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General BS forum I guess anything is fair game in here. Just watch the subject matter doesn't get carried away too much.

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Old 06-14-2010, 03:35 AM   #71
Originally Posted by serpentsden View Post
Material things are, well just material things. Make a game plan and consider relocating away from danger zone. I'm not trying to scare you but things are going to get much worse!!
I understand they are material things. But when the material thing is what you have owned for over 15 years is something you have been working hard for is suddenly worthless. Do you think the government is going to say, o.k. Brian, here is a bunch of money for all of your loss? I doubt it. I'm not convinced Obama even gives a crap about what is happening.

I happen to know things are going to get worse. I see it coming. But, where am I suppose to go? My whole family is within 30 minutes from my house.
Old 06-14-2010, 03:50 AM   #72
Brian, Check your pm
Old 06-14-2010, 03:53 AM   #73
And I do agree, Steve ... the earth has been opened, breached, by man. It's bleeding. Unnaturally. And it likely cannot be stopped in any foreseeable future.
It's so sad, so senseless, so utterly tragic & unbelievable on so many levels; so freaking maddening.

Actually, I think Obama does give a crap, Brian. It does affect his bottom line, after all, in terms of $ and credibility and personal agenda.
Unfortunately, he seriously doesn't have the B&B (I referred to previously) he needed to take swift and just actions (IMO).

BP should be the entity that compensates this country and ALL residents/businesses affected, not our government (IMO).
Old 06-14-2010, 03:59 AM   #74
This site has been the host of a lot of serious topics. Mostly concerning the reptile world. Bad guy here good guy there. This topic is one of, if not the most serious topic discussed here. This oil spill isn't like a lot of the others where a ship breaks open. A ship only holds so much oil. We have no idea how much oil is down there. A reptile scam here or there may affect 40 people here or 100 people there. This oil disaster could and more then likely will change the lives of millions of people. And if the oil never stops, it could contaminate every ocean on the planet, after all they are all connected. If the sea floor is cracked and broken, this thing will never stop. I get a kick out of people saying, lets drop a small nuke down there. Yeah, that's it. Lets ignite a bomb that gets so hot it melts the rock and fuses it together. Or maybe it would ignite all the oil and blow the bottom of the Gulf right out completely. This is going to end up being one of the worst disasters the country and possibly the world will ever face. This thing has only just begun.
Old 06-14-2010, 08:16 AM   #75
I much like most people out there have been watching the oil spill close. I feel we all need to do our part. If we can't get down there and help with the relief, we need to do something. This time a year we all have our eggs hatching. I for one think we need to band together and have a huge auction. I think it needs to be handled by someone that everyone trusts after the recent scams. I am a very small breeder so I can only offer a couple things. I know there are those of you out there that breed 1000s of high end herps a year. I ask that we try to get this organized asap. The government will only help so much and you know BP is trying to low ball all of the clams. If anything we need to donate to the relief groups if not the businesses. It would even be great if we could fund our own relief group. I just want to do what I can to help, if it were possible I would be right there helping. Besides all of the people, think about the animals. Most of us are really in this business for the love of the animals. Just think of all the species that we could lose. It's breeding season and instead of focusing on that, they are just trying to survive. I think it is the least we can do is donate some animals. It's not like we will really lose money just a little time. Just imagine if it were you down there. I have trouble sleeping just thinking about what this is going to do to our planet even with the help much less without.
Old 06-14-2010, 10:36 AM   #76
I think a lot of people are going to be stuck in Fl with this oil coming, even if you want to move, it's risky right now, it's hard to find jobs, unless you can be transferred. Its a horrible situation. Businesses are already suffering financially even on my coast, and there's no oil here yet.
I don't think just abandoning ship and leaving Florida because of the oil would be the best idea either, unless it just gets to the point where it's toxic to be here, I'd be fighting for the state I was born and raised in, and I bet a lot of other people would too.
Old 06-14-2010, 10:58 AM   #77
I've been hearing a lot of big words from our illustrious president (yes, that is sarcasm, lol) but he has not backed up his words at all, IMO. He's been more interested in keeping the peace with our strongest ally, Great Britain. I'm sorry, but niceties have got to be put by the wayside when your country is facing the worst ecological disaster in history,you've got to back up your words with results, and think about what's best for this country and for the citizens that are suffering due to BP.
I would fight tooth and nail for everything that i have fought hard to built, though they may be material things, so i can completely understand Brian's point of view.

And if anyone needs a place to stay, you can always pay a visit to Massachusetts, i'd be willing to put up a few of my friends at my house if the time comes.
Old 06-14-2010, 04:16 PM   #78
I found this site in the newspaper:
It shows the oil spill, the trajectories, and everything...
Looks like the currents are working in Floridas favor for now..
Old 06-14-2010, 04:36 PM   #79
only one thing to say bout obama

Old 06-14-2010, 08:20 PM   #80

Oil Disaster Will Be End of Life As We Know It

John Doty Jr
June 14, 2010

This is it. It’s over. Get ready for the most insane year of your life. 5 years. 10 years. One day you will look back at your life right now and think about how easy it was, how innocent. We are on the cusp of total collapse, right at the precipice.

If you’re like most people you probably have already decided that I am exaggerating without knowing why I am saying this. Well let me make it clear that I also wish I was exaggerating. I don’t sell survival equipment or gold. My job is not recession proof. I have a family. I didn’t wake up today and randomly decide to declare that this is the end of life as we know it. But I do research. I make calls and tune into radio, scouring the internet for news clips and analysis. I make a concerted effort to only quote trustworthy sources. The information that has emerged over the past few days confirms fears that this is actually an “Armageddon” event. I am being completely serious.

Check it: The oil, spewing out at 20,000 to 70,000 psi, and the sediment within it has eroded the very walls of the well itself in several areas. This means that this is now an uncontainable gusher that is literally spewing oil up from dozens of sites across the gulf floor. The massive oil pocket tapped under immense pressure is now spewing out into the seabed. Capping the well does nothing. The oil pocket is tapped, the pipe is eroded and the oil is now spewing up to the ocean floor with intense pressure. Plumes are being generated everywhere. They cannot stop this. Human technology cannot contain a liquid at that pressure, especially at that depth under the ocean. We simply do not have the technology or know-how to fix this. We don’t. The relief wells are essentially useless now because the original well cannot be plugged so oil will always flow out of it regardless of how many other wells they dig. They needed to get into the pipe, fill the old pipe with mud and cement and then divert the oil into the new well. But because the tapped oil pocket is sand blasting itself routes to the surface that grow each day in diameter due to the eroding walls and passageways, there is no “well” to fill. That is because whats left of the well is already dissolving. And each day that passes until they drill their so-called “relief wells” will only see the oil finding new routes through the escapes it has carved through erosion of the pipes and rock. Thad Allen, the head of the US Coast Guard, has said that the oil isn’t all flowing up the pipe anymore but is now “in communication” with the seabed and the surrounding soft rock formation. It is now blasting its own wells.

Ya, that’s bad, but that isn’t even the scary part. Hydrogen Sulfide, Benzene, Methylene Chloride, and other toxic gases are also spewing out along with the oil. In concentrations hundreds and thousands of times greater than what is considered safe for humans. Lethal levels. When the hurricanes come they will absorb this toxic seawater and drop it as rain. Literally toxic rain. Let me guess, toxic rain doesn’t scare you. The biggest threat is already actualized with the chemicals entering the atmosphere and being carried around by the wind.

“The media coverage of the BP oil disaster to date has focused largely on the threats to wildlife, but the latest evaluation of air monitoring data shows a serious threat to human health from airborne chemicals emitted by the ongoing deepwater gusher,” the Institute for Southern Studies blog reported on May 10.

Any one of these chemicals in these concentrations would be lethal. Mixed together it’s truly unthinkable.

The fragile US economy, in the midst of a feeble attempt at a jobless recovery, overstretched by war and out of control spending is not equipped to handle a disaster of this magnitude. No country in the world could. Remember how well they handled the Katrina thing? This makes Katrina look like a grade school fire drill. Well I wonder how well they will do this time as they prepare to evacuate entire cities and states. See this and this. Once the evacuations begin the markets will tank. Once people are forced to grasp what is happening around them the global economy will come to a screeching halt as it’s engine, the USA, sinks into the throes of the worst environmental disaster in the history of the world. This will cause a dollar confidence crisis. Enraged citizens will riot and loot with no hope of a decent life ahead of them. Martial law will be declared.

They have no way to stop this, only a theory that maybe a nuke would implode the oil pocket. Ya, we’re talking about nuking the earths crust under the ocean. Eventually the oil will make it’s way around the world as the entire oil deposit is unleashed into the ocean.

Are you buying the crap coming from BP? The bogus press releases and the downplayed assessments? They’ve been lying through their teeth, censoring the media and destroying evidence. If you trust them, you have some problems.

BP Official Admits to Damage Beneath Sea floor.


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