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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 12-13-2003, 11:24 AM   #51
Chris Kennard
In case anyone is wondering, Dan has decided to disregard the tos and start his own little threadypoo on this topic to avoid the facts presented here. Hopefully the mods will move it here? In any case, here's your big chance Dannio! Answer those questions and PROVE ME WRONG!
Old 12-13-2003, 11:27 AM   #52
Chris Kennard
Sorry Bruce, I know how confusing this seems. Check out the thread entitled "Dan Felice, good guy". It will explain everything.
Old 12-13-2003, 12:32 PM   #53
Chris Kennard
One question I missed Dannio...

you said...

""[#3] the LEGITIMATE animals in question were sold a looong time ago, were honestly represented and the book has long since been closed."

Are you refering to the supposed "Texans" that you incubated for someone else and are those the ones that TexIndigo Gal was the recipient of that she claims are from "Dan Felice's" stock or are you refering to snakes YOU personally bred and sold? Certainly you represented your own line of Texas Indigos to someone (Steve and Bobby) if they are being referred to as "Dan Felice's" stock. That would mean that you would have to have had your own Texas Indigos in 02. So are you saying that the "Texas indigos" that TexIndigo Gal recieved from "Dan Felice's" stock are the same one's you hatched for someone else??? Did you sell them to Steve Fuller and Bobby Lee as YOUR stock or did you tell them you were hatching them for someone else? And please don't solicit anyone else to answer these questions for you. YOU ANSWER THEM!
Old 12-13-2003, 01:00 PM   #54
Chris Kennard
One last thing....

before someone else comes along to ruin your day, lol. You said...

""so run along girls".

Hey Dan. Who's acting like a "girl" here (no offense ladies of the forum, just making a point)? Like you've always done in the past, you hide just like Fred and let others speak for you while offering nothing yourself! For years you've had a habit of soliciting other people to be your "muscle" on the forums because you are too much of a coward to speak your own mind. Are you still angry that I declined when you practically begged me to go after that guy you hate on the "racer" forum at KS? Did it ever occur to you that I got tired of being under fire by YOUR pals in the KS forums who were unaware that I was representing YOUR thoughts? You are a sneaky little weakling and you should be ashamed of yourself. Next time you want to attack someone with these types of insults (girl), make sure you reminisce about your own past and think twice before posting. Otherwise, fasten your seatbelt wiseass! NEXT!!!
Old 12-13-2003, 02:04 PM   #55
Chris Kennard
In Dan's new thread (which hopefully will appear here soon enough) he states...

"chris saw the actual copulation here in my home huh rob? well, that must have been QUITE a trick as the adults were never here in the first place yip-yope!! i only hatched the eggs."

So finally he admits to having no Texans at his house (I already knew this). Or would you like to edit that statement Dan? I never said I saw Texans copulating at Dan's house. I said he never had Texans there. The "adults" I was refering to are the Eastern Indigo and the "calico" Unicolor Cribo. Be careful Dannio. You don't want to mix your stories up. Focus!
Old 12-13-2003, 03:06 PM   #56
Anaconda Al
Well HELLO Dannio!

It's a shame that your little thread was just moved to where it belongs! I guess your "complete lack of respect and decorum w/regards to other members" worked against you here.

I see that you've FINALLY mustered up the courage (after 45 posts) to speak on your own behalf. But, truthfully, after reading your comical "defense", I think that you were better off saying absolutely nothing.

First of all, let's take Chris Kennard and myself out of the picture, for a second. Chris's brother Joe Kennard posted a clear-cut example of how YOU HAVE CROSSED AN INDIGO SNAKE WITH SOME OTHER TYPE OF SNAKE, and you had nothing to say about it. You didn't contest what Joe had to say, and you didn't call him a liar. Why is that Dannio? I guess you have at least a little common sense?

If found it highly amusing the way you made the GENERAL statement that "no drymarchon were EVER crossed at ANY time!" An emphatic and absolute statement, indeed. But BY WHO Dannio? You certainly sound appalled, as though you were falsely accused of something, but why is it that you didn't say "I NEVER crossed any drymarchon........" ?????? Afraid to really "stick your neck out", are ya Dannio? Covering your a$$, are ya?

You'd love for this whole issue to be based on the simple question of whether or not "chris saw the actual copulation here in my home huh rob?" , wouldn't ya Dannio? Unfortunately for you, I'm the guy who chastized Jeff Nichols for trying to make that the issue, so you look pretty silly pretending that you thought that that's my reason for knowing that you are guilty as charged here. I have a much better, and much simpler reason for knowing that you are in the habit of crossing Indigos. Being a close friend of Chris Kennard's, I knew the details of "Project Blue Book" long before this thread ever came to life. I happen to know Chris like a book, and, although he may be a "pain in the a$$ at times", HE IS NOT A LIAR, and he certainly had no motive to lie to me about how Dan Felice secretly crossed Indigos. You assume that, because Chris might not be "popular" in your pathetic little circle on the KS Indigo forum, that he has no credibility here. Bad judgement Dannio!

You rant about how I can't possibly have any credibility here because of a string of "negative posts". I've only posted once, prior to this thread, and that was in regards to what a scoundrel Fred Albury is. Please excuse me Dannio if you thought I was "negative" in that thread. I was disgusted by the way Fred treated three differnt people, as shown in his emails to them. (If you have something positive to say about Fred, by all means, please do so now????????) For your information Dannio, some people actually do talk about scoundrels in a negative way. Why does that bother you? The best part about you bringing up Fred Albury, as though both of you are victims, is the ironic FACT that I wouldn't be here on this forum right now if it wasn't for you recruiting Chris Kennard, who, in turn, recruited myself, solely for the purpose of voicing your negative opinions about Fred Albury. You didn't have the balls to bash Fred yourself! Your email that Chris posted above says it best when you tell Chris that "his services" are no longer required. At the time you said that, Fred had already been exposed as a scoundrel and was no longer in competiton with you over Dean Alessandria's attention. (Brown nose!) At least do Fred a favor and don't pretend you give a crap about him.

You say that I "NEVER even owned a snake and wouldn't know a garter snake from a garden hose". Well I beg to differ little man! I probably caught, and kept, more garter snakes, by the age 8, than you have in your life. It's true, today I have Red Eared Slider Turtles and African Clawed Frogs, but even that dirty little secret doesn't prevent me from knowing your dirty little secret. Fess up Dannio, the truth will set you free! And, by the way, you shouldn't be mad at Chris Kennard for saying that you crossed Indigos, you should be mad at the "BIG MOUTH" who told him in the first place. Is this what you meant in your "YOU CANNOT BE TRUSTED" comment? You should be very angry with yourself over this whole mess Dannio!

Thanks your the Christmas greeting and Happy Holidays to you! What coal mine will Santa be tapping to fill your stocking this year?

Albert "Rob" Applebaum

PS What was the girlie name you were hiding behind recently on KS to bash Chris Kennard ? Was it "Tash 234" or "Alice 657" or something else? It was funny to see how fast you hit the forum abuse button to have it deleted the second Chris exposed you. You are not in any position to talk trash about anonynymity on the web!
Old 12-13-2003, 04:34 PM   #57
Anaconda Al
PS Dan.........

As for your claim that I do nothing but "parrot" whatever Chris Kennard wants me to say, guess again. Unlike you, Chris has no problem speaking for himself, and neither do I. You on the other hand (for 45 posts) used Jeff Nichols to "parrot" whatever it was that you wanted to say, and he/you didn't make a very good case.

And, in case you hadn't noticed, I had nothing disparaging to say about you until you opened your big mouth about me. I was content to play a limited role and question the guys that you were hiding behind until you crossed (no pun intended) the line. When you live in a "glass house" be careful who you "throw rocks" at.

Albert "Rob" Applebaum
Old 12-13-2003, 11:29 PM   #58
Chris Kennard
"[20+ years in 'cunnards' case] and that is PRECISELY why you were never told anything in the beginning.

""yeah stupid, there was a fib told......to you about 2 years ago".

Pick a card, any card. So which is it Dan? I was never told anything? Or I was told a fib? These are two completely different stories. Come on Dan. Let's debate! You didn't mind mouthing off on KS when you knew you could have my posts erased with a snap of your (or your spokesperson Oldherper"s) finger. Here you have to face the music. What on earth could possibly be stopping you from sharing the name of the person who you supposedly hatched Texas Indigos for, how many offspring were produced and who got them? Also why did TexIndigo Gal claim that the "supposed" Texans she got were from "Dan Felice's stock"? Are you willing to publically announce that you did in fact owned your own adult Texas Indigos in 02 that you bred? You could easily end this right now by answering those simple questions.

Happy Holidays!
Old 12-14-2003, 08:52 AM   #59
Chris Kennard
On page four I posted the first of the only two posts submitted by Dan in the thirty-five post thread at KS where I asked some of the same questions I asked here. The following is the second post...

RE: p.s. & VERY LAST WORD EVER......

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Posted by: dan felice at Tue Dec 9 12:51:01 2003 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email
Message ]

no cunnard, i don't know what you mean. i haven't a clue......you are beyond
hope at this point. i feel very, very sorry for you. LAST WORD SMOOTH: you were
never in the loop. EVER! you only have yourself to blame for that. for Christ's
sake, leslie warned me about your 'mentalness' the day she introduced us in '85
in john's grill. i don't know where your living but it's not in the present and
your knowledge of reptiles and their husbandry is sketchy at best. the next
snake you breed will be your first......for one example. you HIGHLY OVERVALUE
your own opinions that more often than not are unsubstantiated. in other words,
you deal in a fantasy world......a longtime habit of yours. i'm not dealing w/
it any longer......i have bigger problems to deal with. YOU ARE MAKING A FOOL
OUT OF YOURSELF YET AGAIN!!!!!! even the people in the pit forum [your alleged
forte] avoid you like the plague. what about that dn't you understand?......
btw, thanks OH, but please don't waste your time anymore on this buffon. i'm not
ever, ever again......

That opening statement sound kind of familiar Dannio, lol. In any case, I figured since Danny boy had this kicked off of KS before I had a chance to respond (just like the first post I submiited on page four?) that perhaps I would do so here. Thanks again Fauna for all of the opportunities that KS robbed me of to defend myself and respond to these accusations! So, without further ado...

"no cunnard, i don't know what you mean. i haven't a clue......you are beyond
hope at this point. i feel very, very sorry for you. LAST WORD SMOOTH: you were
never in the loop. you only have yourself to blame for that."

Why would I EVER want to be part of a "loop" that condones your actions? I'm happy to blame myself for disassociating myself with fraudulant behavior.

"for Christ's
sake, leslie warned me about your 'mentalness' the day she introduced us in '85
in john's grill."

LOL, this is precious! Who is this "Leslie" you refer to and was she there when you produced the snakes in question? Also since you hold "Leslie's" opinion of me in such high regard, you must be better friend's than we were. Therefore why not have her come on here and explain all of this mess you've created and explain how she knows anything about me and while she's at it, explain this alleged "warning", lol?

"your knowledge of reptiles and their husbandry is sketchy at best. the next
snake you breed will be your first......for one example."

That wouldn't explain why there exists an article in the Philadelphia Herpetological Society Bulletin archives that I wrote about a specific breeding that took place as a result of my "husbandry skills", lol. That happened long before you knew what a "husbandry skill" was, lol. What are your other "examples"?

your own opinions that more often than not are unsubstantiated. in other words,
you deal in a fantasy world......a longtime habit of yours. i'm not dealing w/
it any longer."

Wrong! I don't highly overvalue "opinions". I do however "overvalue" the truth as the weight of the word "value" exists in your world. If those opinions are unsubstantiated, then why haven't you taken the opportunities you've been given to prove me wrong???


How so?

"even the people in the pit forum [your alleged
forte] avoid you like the plague. what about that dn't you understand?...... "

Not the one's with integrity Dannio. The ones who avoid me do so for a reason. The same reason you are. What about that don't YOU understand?

"thanks OH, but please don't waste your time anymore on this buffon. i'm not
ever, ever again......"

Yeah, thanks Oldherper, lol! Great job! Hey Dan, what's a "buffon?

Old 12-14-2003, 12:51 PM   #60
Anaconda Al
It looks like this case is closed.............

Dan felice has apparently "taken the fifth" in order to dodge some simple questions that might clear this matter up. "Mum is the word"! You are, no doubt, a "behind the scenes" kind of guy Dannio, and I wonder if you've run out of "parrots" to present your side of the story. What's the reason for being so secretive? Did you end up having to buy those snakes back from Jeff Nichols because they he realized that they were tainted? Why doesn't he speak on your behalf anymore? Is he pissed off at you? Why so secretive Dannio? Why are the "powers that be" on the KS Indigo forum not rising up to vouch for you here? Do they have nothing to support the comical "Dan Felice - Good Guy" assertion made here? What's the deal Dannio? Your silence only makes you look bad.

Albert "Rob" Applebaum

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