Recent issues in the Leo Forum brought to the BOI - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 05-03-2005, 12:28 PM   #1
Recent issues in the Leo Forum brought to the BOI

Recently there has been alot of discussion in the leo forums that belongs here in the BOI, mainly regarding Dan Poe and his horrid ethics, The mack snow morph and the pricing "politics" that surround it, etc. etc. etc.

Specifically I would like to touch on a topic that has presented itself in regards to this thread:

Towards the end you'll notice that Rich (Webslave) informs members to stay on topic or fines\suspensions will ensue.

Shortly thereafter a few members were fined in result of ignoring this request.

Completely understandable!

But what about the others? For instance, Steve (E2MACPETS) was fined and suspended for posting one single reply consisting of a sentence or two... Yet a handful of members continued with an offtopic conversation and were NOT fined nor dealt with in any way shape or form.

It's more than obvious that such a rule should apply to EVERYONE and preferential treatment should NOT apply.

Up until this point I have agreed with many if not all of Rich's rules and policies regarding this site. I have also gone out of my way to support fauna aside from simply paying to advertise.....

Unfortunately I have to disagree with the actions taken in this thread I have mentioned. Honestly I believe it should have been closed and a new one should have been created. Something with that much off topic discussion is simply "baiting" individuals to stray off topic. You'll notice until the end I personally stayed out of the discussion even though many of you know that like most who contributed I would have been right in there with the rest of them facing a fine.

Bottom line: I believe that if a handful of offenders are fined and suspended ALL offenders should be fined and suspended. No preferential treatment. Including myself! At the end of that thread I chose to disagree with Rich's actions which was in fact off topic, and if he feels necessary he may fine and suspend me. I deserve it. I also paid to reinstate Steve and Alex and shortly thereafter I was made aware that this practice is no longer allowed, so if he liked he can pay my "fine" if impossed from the fee's I am certain he will be refusing....

As anyone can plainly see the correspondence in that thread speaks for itself. A chosen few were fined for good reason, and others were either overlooked or slid under the rug.

I've done my best to contribute what I could to fauna and seeing something like this really disappoints me....

I believe the others involved should be fined or the fines imposed should be lifted. I really do not think enforcing the rule "halfway" is an option.
Old 05-03-2005, 01:23 PM   #2
Hmm, I just went back and re read the entire thread, and I only saw one other person that MAYBE could have been suspended and fined, only because he mentioned the unmentionable person that's first name starts with the letter D. All the other posts were about possible price fixing, marketing etc. Maybe if you point it out to me, I would see it, at this point I don't. Sorry.
Old 05-03-2005, 01:25 PM   #3
First off, I will tell you bluntly that I do not intend to explain every little detail of what I do here to enforce the rules. If anyone thinks I am going to fritter away my time doing so to the inevitable crowd that will disagree with EVERYTHING I do, then I suspect you need to re-align your thinking cap.

But in this particular case, let's start with my warning after I had already closed one previous thread about this topic and placed a warning why I closed it within that thread:
Maybe some of you missed my point in that other thread that I had to lock. So I will try to be a bit less subtle with this message.

Anyone trying to turn this leopard gecko forum into a sideline Board of Inquiry will be suspended and fined. Period. No, "I didn't realize you meant ME!" No, "I didn't understand what you meant!" No "But this is IMPORTANT!"

If it is important enough for you to talk ABOUT someone else then it either goes in the BOI, or button your lip.

There, is that to the point enough?
By contextual reference, everyone taking part in that conflict knew what I was referring to. If you want, go read the several threads in the Leopard Gecko Discussion Forum. I am not going to post a synopsis here.

Anyway, does my warning above seem CLEAR enough to a normal reasonable human being?

So I get a report post warning in my mail inbox on the morning of 05/02/05, PLUS a phone call about it. Well, enough is ENOUGH, already! So I start reading that thread.

First up to bat is Bringerofdoom with this quote:
I agree greg, alot of his investors are probably worried about po-boy killing their market value soon. You know he will be the first to bring on lower prices. After wondering why none of the "big guys" are spending their money on his stock, itll happen. His stock in my eyes, will never carry the same value over the rest of everyone stock.

I guess the moral majoritly of people here, feel that once sale is refused to the customer (When we CHOOSE to use that right to sell) That they can get a 3rd party involved and that should make it OK in everyone else's eyes.

Robin (link) Told him no geckos and he complained. Alex told him no and poe basically said a big FU to alex and still got what he wanted. Now is this the actions of a normal adult or that of a grubby "gimme gimme" kid?

Everyone wants to questions alex's ethics, when everyone should be questioning poe's. With the breeding of leo's once the moment they hit the desired weight, when they are technically to young still. To the immediate pairing of a $1000+ gecko, without quaratining at all. I know everyone wanted to get a jump on this season, but i know the rest of you did not do remotely what dan has done though.
Strike three!

Next up to the plate is E2MacPets with this little diddy:
Dan is a bad name to have in the leopard gecko business....
Those were BOTH on merely page one of that thread.

Batter up!

I had to go back through the thread again to catch this one from Alex Hue:
As for reputations and and trying to sink's a doozy...does anyone think I would've sold a Mack snow to lubinsky if I KNEW he had a PRIOR arrangement with poe concerning a breeding loan ??? So the guy had a prior arrangement, didnt tell me about it knowing that a breeding loan would've been out of the question based on where and how I'd like to see this project take shape, bred the Mack male to a few females right after receiving him, turned around and sold it, shipped it within 4 days of receiving...and I'm sinking their reputations? or better ethics and morals are being questioned?
Was Alex being baited? No, not that I could see, because groovygeckos (Dan Poe) didn't post THIS until AFTER Alex's above post:
OK , i was offered a pair of Snows by you Alex , the only "conversation" w/ me was price and payment option , AFTER you helped me figure out i wanted the pair as opposed to my original inquiry about just a female having taken your own good advice decided against just a female and then asked about ,just a male.
we had come to an agreement upon a pair , a 5-6 mo old male and an "adult" female Snow , after my confusion w/ the different prices for different sizes was out of the way .
i call BS ,and will spare you , posting our e-mail . there was no talk of where you wanted to see this thing go .
i told you very honestly my intentions at the time were to make Giant Snows het Albino and that i was working on a very small scale as more of a hobby than anything until this 'business opportunity' came along and that would make me work on a slightly larger scale ONLY .
So if anyone were being baited, it was Dan Poe, from what I can see.

Were there more people who should have been fined and suspended? Possibly, I was up to page 11 by then and had quite enough of that crap by then.

Were some people fined and suspended unfairly? Also possibly, but you be the judge of that. I had to assume that everyone taking part in this new thread also saw my previous warnings. How could I do it otherwise? Drive to each and everyone's house and give them a lie detector test?

So you all tell me how you want this here. If you want rules and the rules to be enforced, then they HAVE to be no matter who is at fault. Will it be perfect? Meaning will it be as YOU might have done it? Probably not, but that's just the way it is. I really don't CARE about every issue that blows up on this site and am not going to be hanging on everyone's every breath and word about them all. That's just the breaks.

One of the people fined and suspened WAS a long time advertiser and supporter for this site. Should I have turned a blind eye because of this and let him slide? Sure, wouldn't that have been just ducky? Yeah, my slapping his knuckles lost me his advertising revenue here. But either you all want this site where I try to enforce the rules fairly, as much as humanly possible, or you want a good old boy network here where the perks go to the highest bidders. If that is what you want, then just spit it out and be done with it.
Old 05-03-2005, 01:30 PM   #4
One of the people fined and suspened WAS a long time advertiser and supporter for this site. Should I have turned a blind eye because of this and let him slide? Sure, wouldn't that have been just ducky? Yeah, my slapping his knuckles lost me his advertising revenue here. But either you all want this site where I try to enforce the rules fairly, as much as humanly possible, or you want a good old boy network here where the perks go to the highest bidders. If that is what you want, then just spit it out and be done with it.
Rich, had you turned a blind eye because of advertising money, it would have been wrong. It would have smelled a little too familar. You did the right thing.

To Alex: If you are reading this, please come back. I know if I got suspended for something I would probably be pissed off for a day or two, then pay my fine, come back and enjoy the site again. We need you here ALex, you have a lot to offer our foru. I really hope you change your mind.
Old 05-03-2005, 01:40 PM   #5
Alex you are a valued member here. NOW you can join MY club. Of course before you can be an officer of my elite membership you need to be suspended a time or three more, but I have high hopes for you. LOL

Really, come on back. Sh$t happens just don't let it get to you. The same goes for the rest of you too.
Old 05-03-2005, 02:08 PM   #6
Originally Posted by KelliH
Hmm, I just went back and re read the entire thread, and I only saw one other person that MAYBE could have been suspended and fined, only because he mentioned the unmentionable person that's first name starts with the letter D. All the other posts were about possible price fixing, marketing etc. Maybe if you point it out to me, I would see it, at this point I don't. Sorry.
I just went back and read the thread as well and agree completely. I just don't see it.
Old 05-03-2005, 02:12 PM   #7

Take it from a guy who has gone down this road, quit while your ahead.


As stated before, why not return and join the club of the banned. (figured I would have to chime in there also).
Old 05-03-2005, 02:57 PM   #8
It's okay, I vented and those who should of received fines in addition to those already fined know who they are. I simply agree to disagree and move on, everyone can't agree at all times...... It wuold be no fun! Besdies, im happy knowing I said my peace.

Hopefully Rich uses the $ I sent to lift Alex's fine as requested, I'd like to see Alex still appear in this evenings chat. Many are looking forward to it...

If not he can feel free to refund it as he sees fit.
Old 05-03-2005, 03:21 PM   #9
I had thought there was a specific rule here on Fauna against paying the fines of others.
Old 05-03-2005, 03:28 PM   #10
Your money was refunded, Chris. Thanks for the thought, but it has to be this way. One thought behind my coming up with the suspension and fine was that the fine is minimal enough that it is not that much of a burden, at least at first, and secondly, any one who just wants a reason to leave has a ready one available at any time.

I really don't like to have to out and out ban people. But anyone is welcome to ban themselves if they decide they really want to. I just made it a self service option.

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