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Old 06-10-2022, 09:05 PM   #61
Starting to get medical bills rolling in.

Connie's stay at the hospital when she had her surgery rang up a bill of $206,000.00.

Fortunately Medicare/CHP health insurance took care of most of it.

I don't know what other associated bills will be showing up, since it seems that any doctor that sticks his or her head into your room sends you a bill for that. And I guess the surgeon's bill will be separate.

Can't wait to see what my ambulance ride, heart stent insertion, emergency room visit, and 3 day stay in intensive care comes to.

And there are Connie's chemo treatments.

Not sure why this had to happen to both Connie and I at the same time, but I do NOT appreciate God's sense of humor one least little bit.

Connie seems to be doing OK so far from her chemo treatment on Wednesday and that additional injection she got on Thursday. They said she may get flu like symptoms from it, and then likely bone and joint pain. The purpose of the injection is to help build up her white blood cells by stimulating the bone marrow. Not sure I know what that is all about. Heck, not sure I WANT to know. But puzzles me why they would be trying to stimulate cell growth during a chemo treatment. Seems to be counterintuitive to me. But what do I know? For all I know I had some brain cell death during my heart attack.

Heck, i guess a few more monster medical bills and I'll be having another heart attack anyway. Takes a while before the eyes wander on over to the column that says "What you have to pay." By then, it could be too late.

But a word to the wise, don't get cancer if you don't have good health insurance. Probably not a good idea to have a heart attack then neither, I am guessing.
Old 06-11-2022, 09:40 PM   #62
Dyscophus antongilii
I am happy you and Connie, are doing okay. I have some suggestions, I can give you, for your medical bills. But, I would prefer to PM them, to you. Assuming, you want the suggestions.
Old 06-12-2022, 01:10 AM   #63
Originally Posted by Dyscophus antongilii View Post
I am happy you and Connie, are doing okay. I have some suggestions, I can give you, for your medical bills. But, I would prefer to PM them, to you. Assuming, you want the suggestions.
I am not sure yet what will come of the medical bills. I am hoping insurance will cover most of it, but honestly, I just don't know. Never been in this sort of predicament before.

So thanks, but for now i am just going to wait and see what happens.

Connie is beginning to get some aches and pains from that shot she got on Thursday. It was something called "Zarxio, 480 mcg." Evidently to help build up white blood cells during the chemo treatment process.
Old 06-14-2022, 10:03 AM   #64
Will Bird
I am sorry to hear about this. I have two relatives battling cancer right now and many others who have already lost that battle. Hang in there Rich, and thank you for being here for all of us even during times like this. WIll
Old 06-15-2022, 12:51 AM   #65
Monday was kind of rough. Connie has been having her cough again, but this time I think it is from that shot she had on Thursday. Or perhaps just the "chemo cough" I have read about. Or maybe both.

I already had an appointment with with my primary care physician for a followup on my heart attack, and Connie felt she might have an upper respiratory infection and wanted to see her too. So we wound up going in together. I have to say that the PCP seemed a while lot more empathetic than I thought she would be. And I was surprised to learn she had worked 12 years as an ER nurse. I thought she was just some kid fresh out of med school. I think Connie felt a lot better about her too. Connie had a couple of throat swabs to test for a flu or cold, and also had a nasal swab done to test her yet again for COVID. The flu and cold tests came back negative, but haven't heard anything about the COVID test yet.

Today (Tuesday) was a bit better. Connie still has her cough, but she felt like it might be getting better. We have an appointment tomorrow (Wednesday) with the medical oncologist Connie has been wanting to see. She is also scheduled for blood work, and possibly another chemo treatment. Not sure why the chemo treatments (supposedly this Wednesday and next), because the original schedule called for 6 treatments of 3 drugs 3 weeks apart. This would put her having chemo every Wednesday for a month. She had the three chemo drugs this past Wednesday (06-08, which was one week late because of my heart attack the previous week) so not sure why the additional treatments. Getting a bit concerned when we see goal posts being moved around without anyone telling us WHY. But the surgeon/oncologist who did the surgery on Connie has seemingly been this way from the beginning. She will answer questions when asked, but if you don't know the right questions to ask, she won't volunteer any information. That is just getting a bit irritating now.

It was hot outside today, with rain moving in for the afternoon, so besides getting some groceries delivered early, we really didn't do much. At least now I get to take a hike down to the mailbox and back every day. The yellow flies seem to be on the way out, but I am seeing more mosquitoes coming in for their shift.

Oh yeah, my PCP told me that for 1 month after my heart attack I am in a danger zone where another heart attack is more likely. Great....
Old 06-15-2022, 08:56 PM   #66
Dyscophus antongilii
I hope all is going better today. I am not really and truly, sure what else is appropriate to say.
Old 06-16-2022, 12:49 PM   #67
I'm sorry to read of your ongoing dearth of info from Connie's surgical oncologist. My husband's had a lot of eye issues, and his surgical ophthalmologist is a lot like how you're describing Connie's person. He's super knowledgeable, extremely skilled in his field, and willing to answer questions but doesn't volunteer info, and if a person doesn't know what to ask they're not going to get answers. It's just unfortunate when patients and caregivers have to try and become their own expert.

Glad your yellow flies are abating. I HATE those things with a hatred reserved for them and fire ants and Lyme-disease-carrying deer ticks.

We are continuing to pray for Connie and for you.

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Old 06-16-2022, 03:48 PM   #68
Connie had an injection today, and while there we decided to change oncologist. That is the short version.

A friend of ours was there too (Debbie, with her husband Sam), who are both going through their own cancer difficulties. They both have Dr. Tetreault and think very highly of him. So we spent some time on the parking lot talking with Debbie.

We actually had an appointment early on Wednesday with Tetreault, kind of a consultation concerning possibly switching from Dr. Ellison to him. Honestly, he definitely wasn't selling himself. Matter of fact, we kind of got the impression that he was, if anything, underselling himself. But he said it was our decision, and it is not at all unusual for any patient to switch doctors. Sometimes rather often.

So while Connie was undergoing the chemo treatment, I decided to just go sit out on the parking lot in the jeep. While there, I was stewing over the new found information that Connie would be undergoing chemo every week now. Three chems one week, then two weeks of one chem each, then back to the three chems. 3 chems, 1 chem, 1 chem, 3chems, each week. And as far as I know, one shot of that Zarxio every Thursday to increase white blood cell counts. I sure didn't like the idea of there not being any break in the chemo so Connie's body could try to recover a bit. So I decided to text Dr. Ellison to see if there was some alternative treatment that could put Connie back on the chemo just once every 3 weeks. Well, that conversation took an interesting turn. Evidently Ellison thought we had an appointment with HER this morning instead of Tetreault, and the impression I got was that it irked her. I mentioned that we felt we wanted to talk with another oncologist, and we felt that we just were not getting information in a timely fashion concerning Connie's treatment changes. Ellison said that IF we had kept our appointment with her this morning, that would have been explained to us. Frankly, I didn't find that believable. We should have been informed about this at least a week ago when the change was thrown at us. Besides that, as for the appointment, we had on paper that we had an appointment with Tetreault, not Ellison. Matter of fact, the office called Connie Tuesday night to confirm that appointment with Tetreault. So yeah, that just gave me a very odd feeling about this person who had Connie's health (and possibly her life) in her hands.

BTW, I did show the text conversation to Debbie, just as a sanity check to make sure I wasn't coming on too strong, or being way out in right field concerning my interpretation of how that conversation went.

Then to top that off, Connie has been having a pretty severe cough for quite a long time, so the nurse in the infusion room suggested getting a prescription for something for that cough. So he forwarded the request to Ellison to call in a prescription for a cough medication. Ellison just bounced it back saying that Connie needed to see her primary care physician about it and obviously wasn't going to call in the prescription.

Well, that pretty much settled it in my book.

So, today after Connie's shot, while still on the parking lot we just talked it over about changing doctor's and just walked back into the facility (Florida Cancer Specialists), talked to the office manager and made the doctor change request official.

Will that make things better? Heck, I sure hope so. But suppose that Ellison is Tetreault's daughter or something?
Old 06-16-2022, 04:04 PM   #69
I am truly sorry that Connie and you have been going through doctor- induced difficulties. It is a sadly familiar position to me. From what you are saying, you have made the wise choice. Undergoing something as complex and serious as cancer treatment is challenging enough, prima facie. It's crucial to be able to trust the medical people in charge of one's care and a crucial part of that trust is clear communication. Sounds like you were getting the defensive, antagonistic run-around aimed more at guarding the doctor than at actually helping further the patient's/family's understanding. I've heard that tune. You did the right thing.

Sent from my SM-A716U1 using Tapatalk
Old 06-16-2022, 11:46 PM   #70
Well, interestingly enough, Connie got a phone call from Dr. Ellison this evening. Apparently to check in to see how she was doing. She has NEVER done that before.

And she also told Connie that the "tumor markers" being monitored had been reduced by 1,000% since the chemo treatments have started. Sure sounds like good news to me, but no idea what those "tumor markers" actually are. But heck, throw Connie and I some good news now and again. We sure could use it!

But does it seem just like a coincidence that Dr. Ellison called Connie this evening after what I said transpired above?

So I am not sure what is going on with that.

But if a puzzle comes with good news attached, heck, I will gladly take it.

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