Beware of Jeane Best & Wendy Childs - Page 62 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 07-19-2006, 04:14 PM   #611
Originally Posted by Wilomn
Yo, jimbo, and I mean chamco NOT JimO, I'm curious about one thing.

Where did you see that there was a size listed, a weight given, a measurment used, other than hatchling, to describe these geckos?

I may well have missed it, but I can't recall any other word. You seem to base much of your "point of view" on this barest shred of a possibility that Erik was in the wrong.

Now, and this has been bugging me for a while but, since you yourself have violated your own request, I'm going to go forward with this.

I HATE the pm game. I don't play it. Folks send me pms, rarely, and rarely, I reply. I figure if I want to say something, I'll do it in public and not behind someones back, which is really all a pm of the nature of the on to follow is, talking behind SOMEONES back. Who that someone(s) is, is entirely up to you, the Faithful Fauna Readers.

Chameleon Company
Contributing Member

Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Florida
Age: 51
Posts: 1,326
Name : Jim Flaherty

Trader Rating: (5)

Warning Level: 3 Hey Wes,


Despite my public posts, you are still a talented gent. You just piss it away too often. You would be accurate to allege equivelent urination on my part.

I still thank you for fronting up to Timmy as you did. I don't wear an ankle bracelet, and have turned my ringer off for years, especially as I include my phone number in so many of my ads. I got my load of early AM phone messages last night, all politely asking if I was retailing Wendy's gecko's for her. Same phone cards as Wendy was getting. I also have a ton of info on Timmy now, as I spent a few shekals today storing ammo. Its him. I am hoping it will fade. He is unaware of the extent to which he has been pegged, except that he seems smart enough to not threaten injury.

This is confidential. I traded notes with Wendy before the thread started, first time I had heard from her in about 2-3 months. My notes, and phone conversation with her today, have all emphasized that she needs to stop the lying, exageratiing, BS' ing, etc. I've been a broken record on it for months. I can't make chicken salad from chicken shit. If I never heard from her again, I don't lose a wink of sleep. I probably gain a few. Been that way from the beginning. My exchanges with her are only every 6-8 weeks. I also think she is about to do 22 months hard time.

You and I don't agree on this, but I am also solid in my belief that Erik handled this poorly, and no one currently out there has put up anything to dissuade me. Not that he owed them anything material, for he may not have decided that, even after a few days. But he burned the bridge right away. I have to respect all views that Wendy and/or Jeane are scumbags, although I don't necessarily share that characterization.

Happy trails. If I ever finally listen to that inner soul, I'll shit Fauna out of my system and get onto a thousand better things for the time wasted here. Whatever else you have going on, I hope its working out. Your reputation in the business is pretty damn stand-up. Thanks again.

Jim Flaherty; The Chameleon Company LLC;
An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never yet existed .... Thomas Jefferson

Don't bother PMing me again, I don't hold with this type of two faced bullshit.

I wonder how many of The Faithful Fauna Readers have gotten PMs from jimbo, ie chamco, over the months that were of just this sort, kind of kissing ass but not really but sort of more than not.

Whether she's your whore or not makes not a bit of difference. The fact that she IS a whore also makes not a bit of difference. Personally, I've known my share of strippers and movie makers and most of them were pretty messed up, not all, but most. It goes to CHARACTER. IF you are willing to lie or cheat or steal or discriminate based on colour, you are not a good person. IF you defend those who lie or cheat or steal or discriminate based solely on colour, YOU are associating with them and YOU are known by that association.

Had wendy simply been a whore/stipper/liar/nutjob that had been taken advantage of intead of a scumbag theif that got caught, I'd be all over Erik too.

The facts are, the person YOU defend so much so often jimbo, is a piece of crap. We'd all be better off if when she went to jail AGAIN, she stayed for the rest of froever.

Erik stuck to his guns and did as he should.

Had she been there to recieve that package, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO NEED TO PUT IN A COLD PACK.

IF there was no need for a cold pack, WHY should he take the chance of putting one in?

It's ALL on your friend jimbo, your whore, as it were, since you're the ONLY one standing by her side here.

Does my post count REALLY intimidate you to such an extent that you must make such poor sport of it by PRETENDING to mock it?

I had no idea MY opinion meant so much to you. Ahhhh, if only I cared what you thought that would mean so much to me. Alas, I care not so it matters not and them's the breaks, jimbo, them's the breaks.
One thing about PMs that I think needs to be said.

Just because YOU send one asking that it be KEPT private, does NOT in any way obligate the person who recieved your PM. It's a request, not a law.

IF you want me to NOT say something, you might want to ask me if I am going to or not and NOT just ASSume I will do as you ask.

90% of the time, it's a no-brainer and not a problem to keep to myself and I suspect that most of us feel this way.

That other 10% though, well, personally, if I have made no promises, not given my word, I am NOT obligated to do anything other than what I think I should, be it remain silent or tell all I know.
Old 07-19-2006, 04:18 PM   #612
Originally Posted by Fedawg
With all do respect , I cant help but laugh at that one.

Seemed like it was only a few weeks ago , many people were crying about not being able to say their mind WAWAWAWA....

Well you can now , this is what they asked for , wish has been granted.
It goes from one extreme to the other. Let it stay the way it is. It'll become the laughingstock of the community sooner than expected.
Old 07-19-2006, 04:22 PM   #613
Originally Posted by jglass38
That might be a little harsh. It certainly doesn't further the belief among MANY in the hobby that the BOI is cliquey and if you don't agree you get shouted down. While I believe that Jim is wrong in his defense of Wendy here, I don't think he should be forced (which is what you are trying to do) from this site.

Come on Rich, have you totally let this site go to $hit or are you and your mods ok with the attacks that regularly occur here?
Ahhhhh the clique thing again.

There are no cliques that I am aware of.

If you cannot find it within you to post here, I can see where you might feel as if you were not part of any group. That's on you, the individual though. I don't care who you are, how many posts you have, how long you've kept reptiles, your colour, your sex or most of the time, your age; none of it makes a difference IF you want to participate.

If you can't get up the nerve to jump off the highdive, you'll never know if you'd make that perfect toespointed nosplash dive, or bellyflop. If you're too scared to make the attempt, don't tell me I'm in a clique and would come down on you, that is utter nonsense.

I'm kind of tired, already, of folks complaining SOMEWHERE, because they sure don't do it here, about how they are scared to post.


Are you afriad to ask your doctor what's wrong with you? Are you afraid to ask your mechanic what's wrong with your car? Are you afraid to ask your teacher why you, or your child, is having problems?

Whose responsibility is it that YOU are too afraid to post here, or anywhere else for that matter?


Personally, I am NOT a part of any clique. I would be willing to bet a shiney new dollar that Sammy and Griz and most everyone else who has been accused of being in one, would say the same.

The only clique is you cowards who annonymously complain about how you're too scared to post on the boi.

So, clique that and then click up some spinal fortitude and jump. The water is far deeper than it looks.
Old 07-19-2006, 04:22 PM   #614
Dennis Hultman
Originally Posted by jglass38
That might be a little harsh. It certainly doesn't further the belief among MANY in the hobby that the BOI is cliquey and if you don't agree you get shouted down. While I believe that Jim is wrong in his defense of Wendy here, I don't think he should be forced (which is what you are trying to do) from this site.

Come on Rich, have you totally let this site go to $hit or are you and your mods ok with the attacks that regularly occur here?
It was just weeks ago you said he was letting this site go to "shit" because he tighten the rules.

But what does Jim think?
Originally Posted by Chameleon Company
The beauty of the BOI is that every chink in someone's armor will be exposed. Like piranha in a feeding frenzy, its the nature of the BOI, and I am glad it exists.
Old 07-19-2006, 04:23 PM   #615
Originally Posted by Wilomn
Ahhhhh the clique thing again.

There are no cliques that I am aware of.

If you cannot find it within you to post here, I can see where you might feel as if you were not part of any group. That's on you, the individual though. I don't care who you are, how many posts you have, how long you've kept reptiles, your colour, your sex or most of the time, your age; none of it makes a difference IF you want to participate.

If you can't get up the nerve to jump off the highdive, you'll never know if you'd make that perfect toespointed nosplash dive, or bellyflop. If you're too scared to make the attempt, don't tell me I'm in a clique and would come down on you, that is utter nonsense.

I'm kind of tired, already, of folks complaining SOMEWHERE, because they sure don't do it here, about how they are scared to post.


Are you afriad to ask your doctor what's wrong with you? Are you afraid to ask your mechanic what's wrong with your car? Are you afraid to ask your teacher why you, or your child, is having problems?

Whose responsibility is it that YOU are too afraid to post here, or anywhere else for that matter?


Personally, I am NOT a part of any clique. I would be willing to bet a shiney new dollar that Sammy and Griz and most everyone else who has been accused of being in one, would say the same.

The only clique is you cowards who annonymously complain about how you're too scared to post on the boi.

So, clique that and then click up some spinal fortitude and jump. The water is far deeper than it looks.
I am sure you believe the things you post, Wes. You must LOVE the new Fauna wild west atmosphere (or should I call it the new, old wild west).
Old 07-19-2006, 04:26 PM   #616
Originally Posted by Dennis Hultman
It was just weeks ago you said he was letting this site go to "shit" because he tighten the rules.

But what does Jim think?
Once again, there is no middle ground, only extremes.
Old 07-19-2006, 04:28 PM   #617
Originally Posted by jglass38
Once again, there is no middle ground, only extremes.

Once again Ill tell you , at the request of others.
Old 07-19-2006, 04:28 PM   #618
Originally Posted by jglass38
Once again, there is no middle ground, only extremes.
Hey, you've only got 840 posts. I'm not sure you have a valid opinion.

Let me know when you get to 1500 or so, then maybe you'll have some credibility.

Old 07-19-2006, 04:29 PM   #619
Originally Posted by Wilomn
Hey, you've only got 840 posts. I'm not sure you have a valid opinion.

Let me know when you get to 1500 or so, then maybe you'll have some credibility.

I'll try to post whore a bit more and see if we can't get that total up. It works for others here...
Old 07-19-2006, 04:38 PM   #620
Chameleon Company
Jamie, Rory, Wes, Morgana ... etc.

And you in particular Jamie, with this:
She is proven to be a liar and a criminal.
Well, there's a half dozen regular posters here with criminal convictions, and Wendy does not have her first yet, although its on its way. And I'm going to go out on a limb here and wager that for every convicted criminal here, there's a half dozen who can only boast that they were not caught when they had their heads up their asses as well. If I may borrow from a Bill Clinton campaign slogan:
Its the TOS ... stupid
Rory, Jamie, and others, my feedback in all venues is running about 10-1 positive on this. Can't please everybody. My TOS is my oath to my customers. Whether they are a-holes or not. A few of you can bend yours when it suits you, and I'll gladly scoop up the customers you cast aside.

Wes. It was something for the buyer/seller to work out. I'm not going back through 500+ posts to play Wes trivia ... sorry. Expectations could have been based on any of a number of things, to include a phone conversation. It may never have even been talked about. Doesn't matter. The TOS said If you aren’t happy with the animal for any reason .... Needs no further explanation.

Morgana. I don't know if I have the time, but the issues regarding resale of product, etc, is a worthwhile discussion. It would also be wasted here tacked onto this garbage heap. Maybe in the feedback forum, etc. If its a BOI thread, it may only attract flies and 90% waste. It can be "what if's" in another forum. Here's a basis though. I have no argument that if I buy product from you with intent to resell, and don't have that as an understanding with you, I will upset you. I also won't get more product. But it is legal for me to do. In many circumstances I can relabel it as well, especially if I add an ingredient of any substance. I cannot take a "Ford" and relabel it a "Chevy", only because Chevy is a registered trademark. I can label it "Jim's jalopy" and sell it wherever I am able. I can also photograph anything on the package and post it with my sale ad (although entities such as KS have TOS that will allow you to complain and have it removed from the ad, etc). There are many other aspects of what you claimed that are good discussion, and it is not all a legal black and white issue, is loaded with gray, as there are plenty of details that matter in such situations, and civil concerns abound. Since both you and Clark's Geckos (my apologies if I got the name wrong) were upset with what happened, then Wendy and or Jeane flunked the business ethics of it. But much of what I saw as alleged illegal was not. Brand names adorn E-Bay as resale items, by owner, new or used. Hope all is well.

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jeane best, wendy childs

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