Jeane Best- River City Reptiles (Bad Guy) - Page 8 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 06-21-2008, 11:16 PM   #71
Originally Posted by Chameleon Company
To debate with a fool such as you is an enormous waste of anyone's time. For those that think your contributions rate serious debate, that debate is only whether you are either dumb as a stump, or stupid as shnit. Let that debate rage. You are as before, a horse's ass.

I thank you for applauding my contributions elsewhere. With your blinders on, you fail to notice that many objective posters here. who can out-think you in your sleep, have also conveyed a lack of empathy for Nicole's veracity. Eliminate my posts here competely, and Nicole is still the demonstrated liar. And you the ass. Pathetic.

Again you fail to come up with an argument, only insults. Are you just a one trick pony? My pointing out Jeane's past history at the beginning of this thread would have been my only post, telling the girl she made a mistake dealing with a highly questionable person. For this I am labeled stupid? What blinders am I wearing Jim? I have noticed the objective postetrs, unfortunately you are not one of them. Did I not just state that Nicole's complaint was weak, basically with out merit? Your attempts to belittle me for my opinion is quite laughable.

With your blinders on, you fail to notice that many objective posters here. who can out-think you in your sleep, have also conveyed a lack of empathy for Nicole's veracity
I would hope I could be out thought in my sleep! Have you been drinking tonight, Jimmy? Save the insults for the troglodytes. Try to come back with something of substance, maybe the truth of your involvement.
Old 06-21-2008, 11:24 PM   #72
Here's my 2 cents (yes I am adding it whether you want it or not ).
Jeanne Best has a very bad reputation BUT in this case, she (from what I can gather) is only guilty of bad communication.
If she ignored you during the guarentee period, shame on her, however, this does not excuse the fact that Nicole bred a dragon that she determined to be unhealthy. Breeding a sick dragon (or any herp for that matter) could cause death.

The fact that you felt the animal was sick, did not seek treatment for it when Jeane stopped contact, and bred the animal, IMO, makes Nicole guilty of the death of this animal.

I can understand Nicole being mad about how the deal went and the lack of communication but Jeane had nothing to do with the decision to breed a sick beardy and not seek a vet help.

As much as I think Jeane and her daughter are nothing more than scam artists, I cannot place the blame on her for this.

IMO, breeding the animal without vet care hastened it's death.
Old 06-21-2008, 11:31 PM   #73
Dennis Hultman
Nicole private messaged me to state that she has been trying to post here but cannot. That she is receiving a forbidden error. Just want to make sure she knows that she isn't banned or being prevented to post here in case she is having problems opening her messages as well. It must be on your end Nicole.

Close your browser, clear your cookies then try again.

Old 06-21-2008, 11:42 PM   #74
Originally Posted by captnemo
It seems Jim only got a bit...well...less than gentlemanly when he asked for any type of proof as to the claims made by Nicole and was all but accused of being in bed with this family. Proof that, to date, is missing, absent, nowhere to be found. Yet, people have gone out of their way to take their jabs at their past and their character.

Has Nicole simply thrown out a big smoke bomb and run away while Jim takes the heat for asking for some proof (along with some others)? Was it the intent to create a baseless accusation which could lead to a multi-page which hunt that most will not bother to wade through only to see that the seller (sorry, I forgot her name...which is actually my point) is not even the focus of the thread any longer? Yeah...I know...not likely!

I'm not suggesting any conspiracy here (just playing Devil's advocate), but exactly why was Nicole not required by the majority of posters to post any proof? Why isn't everyone jumping on THAT bandwagon? I know there have been a few, but when it bcomes clear that Nicole's story doesn't jive, why are people still looking to hang the seller (sorry still forget her name).

Oh and Jim...that last post made you hard to defend (I know...not that you really need it).

Post 611 0n page 123 of the above thread

Originally Posted by Wilomn
Yo, jimbo, and I mean chamco NOT JimO, I'm curious about one thing.

Where did you see that there was a size listed, a weight given, a measurment used, other than hatchling, to describe these geckos?

I may well have missed it, but I can't recall any other word. You seem to base much of your "point of view" on this barest shred of a possibility that Erik was in the wrong.

Now, and this has been bugging me for a while but, since you yourself have violated your own request, I'm going to go forward with this.

I HATE the pm game. I don't play it. Folks send me pms, rarely, and rarely, I reply. I figure if I want to say something, I'll do it in public and not behind someones back, which is really all a pm of the nature of the on to follow is, talking behind SOMEONES back. Who that someone(s) is, is entirely up to you, the Faithful Fauna Readers.

Chameleon Company
Contributing Member

Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Florida
Age: 51
Posts: 1,326
Name : Jim Flaherty

Trader Rating: (5)

Warning Level: 3 Hey Wes,


Despite my public posts, you are still a talented gent. You just piss it away too often. You would be accurate to allege equivelent urination on my part.

I still thank you for fronting up to Timmy as you did. I don't wear an ankle bracelet, and have turned my ringer off for years, especially as I include my phone number in so many of my ads. I got my load of early AM phone messages last night, all politely asking if I was retailing Wendy's gecko's for her. Same phone cards as Wendy was getting. I also have a ton of info on Timmy now, as I spent a few shekals today storing ammo. Its him. I am hoping it will fade. He is unaware of the extent to which he has been pegged, except that he seems smart enough to not threaten injury.

This is confidential. I traded notes with Wendy before the thread started, first time I had heard from her in about 2-3 months. My notes, and phone conversation with her today, have all emphasized that she needs to stop the lying, exageratiing, BS' ing, etc. I've been a broken record on it for months. I can't make chicken salad from chicken shit. If I never heard from her again, I don't lose a wink of sleep. I probably gain a few. Been that way from the beginning. My exchanges with her are only every 6-8 weeks. I also think she is about to do 22 months hard time.

You and I don't agree on this, but I am also solid in my belief that Erik handled this poorly, and no one currently out there has put up anything to dissuade me. Not that he owed them anything material, for he may not have decided that, even after a few days. But he burned the bridge right away. I have to respect all views that Wendy and/or Jeane are scumbags, although I don't necessarily share that characterization.

Happy trails. If I ever finally listen to that inner soul, I'll shit Fauna out of my system and get onto a thousand better things for the time wasted here. Whatever else you have going on, I hope its working out. Your reputation in the business is pretty damn stand-up. Thanks again.

Jim Flaherty; The Chameleon Company LLC;
An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never yet existed .... Thomas Jefferson

Don't bother PMing me again, I don't hold with this type of two faced bullshit.

I wonder how many of The Faithful Fauna Readers have gotten PMs from jimbo, ie chamco, over the months that were of just this sort, kind of kissing ass but not really but sort of more than not.

Whether she's your whore or not makes not a bit of difference. The fact that she IS a whore also makes not a bit of difference. Personally, I've known my share of strippers and movie makers and most of them were pretty messed up, not all, but most. It goes to CHARACTER. IF you are willing to lie or cheat or steal or discriminate based on colour, you are not a good person. IF you defend those who lie or cheat or steal or discriminate based solely on colour, YOU are associating with them and YOU are known by that association.

Had wendy simply been a whore/stipper/liar/nutjob that had been taken advantage of intead of a scumbag theif that got caught, I'd be all over Erik too.

The facts are, the person YOU defend so much so often jimbo, is a piece of crap. We'd all be better off if when she went to jail AGAIN, she stayed for the rest of froever.

Erik stuck to his guns and did as he should.

Had she been there to recieve that package, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO NEED TO PUT IN A COLD PACK.

IF there was no need for a cold pack, WHY should he take the chance of putting one in?

It's ALL on your friend jimbo, your whore, as it were, since you're the ONLY one standing by her side here.

Does my post count REALLY intimidate you to such an extent that you must make such poor sport of it by PRETENDING to mock it?

I had no idea MY opinion meant so much to you. Ahhhh, if only I cared what you thought that would mean so much to me. Alas, I care not so it matters not and them's the breaks, jimbo, them's the breaks.

As you would see if you can wade through the first sixty pages or so, that Jim has some sort of hidden relationship with ol' Jeane and her daughter. If you have nothing better to do read the entire thread. It may be the most entertaining in a train wreck sort of way thread ever posted on this site.
Old 06-22-2008, 12:11 AM   #75
You should all be ashamed of yourselves, every damn one of you!

Nichole you know darn good and well that your vet never said that dragon was sick for at least a yr and that Jeane has emailed you more then once or twice in the last week.
You also know she got Rascal from that kook breeder in North Idaho when she sold ALL her stock to Jeane, most of which Jeane resold fairly cheap just to move them out due to a lack of space not because he was sick. I had seen him before you bought him, he was healthy and fat.

All you bringing up Wendy, grow up, she has nothing to do with this. If you weren't so darn stubborn and righteous you would realize that all the crap that happened with River City Reptiles in the past was Wendy's doing, Jeane had nothing to do with it. I suppose none of you business people have never had a partner screw you over?
Jeane would love to "clear" her name but you will never allow it so why should she even try?

Jim, I don't know you but Jeane and my mother have nothing but good to say about you. Don't lower yourself to the level of the cretins who like drag people through the mud, it doesn't help the cause at all.

I've gotten multiple animals from Jeane over the yrs and have been happy with all of them. I currently have a beautiful baby dragon who is happy and healthy.

To those of you who have stayed polite and reasonable, thank you, its much appreciated.
Old 06-22-2008, 12:45 AM   #76
[quote=HerpOlyAs you would see if you can wade through the first sixty pages or so, that Jim has some sort of hidden relationship with ol' Jeane and her daughter. If you have nothing better to do read the entire thread. It may be the most entertaining in a train wreck sort of way thread ever posted on this site.[/QUOTE]

To be clear, we've never met. Now, let's say we're buddies. Let's also say the entire BOI community thinks you're scum (not the case, this is hypothetical only). If Jim makes a claim that you screwed him, does our relationship proclude me from asking him to post some proof?

Also, most people aren't going to wade through such a long thread. Jeane's portrayed as a "bad guy", and then there's 1/2 a dozen pages of jabs because Jim asked Nicole for proof. What happens if/when Jeane produces documentation saying the deal was over a year ago, and Nicole still has no proof?

The BOI stands on proof, first and foremost, which is why I started coming her. I was asked for it when needed, and so is everyone that posts here.
Old 06-22-2008, 03:37 AM   #77
Originally Posted by HerpOly
As you would see if you can wade through the first sixty pages or so, that Jim has some sort of hidden relationship with ol' Jeane and her daughter. If you have nothing better to do read the entire thread. It may be the most entertaining in a train wreck sort of way thread ever posted on this site.

Tim, I've actually read that entire thread, and I can say with a great degree of certainty that nothing you have to say to Jim about his "relationship" with Wendy hasn't already been said, either in public or private. That particular subject has been discussed ad nauseam.

That subject is also completely irrelevant to this thread.

And no amount of attacks on Jim's character will change the simple fact that the OP of this thread has yet to produce a single, credible shred of evidence that makes Jeanne a "Bad Guy" in this particular situation, nor does her own version of events have any logical coherency.

So let's try to focus on the real issue here, shall we?

Where are the emails with time stamps that validate the OP's claims.

Where is the Vet report stating that the dragon in question actually had cancer?

Why wasn't a necropsy done?

And how, exactly, is Jeanne responsible for the death of an animal that was in the OP's care for six months? and was put down 177 days (at the minimum) after her TOS health guarantee elapsed?
Old 06-22-2008, 09:32 AM   #78
Look, my only points have been that Jeane Best has been ethically challenged in the past, and why would it be expected that this has changed. I also made the point it would not surprise me that Jeane simply ignored Nicole when she got the animal, knowing that there it was not a healthy animal. A high end dragon that was apparently sold under value.

We recieved Rascal, what a handsome healthy boy Thankyou!

Nice facilties we are in the process of building stackable tanks right now to give us more room. Thankyou for letting me purchase Rascal we are excited to know we are adding such a lovely male to our breeding group.

From Jeane's own guest book, so this should take out of question when the dragon changed hands.

Originally Posted by HerpOly
Nicol, were is the nasty email Jeane allegedly sent you last night? You have at least that email with header to post, don't you? The old emails without headers are completely meaningless, and offer zero proof.
This is where I question Nicole yesterday, after she produces no evidence. She hasn't even produced the email sent to her on Friday night, which would add a small bit of credibility to her claims

All my other responses have been retorts to the personal insults thrown at me by Jim because I believed Nicole's story was plausible, and based on Jeane's past history, close to probable. Jeane has not been here to defend herself, but instead communicates with Jim, who in the past has been the spin doctor that distracts attention from the story by attacking others that believe there is a foul odor in Jeane's dealings. Am I to suffer Jim's insults, and attempts to degrade me without response? Is it wrong to question his motivation in his actions against me for sharing my take on a particular situation at a given time point? I have not attacked Jim's character as you have claimed, merely questioned it, which does not seem unreasonable, considering the unprovoked venom in his postings towards me.
Old 06-22-2008, 10:10 AM   #79
Originally Posted by HerpOly
Am I to suffer Jim's insults, and attempts to degrade me without response?
Yes, you are, because if you react (as you have) he achieves his goal of distracting you from the relevant topic at hand.

I have not attacked Jim's character as you have claimed, merely questioned it, which does not seem unreasonable, considering the unprovoked venom in his postings towards me.
I'm sorry, I was not speaking of you specifically at that point, rather the membership in general, which in the past questioned Jim's character in regards to this matter. My apologies for the confusion.
Old 06-22-2008, 10:20 AM   #80

I think any objective person understands where you are coming from. Jeane has had plenty of questionable deals on her own in the past (and no, I am not talking about the deal that started this thread at all) that had nothing to do with her daughter or her previous partnership with her daughter. Her less than stellar reputation was well earned by her and her alone. Again, any objective person sees that.

So save yourself some aggravation and stop the back and forth with Jim. It aint going to change his perspective about Jeane, nor is Jim going to change you perspective about Jeane or the perspective of countless others out here who see Jeane as a less than honest person to business with.

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