My defense was all state. But like you said you didn’t try to read and understand my whole side of it. So instead you attack me on it. And like I said before, I’m dyslexic.

As for people coming her for advice. What advice on the person off ridicule is for the week?
Well people come to my site for advice. A quality forum. It’s a quality forum because we have quality members. And that is all that counts. They know I will stick my head out to protect them. I have not seen any of this here. I just seen a bunch of people look for reasons to attack someone.
You know I did think this site was a good idea when I first seen it. And even when I used it. Now I am embarrassed to have recommended people to post here.
I’m sure the site start off with good intentions. But when people just come to gain up on someone because they don’t know them or are friends with the topic starter, that makes it trash. There is too much of that in this community. Trash talking and bad mouthing each other. You people really need to open your eye’s.

Hey I am attacked on what is just copied and pasted and from private messages, did you forget this.

As soon as someone did step up to the plate and question the poster not denying it, he gets his question attacked by the poster and the poster changes the subject to attack me again.

It’s actually kind of funny. I’m getting all kinds of traffic now and my services used. Yes services that I pay for out of my pocket to provide.

Your point was pretty poor.

I’m not saying everyone here is bad, cause I know that’s not the case. I’m just saying it takes one bad apple to rot the whole pile, and that bad apples been sitting here for quite a while.

Don’t take too much a bite, you might choke (I hope it’s the rotten apple at the bottom of the pile).

It’s funny nothing is ever good enough. I don’t know what evidence u are looking for. But I laid it out. But here’s something for you. Why don’t you make Steve prove his case? Ever hear of innocent until proven guilty? This board is so un-American.
Old 02-12-2003, 08:25 AM   #46
Ritchie Luna only seem intent to try to turn things around on me.
Hey , you posted it..I read it.
You were a moderator and you were condoning his trolling. Why? because it was the competitions site. Now that he "supposedly" did it to your site. You wanna cry foul.

He made a right MODERATOR choice. But since you are the admin what you say goes. You could have told him that privately. But I still do not see how he went over your head.

By the way, you the same Luna that has attacked me before? Just courouse.
so what does this have to do with the situation at hand?

It gets tiresome so see people attacked when trying to defend themselves around here cause everyone is so buddy buddy.
I've got no buddies. I look at both sides. I then do or say what I feel is right. I always try to take the "right" side

And everyone discredits everyone’s defense, but credits the posters information.
plain and simple... he was trolling the competitions board. plain and simple. your actions condoned it. Plain and jumped the gun by chastising him in public for doing his job. I did not discredit your defense. As a matter of fact...I based my whole opinion of you on your "defense".

You know I did think this site was a good idea when I first seen it.And even when I used it. Now I am embarrassed to have recommended people to post here.
yeah when everything was going your way it was all good. Now that it is not going your way.....all of a sudden the site is bad. I have seen this many times before.

But when people just come to gain up on someone because they don’t know them or are friends with the topic starter, that makes it trash
I would not know the topic starter from the hole in the ground. Everyone is fair game. There is no holy ground. This is where we sort the good from the bad.
This is where we find out who to deal with and who not to deal with. You are just mad because your only defense made you look bad.

As soon as someone did step up to the plate and question the poster not denying it, he gets his question attacked by the poster and the poster changes the subject to attack me again.
Bobby Douglas was not attacked by anyone. Perhaps you need to read again. As far as him not denying it....I think everyone who has half a brain already figured out it was him. Everyone who had half a brain figured out that you condone the spamming of your competition's sites

It’s funny nothing is ever good enough. I don’t know what evidence u are looking for. But I laid it out. But here’s something for you. Why don’t you make Steve prove his case? Ever hear of innocent until proven guilty? This board is so un-American.
Steve has no case. he never denied the spam of your competition's board. In fact...that is not why he posted. He posted because of the way you "moderated" your board. He posted because you banned him for doing his job to the best of his ability. THAT is why he posted.

It is so funny how you encouraged his spamming of other boards.....but saved the chat logs so you can use it against him. But now that it is going against wanna cry fowl and unamerican. He does not have to prove his "case". He was complaining about your moderation practices and you pretty much verified it for us.

It’s actually kind of funny. I’m getting all kinds of traffic now and my services used.
Hey good traffic or bad traffic. It is still traffic. So good for you. But you know what? This is the same thing I here from other webmasters who have had their stuff posted here. Same story...different poster.
Old 02-12-2003, 11:25 AM   #47
Geckoexpert had about 6 trolls that I know of.

There were 3 while I was a moderator there that were using an exploit to post repeatedly and anonymously. I noticed this and brought it up with the Admin, who refused to spend any time or money to fix the problem. Things began to get worse.

So I created the most polite "troll" you would ever see, and made my opinion clear.

Mario and a handful of others ran with it.

Now keep in mind that it's been at least 4 months, probably closer to 6 since this incident.

I proudly made the transition to Geckonetwork, being asked to be a contributor and global mod by Mario and Rakell.

I hope that clears things up about my horrible, horrible past?
Old 02-12-2003, 01:17 PM   #48

Mario: "Come one, come all
Come to the greatest show on earth
Where members of all ages can intaganize and rip apart of the gecko community at large
Welcome to the BOI

Hey everyone, want to come to the roast Mario Club?

Hell they were gonna move this post. Gee poor WWF had to get it moved. But yet I ask for somthing removed, oh no they can do that, thats against their policies.
Hahaha, beteer come enjoy the show all"

Steve F: "Mario, this is totally unprofessional on your behalf. I came here this moring looking for a way to post a message to the rest of the members of this forum regarding this matter. I WAS going to tell them to use their heads when making up their minds about how to handle it.

You have been accusing others of dragging this into the public light. Now you have done worse, in my opinion. You are the "owner" and adminstrator of this forum. It would have been of paramont importance for you to have maintained a professional and ethical attitude throughout. Instead, you have resorted to even worse tactics than those you have accused. You have used YOUR forum to drag everyone here into it. Why? I can only suppose at this point that it is to attempt to garner support for your cause or defense.

Bad Mario.

It would have been more important for you to have mediated the situation BEFORE it got to this point. There are LOTS of things you SHOULD have done and said before it got out of hand. THAT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AS THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THIS SITE!!!! Your lack of flexibility in dealing with this situation is the cause of it, nothing else.

Please consider that before you continue to make it worse.


Mario: "Steve F.
My lack of unprofessionalism? Hey I’m trying to make the best of a bad situation. That apparently you and Steve B. seem to want to create for me. You know I use to respect you.
It’s others like your self that are making accusations. I Steve B. has been the one to make this public. I have only exposed him for what he is.
Me position has been nothing but ethical. I am the one being attacked. You nor Steve B. appear to be acting in anything but an unethical or professional attitude about this. For instance, this message could have been deliver privately. You also did not want to moderate here anymore, yet Steve B. states otherwise in his public post. I’m sorry but I have to defend my self, my forum, and my members. If that is unethical and unprofessional, so be it. You are obligated to your opinion. And you are using my forum to know attack me.

It is also kind of hard to mediate the situation when the person involved is irrational and unwilling to respond. Fact it I tried. Steve B. has stopped responding to my messages and started complaining about me. Then he chose to attack my members and as soon as I say something, goes off and attacks me on a other site without my knowledge. This was not professional or ethical on his part. Heck, they didn’t even know what forum it should even belong to.
I did my responsibility, you both as moderators have not communicated with me in the proper manor if any problem was at hand. I have always been around and willing to listen. Heck I even asked you to stay and if you wanted your mod status back to let me know. I explained to you the situation. That is more then flexible. You both are causing me a lot of grief and have almost caused me the loss of two friends. It’s unfortunate to see you do this, I did consider you as a friend.


P.S. If this is the attitude and way you want to display yourself here, then I ask you not come around. Again, I have been more then open and you have my email."

Mario: "Dear members,
Waxwormfan has been relieved of his duties and banned for the abuse he has caused for the past few days. We will soon be selecting a new global moderator from our current moderators and probably selecting a new moderator.
I will not tolerate his abuse toy you guys, my self, or the forum. He’s gone.
We are also now a member of the famous BOI."

The dialogue between Mario and Steve F, that speaks for itself... (and i'm sorry to continue to allow Steve F. to be in the middle, he didn't ask to be and he doesn't want to be in the middle. This post is the only one he has made publically on the issue)

So I was banned for posting on here after I was banned? Because how else did I cause abuse in the past couple of days?

New Mods are being chosen, from the remaining ones who didn't speak up about this issue. Nice.

But please, tell me.. how smart is it to include in your signature a link to the place where you are being called out, so to speak?

Oh and guys, for reference.. this is the orinally debated thread:
Old 02-12-2003, 01:20 PM   #49
First off,
I did not condone his activities; you can change it around how ever you feel. He did this before my knowledge. Laughing about the irony involved is not the same thing as condoning.

“so what does this have to do with the situation at hand?”
The reason I say that, is you have a history to attack me for no good cause

You have done nothing but show one sidedness to this whole fiscal. Obviously you choose your sides poorly if that is your claim.

I never jumped the gun. I have talked to him and he chose to go complain about me to everyone he could and then make this matter public.

That’s right, when things are going my hwy, then they are going good. And when not, then not. That was pointless attempt to try to belittle me.

Obviously this board is not fair. No I’m upset with the slander activities that go on here. The witch hunt’s, and the ganging up on individuals. My defense has clearly showed what has gone on. But no, everyone wants to not read it thourghly and jump the gun.

My problem right now is one of my alibi’s is a scared little chicken **** that wont speak up because the way you all ridicule and attack people. This is so upsetting with me. And the other alibi has reason to be upset enough not to post right now.

As for me condoning that activity of spamming my competitions site, I will not comment on. But you are accusing me on false understandings. I will say this. I did not tell him too or ask him to. But I sure was not going to protect a site form it that has done nothing but be sociable with me and allow attacks on me.

So obviously if Steve doesn’t deny trolling, what is this?

“I don't even know where to begin defending accussations that there is no way of verifying in either direction. Geckoexpert closed down largely due to multiple users trolling under false names. When Geckonetwork and Geckoexpert were merged, I was removed from my moderator status at Geckoexpert. When Geckonetwork launched I was made global moderator.

If the claim that I was trolling from before day 1 is true, why would I be given a position of "power" that would allow me to have my so called power-trip and undermine Mario?

That is probably the best I can offer in my self defense, but I feel it is much better than what has been displayed against me.”
He’s making people assume it is a lie. Because people like you over look any details that are evident. I have showed how snaky he has been and been upfront with my facts from the beginning. But that’s not good enough for you people. Nothing I show you is. You people simply want to dismiss everything I show. But just assume credit to everything he said’s. And yet his buddy goes attacking me on my forum for even bringing people in on this. Open your damn eyes fool. They are trying to make this a no win situation for me and you people sit here and just attempt to pick everything apart I show you. I have been nothing but upfront about it. I have proven this. And I have proven that Steve has not. Period. But when you don’t accept what is presented to you, then it’s obvious there is no way to defend ones self and that the members here just want to hang someone. They don’t care who, they just want to see someone hanged as long as its not them or their own friends.

As for Steve being banned. No. I said this a number of times.
1. Went over my head on my decisions
2. Went off bad mouthing me and telling half truths to my partners and ext,
3. He attacked a member becouse his differences with my decisions
4. He chose to come on here and bad mouth the forum and display private info that was Not to be outside of the moderators section.
Any of these actions are grounds for dismissal. Not alone all of them within a short time period along with other events.

I can careless you feel my moderation has been done. My members have been happy and some of them have been sending me support on this. They know I will not tolerate members harassing others on my board and sure enough a moderator. And when I have enough evidence to expose them often times I do. And they also know I bring more matters to their attention that maybe I should. This is because I care about my members and their input.
As far as Steve’s post goes,
A troll that claims to be a priest and rape little boys is not a polite troll.
Making acquisitions is not polite.
Cussing everyone out vulgarly is not polite.
And spamming the board to bring up hundreds of repeat threads is not polite.

He has used IP proxies to disguise his IP.
So it doesn’t matter if I did report him or not. The admin just like in the past would have told me to stop accusing people and come down on me for it. Just like in the past. And you want to say laughing about this irony is condoning it? You can kiss off. Because obviously chat logs do not provide any proof according to you people. And I know they don’t with Cody as I had him look up IP’s in matters before.
Basically their was nothing I could do. Laughing about the irony about it to Steve so he doesn’t to the same thing to my board was the best choice I could make.

Obviously Rakell has stood by my dissensions. I was not the only one that known about this. But there was one person that did want to expose this. And now it is being exposed.

But I sure didn’t run with it. I might have laughed when I first found out about it. Because that irony to it was funny. Someone Cody was supposedly trusting but not trusting to moderate his board anymore because problems weren’t cleared up where trolling his board heavily. However the forum sections I did have control of, I did delete the posts I could find. Steve chose to troll the other sections. As a moderator their, I can only do so much. I did not have the power to ban or block a members. I only had the power to edit, delete, or modify posts along with look at IP’s. And this was only on certain forums. But when Steve decided to post hundreds of repeat post’s easily and quickly, Then there was nothing I can do. The admin was aware of the situation. It is in their hands.
I did say to Steve he was going board at least on one occasion and said he should lay off. But of course this did not happen. But that was not my board. So you can just kiss my ars.
Old 02-12-2003, 01:31 PM   #50
Steve you are again in violation of my copyright. Unlike before when you accused me of taking legal action. I will be contacting my attorney of this matter.

Sot to mention where have I said ever said “New Mods are being chosen, from the remaining ones who didn't speak up about this issue.”.
I now have enough evidence of slander as well.

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