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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 04-01-2004, 07:04 PM   #61
Glenn Bartley
I tried tom place an order with J.B. Enterprises about two weeks ago or so. The phone was answered on the third ring, but the lady who answered said the owners were not in. She took my info and said someone would call back in about 2 days (after the weekend). No one called back as far as I know - and I am not complaining about that - they probably have a lot of extra business lately from many of you guys.

What I do want to point out is that because they were not in when I called, and because I needed to get an order pretty quickly, I contacted wormman, who was my usual internet cricket supplier. I placed an online order for 1,000 crickets, 500 Superworms, and 250 waxworms. The order was shipped promptly and received when I expected. Instructions were relayed to the post office correctly to hold them at the postal facility until I could pick them up (which was the same day they came in). Surprisingly one box came from California and the other from Michigan. The surprise was not that they came from different areas, but that theya rrived together. The wax worms were in with the crickets in a deli cup.

When I opened the order, I was a bit disappointed to find that at least 1/2 or more of the crickets were dead. This was not good. As for the superworms, they were large meal worms, and the box was marked 500 LMW, not 500 SW. The wax worms were fine. To say I was disappointed was an understatement, especially after having given my support to wormman a quite a few times.

Well, I contacted wormamn.com by a lengthy email explaining the problem. I was not disappointed by the swift reply I received. I was told that the cricket order would be replaced as would the superworm order. I think there was a hint of skepticism about the superworm screwup, but nonetheless, the order was to be replaced.

I received the messed up order last week. Today I received my replacements. I was happy to see the crickets looked ok, with only a very few that were dead. Yes a very small amount were dead, but I expect that from anyone - I have never received an order with everyone alive from anyone, maybe that is because I get them priority instead of overnight - but I buy online to save money not too loose it on shipping for crickets. The Superworms were indeed Superworms this time, all were alive. To my delight I also found another 250 fat healthy waxworms included with the other replacements.

Now I realize that it would have been much better to have received my initial order to my satisfaction instead of having to get replacements; but I what I would like to point out here speaks directly at the initial topic of this thread: WORMAN'S CUSTOMER SERVICE is pretty impressive.. As far as I am concerned their customer service is on the excellent side of things when addressing a problem. Because it was so good I will now have some very fat frogs and lizards on my hands, and the neighborhood birds will likely get some handouts too.

I am still going to try an order of crickets from the place Joe keeps recommending, JB Enterprises. They sound great, and I guess it is good to have an alternate supplier just in case. It will be a little longer than I expected before I order from them because I now have more feeders than I expected with the meal worms and superworms, two orders of waxworms, and somewhat more crickets than a regular order. Oh well...

I have to say though, that at least for now, I am a pretty satisfied customer of worman.com. I will remain a wormman.com customer at least for now. Of course I am hopeful my next order will be received as ordered without a need for them to make amends, but I have to say that they did handle the situation courteously, and gave me more than I expected as for the replacement order, and did so quite swiftly. The minor inconvenience was just that, and the resolution of the problem was excellent.

Best regards,
Glenn B
Old 04-01-2004, 07:12 PM   #62
Glenn Bartley
Oh, if anyone wants to see the emails about my reporting the problems and the swift reply I received from Ken at wormman, let me know and I'll post them here - but first someone ahs to tell me how to do a screen shot. I know I need to hit print screen to copy a screen shot, but I have no clue how to transfer that to a post on these forums as when I try to paste it the paste option is not available.

Maybe wormman is improving as a result of feedback left here on the BOI. One can only hope that the BOI has such an effect on people when there have been problems with their services.

Best regards,
Glenn B
Old 04-01-2004, 08:21 PM   #63
Tom C
I know I need to hit print screen to copy a screen shot, but I have no clue how to transfer that to a post on these forums
Hold down your ALT button and then click print screen.

Open up windows Paint program and click on EDIT at the top left, then click paste.

You can now crop,stretch or skew the screen shot to which ever size fits best for you or the forum you are on..

When you are finished, just save the new size to a file folder and upload.

Tom C
Old 04-01-2004, 08:53 PM   #64
Glenn Bartley
Ok I got all that about how to copy and save it, but then upload it. That means I have to put it ontot he internet somehere such as in my FTP space in order to get an adress http://whatever. For me that would be on AOL in my FTP space, whcih is currently full. Isn't there an easier way to upload it directly from my pc to fauna?

Old 04-01-2004, 10:13 PM   #65
Glenn Bartley
I hope this works...

...right the first time because this was a bit of a pain in the butt to upload before I got it right. Well here goes. The first is my email to wormman complaining about the condition of a recent feeder shipment I received from them. The second is the reply from Ken at wormman. You cannot see my whole email because that is all that fit into the email screen as I scrolled down on it. You can get the idea though, because all of the meaty stuff is there. You do see all of wormman's reply to me because he writes in fewer words than I. Please note I was able to copy the header of each email. The headers show the date and time of the emails. Pretty quick turn around if you ask me. Maybe I just caught him at the right time, or maybe their customer service is not all that horrible (and if it had been horrible maybe it is improving). Well anyway, it was his actions to correct the problem that did it for me and kept me as a wormman customer; hopefully next time the order will be A-OK from the get go...

Oh well, here are the emails:

<br><img src="http://members.aol.com/gbarthgwt/wormman.jpg"><br>

Best regards,
Glenn B
Old 04-02-2004, 10:15 AM   #66

I am very happy for you, that they have taken care of problems, and are treating you like they value your business,, and i hope you continue to get good service from them,,,,,
But that still does not detract from the fact that after 14 phone calls,,( proof provided) and countless emails,, only after i filed a complaint with paypal did they respond to the problems with my order...
Also based on the fact there are as many people who swear at them,, as swear by them, i can't see how anyone would want to continue to do business with them,,, I mean its like Forest Gump said: "Life is like a box of chocolates,You never know what you are gonna get" For those who do get good service from Wormman,, more power to you,, and i am glad they think enough of you to do you right,,, but my dealings with wormman speak for themselves,, and Ken from Wormman,, was to Sorry to even come here, and Apologize, or even provide reasoning for what happened with my dealings with them,,,, Hell he was to Sorry to even come here with any info what so ever!
Wormman in my opinion is a company who does not value their customers and has shown it time and time again!
The proof has been provided, and the facts speak for themselves! Wormman you should be Ashamed to call what you do a Business,,,,
Old 04-02-2004, 05:49 PM   #67
Glenn Bartley

As for Ken coming to the BOI to apologize or to take up a stance in this thread, well that is his choice. I can fully understand why a dealer would not come here to post whether or not they were right, wrong, indifferent or making an apology. The pissing matches that sometimes ensue would probably not be worth the headaches that would accompany them. You seem to think he should apologize to you in public; I would not expect an apology in a public forum if someone did not wrong me in public but that is just my opinion. I would expect him to apologize to you in private as he did with me, and then to make amends. If he has not done that, I cannot explain it and am really rather surprised. I am not dooubtful of you at all, but honestly surprised because that is not the wormman with whom I am familiar. I don't blame you at all for looking elsewhere for your feeders.

Now as for that Forest Gump baloney: Just about whatever I get out of a box of chocolates would be ok by me as I am a chocolate freak at times. I think, knowing how you feel about wormman, the better saying regarding your feelings for their business practces would be:
Life is NOT like a box of chocolates. Life is like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today may burn your ass tomorrow. (Anon.)
My guess is that wormman's butt is getting fried, figuratively speaking, with regard to his business practices of times not too long ago; however: I still think maybe that what you did by posting a bad guy post about him may have had a good effect. It is possible he is making efforts to improve because of the negative feedback. Hopefully that is the case, and if it is then you did a good thing. Of course that does not mean you have to buy from him, and I don't blame you for not doing so, I would probably do the same in your place.

In answer as to why someone would do business with him after reading your thread, well I have not had any big problems with him, and have gotten pretty darned good service from him. When there were minor problems, he corrected them in a big way. So I decided to remain loyal. That is it in a nutshell. Please don't take it personally, my remaining a customer of wormman in no way reflects upon you or what you posted, but only on that which has transpired between wormman and myself in our business dealings. I just wanted to let people see one of the other facets of the story.

By the way, I will truly try JB Enterprises, but it will have to wait a bit with all the feeders I now have. I'll let you know what I think when I order from them, but I expect it will be a good thing.

Best wishes,
Glenn B
Old 04-02-2004, 11:19 PM   #68
Hey Glenn,,,
Like i said in my last post,, if Ken at Wormman is doing better that is great,,, I hope he is doing people better than he did me,, ( as i don't know anyone who woudl stand for it) ... Also just to set the record straight and make it crystal clear,, i have never gotten any response form Ken in any shape fashion or form,,, not by email,, not by phone and not by snail mail,,, Not an apology,, not even an excuse as to what happened,,, As far as you saying a "pissing match" would ensue,,,, Well my line of thinking is do people right and you never have to worry about a pissing match,, I guess what really got my goat about these people is very simple,,, They sold me subpar feeders, an incomplete order,, many many DOAs and then took a hell of a long time to replace them,,, and when they did,, they were 100% DOA,,, and after 14 calls and numerous emails they did not want to handle it until i got paypal involved! that is what really pissed me off! I am not looking for an apology,,, As that is worth very little to me from someone like Wormman,, since i know it would only be lip service,,,
But what i am gonna do is tell everyone i come in contact with,, and make it loud and clear how Wormman Treated me,,, I will not forget it,, and i will make sure anyone who has intrest will know to steer clear of Wormman and there business practices!

After saying all that Glenn,, i am happy you are getting what you feel like is good service,, and right now i am very happy with my feeder comapny of choice,, and I guess the best thing about the country is "to each their own"... Also i don't look at any of this as personal,,, as this is just business,, But one thig no one can dispute,, is that the way i was treated was nothing short of disgraceful,,, and i have provided all the facts to back up my claims,,, and Wormman must agree with everything as he has never come here to refute any facts as they were stated,,, ( i never figured he would as he did not have a leg to stand on anyway) ....
I am not gonna post in the other Thread started about wormman being "good" as i don't think it would prove any point past what has been said in this thread,, and why rehash the same thing in another place,,,,
Glenn,,, Good luck with wormman,, and i hope you have nothing but great feeders from them,,,,
Old 04-03-2004, 12:59 AM   #69
Glenn Bartley

I did not mean to inmply that you would have created a pissing match, just that it seems to happen on the BOI all too often, and many dealers probably don't want to get involved - so maybe that was why no reply on the BOI. I had thought, for some reason though, that he had apologized or made amends to you. I guess I remembered wrong. Wow that really does stink - no apology at all, no amends at all. I fully understand why you are upset over all of this; I would feel the same way under those circumstances.

I have to say: It almost seems as if we are dealing with two dfferent people at worman. Either wormman gets really good or really horrible reviews from almost everyone posting. Like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde - go figure...

Oh well, you seem to have found an excellent source on your end and that is always a good thing. Thats the good thing about competition - when someone displeases you, there is usually someone else waititng to make you happy.

Have a good one,
Glenn B

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