On-Line dating sites, has ANYONE. - FaunaClassifieds
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Lonely Hearts Club Forum Looking for someone with a common interest? Why not go where they hang out? Have fun, but not TOO much fun in here. ONLY members over 18 are welcome here.

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Old 06-16-2006, 09:25 AM   #1
old guy
On-Line dating sites, has ANYONE.

here used them ? The first and foremost active sites are the match one by who else> Dr, Phil. The second one MOST active and popular is the Yahoo Personals. I am on 5 with 2 as a paid member status. Man, can I tell you some stories on people lurking and or trying to hook up. AND mostly WOMEN out number men on the looking agenda for men on these sites. Some are outright looking for you know what ! Most of both sex ( again though mostly women ) are looking for the impossible and the fantasies of finding........more if you want it..........
Old 06-16-2006, 09:43 AM   #2
Been there, done that. I'm on a couple of sites now too, but more for amusement than anything. Most of the "women" on the sites, especially the hot "I just want to hook up" women, are fake. They use the sites to fish for e-mail addresses and then you'll suddenly receive mounds of junk mail. Kind of the old saying, "If it's too good to be true, it results in loads of junk mail."

Well, that may not be exactly how the saying goes, but you get the picture.

Another saying I once heard in a movie kind of applies as well. I think the movie was called "The New Kid" or something like that. There was a character in the movie that was in prison and was trying to help a high school kid revamp his image. The line that applies to "most" (there are some legit people on there) is something like this: "Prison is like high school. The sex you want, you ain't gettin'. The sex you're gettin', you don't want."

All in all, if you use them to make contacts with other people and socialize on-line (much like here), you'll be happy. If you're looking for a soulmate... good luck. Of course statistics show your luck might not be any better via conventional methods.

Old 06-16-2006, 03:38 PM   #3
Laura Fopiano
Okay guys.....I've never been to those sights...and all of the guys that are into herps, live across the country! So how are herpers supposed to hook up? I mention keeping large constrictors and most run in the opposite direction.

So what does a single herper girl in Cali have to do to get a date LOL
Old 06-16-2006, 03:53 PM   #4
I don't agree with relationship/dating sites, but that's just my opinion. I think that if you are going to meet the person you are best matched up with, it will be by chance. And if you don't get that chance, there's always other lifetimes to try again. You can't force love, and meeting them through the aid of a computer is just weird to me. But then again, this is also coming from a person who never "dated" before. I have never went looking for companionship.
Old 06-16-2006, 05:35 PM   #5
old guy
Actually.....on-line dating sites are

a lot less riskier then you might think ! At least these days. You ( always remember without me having to say that I'm talking on both sides of the coin ) have a chance of saying/asking ANYTHING before a actual meeting takes place. You have the computer here to find the IP address that may help you find the authenticity of the user. You have the agenda of your meeting place AND I would recommend a very public place and there is no reason to nave a bud along just in case. The most important factor here is YOU know what each other wants through e-mail what each other expects in a relationship or not. Pictures are a MUST ! Yes, it may not be them but you can always walk away from a meeting if they are not whom they were suppose to be. I'm from the old school of the bar scene and does anybody here think that the old way of chance meeting is any safer on that ? NOPE ! And maybe it;'s my age but to go through all of the rigorous getting acquainted ritual of getting to know each other by traditional dating is not of my time essence when all of that crap can be pre-determination on-line before. Not saying that it WILL be still a timely event on the above but it sure moves the whole scenario right along faster. Is there horror stories about on-line dating services ? Certainly but compared to ANY way of dating, it's all in the game ! LOL !
Old 06-19-2006, 11:41 AM   #6
Originally Posted by old guy
here used them ? The first and foremost active sites are the match one by who else> Dr, Phil. The second one MOST active and popular is the Yahoo Personals. I am on 5 with 2 as a paid member status. Man, can I tell you some stories on people lurking and or trying to hook up. AND mostly WOMEN out number men on the looking agenda for men on these sites. Some are outright looking for you know what ! Most of both sex ( again though mostly women ) are looking for the impossible and the fantasies of finding........more if you want it..........
I've tried them with mixed results. I won't go into the nut cases and bad results, but I did meet a nice someone who has been a friend for over a decade now.

From what I hear, some of the ads in some of these kinds of places are now totally fictional written by people who are not looking to meet but rather just want to exchange cybersex emails. In fact, some of them have a selection of stock replies they cut and paste into their email answers depending on the initial contact they receive.
Old 06-20-2006, 02:31 AM   #7
Originally Posted by Laura Fopiano
I mention keeping large constrictors and most run in the opposite direction.

So what does a single herper girl in Cali have to do to get a date LOL
Come east.
I'm single, and not even a little bit unnerved by large constrictors. I'm not quite ready to enter the dating scene, but announcing that I'm back on the market is the first step in that direction
Old 06-20-2006, 03:31 AM   #8
I have never used dating sites for the purpose of getting a date, but there is quite a bit of entertaiment value in them. Yet, still not enough for me to "buy-in".
Sometimes, you have to register for free membership status in order to read some of ads. I set up a disposable email address for tha reason. For all I know, there may a million people writing to me. I never check it.

But, using a computer to weed through the forest is a very good thing.

I met my ladylove in a website a few years ago and it started off with a post here, reply there. I sent her a private message to ask how she derived her screen name. From there, we'd post-chase alittle, pm on occassion. Then, phone calls. This went on for very long time. Neither of us looking for a relationship. We shared alot of interests is all.

Then she calls and wants to know if I want to actually meet. She flew in from Canada's west coast, I flew in from Georgia. We met in Toronto, while we there, we also met with other forum members.

We talked for hours and hours over the phone for over a year and also made trips to each others homes.

We married in March this year in Vegas and I am going through immigration to the land above the border. Until the papers are done, I am in Washington state.

The site is Canadianrider.com. I am zedex, she is sdark. If you are into motorcycles, check it out.
Old 06-20-2006, 03:33 AM   #9
Originally Posted by hhmoore
Come east.:
Easy there Harald. There are some west coast herpers you know. Am I going to have to establish a geologic dividing line so you don't try to steal the west coast ladies?
Old 06-21-2006, 12:11 AM   #10
old guy
my experiences so far on the sites

it's been almost a month on some.........here is the average......yes on some possible hookups but I CHICKENED OUT ! LOL ! these were locals and didn't quite meet my standards. The average of age and problems........they are not reading my profiles to good. I have in very definite words, no children living at home and i;m probably not going to rock your world at this time but maybe later. Also I talk the talk of a possible relationship maybe but I/m not looking to change my life at this time and i won't ASK you to do the same at this time. I still get an average of 20 connections per day with average age of 34 to 45 and all are divorced and as I said, most with kids living at home. Now the opposite side > older ladies of 50 to 60ties wanting a more or less platonic relationship but are lonely to very lonely and is happy just to talk to a gentleman of my worded and written profile/s. While I also have in profile of not being very religious, all age groups of females contacting have some stating that they are seeking same as religious conscious in which again they are not reading me. Will I actually hook up ? I don't know as I think I';m doing this as a of interest only type of deal and or a curiosity type scenario. I have appeared to make some of their lives better in just chatting though and especially the older ladies. One more time on my take and very all to common problem with all age groups of contacts....DIVORCE ! More later as I still explore........

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