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General Legislative Discussions Any general discussion concerning legislative issues or events. Not necessarily specific to a particular region, or even a type of animal group.

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Old 01-03-2013, 01:12 PM   #81
Originally Posted by JohnRougeux View Post
So I'll just start a new thread? Someone else brought it up because Dr. Booth had in fact responded several times at that site, so they referenced it.

That's how it's relevant to this thread.

And just dropping it because it's "best" is strange. I thought that I was just asking a question. Can you please point me to the rule book here so that I don't step on any more hidden landmines?
There is a Feedback Forum here on this site where such discussions concerning policies and procedures are more appropriate.
Old 01-03-2013, 05:46 PM   #82
Started a new thread.

Back on subject:
Question for Dr. Booth:
If USARK is now joining forces with PIJAC, isn't that not good? Didn't PIJAC support the Ohio ban?

If PIJAC is the same as the one who supported the ban in Ohio, why should we support USARK?
Old 01-03-2013, 06:11 PM   #83
Unless something happened I thought PIJAC supported the public not to support ban
Old 01-03-2013, 06:18 PM   #84
People appear to think that it is cut and dry. There is only one direction. All or nothing. PIJAC worked with the state on the Ohio issue fighting to have reptiles removed completely. That was not going to happen and it was very evident that was the case. What they did do was have all constricting snakes under 12 removed from the bill. Does everyone really think that in this day and age we can live in a world without regulation. That is coming and all we can forbid fight it. We can compromise or lose completely on issues. With that compromise comes the ability to fight it later. I would prefer to fight a smaller number of issues than a complete ban.

We are in a very difficult time as reptile keepers. We must understand that in some situations me must initially compromise. Once sufficient scientific data is collected, we can then fight.

Old 01-03-2013, 06:19 PM   #85
Joe, you are correct.
Lots will jump on band wagons without actually reading and discussing the tactics and results. It appears to be human nature nowadays.
Old 01-03-2013, 06:25 PM   #86
Originally Posted by JohnRougeux View Post
Started a new thread.

Back on subject:
Question for Dr. Booth:
If USARK is now joining forces with PIJAC, isn't that not good? Didn't PIJAC support the Ohio ban?

If PIJAC is the same as the one who supported the ban in Ohio, why should we support USARK?

Did you read USARK's proposed NC Legislation?

If not, read it, then read the provisions in SB310.

Both the proposed NC legislation and the bill that PIJAC supported represent varying degrees of self-imposed rules. Both had their faults.

Now, somewhere USARKs lawyer, Chen-Walsh, penned a nifty little essay on how USARK's proposed compromise in NC was better than PIJAC's compromise in Ohio. In the end compromise is compromise - no matter how many shades of gray you try to color it. You either compromise or you don't. No amount of quoting Sun-Tzu is going to change that. If you have to explain why your version of compromise is superior to that of a rival, then to most black and white minds you're not fighting war, but setting out terms of surrender. Sadly in some cases, a compromise is a win.

My take is this: there are those that believe that self-regulation is the key to staving off outright bans. Whether you agree with that philosophy or not, that was a position USARK advocated taking - on their terms.......and those terms amounted to a degree of capitulation by some.

PIJAC has been there for awhile. Why USARK come out of the box as an alternative to PIJAC instead of uniting with PIJAC is beyond me - but any recent collaborations between the two are just that - recent.

If USARK had worked cooperatively with PIJAC from the outset and first tried to integrate their focused views with PIJAC's infrastructure and lobbying clout maybe something positive could have come out of this - if you believe in the value of compromises.

PIJAC doesn't always make decisions based on the best interests of reptile owners - but that could have changed if USARK had taken a different path.

You've seen the financial statements, John. USARK does not pull in enough money to take anything on head on. ZooMed contributions amount to a full third of their budget, with show donations taking up the majority of the rest. Voluntary paypal donations are downright pathetic. This is not an organization primed to stand up to anyone.

The real issue lies here - any future PIJAC/USARK actions will most likely result in compromises akin to SB310 or pre-emptive bills like those USARK penned in North Carolina. There will always be a sizable number of reptile keepers who think it is stupid to give anything up and in order to clear up alot of the bad blood, USARK needs to be very upfront about their BMPs and model legislation.

That's where a lot of people dismissed USARK as not their cup of tea - a lot of boisterous talk and call to arms, and then self-imposed legislation like NC. Anyway Chen-Walsh or Wyatt want to explain it, that "take no prisoners"group will hate them for it.

Going forward, Dr. Booth and his associates need to fully clear the air and stop pretending (as their predecessor did for so long) that they don't need PIJAC, they need to be upfront with why pre-emptive legislation or compromises may be necessary and they need to not let their mouths write checks their asses can't cash. These were hallmarks of USARK 2008-2012 and need to stop.

Anybody who has been closely watching USARK these past four years started smelling that something was off awhile ago. I've seen PIJAC compromise at times and outright win at times, but through it all they do it without the chest thumping and BS pumping that was the hallmark of the USARK hit and run forum post. They have also been an better source at being on top even the smallest of local issues. While Wyatt was celebrating a 50% non-victory with the Feds and claiming a battlefield win over a bill that expired, I watched PIJAC swiftly and effectively clobber down a couple of local issues in my neck of the woods that were not even on USARK's radar.

Remember, the hollowest drum beats the loudest. By the yardsticks in which these things are measured, the most effective pet special interest group (even counting SB310) is PIJAC, not USARK. Unfortunately for the "all or nothing" crowd, there will be compromises................our hobby is not powerful enough (at this stage of the game) to begin to act otherwise.
Old 01-03-2013, 06:36 PM   #87
I do not have time to respond fully now but I will say this. We (USARK) has the opportunity to unify the herp community here pulling together the hobbyist with the big box stores. Realistically, we benefit each other here. Chest thumping was a characteristic of a dingle individual in USARKs history. That is gone. The board are taking charge of USARK. We have realized there was a flaw in the way USARK was run and that is being amended. We have learned a lot in the past few months.

There are individuals that have never supported USARK. I would personally love to see them take an active role in forming a new association aimed at fighting this legislation. There is a lot of chest thumping from a small group of individuals that in the end of the day gets the hobby nowhere but creates division, not the formation of bonds and the future directions.

Old 01-03-2013, 06:47 PM   #88
Originally Posted by Warren_Booth View Post
I do not have time to respond fully now but I will say this. We (USARK) has the opportunity to unify the herp community here pulling together the hobbyist with the big box stores. Realistically, we benefit each other here. Chest thumping was a characteristic of a dingle individual in USARKs history. That is gone. The board are taking charge of USARK. We have realized there was a flaw in the way USARK was run and that is being amended. We have learned a lot in the past few months.

There are individuals that have never supported USARK. I would personally love to see them take an active role in forming a new association aimed at fighting this legislation. There is a lot of chest thumping from a small group of individuals that in the end of the day gets the hobby nowhere but creates division, not the formation of bonds and the future directions.

Dr. Booth, I'm aware that person is gone and that the Board wants to steer this ship into friendlier and more productive waters.

One of the first things that should be addressed is why USARK and PIJAC cannot take an "it's our way or the highway approach". That philosophy was tacitly fostered by your predecessor and almost single-handed led to a number of early supporters walking away when they saw it was not the game plan.

Some of us may not like compromise, but if the details are explained in layman's terms in a clear and upfront manner, a lot of people will appreciate how the transparency.

What Chen-Walsh did in her essay was the icing on the cake for a lot of us. It confirmed what we saw as both a misleading message and bald hypocrisy. There are a lot of people out there who think USARK is a bit of a joke. That's a direct result of that single individual you mentioned.
Old 01-03-2013, 06:57 PM   #89
I think the only way forward is compromise. The my way or the highway is these struggles will most likely lead to the highway. I personally do not want that.

The goal will be to pull in all herpers, with as you put it "layman's terms" explanations. For example, why we must compromise in some instances.

I have not seen Chen-Walsh's article. I cannot comment but can say she is no longer with USARK, nor to my knowledge was she voted on to the board or into Vice President status by the board. If she aided USARK I truly appreciate that but personally could not tell you what she has or has not done for USARK.

It's time for change in leadership and unity. I am not sure how many more times I can state that, but we have a unique opportunity to right many previous wrongs. We cannot go guns blazing into this. We need collaboration and must accept compromise at times. With compromise comes the chance for future amendment if smaller issues, not complete bans.

Old 01-03-2013, 07:16 PM   #90
Thanks for the response Dr Booth.

My concern with compromise is that once something is passed, it is easier to add and much harder to veto. At least from my little knowledge of politics.

I understand your point of view. Not sure if I agree with it, but I will keep an open mind. I really do agree about that we need to stop bickering and join forces. But when even websites are divided and refuse to try to make amends, it shows me that we are going to have a hard time defeating hsus

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