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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 09-18-2006, 02:52 AM   #1
Anthony McCain
FYI Mr Woods

I have only attempted to reverse the charges once and you know who that was , your buddies you speak so highly of that gave you the magical Het Reds.. Say what you want to , stop by my table and tell me some more I would love to hear ALL of your opinions as I know that you know more than I , LOL.. As for Evan as I said the animal is fine , he has been fed a hopper mouse weekly since the day he was born, I told you MONTHS ago Evan that this was how I was feeding him , you never tried to get the money here any faster so he wasn't pushed , he was fed as much as most feed a baby that isn't trying to rush them up to the 600 grm mark in less than a year, he is such a horrible animal that he killed a hopper mouse 3 nights ago IN FULL SHED, yes he was as blue as they come and killed/ate within seconds,.So whatever Evan don't even bother doubting my animals , I don't sell crap , you'll have to go somewhere else for that, not mentioning any names here as YOU will take it around the world twice before I can even reply ... Tell you what Evan , you have upset the wrong People here, I am sure you got a phone call recently that put you up to speed as to what you caused by doing what you did, you may find it funny however some others that are more serious about how their names are mentioned didn't find it funny at all, yes I mentioned things I should not have but you took this way beyond what was necessary and now you have to deal with it like the rest of us do.. I will bring CASH with me to the show and if you can prove that this animal is not a obvious solid Super Pastel male then you will get a refund in CASH along with this animal that you sent me back as I ALREADY have what I need to make more Cyclone/ Super Stripes anyway and really could care less about this unproven animal that may or may not make anything down the road in 3 years anyways, by then I will have babies from my male Cyclone anyway so I am not out jack, and in fact would just be saving $1500... You bring AS MANY people as you want over to inspect the animal for as long as you like , I unlike yourself have NOTHING to hide here, if you want to be put on the spotlight I am cool with that, hell it's free advertising for me that I have nice animals anyway so what do I care.. I will be putting these checks in the bank Evan so a stop payment at this point will simply rest my case here anyway and at that point will prove that YOU are the one going against your word and NOT me , I will be contacting your bank prior to depositing Each of the 2 checks, you see Evan I will do this ALL by the book , question here is WILL YOU????????? I will also be taping this voice mail over to a mini recorder just in case it is removed from my cell messages , I will gladly play it for you or ANY of your friends as it is a very disturbing message even to someone as crazy as myself, makes me wonder about you just the same as you wonder about me..... The way I see it Evan is that you are trying your best to make me into a laughing stock for your simple minded enjoyment , only problem I have with that is that I don't appreciate LIARS and I have several ways to prove you are doing JUST that here for all of us to see , here in front of all of our peers, here in a little place you find yourself indestructible and dominant over others. I myself take that as a personal challenge and will be more of the man and will deal with this man to man on a professional level in front of everyone so we can settle this once and for all and just be done, FOREVER. I really think you started an unnecessary mess here Evan and I will hold you responsible for this , this gains NOBODY in the end and the fact that you cannot comprehend that fact worries me , and makes me wonder how you continue in this industry. I gave you the benefit of the doubt in the beginning and decided to do business with you despite what others had warned me about you , agreed to keep this animal for you until you had the money to pay for it and months later find out your pulling this crap on the BOO in attempt to make me look bad, that really does nothing but prove that the EXACT things that your peers warned me about has now become a reality with you Evan. I will say it again , if you send me a cashiers check I can ship the animal by Delta ASAP , but until I have the funds in my account the animal is NOT going anywhere, as at this point I trust you about as far as I can throw you Evan , If the checks Bounce for ANY reason I guess I'll have to visit this site again, anyone , I mean ANYONE that would like a pica of this animal (on a Gram scale if necessary) once it sheds is welcome to it, as well as is welcome to come check it out at Townley I unlike Evan Have ZERO to hide and in fact think it is great that he has so many friends that are willing to stop by and take a look at what a nice Super Pastel really looks like, that only makes my job that much easier the way I see it... And to address the fact that I haven't sent Evan a pica of the female Super I got from him, I paid for that animal it is mine NOT his, now so what should it matter to him , I already told Evan that I take crappy picks , he even joked about that fact with me SEVERAL times over the phone , so what is your point Evan , you SEEN the pica on KS classifieds when you bought him, you already know what he looks like , he is a nice looking animal , your comments are rude , unjust, and plain lies , this animal is not something to worry about , your the only issue I need to address now , the Super is not the issue at this point , your threats and comments are!!!!!! Bring a bunch of people with you Evan the more witnesses we have at Townley the better , I want you and EVERYONE there to see the caliber of my stock, and I want you to hold up your end of the deal , can you do it, I guess we shall see soon enough..... I will bring that female with just in case you have some BS excuse as to why you won't accept it , you youself told me on the phone yesterday that you "didn't really have any doubts about the quality of the animal" so now we shall see who is the man and who is not, best case situation we resolve the whole thing , we shake hands , and agree to never put ourselves in this position again, I guess I will leave the final outcome of actions in your lap Evan Stael....... Anthony McCain-McCain's Reptiles...
Old 09-18-2006, 03:06 AM   #2
Anthony McCain
spell check

Not sure why it changed Pics to "pica" or Tinley into Townley or whatever it said , but you all know what it was supposed to say regardless.. Goes back to the very reasons I hate computers and unlike Evan I would much rather settle this matter like men IN PERSON, in public. Anthony McCain-McCain's Reptiles...
Old 09-18-2006, 03:30 AM   #3
Anthony McCain
It also changed Evans last name too, I had it spelled correctly before I spell checked it???
Old 09-18-2006, 03:58 AM   #4
Clay Davenport
Welcome to the neighborhood boys and girls. The word for today is paragraph.
Paragraphs are our friends, and they're easy to make. You just hit the enter key a couple of times every so often at the end of a sentence.

See there, I made one just now.
The nicest thing about paragraphs is they make it easier to read long rambling diatribes without causing painful migraines. Nobody likes migraines.
Old 09-18-2006, 07:25 AM   #5
I am worn out after reading all of this.I do not know Anthony.I do know Evan.I purchased a Pastel Ball male from him about 2 1/2 months ago.He went well,and I repeat well out of his way to make sure that I was pleased with the snake.

He sent me a beautiful Pastel.He treated me as if I spent thousands of dollars when I did'nt even spend $400.When I purchase another Ball,IT WILL BE WITH EVAN.Being from Alabama,we believe in Southern Hospitality and Evan was very,very polite.We had numeruos conversations over the phone.And each time we talked he wanted to know how the snake was and if I was still pleasd with it.

Hey Evan,I will be giving you a call soon.Look forward to dealing with you again.I hope this situation is settled soon.Good luck man!! PS;I am glad that I am not in this situation.All of you who have been reading this and think this is silly need to understand the amount of money and time that is spent in this field.I am not an angry person,but I would get very physical over this if I were in Evan's shoes.But we all know that would be stupid.Stay as calm as possible(both of you)and solve this ASAP.
Old 09-18-2006, 11:09 AM   #6
Anthony McCain
Sorry Clay , I did run it all together, last time I checked my teacher from high school wasn't grading this .. Details like that really don't have much to do with any of this , but then again NEITHER do alot of the comments that are on this thread... As for BAMA I'd double check the sex on that snake you may have a female Pastel instead of a male , like the female I have (the one that produced this Super Evan agreed to purchase) that was sold to my friend Rick in Chicago by Evan in I believe 2002 as a male Pastel , turns out to be a GREAT deal for Rick , he ended up with a Yellow Belly and another awesome Pastel from me in trade for that now proven female Pastel , one that he paid alot less than he really should have for due to a sexing error.. I am glad your dealings with Evan have been so delightful, sounds like you found yourself a breeder you like, good for you man!!!! I suppose I could round up a few that would post for me the same but I don't feel the need to prove myself any further on here at this time... THE THREAD IS NOW DEAD in my eyes , Evan and I will be finishing ALL this up like gentlemen in Chicago, right EVAN??? Tomorrow is the day to deposit the first of the 2 checks according to your post dating that is , and the fact that you told me "they will be good on the days I wrote them for" guess we shall see, won't we...... Anthony McCain-McCain's Reptiles..
Old 09-18-2006, 11:17 AM   #7
Anthony, not one of the people you mentioned to me on the phone has backed up what you said, in fact quite the opposite, like the people you mentioned in emails they are very upset that you can't do anything right and drag other people through the mud because you have a big mouth and no brain to censor what comes out of it. Nobody wants any part of your negative. inflamatory garbage. You are just filled with anger and hatred for everyoen you have ever done business with and nobody wants to hear from you anymore. I have gotten no phone calls you are referring to. The only phone calls I have gotten are people sympathetic to what I have had to deal with from you.

Why are you all of a sudden afraid I will stop payment on the checks Anthony?

When you get to that herp show in Iowa you will have some people to answer to that you have wronged and then again at Tinley Park. It is also come to my attention that people you threatened to kill and burn down their houses are holding those taped phone messages and will be using them as evidence. You also made some innapropriate comments about their wives. That is class Anthony. It takes a big man to rip on a guys wife. You go too far Anthony.

I had little concern about the quality of the animal you were going to be bringing to the show when I talked to you. BUT when I talked to you it is also true that you were calm and apologetic. Then you posted on this thread. Due to your statements and history of insane and erradic behavior I do absolutely have every reason to believe that you may try to dump a junk animal on me.

And no Anthony, it is not normal in the business to feed a male of that value a hopper a week and have it under 200 grams in 5-6 months unless it doesn't eat. I have gotten most of my stock from great people like Mark and Kim Bell who sell their babies at 300-500 grams. I am just damn sorry I did not give them this money! Just because you are not keeping it for yourself does not mean that you intentionaly underfeed it to keep it small. AND yes I did call you about that tell you I wanted you to feed it more and was pissed that you told me at 4-5 months of age it was 160 grams. And your response was that you did not have the rodent supply to feed animals more.

I don't know why you keep posting here. Do you think you are looking better? Every time you post you look worse and worse. You are hateful, angry person with some real problems Anthony. And you can blame them on me all you want, but apparently you have had the identical problems with scores of people in this business long before I ever even met you. I just will not tolerate the way you have treated me and will take you to task for it. No free rides for people like yourself. The reason you keep getting away with this crap is because nobody shows the public what you are really like. Thanks to you, they know now!
Old 09-18-2006, 11:34 AM   #8
Anthony McCain
Feeding isn't the issue here Evan

Would you like me to feed him for you at Tinley, or better yet maybe I should over night you a tape from my camcorder so you can see him feeding in his usual environment, as to expect ANY ball to feed at a show after traveling 6 hours away would not prove much if he decided not to eat at the show, go ahead bring a 15-20 day old mouse LIVE with you and we can gladly try it wither way... I guess I did say some stupid things to Jim, HOWEVER , we worked it out and I said I would never get upset like that again, well the last time I checked EVAN I didn't say ANYTHING that physically threated you so I guess if the only thing your worried about is the other comments about who has a bigger /better collection is that big of a deal to you then I think you should reconsider your VERBAL THREAT you made to me which I quote was " And Anthony I can Fu*****put a bullent in your head and leave you for dead in a ditch", YES EVAN THAT IS WORD FOR WORD what I have on my cell phone now saved for Des Moines And Tinley and soon will be copied to a mini recorder as well.. ANYONE THAT DOUBT or thinks I am the liar here can call me directly at 515-202-6893 and I will call you back , saving your dime , and replay the message EVAN left me to you over the speakerphone on my home line... YOU WANT TO start crap with me Evan BRING IT then..... , pack a lunch while your at it pal........... PS your right he hasn't called you yet I called with him 20 minutes ago and he will be contacting you when he gets the time, he's a busy guy unlike yourself..... Anthony McCain-McCain's Reptiles....
Old 09-18-2006, 11:48 AM   #9
Anthony, with all due respect, can you please stop with the pathetic attempts at character assassination? Making comments such as "unlike yourself" etc is nothing short of pathetic. You want to win the argument? Then post facts. Post information that is key. Making pseudo veiled attacks on someone's character is pathetic.

If the two of you are in such extreme dislike of each other then send him his items back. This situation is very easy to remedy but for some reason you want to drag this on. Evan asked for his money and animals back. Just send it back to him and be done with this.

If you truly are getting your rocks off on this type of behavior then you are only going to make all of the readers here second guess whether or not they will ever deal with you. I know that I won't. I have heard from several individuals that this type of behavior is par for the course with you. So, instead of beating around the bush, instead of dragging this out because you enjoy the discourse, instead of jumping up and down with excitement because you are average (the average credit score is 684), instead of ensuring that you will be on quite a few people's "do not buy from list", why don't you just end it? Send him his stuff back and be done. Walk away and move onto better things. After all, given how busy and important your schedule is, don't you have better things to do? I would assume so.

Old 09-18-2006, 01:01 PM   #10
Chameleon Company
This thread would not seem to be a successful venue in which to arbitrate a solution to this problem. I would agree with Bob here:
Anthony, with all due respect, can you please stop with the pathetic attempts at character assassination?
.... but, without snatching quotes from both antagonists, my reading is that both parties have made statements, the only purpose of which seemed to be to insult and antagonize the other. The mud in which they stand trying to resolve this is quite paralyzing, and not conducive to cooler heads prevailing ...... what with the bulldogs, credit scores, roadside ditches, etc. The refund deal as suggested by Bob might be the best solution ..... at least it may stop the bleeding quicker than anything else. Good luck gentlemen.

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