Bad Guy Beware of Jerry Kruse - Page 79 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 04-20-2012, 04:25 AM   #781
Mitchell Mulks
Your explanations are devoid of fact and logic.

I think too many lies have been told, and as a result, Jerry, you've lost track of what you've said in the past and where you've said it. I think the best thing for everyone is to simply break down why this entire Mjay thing makes no logical sense, and is riddled with holes.

First, you have 'openly' admitted to making all of Mjay's previous posts, with exception to Mjay's supposed last post. Of course your admission to doing so came only after the moderators showed how all of Mjay's ip addresses matched your's exactly. You told everyone that the reason you did this was because of the following:

He asked me to reply for him using HIS photos and HIS texts as he is not able to get onto his PC. Bottom line is that he wanted to reply but did not have the ability to do so, therefore I assisted him in doing just that. Had I not helped him he would have never made any kind of response at all, which is what everyone had wanted to see. So, I helped him in doing so. I am NOT him, and I wish he was able to get onto his computer (which has been down for some time from what he has told me) so that this can be disspelled. Nothing more I can say on that except those were HIS photos and HIS exact texts to me that were copied/pasted so that he could make a good faith effort in responding. Sorry if it seems I "created" him, but that is NOT factual at all. Our writing style and grammar are very different & I could not write like him if I tried.
I just want to be clear that the above are your (Jerry) words, and that you stated you simply copied/pasted his exact texts and photos.

The first of many problems regarding the credibility of your story is something Joe mentioned a bit ago. If you were simply copying and pasting exactly what Matt was sending to you, then the following posts you made on his behalf have no logical bearing in our universe. Below are a series of posts 'Mjay' made when 'he' made his first appearance.


i cant speak on others experiences,but as a neutral party just wanted to show pics of my anery multicincta produced by jerry kruse last year. must say im completely satisfied. they all super healthy, eating like pigs,and growing like weeds. first pic is from day i got them to compare to new recent pics.

thanks, matt
trying to post pics.must be doin something wrong. sorry! any advice to get them up here?
tried that.says the photo is too large and i have to resize. not sure how to do that.
Alright, now here's where your lies just trip all over themselves.

1. This was a series of posts made my 'Mjay' involving a back-and-forth with another forum member. If he had no access to his computer, how would he be able to know how to respond to her? Please don't say he had access via his phone, because if he did, then it doesn't begin to explain why he simply couldn't have made these posts himself, or why the language he uses demonstrates an attempt on his part to upload photos that are supposed to be on his computer, NOT his phone.

2. Why in the world would he even try to post photos on a computer that wasn't working to begin with?

3. Why would you simply copy and paste such a feeble and futile attempt by 'Mjay', when you know how to post pictures and you could eliminate this pointless "I don't know how to post pictures ordeal". Furthermore, it makes even less sense that you wouldn't just post the photos for him, instead of posting his inability to post a picture, seeing as how his photos would be critical evidence that would support you being such a good guy. It appears that your need to create a character such as 'Mjay', someone who needed to be mentally your inferior, was a much greater need than the need to keep your lies in order. Like I said, your explanation of why 'Mjay' needed you to register him and to post for him lacks any logic or credibility.

From what I can gather, it appears that Stu purchased his snakes from you around mid-December. Below is a photo you posted over at on the 13th of October. You stated that the picture was two days old.

You included the following text along with the photo:

I sure am going to miss these aneries and hets once they are gone, which they are just a few weeks away from making their way to their new homes and are WELL-STARTED little buggers.
So, it sounds like the earliest ANY of the snakes from this clutch left your house was the beginning of November. So, seeing as how the above photo of a HIGHLY melanistic snake was taken on October 11th, and the earliest any of the same hatchlings would leave your house would be almost a month later, how do you explain the appearance of the hatchling below? I want you to pay very careful attention to how little melanin exists on this animal. The reason this animal is lacking so little melanin is because this is a picture of the animal right after it's first know, back in August. But there's a problem with the timeline here. Do you know why? It's because the photo below was supposedly posted by 'Mjay' right after he received it from you.

He (sorry, I meant you, remember, because you were simply copying and pasting all of his photos and text exactly as he sent it to you) also included the following text along with the photo:

ok it is the anery male when first got him.
He then went on to post a progression know, as 'his' snakes aged after he purchased them from you.

'Mjay' also included he following text with the photo above:

last pic. heres the most recent pic.
Once again, if it isn't evident for you after all of the photos and associated text, I'll point out where you tripped over your own fabricated lies.

When you posted your photo over at on October 11th, you had yet to move ANY of the hatchlings out of your possession (your own words). Yet, the picture 'Mjay' gave you to post of his hatchling when he first got him from you is completely inconsistent with the picture you posted on October 11th. The one 'Mjay' posted is a hatchling, not a two-month-old snake. You got sloppy Jerry, and simply forgot you had already posted a recent picture of your 2-month anerys over at When it came time to show 'Mjay's' snakes, you wanted to show people that 'Mjay' had had them for a bit of time, so you included a picture of a hatchling anery and one that was heavily melanized (how the animal should have looked when first sent to 'Mjay'). But in the process of doing so you forgot about your picture that would show that if 'Mjay' really existed, and if he really purchased an anery from you, then it should have been at least as melanized as the ones in your October 11th photo when he first received it. You tripped over your own lie in your rush to fabricate someone who could vouch for the health of the siblings to Stu's snakes. In an attempt to cover up a real health issue concerning hatchlings you sold to a customer (Stu), you quickly and sloppily fabricated 'Mjay'. The most troubling and sad part of all of this is that there really was an issue with Stu's snakes, but you purposefully attempted to dismiss and discredit Stu's problems by lying about 'Mjay'.

All of your mistakes are listed above, clear as day for all to see. Your explanations for 'Mjay's' existence and how this whole ordeal has played out lack merit and logic. I've done nothing but point out the stunning inconsistencies and errors in your story, using your's and Mjay's (your) own words and photos. 'Mjay's' initial behavior regarding his inability to post photos makes absolutely no sense; none at all. Furthermore, your copy/paste explanation regarding 'Mjay's' technological deficiencies and why you allowed it to play out the way it did, is equally asinine.

Jerry, before you respond to me like you always do about how I 'have an ax to grind', or with one of your other normal quips regarding my personality disfunction, you should REALLY take the time to examine your own behavior first. You are a trained and licensed psychologist for the State of New York. You've supposedly been trained to recognize individuals with mental disorders and personality problems. Before you attack me for using your own mistakes to point out your lies, maybe you should take the time to diagnose your own behavior. Would your psychological peers think your behavior odd or worrisome? How would they diagnose your pathological need to lie? Would they become even more concerned over your creation and fabrication of another person? Enough is enough Jerry, stop blaming others for your mistakes. No one is making up lies to take you down, as it's your own mistakes, lies, and loose grip on reality that has led all of us to shake our heads at this whole 'Mjay' disgrace. Re-read all the facts I've listed above. If you find yourself upset at the end of it, embarrassed and red-faced, just remember that everything you read that put you in that mental state were YOUR OWN WORDS.

What would those that employ you think of this whole thread?

Old 04-20-2012, 07:43 AM   #782
If the BOI had a Hall of Fame thread, this would be one for the books. Amazing read and thanks to all.
Old 04-20-2012, 12:56 PM   #783
Allan Bartlett
Game, set, match. Awesome post Mitch.
Old 04-20-2012, 02:15 PM   #784
OMG. Mitch, I am glad you brought up the whole "I cant post these pics, can anyone help" bit. I think some folks did not get what I meant when I brought that up earlier. MAKES NO SENSE whatsoever. The pics and the timeline I did not see, but very few would. Glad you caught that and showed everyone how JFIB, I mean Mjay, I mean Jerry, was at it again. There are those that are going to say we are beating a dead horse here, but this horse will get up and try to trample more customers. I am glad Stu finally got his money back, and that was PART of what the thread accomplished. I say part because folks need to know what kind of person they are dealing with when they go into a business transaction with someone, and that TOO is what the BOI accomplishes. THANK YOU BOI AND IT"S CREATOR.

Old 04-20-2012, 03:12 PM   #785
Mitchell Mulks
One last issue

One last thing that was brought to my attention by Joe. Jerry, the animal pictured below, you know, the one that 'Mjay' took a photo of when he first received his snake from isn't fat because it just ate a pinky; it's fat because that is all the yolk reserve zonata and many other snakes have immediately following hatching. Please, take the time to look at how large of an error you made when you used this photo when posing as 'Mjay'.

Remember, you said yourself that with Stu's animals you had them for 4.5 months, and 'Mjay' didn't get his much sooner. Below are your own words from the post:

I sure am going to miss these aneries and hets once they are gone, which they are just a few weeks away from making their way to their new homes and are WELL-STARTED little buggers.
Jerry, how in the world is a hatchling snake, devoid of a heavily melanized pattern, and stuffed with yolk reserves, a WELL-STARTED little bugger? There is simply no way that the animal 'Mjay' posted, photographed by him directly after receiving it from you, is legitimate. Your lies have become so perverse that it's pretty much unnecessary for me to even have to point out your obvious missteps, as I think any half-educated person would blindly trip over your many miscalculations and lies.

For everyone who has taken the time to read this entire thread, it's this type of deceitful behavior by Jerry that heavily influenced my decision to excise him from my life several years ago. While it's been a very unfortunate turn of events for Stu and many others that have bought non-pure stock from Jerry that was sold as pure ('martir' and 'San Mateo' snakes), i'm pleased to know that I absolutely made the right decision distancing myself from Jerry.
Old 04-20-2012, 04:24 PM   #786
The scariest part of this, to me, is that Jerry Kruse is a licensed psychologist. Jerry, I really do think you need help.
Old 04-20-2012, 05:48 PM   #787
While we're at it. What was that guys name on the west coast who got in trouble for smuggling Todos Island kings? That would obviously be a zonata guy to stay away from.
Old 04-20-2012, 05:52 PM   #788
Originally Posted by rattler View Post
While we're at it. What was that guys name on the west coast who got in trouble for smuggling Todos Island kings? That would obviously be a zonata guy to stay away from.
This thread is about Jerry Kruse, discussion of other people needs to be done in a separate BOI thread
Old 04-20-2012, 07:00 PM   #789
Will do. ��
Old 04-20-2012, 07:30 PM   #790
Captive Bred Excellence
Wow! It's amazing the lengths you have went to Jerry to cover up the truth. Great work by the BOI members taking their time to sift through all the bs and get to the truth. Good to hear you got your money back Stu, sure you didn't need all the stress, it certainly must have put a damper on you enjoying your collection.

Tad Fitzgerald

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