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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 07-27-2004, 06:19 PM   #61
Does that mean that I should sell this female as a yellow belly?
Clearly she has some yellow (and even orange) on her belly that comes up her sides.

You an Geni seem to be the only ones who think labeling a snake as a proven morph to sell it is OK.
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Old 07-27-2004, 06:35 PM   #62
Yet again, you don't understand what I am saying. I'm saying calling a snake a "pastel." Notice the period there. Does not qualify it as a morph. Calling it a "pastel jungle," or a proven "pastel jungle morph," would.

Your snake does not have a yellow belly. It has yellow sides. YOu could certainly market it as such, and be fine. If you meant to imply it was a "yellow belly morph-which could produce all those really wierd things," then type all that out and avoid the confusion. The less descriptive your adjective(s), the more room you leave for translation.
Old 07-27-2004, 06:38 PM   #63

I *do* understand what you're saying. What I'm saying is that sellers who use the term "pastel" as an adjective are trying to imply proven morph, and yet be able to get off on a technicality when confronted with selling a normal animal. John Q. Public, with no morph knowledge, is likely to describe a pattern as "really light". However, when the word "pastel" is thrown around, JQP starts thinking that "really light" and "pastel" are the same. The fault is not with JQP, it's with sellers that try to affiliate beautifully colored normal animals with high priced proven genetic morphs.

Why is it that with snakes for which there is no "pastel" line, light colored animals are called just that: "light colored" or "light phase"? It's because there is no opportunity for more money by using the description of "pastel". Plain and simple.

I don't breed ball pythons any longer, and when I did, it was only normals. I don't think I qualify as a member of "the Brotherhood". I do think I'm qualified to call out a poor business practice when I see one, and I believe that's what this is about.
Old 07-27-2004, 06:59 PM   #64
Guys (and gals), I get your points too. What I'm saying is that the choice of "pastel" as the adjective is just piss-poor. As an example, I've used this before, but once more into the breech....

Mojave Ball...........what the F does that look like????

Cinnamon ball.......well I think I know what that might look like.

Pastel ball.....well pastels are light colors, so I guess a pastel ball would be a light colored one.

Mojave works-it brings no pictures to mind. If you didn't already know what a mojave ball was, you'd have to see one to know.

Cinnamon kinda works because cinnamon is a spice, and as such not really used as an adjective. Someone who knew nothing might be able to pick one out of a line-up, but probably couldn't describe one.

Pastel is an adjective describing a shade of colors. I can say "pastel _________ snake," and people who know enough to know what a _________ snake is, will start to form a picture in their brain. Hence JQP gets confused when we choose to use crappy adjectives.

If we simply go "pastel jungle morph," the pics don't form so easily.

You speak of "getting off on a technicality." Where are they getting off? No one posting on this forum was fooled into thinking that animal was a pastel jungle morph. Anyone who is interested in spending $750-2500 on a pastel jungle morph should know what one looks like, don't ya think. Getting off implied there are legal consequences to sales made on these animals. If that is what you are implying, and you think "pastel" will hold up in court, I think you're wrong. "Pastel Jungle Morph," yes. "Pastel," I doubt it.
Old 07-27-2004, 07:19 PM   #65
"Get off on a technicality" means that the term is being used to garner a high price for a normal by insinuating it's a morph to John Q., but when confronted with selling a normal at an inflated price while tossing around the word "pastel", the response is that they didn't say it was GENETIC. It's a loophole that too many unscrupulous people are using to get inflated prices for their animals.

When John Q. asks why this animal is $400 and not $85 like another one that he saw, he's told that it's because it's a "pastel". John Q. gets excited and pays the price. Now, if the seller had said it was $400 because it was "pretty", that most likely would not have resulted in a sale.

I do understand your point. I just believe that bad guys will find loopholes no matter what, and I don't think that having a reputable breeder say "pastel" instead of "Pastel Jungle Morph" is going to make it go away. It just requires the lovers of this hobby to continue to watchdog it, and continue to try to educate inexperienced buyers.

What else can ya do?
Old 07-27-2004, 07:21 PM   #66

man brian im sorry but u sound riduculous as all hell

if i see a nice ball python or a nice boa im not gonna say hey thats a nice pastel..............

im gonna say that ball or boa has some nice colors to it looks good

quit trying to think for the JOHN Q public and seriously get ur head outta that tiny hole behind you

you are making urself sound stupid im sorry but you are


so please get off it u sound stupid ..
Old 07-27-2004, 07:32 PM   #67
When John Q. asks why this animal is $400 and not $85 like another one that he saw, he's told that it's because it's a "pastel". John Q. gets excited and pays the price.
This implies that JQP knows that a "pastel" and Pastel jungle morph are the same thing. It implies that he understands the genetics. And it implies that he is willing to spend $400 on what he knows. No one here was fooled into buying that animal for $500. If it was a pastel jungle morph, it would have sold in 3 seconds. No one bit. JQP isn't going to bite either because no one is stupid enough to spend $400 on a snake they know nothing about. And if they are, is it really worth our time to protect them anyway?

I........ am doing no such thing. The people approaching my booths at all the shows I do, do often make that mistake, and I.... take the time to explain the difference. Unlike many of you who try to personally attack anyone who isn't on the same level of knowledge as you. I have no problem with you calling me stupid, knock yourself out. I'm out there 25 weekends a year, and I know what I hear.
Old 07-27-2004, 07:45 PM   #68
No one here was fooled into buying that animal for $500. If it was a pastel jungle morph, it would have sold in 3 seconds. No one bit. JQP isn't going to bite either because no one is stupid enough to spend $400 on a snake they know nothing about.
If you believe Geni's version, she traded nearly $3k worth of animals for this snake, and other vendors at a show agreed with her that it was that valuable. That's a problem for the industry as a whole.

If you don't believe Geni's version, and think she's trying to pass off a pretty little snake as a "pastel" to make some extra bucks, that's a problem for the industry as a whole as well.

Either way, this situation sucks.

And if they are, is it really worth our time to protect them anyway?
Yes. It's the right thing to do. I'm reminded of a quote, but can't remember who it is rightly attributed to: "Do good, and never mind to whom." There's a difference between stupidity, naivete, and inexperience. Regardless, I think it's worth the time to protect people from scams whenever possible.
Old 07-27-2004, 07:58 PM   #69
David Reid
LET ME get this straight

Pastel does not = Pastel Jungle, BUT

Yawl = Yall ??????
Old 07-27-2004, 08:03 PM   #70
David Reid

Y'all means you all, just like pastel means pastel jungle, just because you spell it yall and she spells it yawl, it means the same, just like pastel means pastel means pastel

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