Dirtiest of Dirty Jobs - Skulls unlimited - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 10-08-2008, 01:09 PM   #1
Mooing Tricycle
Dirtiest of Dirty Jobs - Skulls unlimited


On July 11th, Skulls Unlimited was featured on The Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs (check your local listings for re-runs). Since the episode aired we have received many phone calls and emails asking why certain elements of our cleaning process were left out...I.E. the really gross stuff. While some very nasty and disgusting scenes made it to air, others were left out. In a recent post to the Discovery Channels Dirty Jobs web site, Mike Rowe had this to say.

"The original skull-cleaning segment was one of the ultimate dirty jobs, quite possibly THE ultimate. Unfortunately, you will likely never see that version. It was deemed to be too graphic for broadcast, and perhaps it was. Its not my call. The version that aired however, was in my opinion, a bit The Sound of Music with the songs edited out still a good story, but minus the moments that would stick with you for a long, long time. Let me tell you what I saw on that unforgettable day, memories that I still can't shake.

Step 1. Mail Call. Every morning, UPS [and FedEx] delivers dozens of boxes to Skulls Unlimited, boxes full of severed heads. Bear heads, deer heads, monkey heads, you name it. They come from all over the world, and their collective sight defies description. The first part of my day at SU was spent unloading and organizing these severed heads, removing them from soggy boxes one at a time. They come wrapped in newspaper and bubble-pack, like fine china. It's really no different than a mailroom in any other company, except for the unique contents. To my embarrassment, I cant recall the name of the guy who unpacks these boxes the work destroyed my short-term recall - but I do remember thinking at that moment that he must have the dirtiest job in the joint. I was wrong, because moments later, there was...

Step 2. Remove the brains from each and every skull. This job is completed with the help of a homemade contraption called The Brain Demiser and Cerebral Extractor, a large barrel with an internal vacuum and a long plastic tube. The actual work is executed by Dale, whose name I will never forget. Dale was quite adept at manipulating the end of said tube into the base of each skull, easier said than done. Once accomplished, he would turn on The Brain Demiser, which churned to life with a hungry growl. Then, with horrible efficiency, the brains from the skull would begin to hurtle through the transparent tube and into the barrel, where they plopped noisily onto the previous deposit. Quite a sight. Ill never forget the sound of brain on brain. Needless to say, I tried my hand at the process, and eventually got the hang of it. Nearly lost it, but held on. Quite unforgettable, rather like...

Step 3. Flensing. Flensing is the process by which flesh, skin, and muscle are carved away from bone. It is delicate, painstaking work, and requires the skill of a true artisan. Here, Dale proved himself a humble craftsman who was capable of much more than sucking the brains out of skulls. Dale spent most of that morning flensing the days earlier arrivals, and patiently sharing his knowledge with me. I learned a lot from Dale, but mainly, I learned that I do not possess the skill or inclination to work as a professional flenser. Profoundly dirty work, but nowhere near as bad as

Step 4. Emptying The Brain Demiser. This may be the dirtiest of dirty jobs. Its certainly one of the worst Ive ever seen. The task most often falls to Josh, a 16-year old lad who just happens to be the son of the owner. Every day after school, Josh stops by Skulls Unlimited to tackle a number of onerous tasks, but this one takes the cake. Typically, Josh simply approaches the giant barrel of brains, now brimming from a full day of demising, grabs it around the middle, and hoists it onto the lip of a large, stainless steel sink. On that day, I had the honor. Under Joshs watchful eye, I hefted the gelatinous, quivering payload and proceeded to dump the chunky amalgam into the steel basin. Conservatively, Id put it at over 50lbs of assorted brain. Again, the sound made by a waterfall of cascading, congealing gray matter is unexampled, especially as it collides into a steel sink, and the smell, as you might imagine, is simply indescribable. With momentum and gravity working in concert, the falling brains accelerate rapidly, and the sink fills quickly. Too quickly. Naturally, a clog forms in the drain, and there is only one way to correct the situation. Someone must roll up his sleeve, dig through the brains and remove the blockage. On that particular day, that particular someone, was me.

Anyway, the day held many other horrors that were glossed over or omitted entirely from the show, and though I believe the original cut was far superior to the one that aired, I am grateful that we were allowed to air some version of the original. However, it needs to be said that the jobs at Skulls Unlimited are among the dirtiest Ive ever seen, because the segment you saw did not reflect that. Also, the work done by those guys cut from the original was stellar, and deserves to be acknowledged somewhere. So, Ill do it here."

Regardless of the editing, Skulls Unlimited was proud of the episode and would like to express our thanks to the whole Dirty Jobs crew. In addition, special thanks go out to Mike for naming Skulls Unlimited as potentially the Dirtiest Job! "
Old 10-11-2008, 03:25 PM   #2
Things that make you go "hmmmm". I guess somebody has to do it! Kind of like the decision to become a Proctologist. Can't imagine somebody thinking about, "okay, what do I really want to do with my life"? OH, I know!" LOL
Old 10-13-2008, 12:32 PM   #3
Double LY
My 4 year old is totally hooked on Dirty Jobs. I remember this episode clearly. At one point Mike had to dump a rubbermaid container of decomposed nutria (I believe) over a strainer and then sift out all of the remaining "goodies" to ensure the entire skeleton had been retrieved. The owner of Skulls Unlimited said the stench is so fine that it penetrates the gloves they wear so basically the workers go home wearing the smell of whatever foul critter they sifted through. I believe that's the point where I threw up in my mouth a little
Old 10-13-2008, 12:50 PM   #4
Mooing Tricycle
I think it would be kinda fun, and gross, all at the same time. Something, i may just have to try someday. LMAO

Hey, im a weirdo like that though.
Old 10-15-2008, 12:24 AM   #5
WJS Herps
I'm usually not a fan of abbreviations but OMG, LMAO!!!!

I didn't catch that episode, but I wonder - are the heads refrigerated when they come in? God the smell alone...

Quite the descriptive phrasing also. Makes me think of Anthony Bourdain in Africa eating that mostly uncooked pig's colon as a show of honor from that African tribe...

Thanks for a great start to my morning!
Old 10-15-2008, 01:27 PM   #6
Double LY
Originally Posted by Verdiherps View Post
I didn't catch that episode, but I wonder - are the heads refrigerated when they come in? God the smell alone...
To answer this question in part ... one scene of the epi was unloading a truck containing all of the "parts" that had once been a huge whale. It was definitely no ice cream truck, just a regular old semi tractor/trailer filled with the funk of hauling a carcass from Lord knows where to the Skulls Unlimited facility. *dry heave*

Did anyone see last night? It ranked right up there on the barf-o-meter. Mike was at some sort of waste water plant that featured a machine called the "muffin monster" - a device that creates poo "muffins". Tasty. Gotta love Mike, though. At one point they had to suck some of the nastiness out of a holding tank with giant PVC tubes and he explained how much he likes to lay pipe

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