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The Welcome Room & New Member Intros How about a place for new members to come on in, make an introduction, and meet the regulars? Talk about yourself or anything else that comes to mind, just to break the ice. Or just pull up a chair and make yourself at home for a spell.

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Old 10-24-2005, 12:36 AM   #61
Originally Posted by herp4fun
What works for you dont have to work for others.
Be nice if you could live the words you preach.
Old 10-24-2005, 12:45 AM   #62

Sasheena are you NOT seeing the PICTURE here? That is exactly what I am doing I do exactly what I preach. I live how I live. My lifestyle works perfect for me. Aint nothing in this world gonna hold me down! Im gonna elavate my mind with a nice rip of the kind. Jacob Walsh
Old 10-24-2005, 12:52 AM   #63

I do respect your right to do with your body as you see fit. It seems to me though as this thread has progressed you are now belittling those that do not tow the same line as yourself.

I am all for bestowing peace and love, alas, they do not feed my family. I do not need a hit of the "kush" to make that apparent to me.

Back in the day, when I was younger and dumber than I am right this moment, I felt as you do. I then watched as all my friends stopped growing mentally while I entered college and left those days behind. Every so often one or two of them will call to tell me their woes of repossessions or eviction hoping for help where, unfortunately, it cannot be given, at least to the extent they wish. Yet they still have their crutch, their "kush", and not much else. Aside from being illegal, it is expensive. To have their "kush" and an empty refrigerator inside their leaking abodes that will not be theirs much longer whilst their children cry in hunger seems to me a crime of unsurpassed enormity.

Perhaps your way will be different. I hope with all my heart so. But be careful on this path you have chosen and if a crossroads is reached where you must choose the "kush" or the welfare of a child I pray you will be the wise one in your choosing.
Old 10-24-2005, 01:05 AM   #64
I could be wrong... but so could you.

Amazing how this thread has progressed... First off whenever anyone willfully takes a chemical to alter their attention level or mood the act becomes arbitrary. So if you take that extra cup to get goin' after a rough night, puff on your cig or light up a bowl to calm down, or even take a lil extra nyquil to just not feel quite so ****ty -- you are committing to the notion that we need quick fixes to "deal." We are people and thus prone to err right? There will always be those who abuse...
Interrelating notions of pot being evil actually "fires me up!" This is a manifestation of a lack of personal responsibility! Pot isn't freakin' evil you tard! I am not belittling the experiences described but come on that was a horrible scenario not matter what. Isolating marijuana as the sole catalyst or worse cause is without insightl. You don't have to be sober to be an asshole. I admit that sometimes it (bud) deters me from having what I'd call a truly productive night. It does, however, from time to time allow me to loosen the shackles just long enough to entertain a viewpoint from a different paradigm... damned if I can remember an example right now
Marijuana like ummmm lets say Christianity isn't for everyone. I have some great friends that are as holy as alpine lace swiss. I have seen stupid people of all races and creeds lit up like a christmas tree fumbling around for the change to buy just one more blunt at 7 eleven... I'm pretty sure they were morons before being stoned and actually I'd admit that they can only be negatively impacted by any mind-altering drug. Ugh... Oh well I'm going to head back outside any enjoy the passing hurricane. Enough rhetoric for now.

"l'absurdite : c'est la presence ou indication du sense dans un univers de nonsense." Albert Camus
Old 10-24-2005, 01:06 AM   #65
so not true

Im not at all trying to belittle anyone that dont see things as I do or do the same things I do. That's what makes this life so nice is that everyone is diffrent. As for the care or starving cry of a child I dont even think that was needed to be said. That goes w/o saying. As I said I too am a student I work very hard for my $ My wife works very hard for her $. My children have nothing to do with this. It takes nothing away from them. Im not 1 of the burn out losers you ppl keep talking about that you hung with in college. I am a family man live in a nice faimly type neighborhood and own my own home. Yes I will say I am the oddball on the block I am heavily tatted live an xtreme lifestyle. All my bills are paid my ducks are in order,and yes I still have $ to by my "KUSH"
Jacob walsh
Old 10-24-2005, 01:25 AM   #66
Jacob, et al...

I wasn't trying to be insulting. I worry greatly about people, especially those with the same interests as myself. I did not mean to imply that you would do such a thing, I hoped that you would not. In my life I have seen many go down that road to their own detriment. I am not saying you will be one of them. Most of those were lost before they ever began, in that you are correct.

BTW, I was not implying that I was "smart" for going to college, it is just a time in my life where I too made a few decisions for myself and is used a "marker" of sorts, not as a bludgeon to beat people with. You don't have to go to college to be smart. My Hubby is the smartest man I know and he never went. I love him dearly and respect him all the more because he learned from life not some pedigreed sycophant.

I hope you take what I wrote as what it is worth, not a cut-down on you, just at the beginning, a perception of what impression I got from your last post before mine. If I was wrong in that impression I am happy to stand corrected.

How bout you do the "kush" and I'll drink a Pepsi? My lungs aren't what they used to be!

Oh, to cninfl: If you do not agree with me, that is your option, but I have been called many things; "tard" is not among them. Perhaps you need to brush up on your vocabulary? And nowhere did I mention pot was "evil". Have we reached the "paranoid" part of our high now? Go grab a box of Ho-Ho's, it'll make the bogeymen go away...
Old 10-24-2005, 01:33 AM   #67
It bothers me how people are associating poverty and neglect of self and family with stoners. There is a huge epidemic in our society, that I would be willing to bet is at the root of these senarios you are associating pot with, its called meth. All these free loaders on welfare," selling thier bodies for the stuff ", and so on have serious self worth issues and probably serious addictions.
I agree with Serpwidgets that "not producing anthing, living off the hard work of others does make one a loser". You must stop and realize that the birds of the air do not worry about food nor shelter, are we not much greater creations than these?
Not that we are not to work, I work very hard to support my wife and child also, but we cant let greed consume us. That is what I am trying to get at.

Breeding Chams and Smoking Grams
Tommy Lingren
Old 10-24-2005, 01:38 AM   #68
Arrow sounds like a plan

Maggie. Drink your pepsi I'll consume my Hydroponic herbs. Dont drink to much though I dont want you to get a buzz.. LOL. This has turned out into a debate,when all I asked was a simple ? I seem to have made some enemys by coming public with my lifestyle,and this thread. It was a logical ? after reading the thread about how reptile keepers get sterotyped into a certain look of being tatted or dressing a certain way, I asked this question because no one else did and it definitly applies to me and the herp community,because I speak from experiecne when I say I have sat in the circle passing around a nice fattie with some very well known names in this industry. Can we please not debate or argue? It's a simple ?

"It's only herbs the Dr. said"

Jacob Walsh
Old 10-24-2005, 01:45 AM   #69
Sounds like a plan...

I'll sit in your circle with you, but when the "fatty" gets to me, I'll have to pass! (Listening to old ladies cough probably is a very scary thing anyways!) I don't think it has turned into a debate as much as concern for your welfare, at least on my part. Forgiven?

I won't get a buzz off my Pepsi...but I may put something soothing in it!
Old 10-24-2005, 01:48 AM   #70
Enough. There will be NO promotion of illegal activities on this site. There will be consequenses for those that attempt to bring this up again.

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