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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 05-07-2007, 11:05 AM   #41
John Apple
Originally Posted by East_Coast
You guys ought to drop the whole violence bit. Who cares how big you are or if you can kick each other's butts?

I see a lot of bickering and fighting in here - and constantly. Funny that I have never seen any fights at any reptile shows.

Bunch of pansies.
No no violence here Petey...after all we are pansies
Old 05-07-2007, 01:25 PM   #42
critical bill
Originally Posted by brucestephenson
Hey Jolles, Just to fill you and everybody in: Critical Bill is a farmer who sits at his computer all day and makes fun of people. He made fun of Tom Crutchfield, then Tom tried calling Critical Bill a bunch of times, but Critical Bill was too chicken to pick up the phone. Chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken!
Well isn't your public service announcement so nice. And here I thought your specialty was simply filling into Toms empty anal cavity. Someone takes issue with Tommy's service and out you plop the good old butt monkey you are. I could almost visualize you covered in crap rolling about the floor and climbing the walls begging for a banana.

And for the record you crooked-eyed anal dwelling butt monkey...

Tom didn't try to call me. He actually did call me. Once. And I was right by the phone that I didn't pick up as he left his message, in which I might add, I could only visualize the veins popping from the sides of his neck as he screamed all his words. Now I'm sure that you could visualize a different popping vein elsewhere on his body but thats as far I got. He just doesn't rank in people I would ever waste my good time talking to by phone or in person.

Now you go be a good thing and jump back into his butt before he notices your missing.
Old 05-07-2007, 01:33 PM   #43
Let the games begin...

Originally Posted by critical bill
Well isn't your public service announcement so nice. And here I thought your specialty was simply filling into Toms empty anal cavity. Someone takes issue with Tommy's service and out you plop the good old butt monkey you are. I could almost visualize you covered in crap rolling about the floor and climbing the walls begging for a banana.

And for the record you crooked-eyed anal dwelling butt monkey...

Tom didn't try to call me. He actually did call me. Once. And I was right by the phone that I didn't pick up as he left his message, in which I might add, I could only visualize the veins popping from the sides of his neck as he screamed all his words. Now I'm sure that you could visualize a different popping vein elsewhere on his body but thats as far I got. He just doesn't rank in people I would ever waste my good time talking to by phone or in person.

Now you go be a good thing and jump back into his butt before he notices your missing.

Critical Bill --- do we really need the profanity and spite? Life is short man... If you have a beef with T.C. why not just take it up with him directly? Is it because you don't have the guts to --- but it is easy to spew your hatred here in this forum? Seems to be a trend on this site.

Old 05-07-2007, 01:48 PM   #44
Hey jolly, am I a pansy too?

I KNOW brucie is a buttmonkey. I KNOW he's got a serious crush on tommy.

I've known tommy, both in person and by phone for almost 20 years. I don't like what he did, I am certain that he did what he did knowing it was not only wrong but that he would eventually get caught but that he was a big enough name, or had promises from big enough names, that he would not get into serious trouble.

I know John Apple. I know he's one of the most honest guys on this site.

I know you, jolly, are a less than admirable turdburgler who loves to stir up trouble.

Perhaps you and that fat worthless buttloving slimebag brucie stephensen should just get a room and leave us "pansies" alone.

You're a tool jolly, just like brucie, a stupid misguided tool. Not a nice clean one either, more akin to one used in a colonoscopy which just happens to be one of brucies favorite games. How often do you guys play that one?
Old 05-07-2007, 01:49 PM   #45
critical bill
Originally Posted by East_Coast
Critical Bill --- do we really need the profanity and spite? Life is short man... If you have a beef with T.C. why not just take it up with him directly? Is it because you don't have the guts to --- but it is easy to spew your hatred here in this forum? Seems to be a trend on this site.

Petey...I'd hand you your ass if it wasnt so sore from spanking that cock-eyed mongrel about like I had to in the last few minutes. Please do yourself a huge favor and take a hike while the goings good. Be a good boy and take Tommy's Dingle Berry and his Butt Monkey with ya. K?
Old 05-07-2007, 02:36 PM   #46
The sun sets...

Originally Posted by Wilomn
Hey jolly, am I a pansy too?

I KNOW brucie is a buttmonkey. I KNOW he's got a serious crush on tommy.

I've known tommy, both in person and by phone for almost 20 years. I don't like what he did, I am certain that he did what he did knowing it was not only wrong but that he would eventually get caught but that he was a big enough name, or had promises from big enough names, that he would not get into serious trouble.

I know John Apple. I know he's one of the most honest guys on this site.

I know you, jolly, are a less than admirable turdburgler who loves to stir up trouble.

Perhaps you and that fat worthless buttloving slimebag brucie stephensen should just get a room and leave us "pansies" alone.

You're a tool jolly, just like brucie, a stupid misguided tool. Not a nice clean one either, more akin to one used in a colonoscopy which just happens to be one of brucies favorite games. How often do you guys play that one?

... and here they come out of their holes. I knew you'd be here soon Wes - like a white-tip attracted to a sinking ocean liner.

You are so predictable and boring.

- Peter Jolles
Old 05-07-2007, 02:46 PM   #47
Originally Posted by East_Coast
... and here they come out of their holes. I knew you'd be here soon Wes - like a white-tip attracted to a sinking ocean liner.

You are so predictable and boring.

- Peter Jolles
A truly stunning comeback. Intelligent, well thought out from stem to stern, biting in it's way, and leaving me gutted, wounded, dying, absodamnlutely LAUGHING MYSELF SILLY at your pathetic attempt at a comeback.

Talk about bringing a popgun to the target range, man you are truly the bottom of the barrel.

You don't even rate a flower, fertilizer is as good as you can manage and even then I bet all you're good for growing is weeds.

Go home jolly. You're an idiot and your continual proof of it is getting old. Take brucie with you too, if you can pry him off tommy, that is.
Old 05-07-2007, 02:59 PM   #48
thomas davis

Originally Posted by Wilomn
A truly stunning comeback. Intelligent, well thought out from stem to stern, biting in it's way, and leaving me gutted, wounded, dying, absodamnlutely LAUGHING MYSELF SILLY at your pathetic attempt at a comeback.

Talk about bringing a popgun to the target range, man you are truly the bottom of the barrel.

You don't even rate a flower, fertilizer is as good as you can manage and even then I bet all you're good for growing is weeds.

Go home jolly. You're an idiot and your continual proof of it is getting old. Take brucie with you too, if you can pry him off tommy, that is.
now i dont care who ya are thats funny!!! and very true!!! jolles is fertilizer very well put wes ,,,,,,thomas davis
Old 05-07-2007, 03:09 PM   #49

Originally Posted by Wilomn
A truly stunning comeback. Intelligent, well thought out from stem to stern, biting in it's way, and leaving me gutted, wounded, dying, absodamnlutely LAUGHING MYSELF SILLY at your pathetic attempt at a comeback.

Talk about bringing a popgun to the target range, man you are truly the bottom of the barrel.

You don't even rate a flower, fertilizer is as good as you can manage and even then I bet all you're good for growing is weeds.

Go home jolly. You're an idiot and your continual proof of it is getting old. Take brucie with you too, if you can pry him off tommy, that is.

Wes, I did not know that we were in a verbal joust that's only purpose is to verbally joust. What is your deal man? Who made you the sheriff of the BOI?

Do you even keep any reptiles as pets or study subjects?

I bet that you are a part of other internet forums in other interest areas and are just as argumentative. I saw your "brief expose" - penned by you and in the General BS Forum:Where do you get the ego to write something that long about yourself and to explain your motivations regarding your actions in here?

Guess what - NOBODY CARES.

- Peter Jolles
Old 05-07-2007, 03:12 PM   #50
critical bill
That you have the ability to recognize you're a sinker in this one and not a floater, that you probably have been both at sometime or another but made a clear choice right here and now, is whats most important. Its about the first honest thing you've written and about yourself to date so far.

Good for you kiddo!

Originally Posted by East_Coast
... and here they come out of their holes. I knew you'd be here soon Wes - like a white-tip attracted to a sinking ocean liner.

You are so predictable and boring.

- Peter Jolles

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