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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 07-24-2005, 11:21 AM   #601

I think Jim's insurance question was relevant to THIS situation for reasons he has explained. I am not sure why you posted yours. And I agree, under normal circumstances it would be quite inappropriate to ask someone to provide that kind information. Sorry to hear about your wreck.
Old 07-24-2005, 11:31 AM   #602
Aw shucks, Jim...

I'm not grouching at you, so please don't take it that way. You didn't bring up the insurance deal, Bill did. Another way to garner sympathy? Probably.

At the moment I'm finding it hard to believe anything Bill has ever told me over the course of our "relationship".

Just to set the record straight, though, there was no deposit so he didn't have anything to refund, we hadn't progressed that far. The timing was either incredibly bad or incredibly good depending on your outlook.
Old 07-24-2005, 11:41 AM   #603
Originally Posted by Jim O

I am glad all is proceeding "well" for you. I mentioned Bill's insurance only because it pointed to another inconsistency in his story. He claimed that he fabricated the story about the box because he needed money because he had to have surgery and had no insurance. At other times he claimed to have been retired military. All retired military in good standing have access to full health care unless he is no longer in good standing or not really retired military he should have insurance. Hence my meaning was simply that there is yet another unanswered question that simply points to another lie. Nothing more.

Did Bill refund your deposit?
((((Maggie)))))I hope you feel better, body and soul.....

I have not read every single page of this thread but Bill seems to have had a lot of misfortune. He did not call me while he was purportedly in Texas, but did call after he returned home, to say that part of his house had burned down while he was gone. Then I read about his medical woes.

If the fire and medical problems are true, that is a lot to be visited on one person, in such a short time. But at that point, there might have even been an outpouring of help. I even suggested an old fashioned 'barn raising', to broadcast the news of the fire and to see if any Fauna community members in the area would have pitched in and helped repair the fire damage.

Now, there is nothing but questions and heartache in me, it is intensely uncomfortable to wonder what is true, and what is not. As more and more information emerges, I think many of us mirror those questions and feelings.
Old 07-24-2005, 12:10 PM   #604
I've pretty much stayed out of this, primarily based on the speed at which the thread has progressed: by the time I would get around to reading the several new pages after logging on, multiple people had already made posts that were virtually identical to any opinion or thought I had.

However, with these new revelations of theft charges and house burnings, I think I'll go ahead and throw some things in.

First of all, to Bill: if the UPS employee theft tale is true, did you not find it excruciating to know that the police were contacting you to discuss the ARREST and INCARCERATION of someone who had done EXACTLY what you did? (You know, stole something?) What frickin' chutzpah. You are an amazing role model to your children.

I also find it wholely unbelievable that Lee would have been notified of the arrest of the UPS employee but NOT notified that the animal had been recovered. The desperation that is fueling Bill's attempts at credibility is also causing him to weave completely incredible paths from untruth to untruth. Regardless, if Lee wanted to put the issue to rest, he is certainly able to contact UPS with that tracking number and ask them to disclose the validity of any of the statements Bill made about this Dragnet scenario.

To those who supported Bill: Do NOT let this man's despicable and disgraceful actions cause YOU any shame. You are good, trusting people who have stood up in the name of friendship. Those of us who are less trusting and more pessimistic may not be as susceptible to betrayal, but we are also insulated from many of the joys that your more trusting hearts experience with such frequency.

Finally, to Bill: This is about so much more than $200 or a snake. It's about disgracing the hobby; it's about betraying loyalties; it's about breaking the law; it's about bringing the GGC into disrepute; it's about honor and honesty and deception. Believe it or not, Hotshot, other people have had misfortunes in their life. Illnesses, surgeries, divorces, deaths, adultery, bankruptcy, unemployment....don't justify your own lack of character by letting yourself believe that the rest of the world lives in a shiny happy place. Morals are not formed by one's actions when there is little on the line, but rather when times have become desperate. What it comes down to, Bill, is that moral people choose to do what's right, not what they think won't be discovered. As for your numerous hints that "time will tell" whether or not you've changed your path, save your breath. The very fact that the return of the $200 seems to be sufficient penance in your mind defines the likelihood of your journey going in the right direction. (FYI, Bill, most criminals go to jail, then finish out a period of probation during which they must make that $200 should have been paid after your jail time and in addition to your permanent record for larceny.)

As for Bill's suspension....well, the fact that Wes has been silenced and Bill is still able to come here and chuckle and post innuendo is a fine example of how no system is perfect. Yet, I hope Bill continues to come back. It guarantees that he'll always be exposed to more accurate yardsticks by which to measure himself against.
Old 07-24-2005, 12:19 PM   #605
I took a stroll past Bill Levertons BOI Good Guy area today.......MAN! does the "Good Guy" side of that wall project a FOUL STENCH!!!.....If I still had my good name hanging on that side of the wall, for all the world to see.......I would remove it POST HASTE!!!......afore some of that STINK rubbed off on MY good name.
Old 07-24-2005, 12:35 PM   #606
Jim O
Originally Posted by lucille
it is intensely uncomfortable to wonder what is true, and what is not.

This is what is true:

Bill stole a snake and lied and lied and lied.

This is what is not true:

The remainder of Bill's utterances.

Any questions boys and girls?
Old 07-24-2005, 01:11 PM   #607
Originally Posted by Ophis
I took a stroll past Bill Levertons BOI Good Guy area today.......MAN! does the "Good Guy" side of that wall project a FOUL STENCH!!!.....If I still had my good name hanging on that side of the wall, for all the world to see.......I would remove it POST HASTE!!!......afore some of that STINK rubbed off on MY good name.
I know you are not directly that solely at me but since I am on the list Ill explain my prospective on my vote.

My vote was made due to an auction here on fauna, Bill was auctioned off to the higest bidder, I won, he sent me a little email certificate of "ownership", silly auction, just a joke but raised $25 for fauna.

I voted positive at that time, I guess it was back in Jan-Feb or around that time, after that Bill and I became friends, I have had numberous phone calls with him about alot of things, not just fauna but about my personal feelings and daily life.

Bill has provided me an ear to cry to and a friendship that is unconditional, he has listened to me at times for an hour or more when I was having a hard day with my children and I needed some moral support and help with things.

Now has Bill done a bad thing? Yes
Is he still my friend? Yes
Will I change my vote to neg? No
Will I remove my positive vote? No

Why you may ask? Because when I am down in the dumps and am at my worst for whatever reason, I need my friends more then than any other time and I need for them to help pull by big behind back up off the floor. They may tell me over and over what a stupid, ignorant and foul thing I did, but they are there to help me get back up, they most certainly do not say hey Wendy you are scum of the earth and leave me to deal with it all on my own.

So bascially, Will I desert my friends on the worst day for whatever it may be that they did, when they need the above? No

If that alters the way some people view me here on fauna or in my personal life, Im sorry, I really am but I am not the kind of person to walk away from a friend when they need me the most. I may tell them over and over what a stupid, ignorant and foul thing they did, but I will also be there to help them get back up.

To me that is the difference between friends a casual associates, your friends are tried and still true, your casual associates run as fast as they can to get as far away as they can and don't look back to see if you can get back up or not.
Old 07-24-2005, 01:29 PM   #608
Wendy....that was an awesome post. Regardless of the situation it is applied to, I wish there were more people out there like you, TRUE friendship is hard to come by, and your words have deep meaning. They may fall on deaf ears in this case for some, but an awesome post nonetheless.
Old 07-24-2005, 01:47 PM   #609
Dennis Hultman
Originally Posted by dragonflyreptiles
I know you are not directly that solely at me but since I am on the list Ill explain my prospective on my vote.

My vote was made due to an auction here on fauna, Bill was auctioned off to the higest bidder, I won, he sent me a little email certificate of "ownership", silly auction, just a joke but raised $25 for fauna.

I voted positive at that time, I guess it was back in Jan-Feb or around that time, after that Bill and I became friends, I have had numberous phone calls with him about alot of things, not just fauna but about my personal feelings and daily life.

Bill has provided me an ear to cry to and a friendship that is unconditional, he has listened to me at times for an hour or more when I was having a hard day with my children and I needed some moral support and help with things.

Now has Bill done a bad thing? Yes
Is he still my friend? Yes
Will I change my vote to neg? No
Will I remove my positive vote? No

Why you may ask? Because when I am down in the dumps and am at my worst for whatever reason, I need my friends more then than any other time and I need for them to help pull by big behind back up off the floor. They may tell me over and over what a stupid, ignorant and foul thing I did, but they are there to help me get back up, they most certainly do not say hey Wendy you are scum of the earth and leave me to deal with it all on my own.

So bascially, Will I desert my friends on the worst day for whatever it may be that they did, when they need the above? No

If that alters the way some people view me here on fauna or in my personal life, Im sorry, I really am but I am not the kind of person to walk away from a friend when they need me the most. I may tell them over and over what a stupid, ignorant and foul thing they did, but I will also be there to help them get back up.

To me that is the difference between friends a casual associates, your friends are tried and still true, your casual associates run as fast as they can to get as far away as they can and don't look back to see if you can get back up or not.
Wendy I understand your points. I would take another into consideration. The GCC is a vote for the business/person is good or bad to do business with. Is he still a good person to do business with?

It has nothing to do with supporting him on anything else.

Yes, Bill can still be your friend but with what you now know your vote states he still is a good guy to do business with.

Originally Posted by dragonflyreptiles
Now has Bill done a bad thing? Yes
Is he still my friend? Yes
Will I change my vote to neg? No
Will I remove my positive vote? No
Will you still recommend him as a good person to do business with. Yes / No
that is all your stateing with your vote.
Old 07-24-2005, 01:50 PM   #610
You have got to be kidding!!

Maybe I hold myself to different standards and I am pickier when it comes to choosing my friends but I would never want a known thief, scammer near me.

This reminds me of a show I watched yesterday of people getting married to deathrow inmates. HELLO.....these people took someone's life!!!! I know Bill didn't take anyone's life but the show just reminded me of your friendship with Bill. Are you that hard up for friendship?

If I found out my friend or family member for that matter stole, scammed someone in the manner in which Bill did I would write them off and never talk to them again.

Wendy if you need someone to talk to about a rough day with the kids maybe you need to seek some other guidance than from an admitted scammer. Seriously this guy is a pathological liar and needs a tough lesson.

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