Bad Guy Andrew Potts- I want my money back - Page 28 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 04-17-2012, 07:46 AM   #1
So what is the outcome?? Is the OP not going to get his money back? Is this it? Is Mr. Potts just going to run into the woods and hide his face forever and hope everyone forgets about him not refunding the OP $4500??
Nobody is going to forget about this. It will not just go away. Mr. Potts needs to do the right thing before it starts affecting his business. Who knows, it might not or it might destroy it. I guess you have shown that you don't care about your business though.
Old 04-17-2012, 01:24 PM   #2
Mr. Potts continued unwillingness to return the money that at this point he technically stole has already cost him business and will continue to cost him more. People will check the boi, see this LOOOONG thread, skip to the end and see everyone saying it's his fault. If he had something I was interested in I wouldn't hesitate to look for another seller. After reading all this I could not recommend him to anyone. It's just not worth the risk. There is no excuse to not check the weather or use standard shipping.
Old 04-17-2012, 02:02 PM   #3
Robert Potts
Hello, I'm sorry if it seems I don't care because that's the furthest from the truth and those who know me know I'm concerned about the situation. I wish everyone would return and re-read the e-mails I've posted. =================================================

Re: tracking number Kevin Bailey to you - Mar 20More Details
From: Kevin Bailey <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: apotts60 <>.Cc:.
Date:Tue, Mar 20, 2012 3:18 pm.

Andrew bad news. It arrived dead. I am taking pictures of it now and putting it in a ziplock bag. gimme a call.

On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 6:00 PM, <> wrote:

Kevin, He's in route and will be there tomorrow. Make sure someone is there to sign, otherwise the driver cant deliver, I paid extra to get a signature. Here's the tracking number......798185339693. Take care and talk with soon. Andrew

return of male 2011 OT Hytec Parahet apotts60 to baileykm86 - Mar 20More Details
From: apotts60 <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: baileykm86 <>.Cc:.
Date:Tue, Mar 20, 2012 7:40 pm. I18N YGP.SaveAll I18N YGP.SaveProgress I18N YGP.ViewAfterSave ..

Kevin, I'm not requesting that you return the deceased boa to be a pain but it's needed for any possible insurance claim we might be able to pursue with our Insurance carrier. I know it's asking allot to put it in the refrigerator but it's important it be as fresh as possible for agent inspection and I also must ask you to ship the boa back tomorrow. The sooner after death we file a claim of this nature the less hassle involved. Again I'm so sorry for the inconvenience and genuinely thank you for your patience and level headedness during a high stress situation. The claim I'm talking about is not with FedEx but unfortunately I did mention to Sean about filing a claim with FedEx if it was delivered after three(late delivery) and I wanted him to lie about the contents increasing the chance of FedEx approving the claim. Andrew

***The above is an e-mail I sent after Kevin and I had a long talk on the 20th. At the time with Sean screaming at me I thought he said it wasn't delivered on time and felt I was due a shipping refund(Aztec buyers never pay shipping) which turns out was in fact delivered at 1339 hrs of the 20th(on time). Also since we never insure our animals nor do we declare any value, the package could be delivered as flat as a pancake and the shipper would be S.O.L. My insistence on the return of the the dead boa was entirely based on Sean's and Connor's outrageous behavior and threats even though from the get go I told them I would replace dead boa and had 4 more to choose from.***

A different male apotts60 to baileykm86 - Mar 20More Details
From: apotts60 <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: baileykm86 <>.Cc:.
Date:Tue, Mar 20, 2012 9:44 pm.2011_male_Orange-tail_Hytec_Parahet_#1.JPG, 2011_male_Orange-tail_Hytec_Parahet_#1a.JPG, 2011_male_Orange-tail_Hytec_Parahet_#1b.JPG I18N YGP.SaveAll I18N YGP.SaveProgress I18N YGP.ViewAfterSave ..

Kevin, Was able to locate a photo of a different 2011 male OT Hytec Parahet. I think I've sent you a photo of this boa previously. I'll get photos of all the other 2011 male OT Hytec Parahets to you in the next few days. Thank you for your patience and please don't hesitate to call anytime if you have any concerns. Take care and will be in touch. Andrew

PS We have no intention of holding a single Aztec Parahet and Hytec Parahet back for future breeding. Matter a fact we will not be holding back a single non Homozygous OT Paraglow Aztec, Paradigm Aztec, OT Sharp Sunglow Aztec or Sharp Albino Aztec for future breeding.

***Made the comment's above because Sean was calling and being abusive also threating.***


aztec Sean Griffis to you - Mar 21More Details
From: Sean Griffis <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: apotts60 <>.Cc:.
Date:Wed, Mar 21, 2012 6:38 am. I18N YGP.SaveAll I18N YGP.SaveProgress I18N YGP.ViewAfterSave ..

Kevin either wants a male sharp albino aztec or a male anery aztec. Send him pics of these. Forget about the littermates.

or else you ship him his money back. If you send back kevin's money, you're wasting his time and effort. If you ship him back his money, you will not get your shipping claim. The videos of this mess will go on youtube, pics on twitter, kingsnake chat/pics/forum will all see it. Faunaclassifieds BOI will be blown to high heaven. There will be new threads started about it in graphic detail. Reptileinsider will have pictures! Reptile insider will also have it blown up on the treads. Redtailboas forum will be blown up. you will also be able to find these pics on facebook pages such as the reptile keepers and boa keepers with over 5,000 members daily. The video is disturbing, and a temperature is provided to show proof of decent ambient temps upon arrival of the package. The cat is out of the bag Andrew. You may not be a bad guy, but you chose the wrong one to f**k with.

Make your decision, and choose wisely. If you send us a male sharp albino aztec or male anery one will hear about or see this! Kevin will tell your shipping carrier that a snake wasn't in the box so you can get your CLAIM. That way everyone including your momma doesn't have to find out.

Its worth it to ship the albino aztec or anery aztec male to Kevin. He has been nothing but good to you. We had a vet check out the animal today. he said that the boa had been dead awhile because Rigamortis doesnt set in until> 14 hours of death in BCI. He would like to do further testing but you insist on having the animal back. Why so you can do it again?

I do believe that you knowingly shipped him a dead animal. I have a multitude of reasons, but first and primarily the black spots on him. He also smelled aweful BEFORE opening the box. again primarily a post riga trait.

***Now you have to understand I haven't received one photo of the dead boa(received them about 1500 hrs later that day) and Kevin, Sean and Connor are trying to blackmail me at 0638 hrs the morning of the 21st. Please look where they say they don't want their money back or a replacement boa even though I offered one the day the shipment arrived. Kevin has claimed innocence from day one but has been as big a part of this Blackmail as Sean and Connor.***


Fwd: aztec apotts60 to baileykm86 - Mar 21More Details
From: apotts60 <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: baileykm86 <>.Cc:.
Date:Wed, Mar 21, 2012 10:30 am.

Kevin, What is going on here. I don't understand. You and I talked and everything seemed ok. Please call me Asap. As you can see he's now threatening me and wants more than what you paid for. I'm going to tell him to f**k off and I'm hoping you don't agree nor condone his behavior. Take care and hope to chat soon. Andrew

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Griffis <>
To: apotts60 <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 21, 2012 6:38 am
Subject: aztec


Kevin either wants a male sharp albino aztec or a male anery aztec. Send him pics of these. Forget about the littermates.

or else you ship him his money back. If you send back kevin's money, you're wasting his time and effort. If you ship him back his money, you will not get your shipping claim. The videos of this mess will go on youtube, pics on twitter, kingsnake chat/pics/forum will all see it. Faunaclassifieds BOI will be blown to high heaven. There will be new threads started about it in graphic detail. Reptileinsider will have pictures! Reptile insider will also have it blown up on the treads. Redtailboas forum will be blown up. you will also be able to find these pics on facebook pages such as the reptile keepers and boa keepers with over 5,000 members daily. The video is disturbing, and a temperature is provided to show proof of decent ambient temps upon arrival of the package. The cat is out of the bag Andrew. You may not be a bad guy, but you chose the wrong one to f**k with.

Make your decision, and choose wisely. If you send us a male sharp albino aztec or male anery one will hear about or see this! Kevin will tell your shipping carrier that a snake wasn't in the box so you can get your CLAIM. That way everyone including your momma doesn't have to find out.

Its worth it to ship the albino aztec or anery aztec male to Kevin. He has been nothing but good to you. We had a vet check out the animal today. he said that the boa had been dead awhile because Rigamortis doesnt set in until> 14 hours of death in BCI. He would like to do further testing but you insist on having the animal back. Why so you can do it again?

I do believe that you knowingly shipped him a dead animal. I have a multitude of reasons, but first and primarily the black spots on him. He also smelled aweful BEFORE opening the box. again primarily a post riga trait.

***the above e-mail was forwarded to Kevin at 1030 hrs of the 21st***

Sean apotts60 to baileykm86 - Mar 21More Details
From: apotts60 <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: baileykm86 <>.Cc:.
Date:Wed, Mar 21, 2012 10:54 am.

Kevin, It just occured to me that Sean thinks I'm filing a claim with FedEx and need his help, I don't. FYI I couldn't file a claim for anything from FedEx because the package was delivered on time and I had no declared value. The Insurance claim is with the company I have our boa and ball collections insured with, most big breeders have similar insurance and coverage. I don't need any statements or anything from anyone other than the deceased animal or photos, preferably the deceased animal. So please send photos and the deceased boa.

How does our conversation end on such an upbeat note and then I get a nasty e-mail from Sean and It appears with your support. I have to ask, do you think I'm trying to rip you off..? Do you think you deserve more than you purchased because of an unintentional mistake...? Please call me or e-mail, Its very important we resolve this one way or the other. Take care and hope to talk soon, Andrew

away fro home apotts60 to baileykm86 - Mar 21More Details
From: apotts60 <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: baileykm86 <>.Cc:.
Date:Wed, Mar 21, 2012 12:11 pm.

Kevin, I'll be on the road most of the day but will check my home phone to see if you called and if you have I will call you back ASAP. Please send the photos and the deceased 2011 male OT Hytec Parahet as soon as possible. Hope to hear from you soon, Andrew

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Bailey <>
To: apotts60 <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 21, 2012 3:07 pm
Subject: Re: away fro home

here you go

***Kevin had sent the the photos of the dead boa but not a word of the Blackmail e-mail or how appalled he was with Sean's and Connor's behavior. I mean their using his name for goodness sakes***

On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 3:55 PM, <> wrote:

Kevin, Thanks so much but I still need you to send it back to me, as mentioned for any claim I might file with my insurance carrier. I sent you a photos of another male 2011 Hytec Parahet. To be honest it and the one I sent you are the nicest Hytec Parahets that were produced last year. Give me a few days and I'll get photos of the others.

Kevin what about the e-mail Sean sent me basically blackmailing me..? Did you know he did this..? Did you support what he did..?

I hope Sean does go on-line and make this public, I really hope so. I have every e-mail saved that has been sent to me and I've sent out concerning reptile business.

Re: away fro home Kevin Bailey to you - Mar 21More Details
From: Kevin Bailey <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: apotts60 <>.Cc:.
Date:Wed, Mar 21, 2012 4:21 pm.

Hey there Andrew, Im in and out all day today between work friend coming into town and now this. I called Connor last night and said I thought it was wrong to call you a scumbag and he was worked up a bit but not to the extent it sounds like Sean is. I also told Connor that when the new pick happens I want him to be there to help get the best pick. I agreed mistakes happen everywhere and not to get worked up until something "bad" happens. I also said that that bad thing has not happened yet and you have been very helpful with picking a new one out ect.

I had no idea you were still getting calls today. I do not support any action against you at the moment and you have been wonderful at, as you say, making me a happy customer.

I must know, is he using my name? If so I will call him right now and cut that shit out. He can be irate by himself and not drag me in with it. I dont think that all this chest bumping is good for anyones reputation and when I try to sell a few snakes I dont want people remembering me being impractical to deal with.

Edit Draft
Fwd: aztec apotts60 to baileykm86 - Mar 21More Details
From: apotts60 <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: baileykm86 <>.Cc:.
Date:Wed, Mar 21, 2012 4:36 pm.

Kevin, Did you not get this e-mail I forwarded to you earlier this morning..? Please read, he uses your name to start the whole batch of threats. I can tell you 10000% Kevin, if I were to post this publicly a few people would find themselves and their names turned into mud and it won't be mine. Why does he reference my mother..? Do you see how he tries to blackmail me...? Andrew

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Griffis <>
To: apotts60 <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 21, 2012 6:38 am
Subject: aztec


Kevin either wants a male sharp albino aztec or a male anery aztec. Send him pics of these. Forget about the littermates.

or else you ship him his money back. If you send back kevin's money, you're wasting his time and effort. If you ship him back his money, you will not get your shipping claim. The videos of this mess will go on youtube, pics on twitter, kingsnake chat/pics/forum will all see it. Faunaclassifieds BOI will be blown to high heaven. There will be new threads started about it in graphic detail. Reptileinsider will have pictures! Reptile insider will also have it blown up on the treads. Redtailboas forum will be blown up. you will also be able to find these pics on facebook pages such as the reptile keepers and boa keepers with over 5,000 members daily. The video is disturbing, and a temperature is provided to show proof of decent ambient temps upon arrival of the package. The cat is out of the bag Andrew. You may not be a bad guy, but you chose the wrong one to f**k with.

Make your decision, and choose wisely. If you send us a male sharp albino aztec or male anery one will hear about or see this! Kevin will tell your shipping carrier that a snake wasn't in the box so you can get your CLAIM. That way everyone including your momma doesn't have to find out.

Its worth it to ship the albino aztec or anery aztec male to Kevin. He has been nothing but good to you. We had a vet check out the animal today. he said that the boa had been dead awhile because Rigamortis doesnt set in until> 14 hours of death in BCI. He would like to do further testing but you insist on having the animal back. Why so you can do it again?

I do believe that you knowingly shipped him a dead animal. I have a multitude of reasons, but first and primarily the black spots on him. He also smelled aweful BEFORE opening the box. again primarily a post riga trait.

***This is the second time I've had forwarded Sean's and Connor's black-mail e-mail to Kevin, both within 6 hours***

hello apotts60 to baileykm86 - Mar 22More Details
From: apotts60 <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: baileykm86 <>.Cc:.
Date:Thu, Mar 22, 2012 12:07 pm.

Kevin, I didn't receive a response to my e-mail from yesterday in regards to the blackmailing e-mail sent by Sean and what you think about the situation. I received the photos and it's the 2011 OT Hytec Parahet I sent and it does look very rough because it literally cooked in its own blood. Like I said I made several mistakes in he shipping which caused the boas death but it was very much alive when I put it in the box. Please I need you to send the deceased boa back before we can move forward. Have a Repticon trade show in Tampa this weekend so will be in and out getting ready for that. Again I still think very highly of you and hope you've not been a knowing partner to Seans BS. I've tried to call several times but no joy. Other than that I'm sorry this happened and will make you happy. Take care and hope to chat soon, Andrew

pictures Kevin Bailey to you - Mar 29More Details
From: Kevin Bailey <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: apotts60 <>.Cc:.
Date:Thu, Mar 29, 2012 10:34 am. I18N YGP.SaveAll I18N YGP.SaveProgress I18N YGP.ViewAfterSave ..

Hey just checking in to see when I should expect to see those snake pictures
Re: pictures apotts60 to baileykm86 - Mar 29More Details
From: apotts60 <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: baileykm86 <>.Cc:.
Date:Thu, Mar 29, 2012 6:23 pm.

Mr Bailey, as mentioned in a previous e-mail, until I receive the deceased 2011 male Orange-tail Hytec Parahet #2, I will not make any effort to resolve this situation. Andrew Potts

Re: pictures Kevin Bailey to you - Mar 31More Details
From: Kevin Bailey <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: apotts60 <>.Cc:.
Date:Sat, Mar 31, 2012 9:45 am.DSC00934.JPG, DSC00935.JPG, DSC00936.JPG

Andrew, I do not know what sort of address you have. I have mailed a check there twice and it only got there after you called me and confirmed who I was even though I used the same address both times. This time I mailed the snake on the 22nd overnight for 73 .56. I presumed I had no worries about it since I used the exact same address you gave me already. This time the package was destroyed because the damn thing smelled so bad AFTER the address was not acceptable. I have attached pictures proving I held my end up and the tracking number which also shows the dates and times.

Tracking no.: 800112993548

***Please notice the date being the 31st and also being the first day I learned Kevin sent the snake back. Why didn't he inform me the day he shipped it back on the 22nd..? He makes some claim about my address but he was able to get 2 checks to correct address to pay the animal off. Anyhow my address was on the shipping box he received.***


Re: pictures apotts60 to baileykm86 - Mar 31More Details
From: apotts60 <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: baileykm86 <>.Cc:.
Date:Sat, Mar 31, 2012 11:00 am.

Mr Bailey, I'll say it once again, until I receive the deceased boa, I will not move a centimeter forward to resolve this issue. Andrew Potts

Re: pictures Kevin Bailey to you - Mar 31More Details
From: Kevin Bailey <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: apotts60 <>.Cc:.
Date:Sat, Mar 31, 2012 11:38 am. I18N YGP.SaveAll I18N YGP.SaveProgress I18N YGP.ViewAfterSave ..

I would like my money back then.

My address is
Kevin Bailey
1446 W Irving park Rd
Chicago IL 60613

Re: pictures apotts60 to baileykm86 - Mar 31More Details
From: apotts60 <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: baileykm86 <>.Cc:.
Date:Sat, Mar 31, 2012 3:04 pm.

Mr Bailey, In an earlier e-mail I said nothing will happen until I receive the deceased boa. Please do what you must but I stand by my previous statement. Andrew Potts

Re: pictures Kevin Bailey to you - Mar 31More Details
From: Kevin Bailey <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: apotts60 <>.Cc:.
Date:Sat, Mar 31, 2012 4:10 pm. I18N YGP.SaveAll I18N YGP.SaveProgress I18N YGP.ViewAfterSave ..

Your request is not going to happen. As I told you before the snake stunk. The animal arrived post rigor mortis which happens after 3 days. The snake was limp and not hard. Also happening at the same time is this, Hydrogen-Sulfide escapes from bacterial decomposition (usually starts around the stomach and intestine areas). This means it smells. This happens after 36 hours. The body had blood pools already very pronounced that happens from 12-36 hours. Then the mouth of the animal was at a 180 degree from its upper jaw. I was unable to receive an explanation for what would cause the snakes mouth to do that. Finally we come to what this all means.

With your tracking number I noticed the snake was only in transit for a total of 20 hours. I think you can see how the math does not add up and a dead snake was sent to me.

Now regarding your not budging before you receive the dead snake. It is impossible. That hydrogen sulfide I was talking to you about earlier in the email (the dead animal smell we all know so well) was so potent that not only did it escape 2 freezer ziplock bags surrounded by saran and in a Tupperware container. Furthermore, I used coffee grounds to mask the smell more. Coffee grounds as I am sure you know mask smells amazingly. That is why stores use it to cleanse the nose palate when you are buying colognes and perfumes. This can all be vouched for by my friend Rommel who was in from California and watched me do this. Now the next thing I did was send the snake overnight to your address that I used previously to send you the check (yes I still have that email of you giving me your address). Now I called fedex to figure out what is going on with this customer requested destruction. They had a note on it saying that the stench was so terrible that they could not handle it past the Tampa hub so they opened it up, found a dead snake, and then destroyed the said snake.

So this brings me back to my next point. I want my 4575.48 back or a Sharp Strain Albino Aztec.

The 75.48 comes from the overnight Fedex that I used to return the snake.

Kevin Bailey
1446 W Irving Park
Chicago IL, 60613

Re: pictures apotts60 to baileykm86 - Mar 31More Details
From: apotts60 <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: baileykm86 <>.Cc:.
Date:Sat, Mar 31, 2012 4:33 pm.

Mr. Bailey, In a word, no. End of discussion. Andrew Potts

Re: pictures Kevin Bailey to you - Mar 31More Details
From: Kevin Bailey <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: apotts60 <>.Cc:.
Date:Sat, Mar 31, 2012 4:37 pm.

then my money

Re: aztec Sean Griffis to you - Apr 1More Details
From: Sean Griffis <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: apotts60 <>.Cc:.
Date:Sun, Apr 1, 2012 9:09 am. I18N YGP.SaveAll I18N YGP.SaveProgress I18N YGP.ViewAfterSave ..


Let me get this straight, you refuse to refund my boy kevin's money, and you are in for one hell of a ride. First off, I'd just like to say, if you wanted to scam someone, you picked the wrong Marine!

this is further than small claims court. There are quite a few attorneys on this case, yes if thats where you really want to go. your local police will be notified, and you will get served.

It's just so sad because id doesn't have to come down to this. we can keep the cat in the bag only if you supply us with a nicer animal. You are beating around the bush doesn't look good. You like posting on reptile insider, but that dead snake is going to show up there. All the big name breeders are going to find out about this deal gone wrong.

***As you can see Sean and Connor are stilll attempting to black-mail or they will ruin my reputation.***

Re: pictures Kevin Bailey to you - Apr 1More Details
From: Kevin Bailey <>Hide .Add to: To Do, Calendar
To: apotts60 <>.Cc:.
Date:Sun, Apr 1, 2012 6:26 pm.

So I am going to assume that you are keeping my money and not sending me a snake. I will be contacting a lawyer here to figure out what state BAR certified lawyer I need, IL or Fl.

***No more e-mails followed between any of us.***
Old 04-17-2012, 02:32 PM   #4
Andrew, who did you deal with in terms of the money? Who sent you a check or Paypal? Sean or Kevin. If the later, then Sean really has nothing to do with this event. He should not even be in the picture as far as you are concerned. Your dealings are with Kevin. Looking at the email string, the issue is with Sean, not Kevin. Kevin asked for a refund which includes shipping the dead snake back, and that is fair.

Therefore in my opinion you should refund Kevin, post proof of that online, then deal with Sean your own way as far as legalities go.

If on the other hand you dealt with Sean (i.e. money and shipping), then that is a different issue.

Old 04-17-2012, 02:16 PM   #5
Amelanistic Orca
The time is now, make it right Andrew! It's simple. Then post a thread on them....
Old 04-17-2012, 02:28 PM   #6
OK I read them again. I ask you Mr Potts, you made a deal with Kevin, correct? Kevins emails are fairly level headed for a person who was just taken for $4500, so why do you continue to use the emails of his childish corhorts against him, and continue to ignore the facts the YOU sent it standard instead of priority, that YOU added 2 heat packs even though the weather called for no heat packs needed, that YOU chose to hold the emails of another against the person you made the deal with, and accused him in this very thread of scamming you.

You made several mistakes yourself, admitting to them in this thread, and THAT is why the animal arrived DOA. You dropped the ball, so you need to do the right thing and deal with this appropriately. Holding the emails of Kevins friends against Kevin is just another strike against your character.

As I said before, the right thing to do is send Kevin back his money, and then start a libel suit against his friends if you feel slighted by what they said.
Old 04-17-2012, 02:29 PM   #7
OK I read them again. I ask you Mr Potts, you made a deal with Kevin, correct? Kevins emails are fairly level headed for a person who was just taken for $4500, so why do you continue to use the emails of his childish corhorts against him, and continue to ignore the facts the YOU sent it standard instead of priority, that YOU added 2 heat packs even though the weather called for no heat packs needed, that YOU chose to hold the emails of another against the person you made the deal with, and accused him in this very thread of scamming you.

You made several mistakes yourself, admitting to them in this thread, and THAT is why the animal arrived DOA. You dropped the ball, so you need to do the right thing and deal with this appropriately. Holding the emails of Kevins friends against Kevin is just another strike against your character.

As I said before, the right thing to do is send Kevin back his money, and then start a libel suit against his friends if you feel slighted by what they said.
Old 04-17-2012, 02:35 PM   #8
Ooops. Blackberry sucks. Sorry for the dbl post
Old 04-17-2012, 02:41 PM   #9
Robert Potts
Again Kevin was part of the Black-mail from the very begining. Andrew
Old 04-17-2012, 04:37 PM   #10
Originally Posted by Robert Potts View Post
Again Kevin was part of the Black-mail from the very begining. Andrew
~If~ Kevin & Shawn were actual business partners, then Kevin could be held accountable for the actions of his business partner. However, they are not business partners.
~If~ Kevin were a part of the blackmail attempts, business partner or not, he could be held accountable. However, the fact is that it cannot be proven that Kevin is/was a part of the blackmail attempts. In actuality, whether Kevin agreed with it, or not, the only proof, in existence, shows that Kevin is/was against Sean's deplorable actions.
Legally speaking, your business was/is with Kevin and Kevin cannot be held accountable, for his friend's (non-partner's) actions, unless it can be shown that he did not attempt to put a stop to it. BTW If Kevin did attempt to put a stop to it, and was unsuccessful in his attempt, then he would remain in the position where he cannot be held accountable for Sean's actions.
The problem is that you are looking at Kevin & Sean as "one entity" when what you are dealing with, here, is ~two separate~ issues/people. You are also letting your anger, over Sean's actions, cloud good judgment.
Despite Kevin's friend's actions, you are in the absolute wrong by withholding Kevin's money/refund. No matter your suspicions, if you do not have proof that Kevin was/is a part of the blackmail attempts, you would lose in a court case since it can be shown that you, and you alone, are at fault for the snake's demise.
You need to treat Kevin separate from Sean.
As most have been saying, Kevin is due his refund and that is the course you should take.
Then (a separate issue) file charges, against Sean (for blackmail attempts), should you wish to do so.
None so blind as those who cannot see.

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