Spitting Cobra shipped UPS out of S.C., who was that shipping hots UPS out of S.C. a - Page 7 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 05-15-2004, 11:42 PM   #61
ok, I'm intrigued by the comments Mike has thrown in the mix with regards to providing emails related to the original post/incident. Sounds interesting....BUT, I'm a little confused.... why would it be time consuming to cut & paste then post it here? Does Mike even need MS Word to post his emails here? Mike, what type of PC (computer do you have)? Maybe if you email them to one person, they can post the emails for you; for all to see??? Just suggestions.

Also, as Shanell pointed out, the article stated:

"Peters was given the option of donating the snake to a zoo, giving it up for research or having it destroyed. He chose the latter, according to Fish and Game Capt. Dennis DeAnda."

Who knows how accurate the information is in this article?!?! I no absolutely nothing about venomous snakes BUT what I do know is that if a Zoo or research facility did NOT have anti-venom, its likely they wouldn't accept the animal since they probably wouldn't be able to work with it, right? Correct me if I'm wrong but putting the animal down was probably the safest thing to do from a liability standpoint. Why should a zoo keeper or research personnel have to work with an unfamilar animal that could injure or kill them. I'm surprised that they even gave Peters an option at all. Why? especially if he claimed it was the 'wrong' snake sent. I thought the authorities would make the call in odd situations related to venomous animals. Although, an incident like this may be less common, therefore maybe no one knew what to do?!?!? Who knows! I should have never read that first post b/c now I'm subscribed to this thread and can't stop reading the new posts. LOL. Well, its always interesting to lurk around these posts, especially when people on here come forward or dig up good info or play detective.

Old 05-15-2004, 11:53 PM   #62
I don't know about the rest of that....but I'd imagine that he wouldn't have been given the option to give the snake up to a zoo or research had that not been a viable option. There are plenty of zoos that house venemous reptiles, as well as many research facilities.
Old 05-16-2004, 12:09 AM   #63
Even if there are plenty of zoos and research centers that house venomous snakes, it doesn't mean that all of them could take that snake. If anti-venom is species-specific, wouldn't there have to be a zoo/reseach fac that works specifically with those cobras, and even then, they probably have limited anti-venom...but who knows...its late and I really don't know what I'm talking about anyway. I was simply thinking out loud. lol. Either way, most wildlife agents probably assume zoo's are the answer to all their herp troubles, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, except when the option is in the hands of a person who may still be implicated in the illegal activity to begin with.

Old 05-16-2004, 01:41 AM   #64
I have an "eMachines Mosnter550" computer and Windows 98.

I still have no clue what or where, if anywhere, the Word Document is on this thing. I must repeat myself.

" I know nothing about computers".

I turn it on and go to the sites of interest. After that, I know nothing. I have email through Yahoo and did not know that there is an instant messenger until only a year or so ago.

I can send the emails to someone, but the Instant messages, I cannot send, they are printed out on paper. I blew my scanner up.

To give you a better idea of how illiterate I am about computers, I bought two digital cameras, I cannot get either one to work.

My computer freezes constantly and I don't know why.

I know nothing about computers.

But, I did know to save everything and have done so.

I set up a complete email addres and sent over everything to that email. At one time, I had it so anyone can email me and I give the password to it so everything could be read, copied, if need be. But, the mistake there was that anyone could also delete the letters, so I changed the password. Only I can access it now.

As for the question of why not post here:

There are probably 150 letters in the email, some very short, some very long. The language he used is not for younger eyes and in a couple letters, he wrote in German, Which I have translated to English.

Also read the other posts about him and you'll see where he admits to the debts and the scams.

If someone wants to set this thing up, I will spend the time to send the letters for all to read, but I cannot do it.

Call me dumb, call me stupid. I have never cared to learn the ins and outs of computers, I use them for entertainment and information-- when I figure out what to do. Beyond that, this is a large chuck of plastic on my desk.

I know some of you are thinking I should take a course at the local college to get full benefits of this thing. It has been told to me before. As I have replied, I don't want to know about it and its benefits. I like my type writer just fine and I file things in a filing cabinet. I can find them without a problem. Tried that with this thing and cannot find anything I have put in it. LOL

Is there something in this computer that likes to hide things??????? LOL

Anyway, on with the subject: someone set it up, and I'l send copies of all the letters. I cannot do it, even with a map, plainly written instructions, and a coach. Just ain't happenin.

Super Stupid
Old 05-16-2004, 11:01 AM   #65
My grandfather had that same computer. He had problems with it all the time too. You will NOT find Word on it BUT it should have Microsoft Works, which is a programing to type letters, documents, etc that comes free on it.

As far as your instant message, I have no idea what problem you may be having in that area...I've never heard of only printing them out, unless you are talking about something different.

If you want, you can forward the emails to me (northeastsnakes@aol.com) and I'll post them for you. If you cannot, well then, anything else you say on here may be construed as hearsay, especially without any proof?!?!?!

Its okay if you are computer illiterate. Many people are. I think us younger generations forget how some people did not grow up with computers so readily available to access and learn from.

"There are probably 150 letters in the email, some very short, some very long. The language he used is not for younger eyes and in a couple letters, he wrote in German, Which I have translated to English." ~ no offense but that sounds a bit odd?!?! Are you friends with the person? If not, why would he be emailing you 150 times? And if you are friends, why are you looking to hang him out to dry? Something doesn't seem right to me. Anyone else feel this way? Maybe I'm simply interpreting it wrong so PLEASE correct me if Imm wrong.

"Also read the other posts about him and you'll see where he admits to the debts and the scams." ~Can anyone provide a link to these other posts?

Well, gotta run for now.
~ Jason
Old 05-16-2004, 10:57 PM   #66
Thomas Jones
I got 3 snakes from the dead guy!!
I plan to let a local breeder in NC take one of the females.(my supposed het albino female) and breed it to there Albino male! I have only mentioned it briefly to them. I still have to put some weight on her but hope to prove it she is a het or not this year.
If anyone else has HCE,Digital reptiles,CRE hets and are proven please post or e-mail me at aligatorhunter@earthlink.net.
Old 05-17-2004, 12:45 AM   #67
PLEASE keep this thread related to the original post!!!!!!!!!!!

Are there moderators that monitor these threads? This thread started with one topic and yet others continue to post regarding the whole HCE,Digital reptiles,CRE atrocities. I cannot pretent to understand others' frustrations related to that BUT if threads are continually taken over by this topic, then people will lose interest, focus, or motivation to post about the other topics.

Once again, is there not an existing thread about CRE/HCE/Harry/etc. ???? So PLEASE post there about it!

Old 05-17-2004, 12:51 AM   #68
Here is the link to

the appropriate thread about HCE/CRE/Harry/etc/etc:

Old 05-17-2004, 01:19 AM   #69
Classic Dum's
Wes thank you, I didnt mean to sound rude and as I said I wasnt attacking you so if I sounded that way I apoligize!

Are you friends with the person? If not, why would he be emailing you 150 times? And if you are friends, why are you looking to hang him out to dry? Something doesn't seem right to me.
I see your point but I get a differant feeling. Correct me if I am wrong but "ZX11" Sounds to me like someone who recently within that past yr or so just started using computers. Got online dabbled for a while then found some sites he liked. Once finding those sites was a spectator for a while then decided to get active and make some contacts. Made contact with Kevin from CA. Kevin played this nice guy upstanding herper for a while with him hoping to get sales. MIchael not knowing anything about him thought hey cool I made a buddy. In time Kevin became comfotable and somehow the conversations came up and Kevin spilled then beans MIchael is currently talking about. Like most of us MIchael probally began to think differantly about him however continued the conversations with him out of curiosity and in time once he no longer had anything interesting to say about his illegal activities severed the relationship. amd now is sharing this info with others. I could be totally wrong and Jason could be totally right but this is the impression I get from what MIchael has had to say about his knowledge of computers.

MIchael dont feel bad about the computer thing. They can be an absolute pain in the rear. All they are is a tool so use it for what its worth to you and nothing more.

Who knows how accurate the information is in this article?!?! I no absolutely nothing about venomous snakes BUT what I do know is that if a Zoo or research facility did NOT have anti-venom, its likely they wouldn't accept the animal since they probably wouldn't be able to work with it, right?
Im no expert and every state, zoo, county etc has differant laws but I know I seen a special once and I think it was on the national zoo and they talked about how it was required by law that they have species specific anti venom on hand for every hot species they kept. it would make sense to me for that to be the same in every zoo as well.

Once again, is there not an existing thread about CRE/HCE/Harry/etc. ???? So PLEASE post there about it!
Sorry I think I kind of opened the door to that. In my origanal post I couldnt rember who SCRE was and I asked who they were.

Mondays are bad days for me but to try and put the question of who the shipped was to rest Ill give it every effort I can to call out there and see if theyll lets us know.
Old 05-17-2004, 02:17 AM   #70
Originally posted by Classic Dum's
Sorry I think I kind of opened the door to that. In my original post I couldn't remember who SCRE was and I asked who they were.

Mondays are bad days for me but to try and put the question of who the shipped was to rest I'll give it every effort I can to call out there and see if they'll lets us know.
It's really no big deal, no need to apologize or make any extra effort to provide more details. Also, I'm sorry if I came off angry or upset.lol. That was not my intention. I'm glad CRE's name came up but I just didn't want this thread to turn into a 35+ page thread on that topic, when there is already one with lots of info. In fact, I just inquired about any updates on that thread since no one's posted there in a while. Its interesting b/c when I read this thread's original post, I immediately thought of the possible connection b/c of the location too. However, no one had provided any real proof or facts, so it kinda got annoying to read others argue about it ...but I'm over it now.

Also, I realize that any and all information about that whole scam is extremely important for potential buyers. In fact, I'm sure some who were victimized wish that Rich would place a banner on this site (for all to see) dedicated to exposing that particular scam/person. Unfortunately, I bet HCE/CRE is/was not the only dealer pulling the het pied scam....they're just the ones that got caught.

Anyway, I'm sorry if I went off in a rant in my last post... I've got too much time on my hands now that I'm done with grad school and got hooked on the original topic. I don't post too often and usually just peak at most threads. I'm just continually amazed at the incidents, accidents and news (related to hots) that repeatedly occurs and gives the already challenging herp biz more of a bad rap.

Oh well, it's late so I better crawl back in my hole.lol


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bruce eisenmann

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