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Consumer Reports Looking for, or want to leave feedback about a product? This is the place for that sort of info!

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Old 12-19-2004, 08:16 PM   #51
Someone killing a Rattlesnake because they see it on their land in my opinion is poaching, if a guys horse has one in its stall or his dog corners one that's a completely different story.

That device is NOT a tool, it's a weapon. A weapon is defined by its intended use being to kill or injure something, when a blade was incorperated into the design of that thing it lost ALL potential for being a usefull "tool".

Many years ago our forefathers realized the uselessness of trying to educate rednecks, hillbillies and bible bangers so they devised two methods of control - One is the law that's used to deter all of those whose ways can't be changed and the second is school that's used to educate the young before their minds become warped and twisted with back asswards age old tradition and beliefs. There are plenty of country folks and religious types that know to appreciate the natural world around them and that everything we as individuals have no need for doesn't need to be destroyed - for those outside that realm of intellectual thinking there are groups opposed to their actions who speak up to keep them in check.

There is not one single species of animal that has a deep seated hatred for man or that takes every chance it can to attack man but the threatened and endangered species lists prove that man is destructive and often don't try to change until it's too late.

Anytime people don't like something, understand it or are afraid of it for whatever reason they want to kill it. Whether it's a guy using SnakeSnare because his momma taught him snakes were the devils army or it's fifteen rednecks flushing Rattlers from their den with diesle fuel because Jeb will pay $3.00 for every Rattler hide -IT'S WRONG, PERIOD!
Old 12-19-2004, 08:31 PM   #52
Tripple H Herps
William- You just said EXACTLY what I was thinking. Thank you.
Old 12-19-2004, 10:18 PM   #53
Originally Posted by ms_terese
No, he said that many neighborhoods believe that. However, more relevant is the statement that the SnakeSnare *CAN* capture a snake but is *DESIGNED* for instant decapitation. The statements about it becoming a standard piece of handling equipment for snakekeepers, like a hook or tongs, is ridiculous.
First off, a similar design is already in use by many people. So maybe a little ducation on the subject is in order here.
And it is NOT a trap. This is in no way a trap! Come on people, brighten up a little. It is similar to most snare poles used by animal control. I have used it many times to move rattlesnakes when I have not had a hook available for whatever reasons. It caused absolutely no harm to the rattlesnakes, and all were relocated sucessfully.

For those that piss a fit about a snake dying, do you care about deer or elk dying? I would assume that most of us here hunt in some way, and some people hunt rattlesnakes. Is it right? In some cases, yes. I don't believe in the mass killing of roundups, but I also feel people have the right to kill a rattlesnake if they feel the need.
I can't believe that you have the nerve to call me a redneck, when most of you are the most arrogant, uninformed people I have ever had to meet.

Ian van Natter
Old 12-19-2004, 10:23 PM   #54
Originally Posted by Suncoast Herpetological

The only way this device could coneivably be used for relocation would be to control the amount of pressure used when tightening the noose. Since this would still put a sharp metal wire against the animals neck it would be ridiculously imprecise at best.

This device was designed to decapitate snakes and for no other reason plain and simple. While I agree that threatening Emails to the manufacturer are out of line, I am firmly behind inundating him with as many civilly worded negative Emails.

I personally forwarded a link to his website to PETA, the SPCA and the Humane Society the day this thread was started. Wouldn't it be a coup to get those three to work in the industy's favor for once?.
At least in the 6 he sent me, it is NOT a sharp metal wire pulled against the neck. In fact, you would have to pull pretty hard on it to even brake skin on most reptiles. Like I have already pointed out, I have relocated rattlesnakes with Snake Snares many times, and all were not harmful to the snake. Had the DWR been called in, the snake would have been killed immediatley.

Ian van Natter
Old 12-19-2004, 10:26 PM   #55
Also, as for showing this thread to PeTa. I hate to inform you, but you are just adding fire to their anti reptile policy. They are as against us keeping reptiles and they are against people owning ANY animal what so ever.
I still find it amazing that John and I are the ignorant ones here. At least we aren't the ones sending death threats through the internet.

Ian van Natter
Old 12-19-2004, 10:36 PM   #56
Wow, look at that. A company we all love makes a product that is the exact same! Why isn't everone threatening Midwest?
Come on people, some people do not like snakes and they have every right not to like snakes. Why I dont like this for killing snakes (as I have discussed with John when he first contacted me), this is useful for moving snakes as well. I actually prefer it for moving rattlesnakes (which is illegal in Utah, but it beats them being killed by an officer) to my hook since I am able to stay farther away from the venomous end of the snake.

Ian van Natter
Old 12-19-2004, 10:50 PM   #57
And before this gets even more out of hand:
I mean no disrespect to ANYONE involved in this thread and I in no way mean anything as a personaly insult (unless I actually name you, in which case I would mean it )
I think some of your opinions are over the top, but I have a feeling I am viewed the same way.
Just know this about the product: I am doing what I can to make this a safe and useful tool for people to remove snakes without harm. While I have eaten rattlersnake before, I don't really think people should be out killing them for no reason at all (being scared falls into the no reason category). Like I have said many times, I have used this to (illegally) relocate rattlesnakes here in Utah so they avoid being killed. (It is against the law here in utah to touch a rattler)
While I still rely on my hook, I won't hesitate to use the snare if I have to.
And so people can understand this: I do not kill the snakes. ALL are relocated safely. I also do not condone people going out to kill snakes for any reason what so ever.
As most have stated, polite emails pointing out why this is wrong would have been best, and I am sure almost everyone did send polite ones. But some also sent threatening letters, which has no place in any society.
Old 12-19-2004, 10:51 PM   #58
Wow, look at that. A company we all love makes a product that is the exact same! Why isn't everone threatening Midwest?
Let's look at that page, shall we? It's advertised as a snare for cats, dogs, and reptiles like lizards and small alligators. It's not advertised as an instrument designed to decapitate. He's not marketing to people wanting to relocate snakes. He's marketing to people who want to kill them for being a nuisance, period. Spin it any way you want, but the verbage on his website indicates just that.

Don't lump every thread poster in with people who are sending death threats via email. I doubt that many of the posters in this thread have done that. Whatever threats were received should be reported and dealt with accordingly.

Just as you feel that people have a right to kill snakes if they want to, admit that others have the right to protest that as loudly and as energetically as they wish. You didn't answer the question put to you about cats....would it be alright, in your opinion, for people who don't like cats to decapitate them too?

I'm grateful that I live in a state in which all native snakes are know, Missouri, where all the rednecks are?
Old 12-19-2004, 10:52 PM   #59
Suncoast Herpetological
Take a good look as well as a good read Ian. It's not the same product at all. I saw the pic on the "Snakesnare". It had a thin wire that would lend itself to the slicing of reptilian necks. The Midwest product is truly designed as a snare. It has a 1/4 inch cablew / wire. That is more than large enough to be used with care and not do permanent damage to the target animal.

In addition, they are not marketing it as a reptilian guillotine.

There is absolutely no defense for either this product or the inventor's callous marketing claims.....give it up.
Old 12-19-2004, 10:59 PM   #60
All things considered, I felt that this particular thread would be more appropriate in the Consumer Reports category rather then the BOI. Not that I believe that many people here will actually try out this device, however.

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