Need opinions on a bad deal with Tim Bowles of Arboreals of the Rainforest!!! - Page 6 - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 07-19-2003, 09:21 PM   #51
Urban Jungles
Hey Brian,
Just to add to what Nett said...snakes don't have diaphragms like we do. Actually, they don't even use both lungs effectively, most only use one. In order to inhale they need to expand their ribs outwards which creates the change in pressure inside the body necessary to inhale air.

When the body cavity is filled with excessive amounts of fluid like that it becomes incredibly hard for the snake to breath...unable to expand its body cavity (which is already expanded), subsequently blood pressure drops and other problems soon follow.

Since we breath differently, this can't really happen to us which is why you don't hear of any cases in humans although pnuemonia (fluid in the lungs) kills alot of people every year.

I think at this point there's no doubt about the snake's problems, it just boils down to how it will be made right. You still have a chance Tim, put this rediculous thing to's okay to mess up, it's how you handle it that people will remember.

Don't go out like this...
Old 07-19-2003, 09:46 PM   #52
Ghi Reptiles
Hey Danny,

Thanks but Tim has already made up his mind. I could tell that wednesday night when he talked to me. It was quite obvious after talking to him that in my opinion I was set up from the begining. It all comes together now:

1. Tim wouldn't ship until I paid up front.

2. Tim NOT wanting to be responsible for anything that happened during shipping.

3. Tim needing a witness to our deal.

4. Tim needing a witness to see how the box was packed.

5. Tim shipping the box so it arrives by noon with no writing on it of any kind stating live animals or the like.

6. Tim only putting four very insignificant airholes in the box of which only 1 went all the way through.

7. When telling Tim of the tragedy on the phone and asking him to look at the pictures I was in the process of sending him, he simlpy stated something like dude I told you not to use UPS and that happened during shipping, without even looking at them.

8. Having a friend of Tim's tell me that Tim told him that I was taking full responsibility for using UPS and was buying the animal in 'as in' condition.

9. Tim's sudden hatred toward me for me trying to get my money back!

In my opinion it all adds up to a well thought plan that I am ashamed for not seeing when he was asking for all the money up front!
Old 07-19-2003, 11:44 PM   #53
two things:
ONE: my mother works for UPS, and there are THREE next day delivery methods:
early AM: by 8:30 am
AM: by 10:30
afternoon: by either 3 or 3:30, i think 3:30.

Tim saying the only option for UPS was delivery by noon is BULL.

on a sidenote, i must add that i have NEVER had a package damaged or even delivered late. (nor have i ever had the people at UPS open my package and inject my snake with fluids. maybe that's a new trend i haven't heard about yet..)

SECOND: though i do not personally own any emeralds, i have cared for two; one in my high school reptile program, and one at work. the first one didn't eat for 6-8 months after she arrived, and she got a respitory infection and some sort of mouth infection that made her tooth hang out the side of her mouth.
she does occasionally eat now, but even during the period of 6-8 months when she didn't eat, she NEVER looked even CLOSE to that bad.

i am not anything even close to an authority on emeralds, but from even basic experience i can tell you this: I CAN THROW A PACKAGE WITH A SNAKE IN IT AS MUCH AS I WANT AND IT WOULDN'T GET INJECTION MARKS.
Old 07-20-2003, 09:09 AM   #54
Ghi Reptiles
Checked on the girl this morning and seems she has taken a slight turn for the worse. It almost looks like half of her body is going into shed and she is listless. Here is a pic of her from about 8:45 am this morning.

It is utterly rediculous that this snake was sold to me when she had a death sentence. I just can't believe the way she is declining. Is this a quality animal from Tim Bowles of Arboraels of The Rainforest? No, but does he have other quality animals, yes. Tim why did I get taken like this from you? Let us know!
Old 07-20-2003, 10:08 AM   #55
That picture is pitiful

Please, I just want the snake to make it.
Old 07-20-2003, 10:57 AM   #56
Randy Bennett
sick new locale

I wasn't going to post on this again, but after seeing the condition of that once beautiful
animal it has become necessary
for me.This is one of the worst things I've seen here on the
BOI, and that's saying alot!That
someone would ship a live animal
in that condition,charge $2500
for it, and then when the
recieving party protests, the shipper,Tim,tells him to stick it,is criminal behaviour.A blatant rippoff.The sad thing is we're talking about a living creature here.Obviously Tim could care less about the snake and the suffering he has put it through.Putting the money aside, which is a considerable amount,I personally find it very sad to
see the condition of that animal,and would hate to see it go back to the person responsible for it's condition.It obviously would not survive the ordeal.Tim, you had a chance to make good on this
a long time ago, and you've chosen to ignore it.If this snake dies in Matt's care, it won't be his fault, it will be your's,and your name in this
hobby will always be remembered
for the you treated this animal, and the way you treated your customer.There is NO excuse for this kind of behavior and it really makes me sick.Arboreals of the Rainforest will be Arboreals of the Toilet, and it will be too late for you to do anything about it, if it's not too late now.I suspect that is the case already.
To everyone else, I apoligize
for the rant.I just love these
animals, and hate to see them used as a pawn in a grudge match.Matt, I hope you can save that animal.Tim, return the $2500.This is a sad thing to see.Do the right thing!
Old 07-20-2003, 12:23 PM   #57
I don't think that I need to add anything further to the previous observations, with the following exeption. Could the fact that Tim lives in Ohio, and the fact that Ohio looks to be well on it's way to making it impossible to deal in reptiles (along with other animals), be the reason that Tim is supposedly selling off his collection, regardless of the condition the animals are in. Maybe he figures he won't have a reputation to protect in the future, since Ohio will make it impossible for him to deal in reptiles.
Old 07-20-2003, 12:35 PM   #58
Brian Oakley
I appreciate teh posts that you all put in in regards to my silly questions.
You bring up an interesting point in relation to Tim's location. THat whole mess is something else in itself.

Matt, as hard as it may be, I would just let it go. Maybe he will surprise you and come through, but only he knows the answer to that. Persoanlly, I just do not think it is worth the stress. Do what you can for the snake (as I know you would) and who knows, it might come around soomeday soon.

Best of luck!
Brian Oakley
Old 07-20-2003, 12:41 PM   #59
Ghi Reptiles
Hey Brian,

Unless she improves dramatically I will put her down this evening. I feel she has suffered enough and I hate seeing her like this. She is onviously having som difficulty breathing now and she looks bad. I will see what happens throughout the rest of the day.
Old 07-20-2003, 01:23 PM   #60

Tim i keep seeing the advertisement i have seen, probably 50 times before come up in the sidebar here,, and it makes me sick,, i have looked at your site a few times,, and made a few mental notes on a few breeding projects i was planning in the near future,,i work with chondros and was wanting a few ETBs,, to add to my growing collection... and from what has happened here, you have not only shown the "quality " of animals you sell... but more than that the "quality " of person you are. 2500.00 is nothing to sneeze at but when it comes to your "reputation" we just found out what it is worth huh? it is so funny you have not come back and replied to this thread,,, your absence lays all the credit in the world to Matts side of this, and we just found out who is really telling the truth didn't we..
I for one am very sad for the poor animal,, for such a majestic animal to be in that kind of shape is criminal.
the only thig you sell is double hets,,,
66 % injected.....
100 % death sentence,,,,
real nice Tim,,,

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