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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 04-06-2009, 11:50 AM   #71
Originally Posted by crazylady1193 View Post
i never said i want a baby. i have 3 children of my own. i call all of my pets my baby that does not in any way mean that i want a baby.oh yes i love the attention! wtf? as far as my age im 32. i have not ask for any one to coddle me in any way. as i said before i posted this because it said it was a place to rant about what ever was on your mind and that day this was (or part of this anyway). the only part that is sad to me is the way some of you feel it is your place to treat a human being like crap. belive me i loose no sleep at night over the way some of you think i am.
Not everyone is full of hugs, cuddles and rainbows. If that bothers you, the internet is not the place for you. If the fact that animal abuse and us not agreeing with it makes you a sad panda and you think that's treating you like crap, you are in for a HUGE shocker hun.
Old 04-06-2009, 11:54 AM   #72
hun i am not abusing any animal. you dont have to agree with me. you have the right to say what ever you like. that doest mean i have to agree with you
Old 04-06-2009, 11:55 AM   #73
I do have the right to say what I want. Filing the teeth is pretty much animal abuse. If you don't see that, you are sick.
Old 04-06-2009, 11:55 AM   #74
Oh and I have no problems with people owning exotics responsibly.
Old 04-06-2009, 11:56 AM   #75
how lucky you must be to just be you
Yeah, I'm pretty frakkin awesome.

people of your statue ned to be put on a shelf and not alowed to speak!
Of my statue? There are statues of me? Wow, I must be even greater than I thought!
Old 04-06-2009, 11:58 AM   #76
Originally Posted by Mokele View Post
Yeah, I'm pretty frakkin awesome.

Of my statue? There are statues of me? Wow, I must be even greater than I thought!
You sir, please accept this gift of one free internet.
Old 04-06-2009, 12:02 PM   #77
i give up! fukit! i guess zoos and universitys anyplace that has to file a primates teeth is abusing them. ok you must be right since you said it you must be right.

no mokele you are not even close to frakkin awsome, mabe in your own little world. thats ok just stay there where everything makes perfect sence to you.
Old 04-06-2009, 12:06 PM   #78
Originally Posted by Seamus Haley View Post
Why doesn't anybody have the right to comment on the psychological ramifications of captivity?

I'm just going to take a stab in the dark here and guess that it's based off some "You don't know what the animal is thinking!" mentality. Which is just wrong.
All I have to say is this. I have met many people who are more than capable of taking care of a primate.

As for the rest...

I don't recall anyone saying they were apes. Primates... not apes.

Where's your personal cutoff point for feeling it's necessary to meet an animal's behavioral needs before you're willing to abuse it?
You must be kidding, right? You think everyone who owns a primate sticks them in a cage for 24 hours a day and only takes them out a few minutes/hours? That is incredibly amusing.

I've said it once- I will say it again. Not everyone should even consider owning a primate. This lady very well could've chewed off more than she could swallow (that's the saying, right?) I don't doubt it. But don't say that most people who own primates cram them in bird cages their whole lives.

I'm guessing you don't think it's okay to mess with chimps based on the ape comments, but you clearly feel it's okay to isolate a lemur until it's utterly broken... Where do you draw the line? Someplace in the middle of monkeys? Gibbons?
Wait, what? Sorry. No. I don't feel it's okay to isolate any animal like that. I'm kind of amused. When you get a primate- it's a commitment and a life-changing decision. You're at home to take care of them- if not, you need someone else in your life to help care for them.

I'm not saying everyone should own one. I believe that people must spend months- if not years- designing a proper setup for these animals- and be willing to spend a lot of money to keep them happy and healthy. I'm certain these are not 'family animals'- they can leave you in stitches. Which is why I'd personally not own one.

You obviously subscribe to a different set of ethics than I do. I won't even keep schooling fish isolated.
Not really. Within reason, I think people who own animals like this should do what they can to accomodate them. Buying 20+ lemurs is not going to happen. Even the zoos around here only have a few- 4 or 5. But why is it alright to do something like that- only have a handful as opposed to a colony- in a professional setting, where they should be trying to give these animals the highest level of care possible?

I'm not one to generally trust everything a zoo- even if they're AZA accredited- does.

I don't think anybody said she wasn't "allowed" either. The law for her state says she's allowed... people have just commented on weather or not she should based on her ability to provide for the things it needs to stay healthy. She can't keep it healthy, she should not be keeping it.
I agree. A person who cannot afford to care for an animal- should not take it in.

And what is best for a lemur is being in a large group with other lemurs. Behavioral health is part of "health."
Of course. But when even a zoo does not have a 'large' group of these animals- is it really fair to quickly judge a private owner?


People have called it cruel to own a lemur in the manner she has decided to own one.

And calling her out on not providing for the needs of this animal while maintaining other animals in a manner which meets all of the requirements to keep them healthy, physically and behaviorally is only hypocritical if you're profoundly stupid and have no knowledge of biology.

The needs of one species aren't identical to the needs of another species. In this case, the animals you compared are vastly different- the upper echelon of intelligent mammals is going to have more complex behavioral health needs than the least social, least active, least intelligent of the reptiles. It's like comparing apples and... algae.
I apologise if it came off as though I was comparing the two so directly.

I do agree- she most likely not in a place to be owning one of these animals. I think she needs to put much more money and time into it.

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