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FaunaClassifieds Site HELP & Feedback Forum Anything of a nature concerning this website, moderators, admin, or anything having to do with how it is being run, should go here. Criticism is welcome, but abusive antagonism is not. THIS IS NOT THE FORUM FOR FEEDBACK CONCERNING BUYERS AND SELLERS! Such posts are ONLY allowed as replies to classified ads posted by the specific member involved in a specific issue with you.

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Old 01-22-2007, 12:37 PM   #81
Originally Posted by Griz

The problem here is that you have given the keys to a few irresponsible people who believe the pinto they were given is somehow a Ferrari. They are going to run the heck out of it only to find out that the only thing they now own is a rusted out reputation..err pinto.

Just a different type of rope. How people choose to use it is going to be entertaining. I have to give Rich credit for coming up with new and inventive ways for people to hang themselves. It certainly is going to be interesting watching how this unfolds. I have no doubt we are going to learn a few new things about many of the members here.
Old 01-22-2007, 12:39 PM   #82
Originally Posted by Griz
Rich, if you want to throw yourself into the same category as a few of the individuals at the $100 level then so be it. I never have thought of you that way.

The fact still remains that being a moderator, having this power given to you, is a responsibility that should be earned not paid for. Through the very act of earning the responsibility should showcase to you that this person will wield the power appropriately.

YOU as well as Doc etc, have earned that right and have handed out judgement appropriately. Any business that you might have lost was arguably business that you never would have received regardless.

The problem here is that you have given the keys to a few irresponsible people who believe the pinto they were given is somehow a Ferrari. They are going to run the heck out of it only to find out that the only thing they now own is a rusted out reputation..err pinto.

Sorry, but you have completely dodged the issue I brought up.

No, I have not EARNED this position at all. I just started this site. I got the idea, put together the nuts and bolts of this idea, and launched it. No one voted me into it, nor did I in any way earn the ownership or admin rights to it. As for the site mods, there was no public voting on who I selected for the job. I asked THEM if they would help me. Same as I am asking the Benefactor and Endowment level members to help me now. There is absolutely NO difference at all.

So again, WHY are the drawbacks you now claim those Benefactor and Endowment level members are subject to when they help US to moderate this site not also applicable to myself, Jay, Dennis, and Ken? It has nothing at all to do with a "category", it has to do with the JOB being asked to be done here by MOST of you.
Old 01-22-2007, 12:40 PM   #83
Golden Gate Geckos
"New" Business 101

Originally Posted by WebSlave
I would have given the points myself but figured I would leave that for others to do so I could initiate testing on the system.
Originally Posted by WebSlave
If you don't like or don't believe my reasons, then that is your problem.
I realize that Fauna is a business... for Rich, that is. I am a business owner myself, and I know that it can be a real headache at times. It comes with the territory. I can also understand trying to find solutions for getting rid of the headache. But, the headache is MINE, because I am the owner of the business. But, I would never dream of charging my customers to deal with my headache!

When you run a business, the customers become your employer... they provide the paycheck. Customers are not employees. A business is only successful if the customers are satisfied with the product and service they receive. If they aren't, they will take go elsewhere. Would I tell a dissatisfied customer to pack their bags? No. I might think it, but I would not say it.

The members here at Fauna are just that... members. But, if they provide Rich's paycheck for HIS business, they become customers. The only difference is that Fauna's "customers" are being charged not only for the product, but to run the business, too. Fauna's customers are paying to be employees to alleviate the boss's headache.

As a business owner, normally it would be eventual suicide to deliberately create dissent among the employees. Not in the case of Fauna, though. Dissent equals 'Fauna Drama', and with each page read, with each post, with each spell-check, the boss gets paid from the rotating advertisements. Fauna employees actually PAY for the extra responsibility of doing the boss's job instead of being paid for it!

Old 01-22-2007, 12:40 PM   #84
Originally Posted by DThomas
Just a different type of rope. How people choose to use it is going to be entertaining. I have to give Rich credit for coming up with new and inventive ways for people to hang themselves. It certainly is going to be interesting watching how this unfolds. I have no doubt we are going to learn a few new things about many of the members here.
Understood, but being the history buff that I am, did you know that the gallows often had to be replaced due to the sheer damage that dropping a person caused?

I understand hanging people. I understand allowing people to hang themselves. What I don't understand is giving the keys to the safe to people who have not earned the trust.

Old 01-22-2007, 12:49 PM   #85
Originally Posted by Golden Gate Geckos
I realize that Fauna is a business... for Rich, that is. I am a business owner myself, and I know that it can be a real headache at times. It comes with the territory. I can also understand trying to find solutions for getting rid of the headache. But, the headache is MINE, because I am the owner of the business. But, I would never dream of charging my customers to deal with my headache!

When you run a business, the customers become your employer... they provide the paycheck. Customers are not employees. A business is only successful if the customers are satisfied with the product and service they receive. If they aren't, they will take go elsewhere. Would I tell a dissatisfied customer to pack their bags? No. I might think it, but I would not say it.

The members here at Fauna are just that... members. But, if they provide Rich's paycheck for HIS business, they become customers. The only difference is that Fauna's "customers" are being charged not only for the product, but to run the business, too. Fauna's customers are paying to be employees to alleviate the boss's headache.

As a business owner, normally it would be eventual suicide to deliberately create dissent among the employees. Not in the case of Fauna, though. Dissent equals 'Fauna Drama', and with each page read, with each post, with each spell-check, the boss gets paid from the rotating advertisements. Fauna employees actually PAY for the extra responsibility of doing the boss's job instead of being paid for it!

I would have to disagree Marcia. They are not paying to do the boss's job at all. It is only an added "perk" if you will for the higher paid membership. No one is required to do anything. It is only there if they choose to use it. People have been clamoring for awhile for more moderation. Well, here is the chance for those that wish to participate. Rich had to draw the line somewhere as to who would be allowed this.
Old 01-22-2007, 12:53 PM   #86
I also do not believe that just because someone has a higher paid membership that they have more of an interest in Fauna succeeding than a regular registered member who may not be able to afford a membership. It's just they have more to lose if they abuse the privilege.
Old 01-22-2007, 12:59 PM   #87
Originally Posted by Golden Gate Geckos
I realize that Fauna is a business... for Rich, that is. I am a business owner myself, and I know that it can be a real headache at times. It comes with the territory. I can also understand trying to find solutions for getting rid of the headache. But, the headache is MINE, because I am the owner of the business. But, I would never dream of charging my customers to deal with my headache!

When you run a business, the customers become your employer... they provide the paycheck. Customers are not employees. A business is only successful if the customers are satisfied with the product and service they receive. If they aren't, they will take go elsewhere. Would I tell a dissatisfied customer to pack their bags? No. I might think it, but I would not say it.

The members here at Fauna are just that... members. But, if they provide Rich's paycheck for HIS business, they become customers. The only difference is that Fauna's "customers" are being charged not only for the product, but to run the business, too. Fauna's customers are paying to be employees to alleviate the boss's headache.

As a business owner, normally it would be eventual suicide to deliberately create dissent among the employees. Not in the case of Fauna, though. Dissent equals 'Fauna Drama', and with each page read, with each post, with each spell-check, the boss gets paid from the rotating advertisements. Fauna employees actually PAY for the extra responsibility of doing the boss's job instead of being paid for it!

Actually no, this is NOT really my main business. SerpenCo is my business. Perhaps if this site were a big money maker, I would have incentive to treat it differently. However, if this site ever brings in even a shadow of the money I make at my real business, I would be shocked to the core. This is really just a play thing. The money it brings in is now well into the black, but I seriously doubt it has paid for past expenses much less an hourly wage that anyone would consider as being "lucrative".

This site was not created with the intent of being a business, and I doubt it will ever reach that level of import to me in the overall scheme of things. Certainly every now and again I think maybe it could and I will sometimes try to look at it as a business, but that is sheer folly. I have seen how some incident can gut a chunk of the membership and draw away paying members. It is far too easy for someone to trump up an incident into a crusade to do that.

I would like to think that someday I would cut back the manual labor requirements of my SerpenCo business and rely on all my sites to help put food on the table, but I am realistic about that probability, which is not all that optimistic.

All those memberships (a small SMALL fraction of the total registered membership base, btw) are really donations, as the "product" received is virtually nill in relation to the "cost". There is no even exchange of services or products for the money offered, and I certainly don't expect that many people consider it that way. Yeah, some may donate to become a Contributor member because their curiosity about who is giving them karma points may get the better of them, but all in all, realistically nothing of any intrinsic USEFULL value is being received except for the visual recognition of actively HELPING this site. Right now, about the only service I would consider as being even slightly significant to a contributor would be the ability to post classified ads within the photopost classifieds section. Realistically, nothing else would be enough incentive to FORCE someone to pay in order to receive those minimal benefits received from that payment.

As for someone actively wanting to pay $100 just to be able to assess warning points to someone being a pain in the ass to them, well, I seriously doubt that. But you all can believe what you want.
Old 01-22-2007, 12:59 PM   #88
Originally Posted by WebSlave
Sorry, but you have completely dodged the issue I brought up.

No, I have not EARNED this position at all. I just started this site. I got the idea, put together the nuts and bolts of this idea, and launched it. No one voted me into it, nor did I in any way earn the ownership or admin rights to it. As for the site mods, there was no public voting on who I selected for the job. I asked THEM if they would help me. Same as I am asking the Benefactor and Endowment level members to help me now. There is absolutely NO difference at all.

So again, WHY are the drawbacks you now claim those Benefactor and Endowment level members are subject to when they help US to moderate this site not also applicable to myself, Jay, Dennis, and Ken? It has nothing at all to do with a "category", it has to do with the JOB being asked to be done here by MOST of you.

Oh Rich, don't take anything that I have said as indicating that you are exempt from the same "penalties." You're not that special.

However, you chose to create this site and therefore you agreed to accept the responsibilities. However, for your own personal reasons, you want to pass those responsibilities onto others. That's fine however, I would like to believe that you respect your own site enough to "qualify" the new owners vs making it based solely upon them paying for the privilege.

Some of these individuals, in my humble opinion, have a hard enough time monitoring themselves vs being given the ability to monitor this site. And some of THOSE individuals come across to me as being rather clueless when putting together what the actual cost of this responsibility is.

Old 01-22-2007, 01:03 PM   #89
Golden Gate Geckos
Originally Posted by DThomas
I have to give Rich credit for coming up with new and inventive ways for people to hang themselves.
OK, but I still don't understand why it should be so entertaining to spend so much time and effort to watch people hang themselves.
Old 01-22-2007, 01:10 PM   #90
Originally Posted by Griz
Oh Rich, don't take anything that I have said as indicating that you are exempt from the same "penalties." You're not that special.

However, you chose to create this site and therefore you agreed to accept the responsibilities. However, for your own personal reasons, you want to pass those responsibilities onto others. That's fine however, I would like to believe that you respect your own site enough to "qualify" the new owners vs making it based solely upon them paying for the privilege.

Some of these individuals, in my humble opinion, have a hard enough time monitoring themselves vs being given the ability to monitor this site. And some of THOSE individuals come across to me as being rather clueless when putting together what the actual cost of this responsibility is.

Yep. My criteria was that if someone were willing to put the extra effort of paying MORE than most to help financially support this site, then obviously they must be willing to help in other respects. As for the forum moderators, if I trust someone enough that they have that responsibility, then I will certainly trust them with this task as well.

There will be personal conflicts all of the time. It would be virtually impossible for me to find members to help out in this task that SOMEONE would not take exception to. People here take exception to ME, so I can't require someone else to be completely without controversy and therefore be a better man than I am for the job. I used the criteria I did based on the above mentioned reasons. And that is good enough for me.

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