Terri Sommella Fire and Ice Dragons -- Nightmare - Page 9 - FaunaClassifieds
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Board of Inquiry® This forum is provided exclusively for the discussion of specific persons or businesses in the herp industry.

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Old 11-19-2004, 05:08 PM   #1
matt pittman
Terri should not even dignify these outlandish accusations with a response. There is more involved than what the innocent $500 spending victim has put on the table.Terri has proved to me and many others I know that her dragons are top of the line and if anything UNDERPRICED,for example the first dragon I purchased from her, I payed $250 for a breeder quality animal and recieved, what I and many others know is a holdback, wether that was accidental or intentional who knows, But I can tell you she kept my buisness, Layla doubled in size in two months, on a silk worm and mustard green diet, with rep cal calcium, with color intensity that would make you drop your pants. You can not find this quality anywhere else,not even from the big boys who have been around twice as long. The color quality and vigor of her amimals are unmatched. Court procedures are not a concern of mine, and are not the reason I am wasting my time posting with all of the entertaining oppinionated spectators, and also does not matter because oppinions do not serve a purpose, especially when the opinionated parties are not even involved, and those who have formed an oppinion need to find somthing more constructive to do with their time, other than attacking a womans integrity of whome you have not even met or spoken with. Terri is a great woman, with great dragons, for great prices, as a consumer like all of you , that is all that matters. No one is perfect but her buisness is very close, she is what the other breeders should strive to become, most of your negativity is derived from your jealousy. first make a purchase, then state your oppinion.
Old 11-19-2004, 05:41 PM   #2
May I point that least 2 opinions based on purchases from Fire & Ice were posted? The original thread poster, and mine (this is a long thread - and I do not recall if their were any other comments on dealings with her). I believe she should reply to this thread...or at least attempt to make it right privately to the consumers who were unhappy with their purchases.
Old 11-19-2004, 05:44 PM   #3
Thats funny

Hey "Matt" its pretty funny that you just jumped in on this thread and typed a whole paragraph dedictated to it, with this being your first post and all.Just seems odd...
Old 11-19-2004, 06:14 PM   #4
SilverRock Reptiles
Hey "Matt" its pretty funny that you just jumped in

yeah i noticed that as well....i dont respond on these much but i have to say what got my interest in this thread was the breeders name i was thinking of making a purchase from her so i wanted to see what was up(what the boi is for!) and i honestly beleive i can make an educated descision on never buying ANYTHING from fire and ice thank all who posted the BOI has been very useful once again

marty pierce
Old 11-19-2004, 06:18 PM   #5
Terri should not even dignify these outlandish accusations with a response
Many of us verified the guarantee, someones word means a lot in this industry, and when it appears they do not live up to their promise..... sorry, that sends red flags up, all we have asked was to hear the other side.
There is more involved than what the innocent $500 spending victim has put on the table.
Can the public know what that is?

Several post have been postive for the quality of the animals... I said "not based on any concerns on the quality of the animal" and "the dragons pictured are beautiful"

We are asking about her value of her word

You can not find this quality anywhere else,not even from the big boys who have been around twice as long. The color quality and vigor of her amimals are unmatched
I do not agree with this and that is insulting to breeders that have dedicated years and a lot of work to improving this species... not just come on the scene with pretty dragons they got from someone else.

Terri is a great woman, with great dragons, for great prices, as a consumer like all of you , that is all that matters.
No, a BIG matter is someones word and whether they stand behind it, if not, then the reason why... instead of silence.

You honestly think wanting to know why someone in this industry does not seem to stand behind their guarantee is out if line?
Old 11-19-2004, 09:04 PM   #6
I have been corresponding with Terri by email. I encouraged her to post here, but she has not. I believe she was taken aback somewhat by the thread and by the BOI. My last post to her was one wholeheartedly supporting Fauna.

I told her how widely read the BOI is, and suggested to her that she contact Webslave and purchase some advertising.

I have not heard from her since.

I hope she is thinking all this over and that she will come forth with her side soon.

Lucille Hollander
Old 11-19-2004, 09:57 PM   #7
BOI has been a great guide to us in purchases and sales. People need to understand what its main purpose is.

As with all sites, it has the good, bad and the I want to wring his neck people. But it has saved a lot of people from getting scammed and made many other situations right when someone was too caught up in the personal feeling and not the facts.

There is no where else to go online to keep track like this of the bad guys and avoid them.. on the other hand, it also has smoked out some of the people purchasing and brought the whole story forward, which cleared the sellers name and rep. There is one breeder that I meet through this board, that I have a great respect for, due to how he handled something... I am sure I am not alone in that.

In this thread, I am interested in knowing about the facts and outcome, as we are often asked about recommending breeders and this business name comes up, along with many others we do have personal experience with both sales and purchases. We can recommend them as we have first hand experience with them and also the quality they produce. My only reservation about fire and ice was the terms and how the sale was expected to be handled, not the animals as I said before
Old 11-20-2004, 12:42 AM   #8
Wow, thought this thread had pretty much stopped after my last update. 8o

Anyway, as of now my girlfriend and I notified her CC company of our wish to dispute the charges. They notified Terri, requesting that she contact us to resolve the matter. Terri still has not contacted us, and has instead sent documents to the CC rebutting our claims. So, we are gathering our documentation, and preparing a rebuttal to her rebuttal etc., etc. One thing she has included in her rebuttal is testimonials from satisfied customers. If there is anyone here who is a dissatisfied customer of hers and is willing to go on record as such I would appreciate it if you would contact me. I can be reached at belthaine@hotmail.com. As for the beardie she's eating like a pig now, greens and all, but she is still REAL skittish, even with the regular handling. All we want to do is send the animal back and get a refund! Ah well, que serrah serrah.

Jonathan Newsome

P.S. if anyone has further questions that I haven't already answer go ahead and post them I'll continue to check this thread.
Old 11-20-2004, 01:05 AM   #9
Their lack of customer service towards you, notwithstanding, they have a pretty decent reputation, and so will probably have tons of testimonial from satified customers. OTOH, I would be suprised if you were able to get many dissatisfied customers to back up your side of the story, especially with concrete evidence, more power to you if that is the case.
I think your best bet is going to be concentrating on the problems you had personally, and their guarantee. As much documentation as you can provide (e-mails, testimonials) that are dated within a couple days of your possession of the BD. And proof of their guarantee, both the old one and the new one, to show that it was changed, seemingly just in response to you wanting a refund.
Anotherwords, I wouldn't let the CC company turn this into a popularity contest, you seem to have met the criteria for a refund per their guarantee, and they refused it AND changed their guarantee terms. Good luck
Old 11-20-2004, 03:23 AM   #10
tons of testimonial
How long do you guys think she has been breeding and selling bearded dragons?

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