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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 11-21-2006, 05:04 PM   #1
It has been fun watching Wes unravel since my arrival. Ah well, that's what
meds are for Wes.

To those of you who question my motives in remaining anonymous, sometimes
things can be said and accomplished anonymously far easier than in the
direct spotlight. Rest assured that my main focus is the health and
longevity of this site which I consider an excellent resource to the
community at large. My main objection is the vigilante attitude which has
begun to invade most of the more useful threads here. My choice of an alter
ego was not random. I carefully targeted the one person I consider to be
the most damaging to the continued credibility of this site. This is not
because of any personal animosity. I truly believe that Wes believes he is
doing good with his antics. The problem arose when he began to believe he
could actually walk on the water instead of swimming like the rest of us.
Old 11-21-2006, 05:38 PM   #2
Originally Posted by Shrillomn
... My main objection is the vigilante attitude which has
begun to invade most of the more useful threads here. ... I carefully targeted the one person I consider to be the most damaging to the continued credibility of this site. ....
So, as the masked avenger you will now take on the vigilantes?
And to better the credibility of this site, you will abandon your own credibility? Methinks you will rescue us first from you.
Old 11-21-2006, 06:38 PM   #3
Originally Posted by TomO
So, as the masked avenger you will now take on the vigilantes?
And to better the credibility of this site, you will abandon your own credibility? Methinks you will rescue us first from you.
I don't know about any masked avenger, but The Masked Rider and his Whitest of White Steeds has been rarely seen of late.

Rumor has it he's off wooing and or wenching in lands not oft seen by mere mortals such as I and you, but likely to return at any time, should the need arise.

So far, there has been scant need of such powerful help as is his to give and I bet he'd be highly amused that someone was so poorly equiped to utilize the English Language that the best they could come up with was masked avenger when he's been The Masked Rider for well over two years.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and crushes are hard to resist once you've seen him in action, but I digress, back to the point.

I mean really, anyone who takes any of this as seriously as some seem to, is just not right.

A game is a game is a game and sometimes there is no winning just playing that is of itself sufficient to keep the game going.

If there's a score, I am unaware of it. Heck, I can't even keep track of who's playing and who's not playing, who's hiding and sniping, which is fine though only cowards play that way so far as I'm concerned, who's pretending one thing and doing another, who's allied with whom and for how long and why, it's all there, but, and again I must say, really, who cares? And if you do, why?

Mental excercisement is why I'm here, and if by excercising my enormous, lol, thinking muscle I can help out one in need or amuse one who needs amusement, or, and this is my favorite part, step on the neck of a true and proven scumbag, then it's fun mental excercisement, but hardly counts anywhere but here, in our world, our home away from home, Faunlandia, home of the dweeb, the dumbass, the upright, and the confused, along with the masses that follow, support, cajole, laugh at, impuigne, harrass etc, etc, etc, all who play here in this green and black land that so well mimics but is so not, the real world.
Old 11-21-2006, 06:44 PM   #4
Shrillomn: Just to set the record straight.
I am not here to ridicule any particular individual.
The person whose identity I have chosen to emulate is, in my opinion, a good guy
Well that is funny, this is what you first said. And now you say:

=Shrillomn: It has been fun watching Wes unravel since my arrival. Ah well, that's what
meds are for Wes.

To those of you who question my motives in remaining anonymous, sometimes
things can be said and accomplished anonymously far easier than in the
direct spotlight. Rest assured that my main focus is the health and
longevity of this site which I consider an excellent resource to the
community at large. My main objection is the vigilante attitude which has
begun to invade most of the more useful threads here. My choice of an alter
ego was not random. I carefully targeted the one person I consider to be
the most damaging to the continued credibility of this site.
This is not
because of any personal animosity. I truly believe that Wes believes he is
doing good with his antics. The problem arose when he began to believe he
could actually walk on the water instead of swimming like the rest of us.
So the first statement was a lie? Correct?

Yes, you are gaining a bunch of respect here, with you now being proven to be a liar.

You can not play both sides of the fence, it tends to be hard on the crotch.
Old 11-21-2006, 05:15 PM   #5
Laura Fopiano
Enough All Ready!!

All of this nonsense is exactly why Mike started this thread....and in true fauna drama form, it has been derailed from it's original purpose.

This thread is not about Pez, Wes, JimF, Lucille, or me for that matter. It is about the behavior and unwanted flame wars that seem to arise on this forum a little too often.

It is about being accountable for our action's, behaviors, and making fauna a better place for all of the members here......Sad people....really sad.
Old 11-29-2006, 10:18 PM   #6
My oh My, someone is trying to be Wes again. Gee I wonder who that could be? HMMMMMMMMM
I do recall this that I have posted that came from another site. It is also someone that was imitating Wes, this person I happen to know did it because she joked to me about it thru INSTANT MESSAGES sessions that are still on yahoo, remember???? You also wanted me to make up a name, which I did not.
What havoc was called then. NOtice, there was only one L added at the time, but people thought it was him.
IP's can be played around with, and thru certains avenues can't be traced as easily. I can be in MI or I can be somewhere else, weird how that works. lol.
AnyHoo, thought I would add my two cents since I know this has happened before and the person who did it and exactly where.
Dang, been away for a bit, since when were we allowed to use alias'? I thought that was a definite no no.
Shame on who ever is doing this

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Old 11-30-2006, 03:11 PM   #7
Wrong answer!

I have no desire to be like Wes.
My existence here is simply to bring to light some of the nonsense that exists here under the new rules.

If you're so certain that you know me, then by all means, step right up and you can be the first panelist on "To Tell The Truth" and name me.
Old 11-21-2006, 05:19 PM   #8
Well we could just call Him or Her "Pat" and cover all the bases.

Gee must be some weird out gassing of Wes's often referenced Masked Man. Really doesn't matter we are all giving Pat what it wants IE attention. Randy
Old 11-21-2006, 06:23 PM   #9
Ponder this oh geniuses of no small self importance.

Is it within the realm of possibility that one is not only not engaging in rageful posting, not only not given to anger and frustration so easily or quickly as some ASSume, but that one is, heh heh heh, toying with those who seek to manipulate one who is ASSumed to be so shallow, so base, so very ignorant, so caring of the opinions of un-named masses, as the geniouses of no small self importance have stipulated, stated, very well nigh promised, one is?

One would naturally wonder such would one be able to ponder that which exists outside one's own tiny, dark, cold, pitifully boring, self imposed delirium of grandeur and importance, not knowing, completely unaware, having no knowledge of whatsoever, that others were, indeed, thinking such themselves, thinking that such tiny cold pitiful excuses for existance could be actually life-sustaining at all, a marvel rivalling that of the seven wonders of the world itself, though on a much much much smaller scale, were one able to comprehend that one was not the be all and end all of all that is and may ever be.

I wonder.
Old 11-21-2006, 06:33 PM   #10
Chameleon Company
Sweet Laura writes:
This thread is not about Pez, Wes, JimF, Lucille, or me for that matter. It is about the behavior and unwanted flame wars that seem to arise on this forum a little too often.
Then what better place for the usual suspect to show "the behavior and unwanted flame wars that seem to arise on this forum a little too often" then right here ? In all candor, many of us have disagreed in threads, and sometimes with a little extra English on the ball. Its not the disagreements, but the couple that have to ratchet up the pissing contests when there is one. Laura, are you not going to admit that you at least have an opinion, regarding the "flame wars", of who the regular fire-starter(s) are/is ? Anyone in particular come to mind ? C'mon girl, it ain't a long list ! Any day in the BOI, you don't have to look long or hard. Some dazzle with intellect, some baffle with BS, and some just throw it.

If Rich is choosing to not enforce some order, for whatever reason, then how about just posting when you see someone light the match, with the name calling and other stupidities ?

I think that the drivel will just have to be tolerated though.

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