Florida International Reptile Show Tampa.....any feedback? - FaunaClassifieds
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Shows & Events Since these are such a big part of our business, it is appropriate that we discuss them from a business perspective.

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Old 05-10-2007, 01:49 AM   #1
Suncoast Herpetological
Florida International Reptile Show Tampa.....any feedback?

The show took place on April 21 - 22 and I have not heard a whisper of feedback. I do not know many of the vendors listed and have not found anyone who actually attended.

The show was an attempt by Repticon to rescuscitate the old show that Southeastern Shows and Tony Cueto had pretty much run into the ground.

Anyone have any comments?
Old 05-10-2007, 03:27 AM   #2
A friend of mine, Richard Sullivan, went and said it sucked.
Old 05-10-2007, 07:35 AM   #3
Got my flyer the Friday before the show, great advertising.
Sure glad I didn't go.
Old 05-10-2007, 12:57 PM   #4
Hey All,

As a vendor had one of the best shows ever. Sales wise it was the third best show I have done in ten years. Some of this was part of my planning and holding back animals until this time of year so I still had dozens of female balls, about a dozen morph balls, a handful of boas, and a wide selection of colubrids. You can't do a repticon as a specialty booth.

Some of it was also due to repticons smaller number of vendors. There was about 2 dozen of us. You just have to be able to compete with the "Wholesale to the Public guys"

ben cole
Old 05-11-2007, 01:30 AM   #5
Suncoast Herpetological
Originally Posted by bcherps
Hey All,

As a vendor had one of the best shows ever. Sales wise it was the third best show I have done in ten years. Some of this was part of my planning and holding back animals until this time of year so I still had dozens of female balls, about a dozen morph balls, a handful of boas, and a wide selection of colubrids. You can't do a repticon as a specialty booth.

Some of it was also due to repticons smaller number of vendors. There was about 2 dozen of us. You just have to be able to compete with the "Wholesale to the Public guys"

ben cole
It is good to hear from someone who was actually there. You are right though...sometimes if you are one of the few vendors with animals sales can be great. I received a few emails in response to this thread and your response is, by far, the most (and only) positive. Apparently the show was not in the actual Sundome Auditorium but in one of the smaller staging side rooms.

Any idea what the gate was? Some of the comments I received made it sound a bit dismal.
Old 05-11-2007, 11:59 AM   #6
Yes, I agree that I had a much better show than several than attended. Amir did 0 and went home after saturday. Neil Golli had a few rack sales, I bought several of the racks he is selling but he noted that is was far below his normal level of sales.

The show was at gate three and we set up in the woman volleyball cort. They were doing a recruiting, incomming freshmen show in the main auditorium of the sun dome. I think they probably had about 750-1000 people through the door

Part of doing successful shows is knowing what the audience is going to want. When I do daytona I bring all my breedstock quality stuff becuase you can sell $500 baby male normal boas, as long as it is a stunning representation of the locality. However, at a repticon your boas need to be under $65 to sell them, but can be as butt-ugly as a sun-baked cottonmouth.

I also think that many people are being overly judgemental of repticon becuase of the bad taste that Tony left in our mouths. Tony got away with far more than repticon has ever done

Also not everyone will do great at every show. For example I have done the FIRE show 3 times now. My grand total for all three shows combined is about a negative grand. I have brought in only $300 for all three shows combined even though Shawn gets 5000 people through the door and some vendors claim to do 30-50k at his shows. Is shawns show a sucky show that should be shut down? No. Is it a show I should keep doing-probably not but that doesn't make it a bad show.

I just took the same type of stock that I had in tampa to the north carolina show, and did decent but only about 1/3 of what I did in tampa, even though NC had 10x the people through the door, I was more competively priced, and it is more established, and more advertised.

that is how the ball bounces sometime.

ben cole
Old 05-11-2007, 02:30 PM   #7
For what it’s worth, here are some comments from our perspective as the event promoters.

Overall, we were very pleased with the show. It was mentioned earlier in this thread that this was our attempt to “resuscitate” the show that we bought from Tony Queto, and that is actually very much how we looked at it. This show has a great history, but in our opinion, the decision to relocate the show to Clearwater last year was very damaging to the show. Our goal for this show was not to immediately re-establish the standing that the show had a few years ago, but rather to take a first step in the right direction in what will be a long process of re-building the show. We feel that we accomplished this, and the show actually exceeded our expectations.

Regarding your specific questions:

Our total paid attendance was right around 2,200, split almost evenly over both days. I was at the ticket area for most of the show, and heard many of our guest comments directly. Although no show pleases everyone, the majority of the guests who took the time to talk with us upon leaving had positive comments. (Although there were several people who complained about the show being in Clearwater last year.)

Regarding the venue details, the show was in the Auxiliary Arena at the Sun Dome (the “Corral”). We had the venue listed on our website as the Auxiliary Arena, until the Sun Dome management informed us that all advertising needed to refer to the venue as “The Sun Dome” or “Sun Dome, Inc.” We had about 15,000 sq. ft. total to work with, and filled every inch of it. The Sun Dome floor is 20,000 sq. ft, which is obviously not a great deal larger than the 15,000 sq. ft. that we had. Going into this show, we honestly weren’t sure how vendor response would be, so we were conservative with which space we booked. Going into the next show, we may try to add more space to accommodate more tables.

We feel that we put together a stronger show for vendors and guests than last year’s show in Clearwater, which is a big part of what we were hoping to accomplish.

If you have other questions that I can help answer, I’d be happy to, and I’ll answer them as honestly and directly as possible.

We’re also in the process of planning our 2008 calendar, so if anyone has well-rationed feedback that they’d like to share, we’re always happy to listen.

Billy Healy
Old 05-12-2007, 02:27 AM   #8
Well... I saw the end of Sunday and spoke with a few that attended and sold.
I didn't hear from one person who thought it was worthwhile.
I understand Repticon's point of view about "returning" the show however:
THE SHOW HAS ALREADY RETURNED in fact it never left.
Alex has kept the show going at the fairgrounds and I challenge anyone to report that this Sun Dome show was anywhere as near to the "original" show as Alex's have been.
My problem is that many of these disappointed guests will judge all reptile shows by what they saw in April.
And I'm sorry if I offend someone but it was a pitiful display.

I've worked a Repticon show and think they're fine people but Tampa will not support both Gila and Repticon shows.
They ruined the Tally market and I fear the same will happen in Tampa.
Their smaller shows belong in a smaller market.
There are many great cities without shows why can't they establish one there?
I feel this is doing a disservice to the reptile community and will cost all of us in the long run.
Tampa does not need them to rescue us.
We've been doing just fine since Tony left, thank you very much.

Take Care,
Old 05-12-2007, 10:59 AM   #9

I have to respectfully disagree that Tampa isn't a large enough market to support more than two shows a year. And legally, it's important for me to make clear that this show, the show we bought from Tony, has NOT returned to the Fairground in Tampa. If Alex's new show there can be operated profitably long term, given the rising costs of the Fairground rental, more power to him. But let's be honest - Alex obtained that venue by booking it out from under Tony. He did not buy the show.

I do agree with your overall sentiment that we'd both be better off if our shows were not in the same markets as Alex's. Unfortunately, I only control one side of this equation (our shows.) When Alex scheduled an Atlanta show last December two weeks after the Georgia Herp Society show, and six weeks before our Atlanta show that had been publicized for months, that wasn't good for anyone, (I would think including Alex.)

In the past, we've cancelled three shows and lost money on venue deposits in an attempt to accomodate Alex's team. (Tallahassee in 2003, Jacksonville in 2004, and Virginia Beach in 2005.) If Alex is respectful of our markets in return, that's good business. If he is not, it's not.

Prior to finalizing our Tampa plans for this year, I called Alex, spoke to him at length, and offered several ideas to help keep our shows out of eachother's way. I OFFERED AT THAT POINT TO KEEP THE FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL SHOW OUT OF TAMPA if we could work out a larger agreement. He seemed interested, mentioned that they had been researching Atlanta, and said that we might be able to work things out to avoid duplication in Atlanta and Tampa. Two weeks later, with no more communication to me, he had his Atlanta show posted on his website. I e-mailed him asking about it, and his response was "I had to do it, I had too many vendors asking me to." When he posted his initial list, there were three vendors on the list.

I mention all of this to illustrate this point: I am more than happy to work with Alex or any other promoter to avoid saturation of markets, but in order for that to happen, they've got to at least communicate with me. I've got Shawn's FIRE dates for 2008, and we will work around them (we cancelled our July Ft. Myers show that was scheduled on his dates this year.) I've got Wayne'd dates for 2008, and OBVIOUSLY we'll work around those. I e-mailed Alex about two weeks ago telling him that we're working on 2008, and asking if he had time to talk. He said "after Raleigh". I e-mailed him again after Raleigh, and I'm still waiting for a response on when we can talk.

We're in the business to do business, not to have petty personal disagreements or drama. It makes no business sense to me to unilaterally stay out of Tampa, a market that is 45 minutes from my home and which we just had a successful show in (that we purchased from it's previous owner), and instead pursue markets further from our base, if Alex is going to arbitrarily enter those markets as he did in Atlanta, a market that Gila Productions never promoted a show in prior to the one mentioned above. If Alex is going to provoke head-to-head competition, I'd rather do it in my back yard than further away. Again, it's not personal, and I'm more than happy to shake Alex's hand, set down together, and roll up our sleves to see if we can worksomething out. If anyone on this board has influence with Alex, feel free to contact him. If it works better to exchange ideas openly in this forum, I'm fine with that too. At least it'll keep us both honest.

As a footnote, I think you've got some bad information on Tallahassee. Alex's last two shows there performed well below his first show, and we had not done ANY shows in Tallahassee at that point. We did NO shows in Tallahassee until after Alex's last show was done. We in no way contributed to the success or failure of his last shows in Tallahassee. We picked that market back up after his last show, started small, and our shows have been growing in vendor participation and guest attendance with each show. The show is smaller than Orlando or Tampa, that's true, but based on the size of the market, any SUSTAINABLE show in that area will probably have to be a smaller show.

Again, I do appreciate Gino's feedback, even if it's not entirely complimentary. We are working on 2008, and the more information we have to work with, the better our schedule will ultimately be.

If anyone else has feedback they'd like to share, questions to ask, or suggestions on cities they'd like to see us in in 2008, I'm all ears.


Billy Healy
(407) 230-7217
Old 05-12-2007, 06:09 PM   #10
I have to take exception to the statement that Alex bought the venue out from under Tony.
I was there when all of this went down.
Alex did not book a show there until he was assured by the Fairgrounds that Tony was not returning.
He already owed them a ton of money from a previous show so he would not have been able to return even if he wanted to..
Alex made a huge point of making sure Tony was out.
I was still mediating between them at that point so know both sides of that story quite well.
While it is true he did not buy the name you can not deny he did rescue the tradition of the Tampa Show. Let’s be honest. Your Sun Dome show looked nothing like the “original” show.
Can anyone tell me one thing this show has in common with the “original” show?
What Repticon bought was the name only and let’s face it the show had already been run into the ground.
Unfortunately for you guys you also bought Tony’s baggage.
I’m not sure it was a wise investment considering Tony’s reputation.

Another statement I take exception to is the one that states Tony decided to move the show to Clearwater.
I was still working with Tony when he was looking for a new venue.
The Fairgrounds wanted nothing more to do with him.
In fact, I made several calls on his behalf to find another venue.
Clearwater was the only place within his budget that would even have him.
He had no choice but to move.
Even with that the show had been cancelled at least twice.
I know this for a fact directly from the Director of Operations at the Harborview.
The Harborview was even soliciting me and Alex to take over that show.
He missed at least 3 deadlines on his payments and was bailed out at the absolute last hour.

As for Tally. You are correct Alex had no shows after yours but the reason was your small show ticked off many of the area’s reptile enthusiasts.
He did indeed have one on his schedule when Repticon came in.
Check out the Cornsnakes thread on the show and you will see what some of them had to say.
Many of them are still my customers and were very unhappy with your one day show.
Alex had every intention of continuing but decided the market was no longer salvageable.

I am not trying to pick a fight with you guys.
I did the Miami show and was very pleased and impressed with how you guys did things.
I have no complaint against your team at all.
I would gladly participate in a 2 day show not in competition with another promoter.
(although at this point I'm sure I won't be getting any red carpet invites)

Still. I strongly disagree that Tampa can support what is really 4 shows a year. (2 by each of you)
I also agree if you and Alex could sit down and work something out it would be better for all of us.
It would be a shame if this descended into the same kind of show wars mentality that existed while Tony still operated. But as long as the 2 venues are competing I will do my best to educate the public on the stark differences of these 2 events.

Take Care,

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