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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 08-02-2015, 08:41 AM   #71
If you don't want to fill out your profile so people know who they're doing business with, than that's your problem. Your reasoning in the other thread goes the other way too. People don't want to conduct business with a fictitious character. Suppose you manage to buy something, and don't pay up, or have the transaction reversed? How do they pursue the issue? How do they know which authorities to contact? How do they know where to show up to collect their goods or money?

The rules are simple, and in all the years I been a member, you are the only one I can recall having an issue with it. So if you don't like it, don't fill it out, and the Mods will delete you...problem solved.
Old 08-02-2015, 10:15 AM   #72
Originally Posted by skygear View Post
Not having your PROFILE filled out properly with name or location should be a PROFILE infraction, not a post infraction. Thats how most of the internet does it anyways.
An infraction is an infraction, don't you think?
Your infractions were specifically addressing a rule violation in the classifieds; so it was given for those particular posts...however, if you'd like, I can give you an infraction that isn't attached to a particular post, since you have not corrected your name or location fields.
Looking at your signature, I get the impression that you plan on being a problem - might as well save yourself some aggravation and leave now. The rules are not up for negotiation, and you do not get to simply disregard the ones you don't like.
Old 08-02-2015, 11:55 AM   #73
Most transactions are conducted with a credit card, or PayPal and payment is sent before shipment. Most modern day payments are setup to protect the buyer and seller.

As for the issue with my signature. I'll change it if it offends. I really am surprised that you folks are that naive to what information you are requiring people to divulge. I HAVE been a victim of identity theft. Have had my credit ruined, and a second mortgage /equity stolen taken out on my house without my knowledge. So yes. I was burned bad already and trying to rebuild is a challenge. Protecting myself and family is critical to me.

By the way, the way you word it, I cannot change the name on my profile. I have to pm the appropriate person to do so.

If a person chose not to do business with me, shouldn't that be a better option instead of deletion?

As for the infraction system and me being the only one who has taken issue with it. - I run a couple boards, and am on many others. We tend to use the infraction system in a consistent manner across all the platforms and infract accordingly. If a post was offending, we take care of it. If the profile was, then we infract the profile.

My intention was not to come here and make a stink. I was just trying to locate a couple reptiles for purchase. It should be at the discretion of the seller to do business with me.
Old 08-02-2015, 12:05 PM   #74
Naive? Do you use Google or any of it's products? Do you run windows? Do you visit sites with flash content? Do you facebook? Twitter? Snap chat? etc etc.

All of these sites collect your location info and browsing info and share it with their partners, and their partners share it and so on and so on. If you have a credit card, your financial info is shared with their partners, and they share it with their partners, etc. If you have auto insurance, the same. Home owners insurance, the same. Apple or Android phone...guess what?

Your argument is invalid unless you live in a cave completely off the grid. Which you don't since you are here. Your IP address alone is all that's needed.
Old 08-02-2015, 12:59 PM   #75
I run VM's and no social media. Snapchat? No. Twitter? No. Facebook? NO, There is an account which I still leave active but haven't used in years.

Phone, Blackphone. My traffic is all virtual and no lines. No, I do not use windows for the net. KDE. Everyone has insurance. I do not use credit cards due to the aforementioned issues. Google and search profiles, I am well aware of them and again, no. I normally take better precautions for my internet query.

I am glad you mentioned the IP issue. YES. I AGREE. OUR IP IS ALL THAT IS NEEDED. Thus the reason I did not use a VPN, SOCKS, or a PROXY to utilize this site. I did not expect it to be such an issue here.

If you really want to get technical. your location is not on par with the guidelines. No city, state. However, is is critic enough to be within them too. So If I put USA as my Location, would I be within the guidelines? My pseudonym is accepted as a business name, alias, and name in all my dealings and has been for years without issue. Neighbors, family, friends, children, parishioners, and media all refer to me by my Pseudonym. Radio Station personnel use them in their professional life and personal life.
Old 08-02-2015, 01:13 PM   #76
Dennis Hultman
Originally Posted by skygear View Post
Most transactions are conducted with a credit card, or PayPal and payment is sent before shipment. Most modern day payments are setup to protect the buyer and seller.
The bottom-line is that this is a business review site, classifieds and forums. You're required to put your real name into your profile and take ownership of the words you type on this site. End of story. You don't like it then this isn't the place for you. That's OK. You're free to find a place that you can post anonymously.

The rules are here.
FULL NAMES are required on each posting you make on the BOI. Anyone failing to adhere to this simple rule has subjected their message to possibly being deleted. Anyone using a false name may be subjecting ALL of their messages to possibly being deleted as well has having their account removed from this site upon discovery.

I am going out on a limb and expect a lot of flak from people by providing this forum, so if you are not willing to stand up, state your claim, and put your name on it, then I'm not interested in providing you the space to make anonymous accusations. Such messages will be deleted as deemed appropriate in the individual circumstances surrounding the message.

YOU have to take responsibility and ownership of the words you post here. So take great care in how you craft your statements. Once you submit your message, it will be here PERMANENTLY, no matter what happens afterwards.

I know a lot of you probably are used to using initials or nicknames or such to identify yourself to the internet world. I use it myself much of the time (Rich Z). But for THIS forum please include your full name, assuming that not everyone is going to know you. As an example of what I would consider appropriate would be something like Rich Zuchowski (Rich Z), or something equivalent.

I suggest that you utilize the FULL NAME field in your USER Control Panel. If you have neglected to provide your real full name when you registered, please contact me so I can correct that mistake for you.
I'm all for people to be anonymous and not leave a digital footprint if they can. This site isn't designed for that. The site was built with the BOI in mind. This site decided over a decade ago that if you are going to use it your name is required for most of the forums. Again, you don't have to like it but when you were signing up you were told that a real full name and location was required.

You ignored that. You don't come to someone's house and ignore their rules.
Old 08-02-2015, 01:22 PM   #77
I am not posting anonymously is the point I am trying to make here. I have updated my Location and the name given is the name I go by. It is how I conduct business and all my affairs on a day to day basis on the net and in real life. I am a person that stands by my words and only use one online identity "skygear" - and my name "Moto Mike" -

Think of a Radio Station show. Is it John Jacob Smith? or Kaine that you would identify a personality with?

On the note of names, I applaud you Dennis. If this site has the policy in place. All the usernames should be changed to the NAMES. That would alleviate this conundrum you folks have created.
Old 08-02-2015, 01:28 PM   #78
I am an asset to the communities that I decide to join. I hate that I am here having to defend myself or complain in any manner. This is NOT how I like to start off a relationship in a community or in life in general.
Old 08-02-2015, 02:13 PM   #79
Dennis Hultman
Originally Posted by skygear View Post
I am an asset to the communities that I decide to join. I hate that I am here having to defend myself or complain in any manner. This is NOT how I like to start off a relationship in a community or in life in general.
I understand your concerns. In today's environment I would think twice about putting my name anywhere.

I understand what you stated about not being anonymous but this is how we apply that here.

The site was built on this forum.

Reviews are made there on business transactions. Let's say you made a thread stating Dennis is a bad guy and don't do business with him.

My position is I never did business with you. As a user I would have someone named "Moto Mike" from "FEMA Region III" making accusations about me that I never did business with.

Regardless of what information the site may have about IP addresses and other identifying information, the subject of the thread is being attacked anonymously as far as they are concerned. They can't address that person adequately and fully. There is zero accountability to the person making the accusations without a real name attached to the posts.

In fact you're right, a moderator will have those tools to help address if someone is who they say they are but that is used on the back end if a identity posted is suspected of being fake.

Does nothing to help the person you are posting about. You would be making the disparaging remarks openly on a forum for all to see without your real name attached for accountability.

The owner decided that's not fair here. If you want to criticize a business or a person or leave reviews on this site then your name must be in your profile. It was later decided to require that same requirement in the classifieds.

Like I stated, I believe everyone has the right to remain anonymous. This site isn't the place to do that. I prefer to remain anonymous on most sites.

Most of the people here are in business of buying and selling reptiles. Your name is required to use those forums for that purpose or to comment on someones business. That's it.
Old 08-02-2015, 02:25 PM   #80
Dennis Hultman
Originally Posted by Dennis Hultman View Post

The owner decided that's not fair here. If you want to criticize a business or a person or leave reviews on this site then your name must be in your profile. It was later decided to require that same requirement in the classifieds.
I would also add that the legality issue for the site. The owner of this site is giving the people a place to express their views on others. The site doesn't author the threads. The people posting are responsible for their words on this site. In return for a place to give their experiences a airing of the facts your name must be attached. You must own your words here not the site.

Thanks, and I hope you find a site that you feel comfortable participating on.

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