Bad Guy Ty park/ ty lizards FL - Page 94 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 02-22-2017, 12:43 PM   #931
Ty's public post on fb

He twists the truth. He would not tell me what he was going to ship. And I have not called the bbb yet
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Old 02-22-2017, 12:46 PM   #932
here are the comments

Ty Park
49 mins ·

I didn't want to go public with this because I didn't want to create more drama than it already is but after countless, unfounded attack on my character---especially on Faunaclassified, I feel that people need to hear my side:

I donated 3 albino tegus for a raffle to raise fund for iguana conservation and we raised $9000 ($3000 went to Turtle Survival Alliance) with the raffle. One of the winner, Michelle Cutler, wanted cash instead of the tegu she won as she erroneously understood that I didn't produce any albino tegu this year but I clearly did. After asking her for address to ship the tegu to her TWICE, and not getting address from her to ship the tegu---and after she filed a small claims lawsuit in MA, I decided to auction off the albino tegu to raise more funds for conservation and raised another $5000 with the effort. She has complained to BBB, state attorneys office and state agriculture and has done everything possible to smear my name. My stand is clear: I gave her chance to claim her prize twice and she refused to send me her address so that I can ship her the tegu. The suit is still pending in small claims court so to me, this matter should be settled in court and her and other followed of her claims of being wronged by me is just a ploy to "blackmail" me.

She and her followers are also trying to blackmail IRCF, an honorable charitable organization I support.

I ask that everyone stay civil with comments here and I will not state any more, other than what I have already stated here. I will not argue with anyone here on her claimed wrong or my defense. I reserve the right to delete and block anyone who starts drama as there are enough on Fauna post.

Thanks for your understanding and support.
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68 68

Tim Coble
Tim Coble All the good that you do, and there are still people in the world who want to act like this. Just terrible.
I hope that you get everything settled soon. This has been being dragged out for far to long.
Like · 1 · 46 mins

Paul Pg Graham
Paul Pg Graham Terrible that, you've done nothing but good. If the person refused to send address that's their fault
Like · 1 · 46 mins

John Schearer
John Schearer Sounds to me you asked more than once for her shipping address and she never responded. In my eyes you did right on your end
Like · 1 · 46 mins

Elijah Cash Vaupel
Elijah Cash Vaupel I know how we can settle this... I'll send you my address, send the tegu over. Then I will slap her and show her the beautiful tegu I'm keeping.
Like · 8 · 44 mins

Steven Perez
Steven Perez Exactly lol
Like · 42 mins

Kristen Nelson-Richards
Kristen Nelson-Richards What he said^&
Like · 40 mins

Jessica DePatie
Jessica DePatie Best of luck to you...
Like · 38 mins

Sarah Hagen
Sarah Hagen I would never think bad of you Ty. You were in the right. And I'm so sorry she is doing this to you. There are many of thousands of ppl that know of all the good you do for our community. You are a stand up guy and very well loved. I hope this passes ...See More
Like · 3 · 36 mins

Ian Schneider
Ian Schneider If i remember this raffle right ( i definitely bought a ticket or two ). Everything was stated clearly. And when winners were announced they were given instruction. Cash was not an option.
Like · 1 · 35 mins

Jim Arie
Jim Arie Ty Soon, you're a good person, stand your ground. If there's anything I can do to show support for you (write a letter of character reference, show up in court for you in MA, anything), please let me know. Sadly, there are people out there looking to make a buck any way they can. Your integrity, your reputation will prevail!! Better days ahead!!
Like · 3 · 35 mins

Ty Park
Ty Park Nice to hear from one of my highschool buddy!!! Thanks Jim.
Like · 1 · 31 mins

David Manke Sr
David Manke Sr sometimes people are just messed up nothing you can do about them. Keep up the good work TY!
Like · 33 mins

Brianna Siegel
Brianna Siegel She didn't cooperate or listen, too bad! You did everything correct (:
Like · 33 mins

Elizabeth Lawrence
Elizabeth Lawrence The bigger and better you become, the more the envious little brains try to smear you.
Like · 31 mins

Felicia Di Muro
Felicia Di Muro It's people like her that have made the "fine print" required even on fundraising... Sad!! I'm sure you will be vindicated.
Like · 2 · 31 mins

Ingrid Machado
Ingrid Machado Wow...I'm so sorry to hear this is happening to you Ty Park...that is just plain horrible to do to you...this is just totally wrong and I hope Karma will get to her. I hope this thing will stop soon, nobody needs this kind of stress... I see you doing so many good things, I can't even imagine how upsetting this is to you...big hugs.
Like · 1 · 28 mins · Edited

Josh Rogers
Josh Rogers People always have to try and find a way to be money hungry and ruin something as helpful as a fundraiser i wasn't aware of the fund raiser when it was happening but would have definitely entered it clearly someone other then her deserved to win that tegu
Like · 1 · 23 mins · Edited

Pescado Arroyo B Joern
Pescado Arroyo B Joern Sounds like the right way, there is no more to say!
Like · 23 mins

William Espenshade
William Espenshade FWIW I don't think the boi on faunaclassified is more than half credible, if that. All things are buyer beware. You somehow don't fit the regard as a scandalous seller.
Like · 1 · 23 mins

Paul Siverson
Paul Siverson This only proves that you are doing right which is not always the easiest path. It appears in this world the more good you do the more people try to knock you down. Thank you for standing up for yourself instead of giving In. It should solidify character just that much more.
Like · 1 · 23 mins

Sherry Cody
Sherry Cody Ty Park, I truly believe that anyone that really knows you, knows your true character and all you do for conservation. Disregard any negativity and keep fighting this through the courts. No one is going to give any time to the crazy lady just seeking money.

It's ridiculous that you're even dealing with this and I'm sorry you are in this situation.
Like · 22 mins

Amanda Rose-Rachels
Amanda Rose-Rachels It's amazing that she went so far to try to get cash from you when she clearly did not pay attention to the raffle, the fact that you did produce albinos, and appears to have only wanted the cash to begin with. She didn't pay attention and rather than owning up to it, and receiving a gorgeous tegu from you, she decides to pull this. I don't see any wrong doing on your part Ty. Hearing she is trying to also slander IRCF is equally enraging. Hugs and hang in there!
Like · 21 mins

Merryeli Rodriguez
Merryeli Rodriguez Some people just want to ruin the world for others
Like · 20 mins

Kathy Love
Kathy Love Wow - great example of that old saying "No good deed goes unpunished". Sounds like you have done everything you can do already.
Like · 1 · 20 mins

Shannon Weeks
Shannon Weeks Unbelievable. She had her opportunity twice. It's her loss
Like · 18 mins

Susan Glynn Mule'
Susan Glynn Mule' Your character is beyond question. Anyone who doesn't know that isn't worth thinking about.
Like · 17 mins

William Burnett
William Burnett "No good deed, goes unpunished". [Can't recall who first said that, but it fits. We stand with you.]
Like · 1 · 15 mins

Bill Stewart
Bill Stewart Ty Park it's such a shame that you have to go though that. I'm really sorry. I do believe it will all be settled in your favor, as your reputation and contributions to our hobby are unquestionable
Like · 11 mins · Edited

Manny Frade
Manny Frade A free albino tegu?? Where do I sign up? Some people just get in their own way. Happens all the time.
Like · 11 mins

Jason Blakeney
Jason Blakeney Haters are going to hate keep up the good work Ty Park
Like · 10 mins

Manny Frade
Manny Frade The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I'm sure you know this better then most
Like · 10 mins

Jeff Byers
Jeff Byers This is why we can't have nice thing. The greed is one of the most disgusting things in this hobby.
Like · 8 mins

Chris Ivins
Chris Ivins I can't believe this is still going on ty.
I've been saying for years that fauna needs to be shut down..
Like · 7 mins

Mike Matson
Mike Matson Fauna bio is a garbage dump Ty Park. A place for a few individuals with nothing better to do than sit and talk about other individuals 24/7 with the full fledge intent to take down their business.

As long as they have material to feed off of they will continuously stalk you and repost.

Best thing to do is ignore them. Sit overlooking all of your animals at your farm with an ice tea in a lounge chair. Those people are miserable and bored with their lives.

Don't stress about them anymore. Fauna is the black and white television of the hobby. Facebook, Instagram and other social media are more powerful and the people will always see thru faunas crap.
Like · 3 mins · Edited
Old 02-22-2017, 01:41 PM   #933
Am I misunderstanding something here. If this Parks guy raised $9,000 but only gave $3,000 to TSA, isn't the other $6,000 profit for him?
Old 02-22-2017, 01:52 PM   #934
It's very telling that he only makes these statements on his closed Facebook page where we aren't able to comment. Anyone who's comments are worth considering will take the time to come over here and see what he is talking about and it is clearly shown, in his own words, that his version of the "truth" is some what skewed (a nice way to say he's full of... anyways).
Don't let them get to you Michelle, and Ty don't let your fan club trick you into thinking you're in the right in this. You're not. Even your supporters on this site are saying they think you were unethical and wrong. The only argument being made is Michelle could have sucked up to you and maybe your ego wouldn't have gotten in the way of you actually adhering to your contract.

All these comments about fauna being a joke, and here they are stating it on Facebook. The irony is not lost on me. Thank you fauna peeps, thank you Rich, and thank you Michelle. Michelle, my one piece of advice to you (taking it or not is completely up to you of course) is don't even look at those comments. Giving them the ability to at all affect your day, or even get in your ear, gives them far more power than they are worth. Take a lesson from Ty and just block/ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you haha
Old 02-22-2017, 03:14 PM   #935
Ive messaged a few of the people that have commented and they support me. Lol they can't say it there thought because they will be. Locked

Originally Posted by AllisonLeigh View Post
It's very telling that he only makes these statements on his closed Facebook page where we aren't able to comment. Anyone who's comments are worth considering will take the time to come over here and see what he is talking about and it is clearly shown, in his own words, that his version of the "truth" is some what skewed (a nice way to say he's full of... anyways).
Don't let them get to you Michelle, and Ty don't let your fan club trick you into thinking you're in the right in this. You're not. Even your supporters on this site are saying they think you were unethical and wrong. The only argument being made is Michelle could have sucked up to you and maybe your ego wouldn't have gotten in the way of you actually adhering to your contract.

All these comments about fauna being a joke, and here they are stating it on Facebook. The irony is not lost on me. Thank you fauna peeps, thank you Rich, and thank you Michelle. Michelle, my one piece of advice to you (taking it or not is completely up to you of course) is don't even look at those comments. Giving them the ability to at all affect your day, or even get in your ear, gives them far more power than they are worth. Take a lesson from Ty and just block/ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you haha
Old 02-22-2017, 03:22 PM   #936
Originally Posted by AllisonLeigh View Post
All these comments about fauna being a joke
In regard to the most vocal of those who had bad things to say about this site, you just have to consider the source. Mike Matson standing up in support of Ty Park is just comical. Even the shady people love the BOI; that is, until they screw the pooch and have their asses handed to them - and there's more than enough material on the BOI to show that Matson's long been shady as all hell.

Also not surprising to see Manny Frade among Ty's advocates. Considering his own scams and various other messes that still need to be cleaned up, Frade's probably the last person I'd want backing me. Before this thread, I never would have thought Ty Park was anything like them, but they're looking more and more like birds of a feather. I'm sure he's happy to have them there in his bubble, stroking his ego, but their names are a couple of mental associations that I absolutely wouldn't want my own name to evoke.

As the vast majority seem to be basing their stances on how they chose to perceive Ty before this thread came about - factual details specific to this situation be damned - they're simply not worth the effort it requires to read their nonsense. It seems noteworthy that so very few have even bothered to put in a token appearance here to defend someone whose actions they want to believe are fully justified. It's really easy to just throw claims around; apparently not so simple to come back them up with reasoned arguments, eh, guys?
Old 02-22-2017, 03:40 PM   #937
Originally Posted by Sugarhedgie View Post
they support me. Lol they can't say it there
If that's true, I'd put up screenshots of their support. It's one thing to publicly state something one actually believes; but someone publicly condemning you, while privately agreeing with you, is just really sleazy. I think that kind of duplicity should be put in the spotlight.
Old 02-22-2017, 04:00 PM   #938
Originally Posted by Fangthane View Post
If that's true, I'd put up screenshots of their support. It's one thing to publicly state something one actually believes; but someone publicly condemning you, while privately agreeing with you, is just really sleazy. I think that kind of duplicity should be put in the spotlight.
I kind of agree. It there are many many people that are afraid to stand up to him.
It's sad but true

The screens won't upload

Ty should unblock me So his post isn't a one sided story
He refused to tell me what he was going to ship and even admitted that when he decided to send me a t+ he did not communicate that to me because he wanted to see how greedy I was.

I want the tegu not the money. But he refused to give me the tegu

He still has some and could easily end this but shipping me one

*Anonymous third-party quotation removed by a moderator. - Nick A*

Thansad this is. Is that is anyone sticks up for me on his post they get blocked. His post is not honest

*Anonymous third-party quotation removed by a moderator. - Nick A*
Old 02-22-2017, 04:39 PM   #939
Originally Posted by Sugarhedgie View Post
The other person...
Anonymous third-party quotes don't fly around here. If you're going to post someone else's words, you have to name them or face infraction points.
Old 02-22-2017, 05:12 PM   #940
well , I gave it a shot to, messaged that post of his, keep it up Michelle, my post will surely be deleted in 5-4-3-2 but if even of few of his supporters see it and read the BOI and see the truth, then at least some good may come out of it..

best of luck

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raffle, tegu

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