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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 05-07-2005, 12:27 AM   #51
robin d.
favoritism... yes
double standards... yes
clicks.... yes
to name a few ...

note to rich: i know what your gonna say. no i am not going anywhere i enjoy this site
Old 05-07-2005, 12:41 AM   #52
I don't usually participate in threads.. I'm more of a reader.

But I felt compelled to comment on the alleged clique on Fauna;

I don't think there are some vendors that get a free pass.. I think that for every unfortunate transaction, some have plenty of transactions performed without incident. Everyone knows that bad things happen to every person and every company. You can only go so long without a snag.

The people that I noticed get pounced on don't have a reputation to lean on or have a reputation that is "lien"ing on them.

There's a huge different between someone doing a couple hundred (or thousand) transactions before hitting trouble.. and someone who seems to have trouble every 5 or 6 transactions.

As a consumer, I'm looking out for such trends. The BOI does a great job at putting the info out there.
Old 05-07-2005, 01:40 AM   #53
Originally Posted by robin s.
favoritism... yes
double standards... yes
clicks.... yes
to name a few ...

note to rich: i know what your gonna say. no i am not going anywhere i enjoy this site
Well, I guess what you are telling me then is that you don't have a better alternative to choose from. I guess we'll both just have to settle for that.
Old 05-07-2005, 02:35 AM   #54
Dennis Hultman
I did not read but this whole thread but I assume Gregg you made this thread in response to the Tim and Ray thread on here that I just caught up on a minute ago.

I agree with you Gregg about 99 percent of the time but since I disagree with you on this one issue I think it proves against the click theory because if it were a “click thing” we would be agreeing because I would be in your click.

Now you have gone and hurt my feelings, I have to find a new click.

On a side note, Welcome back to the BOI Ophis.
Do you have a click yet?
Old 05-07-2005, 02:42 AM   #55
robin d.
i do have other alternative rich however i like this comunity on a whole just a few easy to fix problems i do not disagree on, thats all
Old 05-07-2005, 02:52 AM   #56
I do not need to read another thread that is started because someone wanted to whine.

To the originator of this thread.
Why don't you whine about not getting warning points for starting this post?

This either has a wrong tittle.
It is posted in the wrong forum.

Since the BOI has gone private (pay to post), there seems to be an enormous turn towards a sort of "good ol boy" click...
Gee seems to me an advertiser who has spent more money on this site than you ever did just got warned not to long ago. In fact I think he got his feelings hurt and left if I am not mistaken. (my point is you are wrong......your turn to show details and facts.)

I do not care how much you m' f 's pay. Your all still fair game in my book.
Old 05-07-2005, 02:53 AM   #57
Dennis Hultman
Originally Posted by Dennis Hultman
I did not read this whole thread but I assume Gregg you made this thread in response to the Tim and Ray thread on here that I just caught up on a minute ago.

I agree with you Gregg about 99 percent of the time but since I disagree with you on this one issue I think it proves against the click theory because if it were a “click thing” we would be agreeing because I would be in your click.

Now you have gone and hurt my feelings, I have to find a new click.

On a side note, Welcome back to the BOI Ophis.
Do you have a click yet?
Lol, I just went back and read page one of the other thread and I am the only one to have a statement not in the Majority.

QUOTE=Dennis Hultman]This is very surprising. I have read a lot of good things about Ray. I hope he gets on soon and explains.[/quote]

I really must not be in the click or maybe I am the leader of my own.
Old 05-07-2005, 03:18 AM   #58
You know what REALLY sucks?

I just spent an hour, literally, writing a well thoughtout, proofread, edited post and had the WHOLE DAMN THING go away.

damn damn damn

Greg is entitled to voice his opinion. We are entitled to respond. Such vehemence is not necessarily necessary. Opinions vary between people. There are LOTS of people here so there are LOTS of opinons.

Somtimes things get overlooked. Sometimes things are looked at in microscopic detail.

If anyone does NOT like the way a thing is SEEN then that seer needs to step up to the plate and change the magnification setting.

Greg just did that.

It's hard to go from 10X to 800X without anything in between.

What's the lesson here?

That's for YOU to figure out. But don't take it so damnall personal.
Old 05-07-2005, 03:41 AM   #59
Since the BOI has gone private (pay to post), there seems to be an enormous turn towards a sort of "good ol boy" click...
So just how long have we been hearing that "clique" tune? (ps, it's NOT CLICK people)

clique ( P ) Pronunciation Key (klk, klk)
A small exclusive group of friends or associates.

intr.v. Informal cliqued, cliqu·ing, cliques
To form, associate in, or act as a clique.

[French, from Old French, latch, or from obsolete French cliquer, to click, clink of imitative origin.]
cliquey or cliquy or cliquish adj.
cliquish·ly adv.
cliquish·ness n.


n : an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose [syn: coterie, ingroup, inner circle, pack, camp]
Wish I had the keyword search code working in those old versions of the BOI linked off of the front page. I wonder who it was that first accused us all of that term.

Now the twist applied to it is that it is being caused by the payment requirement? So is this the same clique as before or is this a new one? And is this a clique of only the original members or have other people joined, therefore enlarging the clique to epic proportions and national conspiracy levels? So is it that the people on the outside are the only ones to be able to see it, or us on the inside are just lying to keep you outsiders out?

But seriously folks, there IS a clique here now. We are "an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose", and willing to pay to be here. So yes, we are now a pretty exclusive club, I guess. There are worse things in this life to be...........

But I do find it amusing that with all of the threads posted here over the years, that sure as shootin, someone will grab on to the few exceptions and run hogwild with them claiming that those are ample proof of their conspiracy claims. So all of the rest of the threads and posts are just smoke and mirrors to try to confuse you from our real purpose? And that purpose is to what? I'm not sure what we are being accused of doing while being a part of this clique. Anyone?
Old 05-07-2005, 05:18 AM   #60
If only you knew the power of the force! Join MY clique and together we will rule the BOI as Jedi master and his minions!

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