Dogs on the road??? - FaunaClassifieds
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SOUND OFF!!! Ever have something REALLY bugging you and nowhere to vent about it? Well, this is the place. It does not have to be fauna oriented at all! Get it off your chest right here.

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Old 11-20-2005, 07:18 AM   #1
Angry Dogs on the road???

So, yesterday the hubby and I are coming home from going to pick up a driving harness that we had a wonderful Amish man make for my miniature horse (and got some of the most delicious homemade candy EVER from his wife, lol)It's pretty foggy, so we are going a bit slower than he usually drives, and we can see just ahead of us, a kid standing on the side of the road, he was snowboarding down the side of the ditch. So, we slowed down even more....and thank God we did, as just as we neared the place, 2 little dogs ran out into the road RIGHT in front of us. They looked to be Jack Russell terriers, and they were barking and snarling and BITING AT THE FRONT OF THE CAR!!! We had to come to a complete stop, and they wouldn't move, and I looked over at the kid...he looked to be about 14 maybe...he just stared blankly back at me for a few seconds, and then went on about his snowboarding. He never called the dogs, tried to stop the dogs, even acknowledged that the dogs were there!! We VERY slowly took off, and the dogs followed us for a long way, you could HEAR them jumping on the side of the car!!! When we finally got away from them, they ran back to the boy...then we passed a truck, and as the truck approached the place, the dogs ran right out in front of the truck!! The boy NEVER EVEN LOOKED AT THE DOGS!!! There were skidmarks all along the road in front of this house.....out in the middle of nowhere, so you KNOW this wasn't an isolated incident.

Why the HELL do people even HAVE dogs if they are going to let them run out into the road and not do anything about it????? I think the hubby was relieved that my window was frozen shut, because I would have REALLY let that kid have it (and he wouldn't turn around and let me go back and yell at him, lol) You KNOW that someone not as caring about animals is going to eventually end up hitting those dogs....or even someone who does care could end up hitting them, and then THEY will feel guilty.....not to mention that someone could be injured trying to swerve to avoid hitting them, and get into an accident that way....

Things like that just BURN MY BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Old 11-20-2005, 09:16 AM   #2
By early teenagerdom, kids should know better. It's the parents' fault too; maybe they could be reminded to pay more attention. I grew up out in the boondocks myself, and it's easy to stay out of sight of parents and the nebby neighbours who may report you.

If you can find out the address of their home, maybe write a letter to the parents and send a copy of that letter with an explanation to their local humane society? Maybe the dogs belonged to a neighbour, in which case the boy should have done the right thing and returned the darned dog knew to stay away from cars, but smaller more pugnacious dogs are more time consuming to train away from doing this. What a shame that nobody cares enough about them to spend a little time with them
Old 11-20-2005, 09:54 AM   #3
Oh believe me...I blame the parents as well, lol. If you can't take the time to train them to stay off the road.....either kennel them up when unsupervised, or find someone who will.

This place was out in the middle of nowhere, no neighbors anywhere close by, and all of the skidmarks were directly in front of this house, so I don't think there's any question as to whose dogs they are. And man....the way the kid just stared at me and just went back to what he was doing with absolutely no regard for the dogs' safety or ours.....I guess I just find that so totally unfathomable, as well as inexcuseable.

Forgive me......stuff like this REALLY ticks me off, in case you hadn't noticed. LOL.
Old 11-20-2005, 10:59 AM   #4
You are absolutely right - there is no excuse.
Leash laws - there for a reason...I wonder if you'd be the first to report the little reprobate and the parents who spawned him...
Old 11-20-2005, 11:00 AM   #5
Obviously, those ppl shouldn't have dogs...
Old 11-20-2005, 12:12 PM   #6
South Dixie Dragons
there are absolutely people that shouldn't own dogs (or any other animals for that matter)..there are also people who should not reproduce and have children either..usually, it is the same folks that should not own animals..
Old 11-20-2005, 02:57 PM   #7
Karen Hulvey
That kind of irresponsible behavior does not only endanger the animals but it puts humans in danger too. Someone could have a serious accident while trying to avoid the dogs. Heck someone could even skid into the kid snowboarding.
Old 12-08-2005, 10:39 AM   #8
I have 2 dogs that are full time off leash. I always took pride in the fact that they never, and I mean never, left the yard. The would run to the inside part of the ditch just to let people know that they are there and that they will protect the property if need be. That always gave me great comfort as we live well out in the country.

Well, one day I was working in my barn when I hear Rocky (my doberman) just pitching a huge fit. I walked out of the barn only to see an amish family riding their bikes down our road. It was obvious from the baskets etc that they were heading to or from a picnic. Well, the smell of food was too much for Rocky to take so as they are riding their bikes down the road Rocky was running full speed with them but with his head, literally inside of, the hanging basket over their rear wheels trying to eat the food! I about died to say the least. Fortunately a few quick whistles and he was back in our yard all the while the Amish father was busting up laughing. I don't know what Rocky got but he was licking his chops for several minutes after it!

I guess no matter how well you have them trained, everyone has their achilles heel!

Old 12-08-2005, 02:20 PM   #9
ok i am going to speak from a tech point of view. it is a damn shame to have to work on these animals that get hit when it is so simple to avoid this scenario from happening. too often i see people upset because their dog/cat was hit and the person never stop. what on earth was he doing off leash and outside anyway? then when the matter of money comes into play, well that just gets worse. that's when the conniptions start. if you cannot afford to pay for it, please do your best to avoid something like this from happening. i understand that yes accidents happen. too many times though that's not the case. i have seen car accidents happen because of pets running loose and have seen upset owners when they realize that they can be held responsible for the accident happening. thankfully you and your husband were not hurt.
Old 12-09-2005, 06:07 PM   #10
Two stories to share. About 8 years ago I saw a child about 7 years old chasing after her Chihuahua screaming for it to stop running. My first thought was, "oh great, another untrained dog running lose around are neighborhood looking to bite people". Just as I passed these two in my car, the SUV on the other side of the street never slowed down and creamed this little dog. I felt sorry for the girl and pissed at her parents.

About 6 years ago when I was living in Idaho my friend was driving down one of the rural streets when this huge dog runs in front of him. He slowed down and swerved missing the dog. The dog in return ran up to my friends car and bit his bumper leaving teeth marks.

People who allow their dogs to run free need to seriously start doing some thinking. In the end the owners have to pay up, sometimes emotionally and sometimes monetarily. If you cannot properly keep it, you should not have it.

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