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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 02-11-2003, 12:09 AM   #1
The next kingsnake?

This all arose from my, as a moderator, fixing a
situation to the best of my ability after the
administrator failed to do so. I notified him what I
was doing and why I was doing it, and he promptly
overrode my decision.

You need to cool it. You are walking on a fine line.
You know why. You argued with me about the event that
was posted in the leopard gecko forum and then went
off complaining to everyone. I explained to you the
reason. It was an advertisement. And you disobeyed my
orders when I moved it. We have already gotten into
this. I will not condone abuse to my members for you
trying to prove your point to me.
Please learn to play nice."

"Dear members,
Every now and then I will move a post from one forum
to another where I feel it is best suited. This has
always been a policy here. We feel that this best
helps to keep information to where it can easily be
found and to help prevent confusion. This helps
members and views to be able to thump through a
section and find what they are looking for or not find
what they are not looking for. Up until now, this has
not been a issue of concern and has suited us very
well without a problem. Some times a post may not be
moved that should be and sometimes a post is moved
that maybe is in a grey area, so it get’s moved. It’s
not always easy to decide what should be moved and
should not be. Most of the time it’s pretty cut and
dry though.
When a member of the staff does move a post, please do
not be alarmed. We are just doing some house keeping
on what we may feel is best suited. This does not mean
that you have done something inappropriate or does it
generally even raises our attention on you. Not unless
it was an obvious way to abuse the system or is
constantly being done.
We are trying desperately to make this a top notch
forum. We want everyone to be able to find what they
are looking for easily. And most importantly, we want
everyone to have an enjoyable time here.
Many forums or groups do not even allow posting topics
such as come view my site at But we
took a different approach as we had been unfairly
discriminated against on other sites and labeled as
“competition”. Well many felt, including myself, that
a “gecko community” site should not block sites in the
community. So we felt it was time to make a stand and
add these community features. We want you to be able
to share your sites and events. Even if they are other
informational resource sites. This is the whole reason
of a community anyways, to help each other and learn.
But we do have certain rules for doing this. This
includes posting them in the appropriate forums and
sections. While yes, some topics can probably go in
multiple forums, we generally just leave them unless
we feel it is best suited in a other area. Most of the
time, we do not delete post’s. If they do, they are
simply moved to a moderators section only so everyone
in the staff knows what is going on. But if you do
ever notice that a post is not their anymore, please
be sure to check other related forums to see if it was
moved their. Chances are it was. And if we did remove
it from being publicly displayed, we always try to
contact you about it and try to resolve any matters at
So please remember to always try to post in the best
suited forum for a given topic. This is why we have
many forums available.
The reason this is brought up as a concern is because
recently I have chosen to move a topic that was a
advertisement for an event by a members sole post on
the forum here and moved it to the events section.
Then a moderator has took it upon himself against my
decision to overdue my decision blatantly against my
ruling after arguing with me about it and telling me
to just leave it. While I don’t have any problem with
someone arguing a point with me. But if I say and give
my reason on something. That is final word. And then
going out of the way to bad mouth me about it and not
giving all the facts is excessive abuse. We will not
have this behavior here.
P.S. I was just aware of a topic that I had to address
before I posted this message publicly. I wanted Rakell
to have the opportunity to be aware of this being
posted. But Their was a topic that was brought to my
attention regarding this matter. So please remember,
we don’t always contact members when moving a topic. I
don’t feel it very serious of a issue in most
circumstances. Some mod’s may let you know of this. I
generally do not unless it’s a more serious issue at
hand. Though sometimes I do notify a member. So theirs
no solid rule on when I contact someone on a topic
being moved."

"Dear Moderators,
Please remember you were given the opportunity to
moderate this forum as a privilege. We expect you best
behavior here as you are setting an example for our
We have certain rules an policies everyone must
follow. And we treat everyone fairly and equally here.
We will not condone abusive behavior, and especially
moderators to our members. If a moderator has a
dispute with me, they need to keep it with me. Not go
blabbing to everyone a half story and then attack
members to attempt to condone your point or message.
This will not be tolerated. I don’t want this to be
sounding like some bitch session to everyone, because
it’s not meant to be. I just get upset when this sort
of abuse happens.
But recently a post was made that was a pure
This was also the persons first and only post on the
forum as well. So I moved it to the event’s section.
Then one of our beloved moderators decided to have the
person repost it or it was already reposted. Anyways
the moderator asked me about this. I told them I
didn’t delete it and I moved it. I told him why. Well
after enough arguing on my decision to move it, they
decided to move it with a shadow topic left behind.
This was against my wishes. And on top of that told me
to just leave it
Anyways I told this person later on, I believe the
next day I was not happy with that. And do not like
them going over my head like that. Not alone, he went
off complaining to others about it. So I was not quite
Unfortunately they decided to take it out on a member
on here for posting in the wrong section. I was not
happy to see this. I will not tolerate this type of
I expect that if any of you have a problem with any of
my decisions to discuss it with me. Not go off bad
mouthing me and or the forum and then taking it out on
others. I have certain rules and policies for a
reason. This is why the forum is as successful as it
is. And communicating any issues is critical. We want
everyone to have a good time here. We don’t want it to
be a trash hole that some of us are use to or have
seen. This is why I ban users that do not adhere to
our rules and regulations and try to ruin others
I’m not trying to be a hardass or stickler. I worked
too hard to make this opportunity available for
everyone. I have seen and been through too much crap
with other places and strive to change that. So I will
not condone it here. So I hope everyone understands
where I am coming from and what is expected.
If you have a dispute to this or anything else, please
let me know. I am not going to byte your head off.
Everyone has their opinion’s. And if you don’t believe
me, ask Jan. He’s had different opinions quite a few
times from me. And we always tried to make the best
choices from them. This is why he is a moderator, plus
his knowledge in keeping geckos as well. We can only
make this place better when we express are selves and
act appropriately, not carrying off like a rabid
And the only reason I had chose to publicly address
the issue on the main forum is because I didn’t think
it was right to do what was done to a member like
that, not along to be complaining about me to who
knows who. I just know it was happening and needs to
be addressed and stopped.
As a generally rule for now, let’s try to post in here
when we do move a topic. This will help keep confusion
down and so the person can be addressed more quickly
in case of concern. Leaving a shadow topic is not
being done anymore. There is no point to it. It still
fills up the forum with the topic that probably should
not be there. Again, use your best judgment on this.
But we are not going to give special treatment to some
people and not others. This is not fair to others. And
if anyone see’s anyone abusing another, please let me
know right away so I can correct it. Posting a topic
in the wrong forum is generally not a serious issue to
start raising tempers. Also it is your choice whether
to notify a member if their topic was moved. I
generally do not unless it was of a serious issue.
Thank you for everyone’s cooperation and help around
here. I do appreciate and for the most part,
everyone’s doing a wonderful job.
Best regards,

If you go to the site to see the posts, note Mario's sig.. look familiar to anyone?
Old 02-11-2003, 01:23 AM   #2
Well I've been banned for "disobeying and going over his head."

"you are now stripped of all ranks and now banned, congradulations"

Here's what happened exactly..

someone posted about a geckochat with Jodi Aherns, in the leopard gecko section.

Mario, the site admin, moved it to the events section (which was the right thing to do) but did not notify the poster.

The poster is a friend of mine, and thought that someone deleted the post so he reposted and notified me that he was going to repost each time it was deleted.

I hadn't spoken to Mario at this point, but did catch on to what happened. I explain to the poster that the thread was moved to the appropriate section. The poster then expressed to me his dissappointment with what to him was an important and leopard gecko related announcement being moved from a section with 1500 posts to a section with 5 posts.

So what I did to bandaid the situation was to move his newly reposted thread to events, but leave a shadow topic. this way the thread would be in the right section, but also get views where the poster originally intended it to be seen.

I then notified Mario of my actions. Mario promptly deleted the "spam" and for two consecutive days I was attacked by him off the forum.

Today there were multiple threads on the forum attacking me, and then I was banned.
Old 02-11-2003, 01:26 AM   #3

Steven - I'm not sure how you are going to take this, but do you really think this was an appropriate posting in this particular forum? I would move it myself, except I'm not sure exactly where to move it to.

But bear in mind if I can come up with a good idea for it, I doubt it will remain here in this section.
Old 02-11-2003, 01:31 AM   #4
Well considering he's threatening me with a lawsuit for copyright infringement for posting this here and emailing it to a friend, I thought it was most appropriate when compared to kingsnake.

If you feel it appropriate to delete it, feel free.. but I'd love it if you'd email me to discuss it, seeing as it's an area Webslave has to deal with frequently
Old 02-11-2003, 01:47 AM   #5
My personal opinion is that it may actually be more appropriate in the BOI, since other issues concerning the way message board operators (i.e. JoeP) have appeared there in the past.

If you would like, I can move it there. But in any event, a passing resemblance to the way does things does not really qualify it to be in this particular forum.

Does this sound reasonable to you?
Old 02-11-2003, 01:56 AM   #6
You're the boss

I wasn't sure this should be brought to the BOI, especially since much like our former kingsnake users I can happily cut my losses.

But the fact is, officially I've been banned for 1 incident where I moderated in favor of the user while still maintaining forum policy.

I've been promoting that site as an alternative to KS from its first day. It's very disheartening to have this happen.
Old 02-11-2003, 02:00 AM   #7
Heck, I don't know! I'm just the maintenance man around here.

I'll move it over there pending input from anyone else whom can come up with a better idea of which forum might be more appropriate for it.
Old 02-11-2003, 02:04 AM   #8
Darin Chappell
I think the BOI would be appropriate. However, the SOUND OFF! forum might also be a good place to see it. All of us hotheads read that all the time! LOL

Old 02-11-2003, 02:19 AM   #9
Hey I got a nice responce coming, it will waken some eyes, its long, sorry it will problably be a few more hours. Hold your chair steven
Old 02-11-2003, 02:23 AM   #10
Then a moderator has took it upon himself against my
decision to overdue my decision blatantly against my
ruling after arguing with me about it and telling me
to just leave it. While I don’t have any problem with
someone arguing a point with me. But if I say and give
my reason on something. That is final word.
Is English this guy's second (or maybe third) language?

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