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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 11-17-2014, 06:16 PM   #561
I feel honored i made her list. I think this is my 2nd comment in this insane thread.
Someone needs some medical evals and soon if you're on a vengeful mission to get people on your side in a group you run.
Old 11-17-2014, 06:47 PM   #562
Here's her latest post on fb.
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Old 11-17-2014, 06:47 PM   #563
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Old 11-17-2014, 06:58 PM   #564
She's a good little actress, but I still think she did not get those tests done. I think she is acting, her attitude here toward the seriousness of IBD and quarantine gave her away.
Nice try playing to your other audience, Mindy
Old 11-17-2014, 07:20 PM   #565
Originally Posted by JayBoa1372 View Post
I almost feel compelled to call the dude Andy and let him know what is really going on and provide facts as to why this is so important to clear atleast his own name. I would not want my business to be ruined because of a child... I don't think he has a full understanding of what IBD is, what it does, and the magnitude of seriousness it entails.

Mindy stated he knew nothing about snakes before her.. Clearly if I have no knowledge of something I could easily be persuaded that the degree of severity is not as high as the crap talkers and people hiding behind computers says it is. He has no information otherwise, so instead, maybe approaching him as adult to an actual adult and not words passed along from a 18 year old might be insightful and thus in turn have him clear the situation up.

Again just my 2 cents, but some people just rely on one source of information instead of taking the time to research and some people just prefer to believe everything they hear and claim it as truth until factual evidence is made available to them.
You'll notice that this flared up again after a negative review was left for his business (see below for Mindy's hilarious take on that). He only takes note when it impacts him in some way. Andy needs to be aware that Mindy is hurting him, as their two operations are intrinsically linked. The best way I can think of to do this is for the people identified on the list to leave a negative review for his store, referencing the online campaign that Mindy has started to have opinions silenced. It is particularly counter intuitive that she would do such a thing, yet continue to expound upon the notion that we are hiding behind a computer.

Originally Posted by juliasara View Post
IF you decide to call I urge you to record the phone conversation with Andy to avoid all the he said she said. If it's recorded nothing that is said can be denied once you come back and post the results of your phone call.

We got express written consent from Mindy to record any calls, but you may want to double check that it's okay with Andy first:

Originally Posted by mjcballpythons View Post
If you call Andy will tell you what has been done/what our plans are. And stop with the "he said/she said" because here you are all taking my words and twisting them or putting words in my mouth. And also, you're blasting me for saying i dont have ibd but yet you go and say that i definitely do. Makes no sense, bullies. Just a bunch of bullies. Absolutely pathetic. CALL and hear it clearly from andy, feel free to have someone recording. Cell phones record. Legally we are doing nothing wrong, and ethically we are doing nothing wrong either. You are all just bored and love to ruin peoples' lives because you don't like them. Andy put Allison in her place on her immature and slanderous review on our page, and I have it documented. We are done playing your childish games and will continue to sell our snakes and do what we love to do and ignore all the sucky snake people. We have plenty of people who are constantly sending us their gratitude and are extremely appreciative of what we do for our animals. My snakes couldn't get better care anywhere else, despite what you say. Not one of you has ever been here, my house, or ever done business with me and that right there is enough to prove that you're making things up. Grow up, give Andy a call and let him tell you what is going on. This is not my pet shop, its his. Talk to HIM. and being a wuss and coming up with excuses not to call is getting ridiculous.
Old 11-17-2014, 07:21 PM   #566
Mindy may feel that way about her animals, but is very flippant when it comes to the seriousness of the disease she claimed killed one of her snakes.

Also, she is mistaken why no one will call, or positively obtuse. With any oral communication, it will be a "he said, she said" situation. The caller could come here and state Andy said this ... when in actuality he did not, or did and Mindy comes in and says that is not what was said. If the communication is written, what was said cannot be denied or refuted, as it is written in black and white, for all to see.

Since Andy is uninterested or unable to post on the internet and put his involvement to rest, it is safe to assume that he is as complacent as she and has no regard for the animals he sells other than the money they bring in.

At this point, seeing as she frequently posts as Andy, I wouldn't believe that he came here and posted, unless his identification was verified by a moderator; I just don't see him going through that to make any attempt at clarification of this situation.

This thread won't go away, cannot be deleted or edited; much to Mindy's dismay. This Side of Paradise Pets has only been open since April of this year, it may remain in business or may not, but this thread will be here long after their doors close.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Old 11-17-2014, 07:31 PM   #567
Connecticut is an "all party state" as far as recording calls go. Mindys consent here is not enough and it would not cover a conversation with Andy regardless. Recording a conversation with Andy without him knowing it could be a very serious issue.
Old 11-17-2014, 07:41 PM   #568
Amelanistic Orca
Old 11-17-2014, 07:46 PM   #569
In all honesty, I'd be willing to forgive (maybe a little bit) if she actually got the tests done and posted them. That's all I want. Just to know that she isn't out there selling to my friends that I've made in this hobby animals that are severely sick and might contaminate their collections even with proper quarantine.
Old 11-17-2014, 07:49 PM   #570
That ^ is why we are not posting the results. Even if I post them, you'll find something else. It does me no good, so why bother.

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