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Old 12-10-2007, 08:38 PM   #11
Originally Posted by FragginDragon
My sincerest condolensces on your losses Jen......all the trials you've had to go through this year.....if you need help with anything, don't hesitate to ask. I (and I'm sure others) would be happy to donate to help defray the costs of all the tests that you are financing; after all, what you are doing will help this entire community.

Warmest Regards Jen, I'm sure things will get better.
I agree. I would be glad to chip in as well...just let me know how I can help.

Old 12-11-2007, 12:33 AM   #12
Pink Lady Exotics
The correct spelling of the virus is rhabdovirus -- I'm trying to do some research on it. I dropped off the 2 latest bodies this afternoon, and when I explained how Amazon died, he agreed that I did the right thing in trying to save her and ultimately putting her down before she suffocated on her own blood. He said he would have done the same, so that at least gives me some reassurance. After speaking with a few reptile vets he associates with around the country, he decided that the odds of any kind of anti-viral helping is slim to none. It wouldn't be worth it to try, it would be unnecessary stress on Lily (the last sick one left, my het g-stripe). Also, Interferon needs to be created based on the target species DNA. It has been developed for humans, developed for dogs, developed for cats -- but never developed for snakes as it hasn't needed to be used. What we decided to do is put her on a different version and different dose of Ceftazidime -- Tazicef. The hope is that it will at least kill the secondary pseudomona infection, giving her more strength to fight the virus on her own. I have changed her substrate to paper towels, dampened them to create much more humidity to help her breathe (but not enough to cause her to be laying in wetness), and have upped the heat underneath her tub to create an ambient temp of 88 all around. My vet suggested all of this as he believes it will all assist her ability to fight off the infection.

I appreciate all the offers -- while I feel this is my responsibility to research, contributions would be more than welcome and appreciated. This is definitely becoming expensive, but it is to benefit our whole community if we can get the specifics on this virus, and develop a treatment. I had mentioned the idea of donations to Dr. Gordon today as I had a big breeder that I have bought from in the past offer to help as well, and he said we could easily set it up. He is not coming up with a total bill amount until he gets the charges from the lab for all the pathology, bloodwork, analysis, etc., as well as the results so we know what will happen next if anything else needs to be done (more costs). So it will be at least a week or two until we have an estimate. If anyone wishes to donate toward the costs of this research, please contact Dr. Mark Gordon at:

Fitchburg Veterinary Hospital
6249 Nesbitt Road
Madison, WI 53719

All donations should be made directly to the clinic under my client file name, and "ATTN: Ball Python Virus Research", and please have them include your name, address, phone number, and e-mail with your donation if possible so I am able to thank you personally.

I will keep updating as things happen -- I'm hoping that we have stopped the spread and that I won't lose any more animals, so please keep them in your thoughts.
Old 12-11-2007, 01:05 AM   #13
ive heard of this virus affecting some of the bigger breeders as can easily be prevented by proper isolation of all new animals..once they get it they are definately on thier own to get rid of cure only pallative treatment..we all have probably used improper quarentine at times..this should be a reminder to always quarentine even if animals look 100%... Daytona 05 i bought orange ghost and did not quarentine..i thought no need since it was such a quality animal..well 3 weeks later that snake died and so did 5 others within 1 month..all were in the same rack..that was very stressfull..needless to say i always quarentine now..

i feel sorry for you jen..i hope all works out well for you..its a crappy lesson you had to learn..however i feel its not all your fault..if this was the only animal brought in then the shipper most likely has issues or had issues at his faciltiy and does not want to admit it...just my 2 cents
Old 12-11-2007, 07:04 PM   #14
Larry Suttles
Jen, I'm also very sorry to hear about this horrible incident. To be honest just reading your blod entry makes me scared Sh!tless. Sorry again for your troubles. I'd take BHB up on his offer. Super guy
Old 12-11-2007, 11:20 PM   #15
Pink Lady Exotics
It is definitely a scary thing. Lily is still hanging in there somehow...every day that she makes it through, should give her a better chance at surviving. Each injection she can get is going to help her fight off the secondary infection and make her stronger to fight the virus. If she survives this, she is going to be my miracle snake.
Old 12-12-2007, 08:34 PM   #16
*da%n Jen, I have been so out of the loop. I just caught up on what's going on. I am so sorry you are going through this. Hang in there, you WILL get through this. I'll help in anyway I can. There will be a lesser with your name on it when you're ready to rebuild. Stay tough and keep us posted.

Old 12-13-2007, 12:22 AM   #17
She said they have documented it existing in various collections in Texas (gee, where did the het clown come from -- and I have never told him anything about her seller)
It very well may exist in various collections in TX, but it is in collections all over the country as well. I'd love to see this documentation your vet has proving that it exists in various Texas collections. Care to post it?
Old 12-13-2007, 01:16 AM   #18
I am very sorry to hear what has happened to you and your snakes. I will keep you in my prayers. Dose your vet take paypal? If so could you send me the link? I cant afford much but I will try and send a little bit. Thanks and good luck.
Old 12-13-2007, 01:21 AM   #19
Originally Posted by JenHarrison
the virus is rhabdovirus
Would this type be transferrable to humans thru a bite similiar to other forms of these rabies viruses?
Old 12-13-2007, 01:31 AM   #20
Pink Lady Exotics
Originally Posted by KelliH
It very well may exist in various collections in TX, but it is in collections all over the country as well. I'd love to see this documentation your vet has proving that it exists in various Texas collections. Care to post it?
Please re-read what I said. The virologist at the lab in Florida is the one that said they have documented cases of it existing in collections in Texas, NOT my vet. He was reiterating what she informed him on the phone. She will not give us names or locations -- it goes against their privacy policies. The only thing she can do (or he, I don't know which) is match samples from my snakes to samples from the snakes they tested in Texas to determine if it is a match for the same strain of virus.

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