He Just won't gain weight...Is he stunted after being starved for 6 years? - FaunaClassifieds
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Old 12-01-2006, 05:18 AM   #1
He Just won't gain weight...Is he stunted after being starved for 6 years?

Monty, our 7 year old male ball........we purchased him on April 7 of this year from a lady about a 7 hour drive from our home. He came with a 30 Gallon breeder with screen lid, all the accessories, extravagant wood chunks, hides, heater, lamp, .....you name it. These people bought everthing for this snake and so I assumed they had good snake knowledge and I was getting a healthy snake. The only thing that they didn't do very well was feed him or provide him with humidity. They did not have much snake knowledge because when we asked them common questions, they didn't know the answers to them. Well, since he was our first snake and we had a lot to learn about appropriate feeding for size and age, etc, we found out later on and since then more so, he is EXTREMELY small for his age and length. He is about 3.5 feet long, one inch around, and weighs only 566 grams. When we purchased him, he was 500 grams. The people who owned him fed him two small mice a month the entire time they owned him for 6.5 years (they bought him from a petstore in Calgary as a baby). We continued what they did for about a month while I was doing all of my "reading" and "learning". I figured out very quickly and was told by many snake people that this snake was basically just being "kept alive" nutrition wise and environmentally wise. Well, I immediately upped his diet to three mice every week to ten days. He ate them and wanted more. The first time I gave him a live mouse, he knew exactly what to do, and ate three in total and was looking for more (He was raised on frozen and I still give him frozen as well). His skinny little body was just packed full of mice. I knew that he could regurge if I gave him more. Well, since then (about 7 months now), he's been eating and eating like a pig his three mice a week (I am not power feeding as I've read that it is not safe). Sometimes I'll give him a fourth one if I have some frozen pinkies left over. He's been feeding like this for six months now, and has only gained 66 grams!!! I am concerned that maybe he has internal parasites or because of the many years of being practically starved, it's too late for him and his growth is stunted. . His counterpart female named Martha, we purchased on Sept 22 of this year, weighs in at 2566g, nine inch girth, 53 inches long. we believe she is a wild caught, etc.....Well, I want to breed her with him, but I think it would kill him because he is just so small he would exhaust himself to death. He is very interested in her and since I've put them in together twice now for an hour each time, he's been refusing to eat. He has been very restless in his cage, crawling the walls, trying to get out. while he was in with the female, he was all over her and crawled in her cave with her and stayed there. he wanted to stay with her. I think he would mate with her if I left him long enough, but I know nothing about breeding and I do not want to hurt him. Here are some pics of the male. As well the female. I am sure some of you are familiar with Monty and Martha. I've posted other threads about them as well. Here are some pics of my snakes.

This one was taken the day we bought Monty the male

This one is most recent in October....not much difference in size after such an increase in diet for so many months.

Here is the large female taken in October. She's gained 180g since Sept. 22. on her 4 adult mice a week to ten days diet.

Here is a picture of them together. Big size difference for being close in age.
Old 12-01-2006, 05:20 AM   #2
two of my pictures didn't upload....i'll try and get them to
Old 12-01-2006, 05:28 AM   #3
Two pictures that didn't load on first thread...

Here is the male now....not much difference from the first picture of him on the log

Here is a picture of them together taken not too long ago when we purchased the female back in Sept.

Old 12-01-2006, 09:13 AM   #4
Males often don't get as big as females do anyway, but the only way to know for sure what's going on is to get a fecal done...eating like that and not gaining hardly any weight, I would almost bet he has internal parasites. Once you get those cleaned up, he very well may fatten up quite a bit more, when the nutrition is going to him and not to the parasites.
Old 12-01-2006, 10:52 AM   #5
Mooing Tricycle
cat is right, Females tend to get very large, and it looks like you have a darn nice female on your hands there. Shes massive! Ball pythons can be anywhere from 3-6 feet up to 7, If hes anywhere in that range, hes probably just as big as hell get mostly. Two mice a week isnt BAD and is probably more than other neglected snakes could ever dream of, but its true that while he was in his first few years of growth he should have been getting the best diet to help him grow larger, Its too bad, but hes in good hands now.

Get him on a good diet, and im sure youll see an improvement! I agree with Cat on getting a fecal done too... you never know, and its always good when you aquire a new snake to give them a 100% Thumbs up by a vet!
Old 12-01-2006, 08:43 PM   #6
Just keep trying to feed... Patience is everything...
Old 12-02-2006, 01:10 AM   #7
thanks for the words of encouragement. I did have him to a vet 3 weeks after we acquired him back in April of this year because he came down with pneumonia (mouth breathing, popping sounds, etc.). I think we rescued this little guy from certain death. They were starving him.....two mice a month!! Come one now~!! That's why I cannot understand why he hasn't gained hardly anything when our female has gained almost 200g and I know she's full grown and older than him. He poops regularily with his sheds, so next shed should be coming soon.Last one was Oct 13. I"m hoping to get a fecal sample from him by Christmas or shortly after. I know that they have to be fresh, and so I'll phone my vet here on Monday and ask him if I can just run it in when it happens instead of having to wait for an appointment and risk ruining the sample. Monty is just so skinny!! He's strong and VERY active. He will not sit still in your hands or around your neck for longer than a minute. He is constantly trying to get out of his cage and has succeeded twice now. I should have named him Houdini!! Mind you, he spends most of the day time hours in his cave, it's the nighttime that he really shines. I wish I could play with him all night and let him out for longer. He comes out everyday at 9pm just after our little guy goes to bed and I put him back at 10pm. That never seems long enough and he crawls the walls for an hour after that until he gives up and goes in his cave. I feel so guilty because I know that he wants to roam so badly,and he wants that female. Ever since we introduced them about two weeks ago, his behavior has changed very noticeably. He won't eat, and he's a very good eater. He went off feed two weeks ago and he'll eat every five days if I let him, and if I handle the female who likes to just sit around my neck for hours on end and sleep prior to handling him, he'll spend most of his time "licking" my neck and rubbing his nose vents on my neck and hair. I know he wants her. What to do.........hmmmm.....just let him try to mate with her? Should I just get him treated for internal parasites instead of waiting for the poop sample? I've heard the treatment for internal parasites can be very hard on the animal and that's why they like to get a positive test first....Thanks anyways guys!! You are muchly appreciated and I do take all of your words and advice into consideration when caring for my babies!!!
Old 12-02-2006, 03:20 PM   #8
If you are concerned about him having parasites, I would STOP breeding him at this time. If he does end up having parasites, you will need to take your female in for a parasite check as well.

Frankly, if you're concerned about him being so skinny, I wouldn't be trying to breed him at all.
Old 12-02-2006, 11:58 PM   #9
Don't try to breed until you have done some research and know what you're doing. If your male is sick, he can infect the female. Do you have a plan for selling or keeping the potential offspring?
Old 12-11-2006, 10:43 AM   #10
Just a thought here but this male has been a long time neglected snake, has been ill and underfed and is now refusing to eat. Personally I wouldn't think he's a good candidate for a breeding right now. Just my opinion here but I really feel that only animals (whether they be snake, dogs, horses, whatever or feeder rodents) in top condition should be put through the stress of breeding and reproduction.

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