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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 06-17-2003, 06:41 PM   #71
as to your question i call him the 9/3 informed him of the problem. he immed. offered to send me other geckos from eggs he was hatching. thought it was solved. then later i saw one ofthe geckos he promised me for sale on his web site so i contacted him again he said he would ship it again i trusted him. not until recently did i hear about his complaints. other wise i would have provided him with the letter of proof earlier. now that it is posted i am waiting to see what he does. if he mades good on the sale i will immendly post it along with a scan of the payment proving he resolved the problem. up to him now.

gary bolton
Old 06-17-2003, 06:47 PM   #72
as stated by the vet i took the 3 geckos to his office 9/3 which was the day i got then. since they could not have got sick in my care that fast. they where sick before i got them. i won't say jason did this on knowingly, because Damin told me the animals where ok when he saw them in July. But they where sick before i got them and for that reason i request a refund which i am entitle to. simple problem simple solution.

gary bolton
Old 06-17-2003, 06:55 PM   #73
The BoidSmith
There is now a name of a vet, a vet report, and the contact info for that vet. Jason has all the information in hand to call and verify this information. According to Gary (and the date in the report) the geckos were taken to the vet clinic the day they arrived. From my perspective that rules out the possibility of the fat tails being the source of the disease but it seems as if the albinos were already sick. Again this can be easily confirmed by Jason calling the clinic and talking with the vet.

Old 06-18-2003, 01:55 PM   #74
one day

well posted vet letter yesterday and emailed it to him still no responce from him. hoping for the best. but not counting on it.

gary bolton
Old 06-18-2003, 04:26 PM   #75
Rick Staub
I haven't got the experience that some of you have at evaluating all the evidence, but I find this letter from the vet to be highly questionable. First off, every vet I have ever visited has a folder with write up sheets for every animal. Should be easy enough to pull out this folder and the specific evaluation for that animal and that day and copy it.

Second, I agree with Darin that no vet is going to mistakenly use autopsy in place of necropsy.

In the letter, the vet deduced that fluid in the lungs meant pnuemonia and prescribed tetracycline. Every vet that I know of would have run a culture to determine the the actual infective agent. Where are the culture results? I really have to question the competance of this vet if she/he is real. Why prescribe tetracycline for what sounds like a respiratory infection. Any vet worth their salt knows that in reptiles you need an antibiotic that will be active for gram-negative (hope I got that right) bacteria so an antibiotic like Baytril or Amykacin is preferred. What happened to the accusation that the geckos died of cellulitis? So we have gone from a skin disorder to a respiratory infection.

Sorry but this story is all over the board with no pictures and no documentation.
Old 06-18-2003, 06:24 PM   #76
wording on the letter

ok enough woth the wording problem I have asked other vets. an they all state either word is exceptable. dr shah uses autopsy instead of necropsy for the fact all people are not vet term literate. it still means the samething. the point of fact is the 3 albino geckos where sick on arrival one was in fact had died, i tried to save the other 2 but they died from the illness. vet states most likely the shipping caused the illness to get worst due to the stress of shipping. which is not my fault. not blaming jason for doing this on purpose. but the fact is it happen. so for that reason i ask for my money back. to make things right. dr shah has offered jason the chance to call if he has any questions.

gary bolton
Old 06-18-2003, 06:52 PM   #77
The BoidSmith
In the quote below is what Gary said:

and the geckos had CELLULITIS the first one also had STREP PNEMONIA due to her condition with the other disease. vet gave me TETRACYCOINE to give the other 2 which died later even after med, pediolite, warm water, and heat lamps failed to help them.
And in the quote below is what the vet said:

The other two geckos were sent home on a liquid tetracycline that was to be given at two drops twice a day by mouth for each one. It is my best opinion that these geckos died from a stress related pneumonia, perhaps accelerated by travel to their new home.
It would be very simple for Jason to call the vet and verify if he had originally diagnosed cellulitis in those geckos. After all it is possible that after all this time he forgot to include it in this second report. It seems that from here on the course of action is up to Jason.

Old 06-18-2003, 10:20 PM   #78
Gary lied to me too many times for me to even count. Now he's lied to all of you. With that said, I've said all I can without having written proof. There are still too many unanswered questions for me to ship him anything. This will be the last time I post on this subject. I still feel comfortable enough in the fact that I'm not the wrong one in this situation to leave your future purchases up to you. Nothing like this has ever happened before and I guarantee that it never will again. Like I said before. I can send references, or you can read the post by Damin and know that I am an honest person, who genuinely cares for his reptiles. Thank you to everyone who has tried to get to the truth on this matter.
Jason Hays
Old 06-18-2003, 10:48 PM   #79
i posted the proof from the vet. he even gave you his phone number. i knew no matter what proof i showed the answer would still be the same. you sent me sick geckos, the vet confirmed it. that is not my fault. i don't want any other reptiles from you. i won't put the rest of my reptiles in harms way by doing that. but it seems you think it is ok to take someone else money for sick animals that die. welp what happens from now on happens.

gary bolton
Old 06-18-2003, 11:24 PM   #80
ok you question what i said now i have showed proof they died from an illness that they had when i got them. now what the vet lies too. the same vet that all 3 groups in lancaster,pa that deal in protecting animal use. one of them being the local humane league or animal shelter as some call them. well if they trust him i sure do. he even offered you the chance to call him. like i said before they died from an illness from before i got them. all i want now is the 150.00 i paid for them back. you stated they where health i have proven they where not. honor the sales agreement.

gary bolton

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