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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 02-27-2007, 08:44 PM   #71
Chameleon Company
Yup. Wes is sure holding his head high.
Old 02-27-2007, 08:47 PM   #72
Originally Posted by mcgrath5860
I am not real sure why you would not be tempted UNTIL NOW. Could it be I actually asked questions that may need to be answered? May shed light on a bigger problem? May actually give us lowly members and actual account of what the moderators are doing or what they may not be doing? How many threads are there on this site that we need such heavy moderation on one or two threads that have large viewer response? Or does it just come back to what I have always said in the beginning. Bloody waters bring plenty of sharks
You didn't ask questions that need to be answered; you asked questions that are absolutely irrelevant to any complaints you are bringing up, and I can't for the life of me figure out where your mind is that you think Rich should be keeping track of who's viewing what threads. Get real!!!

Of course those mods are here reading this thread; just like you and me. Not only is it a popular thread right now, it has many replies and as such, it shows up on the "New Posts" page from these new replies. Logistically, it will be opened many times because of that. Is that really hard to figure out? Refer to the base word in 'logistically.'

Not only is it LOGICAL for these mods to be opening the thread because it is popular right now, but it is LOGICAL for these same mods to open the thread simply because they were regularly posting, active board members long before they had the mod status. It's a no-brainer!

As much as I voiced my opinion when this transition first happened, and even though I ragged on Rich in the extreme, you are barking up the wrong tree on this one. It is close to insanity to think that views should be monitored for anything other than total count.
Old 02-27-2007, 08:55 PM   #73
Gee, and here I was thinking that virtual time clocks on each thread that everyone would have to "punch" would be a nifty idea..... Not!
Old 02-27-2007, 09:00 PM   #74
Originally Posted by DaveyFig
Wes, I know you aren't saying it, but to me (and I am only speaking for myself)...Man, it is hard to type a response to someone who is going to tip toe and twist everything you say...Anyway, back on track, It sounds like you might be implying that you disrespect people (I know you only speak respectfully when you think someone deserves it) as part of a game. You are doing it, not for the thrill of the hunt, but to watch someone you feel is beneath you chase you. Fun Times!
Seriously though, if the new "mods" can only ding you once a day, how much "hunting and sniffing" really has to be done to find you belittling someone, Antagonizing someone, using profanity or otherwise being Wes, to ding you ONCE A DAY!

I thought you were above that, but if you are indeed "playing your own game", perhaps I was wrong. This bothers me man, but you're probably going to get a kick out of reading that too. After all, we are all your pawns.

You know what makes me think you are not "playing your own game?" I could hear your chest thumping all the way up here in Exeter when you thought you had "stuck it to the man" making this post about Chris. The arm flailing in the middle was a little over-dramatic if you were playing a part too. And the end..."It's only $50"...For only double that you could be you could be swinging the sword that you seem to think a few are swinging wrong. You could have a lot more fun with a game that way. SO why not?

I don't think this was a game. I THINK you were wrong.
Interesting perspective.
Old 02-27-2007, 11:49 PM   #75
Who is minding the store

Denise if everyone is out on the sidewalk gawking at the policeman who just pulled someone over, who is minding the store. According to Rich, and I believe this to be true, but if the 4 moderators were overwhelmed with the output of posts before, don't ya think good management would be to delegate responsibilities in other area so there wouldn't be to many overlaps and areas not being watched. Thats what I was questioning. How many moderators came into this thread to view these and when they did this what other areas were being neglected. I probably could spend hours searches through all the threads and find rule breaking that wasn't enforced. Have already done this in the past and got dinged for it. Good managers make sure all the sections of the store are being monitored and when a fire starts in one area bring others over from their sections to help put it out. I was asking to see if all 41 (not sure if this is still the number) come running to this thread because "ole Wes" had stirred it up again and we need to see what he said so we can all spank him real hard." It also refers back to a previous analogy I used earlier. I know on Rich's other site he has the moderator listed and I assume that person is responsible for that area. I was just asking to see if that was the case here and how many moderators came running into this area because it was a "hot" spot. Denise don't fault me for being inquisitive.
Old 02-27-2007, 11:56 PM   #76
Actually, there are just a few who are looking to spank me. Some are genuinely curious, some have opinions, some care, some just want to look.

I make a lot of noise but a fair bit of sense too so you can't fault them for coming.

This is also something they do out of the goodness of themselves. rich has no policeforce, no organization, neither form nor function as far as who should do what and when.

It's never going to be fair. You'll just have to get over it.

Until there are team beanies for the mods, there is no team. If there is no team, how can you expect a unified front?

It's just not gonna happen.
Old 02-28-2007, 12:11 AM   #77
Seamus Haley
Wes, I find myself concerned for you personally.

These things you've done of late are not the doings of someone is his right mind.

What has happened to you? You can pm or email me if you'd like to discuss whatever it is that's bothering you, providing you have not simply gone insane, which I just don't think has happened.

I KNOW the Wes I knew would NEVER stoop so low, but this NEW Wes is really a scumbag and I don't like it. YOU need to get it together.

YOU, by your actions are making ALL those who profess to believe as you do look terrible.

IF you ever cared, and didn't just use busting bad guys as an IN, then you need to STOP this crap. As a man of integrity, which you seem to be sorely lacking of late, you need to STOP this crap.

You've seen self destructive behaviour before and know how much pain can be involved in hurting yourself and how that pain can be, in theory, less than what you think the pain of the truth being known could be, but really Wes, whatever it is that's changed you, you NEED to deal with it.

You can't be happy this way. You KNOW better Wes, you really do. Stop acting like such a turd, there's NO excuse for it.

I uh... stole all that. Changed a name here and there. It kinda seems to make sense to me here though.
Old 02-28-2007, 12:16 AM   #78
Seamus, thank you. I think. While it was not clear to many, I had some things I was working on. Some proved out, some didn't.

I suspect a change is in the air, unless you've been eating those special killer burritos again.
Old 02-28-2007, 12:24 AM   #79
Seamus Haley
Originally Posted by Wilomn
Seamus, thank you. I think. While it was not clear to many, I had some things I was working on. Some proved out, some didn't.

I suspect a change is in the air, unless you've been eating those special killer burritos again.

I've certainly had my time periods of angry ranting and misplaced righteous indignation... picking fights with the world and swinging blindly. The trick is to reccognize when you're starting to land punches on targets that don't really deserve it and apply a little perspective to the importance you place on whatever's got you yelling. Step outside of it if possible and decide if the likely outcome is worth whatever potential side effects might come with it.

Sometimes... life turns out to be a warner brother's cartoon and you've just hit yourself between the eyes with a hammer while trying to kill a fly that landed on your forehead. Metaphorically of course but there it is.
Old 02-28-2007, 12:27 AM   #80
Seamus Haley
Oh and... the roughest part of any kind of self analysis is all the overly helpful jackasses that come along and throw advice at you after you've already looked at everything and come to a decision (to change or stay the course, as the case may be). Keeping it stifled while they point out the obvious or bulldog the redundant and rejected...

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