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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 06-26-2005, 10:47 AM   #51
This is truly sad. Truly PETTY. Grow the **** up.
Old 06-26-2005, 10:55 AM   #52
Originally Posted by lucille
Robin? 06-25-2005 09:45 PM Golden Gate Geckos OK Lucille. I am giving you negative points because you apparently don't have sense enough to know when to keep your war with Robin private. If you feel the need to tattle to Rich about my negative points, then so be it. It will only prove my point.

No, Marcia. I will not permit you, or Robin, or anyone else to send me abusive private messages.
We teach our children to let others know when people are abusing them. Are you saying THEY are tattlers?

No, one should never quietly endure. If y'all want to hurt people in private, that is your business; I for one do not feel I need to quietly accept that sort of thing.
Abusive? Could you define abusive please? I don't see abuse here nor did I in Robin's comments. I see disagreement and dislike and some veritibly babylike whining and some downright bitchiness, but no abuse.

Are you saying that you are NOT an adult Lucille? Are you saying that YOU are incapable of taking care of your problems WITHOUT going to Rich?

If you are feeling hurt, what has brought this pain on? If they are indeed saying things that are untrue there is no need for hurt as you know there is no basis in fact. On the other hand, if what they say is in part, or all for that matter, true, THEN I suppose I could see where you might be hurt BUT whose fault is that? Is it THEIRS for simply pointing out the truth or YOURS for being unable to handle it? In whom does the cause originate?

I think I'd like to see all the comments made to you by Marcia and Robin and see this abuse you so casually speak/tattle about. Is it just your rep points that are taking a hit and the comments associated with them that have your panties in a wad or is there some other more substantiative communication between y'all that I am not as yet privy to?

Seems this thread was a bit of a boo boo but as long as we're here I'd like a bit more in the way of facts, if you please.
Old 06-26-2005, 11:02 AM   #53
Once again:'t MAKE me have to go too "Michael row your boat ashore!!!"
Old 06-26-2005, 11:03 AM   #54
Shucks.....let me try that link again
Old 06-26-2005, 12:00 PM   #55
robin d.
yet again lucille another issue that should have been dealt with in private ... i see no abuse in her negative points to you at all, in fact she has an extremely good reason to do what she did and i agree, as with most, it should have been kept private
Old 06-26-2005, 12:56 PM   #56
Golden Gate Geckos

No, Marcia. I will not permit you, or Robin, or anyone else to send me abusive private messages.
I did not send you any private message, Lucille. I gave you a negative reputation point for posting this petty thread for your own personal and political agenda, and you have already posted the the comment I made for that negative point. I have not abused anything, so if you are going to claim that I have abused the reputation point system then I guess you are going to have to post the positive reputation points and comments I have also given you. Hmmmm???

We teach our children to let others know when people are abusing them. Are you saying THEY are tattlers?
When I was little girl, I used to LOVE to tattle on my younger brother! I took delight in getting him in trouble for the stuff he would do... especially when he was trying to start a fight with me. One day, I tattled on him and my mother spanked him for what he did. Then, she spanked me! "What did I do?", I cried out. Her answer was, "I am sick and tired of you tattling on your brother!" Needless to say, that was a lesson for me that it was time to grow up and start dealing directly with my brother when he was being a jerk instead of being a cry-baby and telling on him all the time.

Lucile, by posting this thread for public scrutiny instead of dealing directly with Robin's private message, you were leaving yourself open for criticism... especially when the Time Zone issue had already been addressed in the proper Forum! I have a real sneaking hunch that your motives behind starting this thread and posting the dialogue between you and Robin were less than forthright, so I gave you a negative reputation point for the post. I would have given Robin a negative reputation point as well, except that she was dealing with you directly through private messages, and therefore exempt from the reputation point system.

It's a shame that Webslave has to deal with so much sophomoric behavior... especially from someone who claims to be helping him!
Old 06-26-2005, 01:06 PM   #57
robin d.
no marcia actually she was dealing with me via rich (i guess)... she never sent me one PM, nothing and i wasnt going to send her anything cuz ermm well last time i tried to contact her she didnt reply (thats what she posted) so i didnt figure it was worth my time typing for nothing... will you please give a point marcia? please?
Old 06-26-2005, 01:19 PM   #58

This is just going to continue until E V E R Y O N E can humble themselves enough to just let it drop. I know I don't have as much respect as most of you do, but I really wish that this would just stop. I agree that maybe it wasn't the best idea to make this public, but keeping it public isn't helping any either. I'm not asking for everyone to shake hands and call it a truce, as I don't think that will ever happen.

As I mentioned in the 'other' thread, I really wish that you two ladies (and everyone else for that matter) could just put your differences aside and focus on the many positive things that you both have to offer here.
Old 06-26-2005, 01:24 PM   #59
Golden Gate Geckos
will you please give a point marcia? please?
Done. Now shut up and let this thread die.
Old 06-26-2005, 02:26 PM   #60

Just a second, please.

Exactly what is everyone's definition of "tattling" that is being bandied about in this thread? Please tell me who is the admin on this site and the person ultimately responsible for the way it runs? Who exactly is the person someone should go to if they see possible abuses taking place? I'm curious about how you all think such things should be handled.

If someone here does NOT have the capability of being able to correct something that appears to be an abuse, whether it is against them or someone else, what exactly are they supposed to do about it? Ignore it? Sure, that's fine, if that is what EVERYONE feels is the best course of action. If that is the way you all want it, then how about I take it further so we can prevent anyone else from "tattling" ever again here?

How about if I remove the "Report a post" link? How about I remove all moderators so there is no one to even "tattle" to? How about I remove my own email address and the capability to PM me as well? Why don't I just allow everyone here to run around like wild Indians doing what the hell they want to do and smack anyone who does find a way to contact me with the label of "tattle tale" and send them on their merry way? Shoot enough messengers, and certainly the messages will stop, now won't they?

Is that what you want? I believe there was a poll a while back when I asked about how you all wanted me to enforce the rules. Do you want me to dredge that up and compare names with those people who said they wanted the rules more strictly enforced with what is being stated within this thread?

So tell me, just exactly HOW do you propose that myself or the mods learn of any abuses taking place on this site? Have you looked over the warning points list ( LOOK at it NOW please. Notice that some of them would be highly improbable that I would ever learn about them unless someone else reported it to me. Should I just remove those penalties then, rather then run the risk that someone will be labeled as "tattling" if they did what they are SUPPOSED to do and notify me about them?

Again, who exactly is someone supposed to go to on this site when they see a perceived problem? If not the owner and admin of this site, then WHO please? And if this is not the preferred method of handling problems, then what is? Should a person who gets their "panties in a wad" as someone so elegantly phrased it, instead send private messages to all of their friends and instead try to instigate some sort of war or conflict? Should Lucille instead of contacting me tried contacting everyone she felt would be on her side and then try to gather support that way? Is that the preferred method to do things around here now? If so, please let me know so I can change the manner in which I handle and interpret such things around here in the future.

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