Bad Guy Beware of Jerry Kruse - Page 83 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 04-22-2012, 10:09 PM   #821
thomas davis
Originally Posted by Wilomn View Post
Seriously? You've defending mr. kruse? The man who has poached, smuggled, lied, threatened, coerced, begged, LIED and LIED and LIED in this thread and you're defending him?

I've got half a mind to find out who he does work for and let them know what kind a creep they have in their employ.

Friendship is all fine and good, but if someone's a lying sack of poo, proven over and over by their very own self, how far does friendship go? mr. kruse has no honour and quite deserves the disdain and disgust he has brought upon himself by himself. No one force mr. kruse to be such a terrible person, he did that all on his own.

You seriously having me wondering about you as well rattler.
seems the ole "rattler" is rattled about his friend... when will they learn
Old 04-23-2012, 11:32 AM   #822
This thread has gone completely off kilter and needs to get back to Jerry and Stu. In that regard, it’s done. Stu has his money and Jerry’s reputation is quite damaged. Even as one of those who defended him I was taken aback at the revelation of his posting for Mjay which was really really poor judgment.

That said there is a need for some perspective here. Those that routinely send out animals that are half dead or other than those they advertised or take your money and are never heard from gain and change their names so they can keep pulling the same scams again and again are the bad guys. Jerry is just overly passionate which is a poor receipt for keeping coms on the QT when a sale goes south. I keep hearing myself doing my best Joe Friday, “Just the facts Jerry” no drama no theatrics and you’ll get through this just fine.

I trust that Jerry will learn from this thread and realize that it’s time to grow past the aspect of this hobby that is driven by a youthful ego; and that how we treat people is orders of magnitude more important than being seen as the latest and greatest self appointed Zonata, alterna or whatever God. One simply cannot tend to their ego without sometime running afoul of other egos or losing sight of what’s most important, in this case deteriorating coms with Stu. What the big players in this thread think of one another is pretty much irrelevant and that goes both ways.

In my journey though life I’ve learned that it often takes having the wind knocked out of our sails to cause us to reflect on what is and isn’t important. It’s these types of events that drive change and lead to increased maturity and dare I say it, wisdom. That doesn’t make us bad people, it just makes us human. The true measure of Jerry’s character should be made, not in the light of a mistake but in how he handles himself moving forward.
Old 04-23-2012, 11:41 AM   #823
Casey Lazik
Well said, Tony.
Old 04-23-2012, 01:28 PM   #824
thomas davis
Originally Posted by TONY D View Post
This thread has gone completely off kilter and needs to get back to Jerry and Stu. In that regard, it’s done. Stu has his money and Jerry’s reputation is quite damaged. Even as one of those who defended him I was taken aback at the revelation of his posting for Mjay which was really really poor judgment.

That said there is a need for some perspective here. Those that routinely send out animals that are half dead or other than those they advertised or take your money and are never heard from gain and change their names so they can keep pulling the same scams again and again are the bad guys. Jerry is just overly passionate which is a poor receipt for keeping coms on the QT when a sale goes south. I keep hearing myself doing my best Joe Friday, “Just the facts Jerry” no drama no theatrics and you’ll get through this just fine.

I trust that Jerry will learn from this thread and realize that it’s time to grow past the aspect of this hobby that is driven by a youthful ego; and that how we treat people is orders of magnitude more important than being seen as the latest and greatest self appointed Zonata, alterna or whatever God. One simply cannot tend to their ego without sometime running afoul of other egos or losing sight of what’s most important, in this case deteriorating coms with Stu. What the big players in this thread think of one another is pretty much irrelevant and that goes both ways.

In my journey though life I’ve learned that it often takes having the wind knocked out of our sails to cause us to reflect on what is and isn’t important. It’s these types of events that drive change and lead to increased maturity and dare I say it, wisdom. That doesn’t make us bad people, it just makes us human. The true measure of Jerry’s character should be made, not in the light of a mistake but in how he handles himself moving forward.
well tony jerrys reputation is damaged because of HOW he has handled this whole mess, like ive said jerry didnt just step in "it" he slipped fell down and rolled around in "it" his choice and his alone nobody MADE him act as he did/has.
perspective and joe friday huh?...."poor reciept".... REALLY
part of "learning" is admitting wrongs and making them right and being humble about it.
jerry has shown his true character over and over and over and over and over again in this very thread, part of moving foward would be jerry admitting his wrongs.
there have been some SERIOUS allegations thrown at jerry on several fronts some very well may be just that, allegations, but with the way jerry has acted not only in his "deal" with stu but to some of these allegations thrown at him has proven WHO jerry kruse really is. jerry has and still has the opportunity to show WHO he is here. the BOI is not an executioner just a mirror that shows all and jerry has shown alot.
i feel sorry for jerrys friends in this situation.
eating humble pie and admitting wrongs is hard but its what makes the man not boastful arrogance or playing the victim or creating imaginary scenarios to sidestep or dodge direct real life scenarios this whole mess is jerrys doing he can either shine or continue wallowing in the muck... like always the choice is his.
Old 04-23-2012, 02:51 PM   #825
Originally Posted by thomas davis View Post
part of "learning" is admitting wrongs and making them right and being humble about it.
You are quite right Tom. But the type of learning you do when the wind is knocked out of your sails doesn't come easy. In this case Jerry has had to come to terms with the fact that a MAJOR investment is tainted and he’s had to deal with the very human reactions of denial to the fact, anger and resentment at those who forced the issue and he's had the disadvantage of doing so publicly. You may be hungry for more drama and want see him progress through the other stages of reconciliation and grovel before the BOI in a more timely fashion but that's not how it works. Being unacquainted with the facts of human nature may make some feel superior but it doesn't make it so.
Old 04-23-2012, 03:17 PM   #826
thomas davis
Originally Posted by TONY D View Post
You are quite right Tom.
yeah thanks tony.
its CLEAR as day for anyone to see. but i do apprecieate your need to justify your friends actions but really... whos being dramatic?
disadvantage of doing so publicly, grovel, superior, inferior.... whatever
since you are a wordsmith tony heres a word for ya that pretty much IMHO sums up jerry and his supporters and this whole mess .... W E A K
Old 04-23-2012, 04:32 PM   #827
Dingle Davis

Originally Posted by TONY D View Post
This thread has gone completely off kilter and needs to get back to Jerry and Stu. In that regard, it’s done. Stu has his money and Jerry’s reputation is quite damaged. Even as one of those who defended him I was taken aback at the revelation of his posting for Mjay which was really really poor judgment.

That said there is a need for some perspective here. Those that routinely send out animals that are half dead or other than those they advertised or take your money and are never heard from gain and change their names so they can keep pulling the same scams again and again are the bad guys. Jerry is just overly passionate which is a poor receipt for keeping coms on the QT when a sale goes south. I keep hearing myself doing my best Joe Friday, “Just the facts Jerry” no drama no theatrics and you’ll get through this just fine.

I trust that Jerry will learn from this thread and realize that it’s time to grow past the aspect of this hobby that is driven by a youthful ego; and that how we treat people is orders of magnitude more important than being seen as the latest and greatest self appointed Zonata, alterna or whatever God. One simply cannot tend to their ego without sometime running afoul of other egos or losing sight of what’s most important, in this case deteriorating coms with Stu. What the big players in this thread think of one another is pretty much irrelevant and that goes both ways.

In my journey though life I’ve learned that it often takes having the wind knocked out of our sails to cause us to reflect on what is and isn’t important. It’s these types of events that drive change and lead to increased maturity and dare I say it, wisdom. That doesn’t make us bad people, it just makes us human. The true measure of Jerry’s character should be made, not in the light of a mistake but in how he handles himself moving forward.
Very well said Tony, you're right on point. A lot has been learned about what to expect when working with zonata. The thread was started for a reason and has served that point. I still plan on getting some zonata and pyros, ZD seems to just be something that every zonata breeder has the potential to have.

I don't know Jerry and have never met him, only from online. I like to form my opinions about people by talking to them and seeing who they are, not from what other people have experienced and especially not from online. I use others experiences to compare to what I experience, then make up my own mind.

Everyone makes mistakes but not everyone learns from them, I hope he does. Would I buy from him, probably not but that's because I know someone that works with zonata I know a lot better, not because of this thread. Like you said, there are way worse people in this business, the fact that Stu got his refund says a lot about Jerry, in my eyes. There are people that take the money and run everyday, truly bad people. I'm not saying that people haven't had BAD experiences with Jerry, just that Jerry being a "BAD GUY" is something that only exist on this "BOI" and doesn't mean he can't learn and move on.
Old 04-23-2012, 04:33 PM   #828
Wordsmithing? I don’t know how I could say it more simply but I’ll try. People need the room and time to digest, learn and change from something like this.

I would submit that what you are proposing, to keep someone down with continued negativity until they change, is weak. If you want and expect change, then grace is an essential element because the only thing left is the misguided idea that it can be forced. In the absence of grace you’ve no real basis to expect change regardless of the time frame.
Old 04-23-2012, 05:14 PM   #829
Originally Posted by Gerards View Post
I'm not saying that people haven't had BAD experiences with Jerry, just that Jerry being a "BAD GUY" is something that only exist on this "BOI" and doesn't mean he can't learn and move on.
Bullsnot and poppycock.

mr. kruse is the living embodiment of what a Bad Guy is. Even being associated with him has tainted a number of people, such as yourself, with an aroma that is not pleasant at all.

He doesn't have to remain a bad guy, but he certainly is one right now. No matter what he heats up the airwaves telling you and steve and tony, there is no doubt that right now he most certainly is a bad guy.

This wasn't a momentary lapse of common sense with him. This wasn't a one time aberration of his norm. This wasn't him trying something new. What this is, this thread, is a representation of the man himself, thoroughly rotten right to the core.

It's all right here in this thread, both in the words of mr. kruse himself, the lies and attempts at truth, and in the words of several well respected well known herpers who, unlike mr. kruse, do NOT have questionable characters. They are absolutely trustworthy as well as honest. For you to keep harping on this give the guy a chance crap, I have to think you either live in a land of marshmallow streets and lollipop street signs, or you have almost no comprehension of the written word. I mean the guy has shot himself in the foot so many times he's got nothing from the knees down.
Old 04-23-2012, 05:23 PM   #830
Originally Posted by TONY D View Post
Being unacquainted with the facts of human nature may make some feel superior but it doesn't make it so.
Being aquainted with the facts of human nature, I can't help but wonder why you are here and he is not.

And by your somewhat ambiguous statement above you seem to have implied that somehow mr. kruse making himself known as a liar, thief, beggar, smuggler, poacher, bully, narcissist, baby and absolutely not to be trusted in any way is in some way a good thing...

I suppose it's good for him and it's good for us, it is good to know who will screw you or lie to you or try to coerce you into illegal trades for cheesecake. Or sell you sick animals then work very hard not to give you a refund until it's brought to the public where ridicule make you decide that the better thing to do is give the refund instead of just ignoring the poor guy who you were bending over. I do suppose all of that is good to know.

But tell me, what, out of all of that is new? mr. kruse didn't just become all those nasty vile things overnight. From what some very trustworthy people said in this very thread, this is a years long routine for him. So why now should we praise him and be willing to treat him tenderly, give him time to adjust and adapt?

Heck, he adjusted and adapted years ago. He adjusted and adapted into the creep the tried to screw Stu.

I hope mr. kruse does change into a good guy, but he'll get no coddling if he makes good his promise to visit me next time he's out on this coast. He doesn't deserve it yet.

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